Writing Within Writing: Developing a Fictional Universe Through Letters and Other Written Works Exchanged in Canon

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This thesis outlines the four novels of my fantasy series in-progress, entitled Pemoki and Kenacia (named for two nations engaged in a twenty-year conflict). It details the complex workings of the universe in which the series takes place, and seeks

This thesis outlines the four novels of my fantasy series in-progress, entitled Pemoki and Kenacia (named for two nations engaged in a twenty-year conflict). It details the complex workings of the universe in which the series takes place, and seeks to capture the essence of the characters’ journeys through a number of fictional texts exchanged within the universe, which I refer to as “writing within writing”. It includes a guide containing notes on the international and domestic politics, religions, technologies, magic system, and invented languages of the P&K universe; four extensive plot summaries complete with dialogue; eight instances of writing within writing, including four collections of letters, a coronation speech, two articles in conversation with one another on the subject of magic science, and a series of journal entries documenting an investigation of a suspected foreign spy; and finally, an appendix listing the names and magical abilities of the cast, as well as the fictional locations they inhabit. “Writing Within Writing” lays the groundwork for a tetralogy that, in its final published form, will explore themes of corruption, redemption, free will, death, grief, endurance, love and betrayal, among others.
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Displacement & Diaspora: Indigeneity in Northwest Arkansas

Northwest Arkansas has a complex relationship with Indigeneity due to the erasure experience by the original inhabitants of the lands, and the presences of newly immigrated Indigenous groups such as the Marshallese people from the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Northwest Arkansas has a complex relationship with Indigeneity due to the erasure experience by the original inhabitants of the lands, and the presences of newly immigrated Indigenous groups such as the Marshallese people from the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Today, the Indigenous identity that is most commonly present within the Northwest Arkansas community are the Marshallese people. The reason as to why the original inhabitants of modern-day Northwest Arkansas are not the most prominently represented Indigenous group, is because of severe erasure, genocide, and systematic racism experienced by these people. This thesis will be investigating the Indigenous identities of Northwest Arkansas, which will include information on the first peoples and the modern-day presence of the Marshallese people. This thesis will particularly be focusing on the ways in which the legacy of colonialism and climate change have linked these groups in their displacement. Despite the differing time periods, the interconnectedness between these Indigenous populations’ experiences with colonialism and colonialist systems further demonstrates the threat that Indigenous populations still face today of erasure and continual oppression. Through both populations’ mutual experience with displacement and diaspora, this thesis will investigate how food can act as an essential connector between Indigenous individuals and their culture, as well as how food can be a form of reparations, healing, and future progress.
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Medieval and Modern Fantasy's Role in Modern Video Gaming

This thesis details the importance and evidence of medieval and modern fantasy’s influence on modern video gaming. This influence is examined through the lens of three primary themes found in fantasy: magic, the bestiary, and chivalry. These themes are traced

This thesis details the importance and evidence of medieval and modern fantasy’s influence on modern video gaming. This influence is examined through the lens of three primary themes found in fantasy: magic, the bestiary, and chivalry. These themes are traced using medieval texts including The Prose Edda, The Quest for the Holy Grail, and The Death of King Arthur, modern texts including A Wizard of Earthsea, The Eye of the World, and The Way of Kings, and modern video games including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, God of War, and Elden Ring. The reasons why they are so prevalent and useful for developers and companies is a constant question that this thesis seeks to answer with primary attention focused on increasing gameplay length and player immersion as key strategies that allow for advanced monetization. The overall consensus of this thesis is that not only is fantasy an influential genre but that its primary themes lend themselves very well to the format of video games and that game developers and companies are using this to increase their chances of creating successful video games.
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Hindsight: Exploring Sustainability and Historic Resource Management Through Interactive Gaming


The purpose of this thesis is to contextualise Hindsight, a sustainability-focused historically based city-simulation and resource management game built by the author. The game and game engine were coded from scratch using the C# programming language and the Unity game

The purpose of this thesis is to contextualise Hindsight, a sustainability-focused historically based city-simulation and resource management game built by the author. The game and game engine were coded from scratch using the C# programming language and the Unity game development suite of tools. The game focuses on the management of the city of London in two time periods, London from 1850 and the other set in 2050. Both versions of the city are divided into 21 zones, each of which can be managed by the player through the construction, upgrading, or destruction of various buildings within the zone. The player must manage both the city’s resources and the resources of the environment upon which the city depends in order to bring about a more sustainable future and bring the 2050-era version of the city back from the brink of environmental devastation. Along the way, the player must address the cultural views of the society they are managing to ensure their reforms will be accepted and can also see those views slowly change over time. The goal of the game is to provide an interactive learning experience for both the historical element of London and the importance of making sustainable choices.

