The Importance of Pre-Health Student-Faculty Relationships in Facilitating Effective Learning

The relationship between students and faculty members is central to their academic success and development in undergraduate programs, especially those who are from underprivileged and underrepresented communities. Although there are numerous studies that delve into the nuances of how these

The relationship between students and faculty members is central to their academic success and development in undergraduate programs, especially those who are from underprivileged and underrepresented communities. Although there are numerous studies that delve into the nuances of how these interactions benefit students, much less has been researched about the professor’s perspective on how their teaching modality affects their students’ performance in and out of the classroom environment. Some of the main foci of this study are to uncover what pre-health professors recommend for their students in creating stronger relationships with faculty members, approaching difficult classes, and preparing themselves for postgraduate degrees. Based on in-depth interviews with 13 senior and junior professors at Arizona State University, we find various similarities and differences in their teaching approach according to rank, gender, discipline, and campus location. Overall, our qualitative findings emphasize the significance of undergraduate pre-health students reaching out to create connections with faculty members by going to office hours and starting research early to make the most of their college education.
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Exploring Housing Policy Through Critical Discourse: A Podcast Analysis

In today's dynamic societal landscape, the critical evaluation of public policies holds paramount importance. This thesis project, undertaken by a Barrett Honors student of Public Policy, endeavors to contribute to this essential discourse by creating a policy critique podcast. The primary

In today's dynamic societal landscape, the critical evaluation of public policies holds paramount importance. This thesis project, undertaken by a Barrett Honors student of Public Policy, endeavors to contribute to this essential discourse by creating a policy critique podcast. The primary objective of this project is to produce two podcast episodes that delve into the intricacies of housing policy. Through a meticulous examination, these episodes will dissect the implications of the selected housing policy. By offering a nuanced perspective, the podcast aims to illuminate the complexities inherent in housing policy issues, enriching the understanding of listeners. This thesis project represents a scholarly endeavor to engage in informed discussions about the efficacy and implications of policies, specifically housing policies. Through the medium of podcasting, the project seeks to bridge the gap between academic research and public discourse to foster a deeper understanding of housing policy among a diverse audience. Ultimately, this thesis project aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding public policies, particularly in the realm of housing policy, by providing listeners with valuable insights and fostering critical thinking about contemporary policy challenges.
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Environmental Affordance Index: Measurement Scales to Evaluate the Spatial Needs of Family Members within Adult ICUs

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ABSTRACT Background: As more adult intensive care units embrace open visitation policies and family-centered care, it becomes increasingly important to understand how the physical environment can best support family members while they navigate the critical illness or injury

ABSTRACT Background: As more adult intensive care units embrace open visitation policies and family-centered care, it becomes increasingly important to understand how the physical environment can best support family members while they navigate the critical illness or injury of a loved one. However, recommendations for the design of family-supportive spaces are typically anecdotal, and there is a paucity of empirical research regarding which design features best support their spatial needs. Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop instruments by which to evaluate the ability of affordances within the physical environment to support the spatial needs of family members of critically-ill patients (i.e., environmental congruence). Methods: An exploratory sequential design approach was used to explore the phenomenon and developed instruments by which to measure congruency. A thorough understanding was sought of the needs and experiences of family members within adult intensive care units, and a scoping review was conducted to reveal recommended environmental affordances for these settings. Results: From an a priori list of affordances, three instruments were developed. The Environmental Affordance Index was developed to evaluate the physical attributes within a given setting, and it formed the basis for two surveys to evaluate the spatial needs of family members. The Spatial Needs Inventory asks family members to rank the importance of recommended affordances for spaces within adult intensive care unit. The Spatial Needs Met survey provides an opportunity for family members to indicate if a given setting met their spatial needs. Conclusion: Future findings from the Environmental Affordance Index and survey instruments can potentially foster family-centered care, improve the design of adult intensive care units, influence visitation policies, and enhance family member well-being.
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Reducing Abortion Rates Without Restricting Legal Access to Abortion: Evidence from Comparative Analysis of Relevant Policies and Demographic Indicators in 15 Post-Soviet Countries and Adaptive Agent-Based Modeling of Unintended Pregnancies

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Abortion is a controversial topic internationally. Most current debates about abortion concern when, if at all, it should be legal. However, researchers have shown many times that after an abortion ban, maternal and infant mortalities rise significantly, as women who

Abortion is a controversial topic internationally. Most current debates about abortion concern when, if at all, it should be legal. However, researchers have shown many times that after an abortion ban, maternal and infant mortalities rise significantly, as women who seek out abortions do so regardless of abortion legality. So, is it possible to reduce abortions in a population without delegalizing abortion and, if so, how? Why do some countries have higher abortion rates than others in the presence of the same law?This dissertation answers both questions. First, I present historical evidence in the first comprehensive comparative analysis of all 15 post-Soviet countries, which have very similar abortion laws originating from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Second, I use those findings to build the first agent-based model (ABM) of unintended pregnancies in a hypothetical artificial population. USSR was the only country in the world to complete its demographic transition through abortion instead of modern contraception, and the Soviet government passed the first law in the world to allow abortion upon request in 1920. After the USSR dissolution in 1991, post-Soviet countries maintained very similar abortion laws, but had very different abortion rates for most years. Analysis of fertility data from post-Soviet countries shows that the prevalence of some specific contraceptive methods, namely the rhythm method (r = 0.82), oral pill (r = 0.56), and male condom (r = 0.51) are most strongly correlated with high abortion rates, and that sex education is a factor that reduces the rates in otherwise similar countries (p = 0.02). The ABM shows that even basic sex education results in fewer abortions than no sex education or abstinence-based sex education (p < 0.01). In scenarios without sex education, basic quality of post-abortion contraceptive counseling (PACC) is better than no PACC or low-quality PACC at reducing abortions (p < 0.01). Still, the higher the quality of sex education or PACC, the fewer abortions in the artificial population. The ABM is adaptive and policy makers can use it as a decision-support tool to make evidence-based policy decisions regarding abortion, and, potentially, other sociobiological phenomena with some adjustments to the code.
Date Created

A Comparative Analysis of Youth Alcohol Use Disorder in the United States and Spain: Cultural Approach


Alcohol use disorder is a major problem worldwide and can result in a number of significant physical, social and economic consequences. Specifically when comparing the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the United States and Spain, it is much higher

Alcohol use disorder is a major problem worldwide and can result in a number of significant physical, social and economic consequences. Specifically when comparing the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the United States and Spain, it is much higher in the United States, at 