Date Created

Relationships Between Place and Language Creation: Analysis and Synthesis

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Numerous writers construct original languages for creative or experimental purposes. Language construction can function as a tool for philological study: a way to apply and experiment with theoretical potential. In terms of fictional settings, language construction offers another outlet for

Numerous writers construct original languages for creative or experimental purposes. Language construction can function as a tool for philological study: a way to apply and experiment with theoretical potential. In terms of fictional settings, language construction offers another outlet for expression through writing. It also creates an additional level of detail that authors can use to further enrich the world they are writing about. The goal of this project is to analyze existing constructed languages, followed by my own version of language creation, in order to better understand the process and motivations related to them. A survey of existing “conlang” examples, featuring the languages of J.R.R. Tolkien and Suzette Haden Elgin, highlights the variety of approaches and purposes for language creation. Their perspectives combine an academic background in linguistics with fictional writing, offering a unique way to study the roles of language. Heavily influenced by Tolkien’s work, my own constructed language is outlined in the final section. Considering the languages created by others, I explain my process and reasoning in order to illustrate a personal approach to the described concepts. This is followed by a series of vignettes that place the language in a philological context, featuring relevant lexical elements and history. The goal is to demonstrate how my constructed language adds to a sense of place.
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The Snows of Kalder: A Narrative and Placemaking Analysis

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This thesis is an exploration of my imaginary world through a short narrative with a focus on placemaking in fiction. The narrative follows Dengar, a civil servant estranged from the central government, as he investigates disappearances occurring in the edges

This thesis is an exploration of my imaginary world through a short narrative with a focus on placemaking in fiction. The narrative follows Dengar, a civil servant estranged from the central government, as he investigates disappearances occurring in the edges of the empire, uncovering secrets related to the empire’s past and the past of the conquered people of Thron. He must navigate a bitter, cold landscape and a dangerous resistance group as he learns more about the real reason behind why he was sent there. Schemes are uncovered and foiled as he makes his way into the core base of the resistance, a towering mountain called Diran. Following the narrative, I explain my inspirations and analyze my narrative from the perspective of placemaking, referring to placemaking scholars such as Basso and Whitridge.

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A Sea Change: How Islands Create Compelling Places in Children’s Animated Films

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This thesis examines the use of islands as a feature of children’s animated films, particularly Moana (2016), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), and Castle in the Sky (1986). The analysis is centered around the concept of placemaking, where physically

This thesis examines the use of islands as a feature of children’s animated films, particularly Moana (2016), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), and Castle in the Sky (1986). The analysis is centered around the concept of placemaking, where physically defined places are intertwined with human ideas and perceptions. Setting a story on an island has important narrative impacts that are made even more apparent when produced for children and for a visual medium.
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What Lies Behind: The Worldbuilding and Placemaking of Tloren - A Comprehensive Catalogue of Inspiration

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The world of Tloren stands not alone. Tales from history and the lore of fictional settings alike have shaped a fantasy world as immersive as it is fantastical. This thesis catalogues the totality of inspirations behind seven of the major

The world of Tloren stands not alone. Tales from history and the lore of fictional settings alike have shaped a fantasy world as immersive as it is fantastical. This thesis catalogues the totality of inspirations behind seven of the major locations depicted in Tloren, the setting of the author’s own fantasy novel. Itself inspired by sensationalist archeological accounts from before the twentieth century, the following is a dissection of each place in exacting detail, weaving together narrative and academic discussion. Ultimately, the totality of inspirations behind Tloren will never be fully explored, yet it is the hope of the author that this thesis both stands alone as an account and guide for other aspiring worldbuilders as well as an appendix within the novel to further contextualize the locations therein.

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Veil Us in Believability: An Exploration of Placemaking and Collaboration in the Development of Fantasy New Works

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This creative project is a reference document explaining the fictional fantasy world of the in-progress novel Veil Us in Gold by Shepard Adkins. Using the framework of the anthropological concept of placemaking, I describe three countries featured in the manuscript,

This creative project is a reference document explaining the fictional fantasy world of the in-progress novel Veil Us in Gold by Shepard Adkins. Using the framework of the anthropological concept of placemaking, I describe three countries featured in the manuscript, including information on history, government, daily lives, and more. These descriptions were influenced by collaboration with Adkins and historical research on Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and Enlightenment Russia. After completing the reference document, I interviewed Adkins to see how our collaboration in worldbuilding has shaped the revision process of their novel.
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Closing the Gap: Developing a Mobile App to Help Combat Health and Education Disparities Among Refugee Populations

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Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona.

Navigating different systems in the United States can be challenging, especially for those who migrate here and have to start their lives from scratch. This thesis project attempts to alleviate the challenges faced by refugees who arrive in the Arizona. A mobile app containing resources for government, healthcare, and well-being assistance was built to provide refugees with access to resources in these three areas. Through the use of a simple, user-friendly platform, the app is built to offer easy navigation to a wide range of resources that can be especially used for recently arrived refugees.
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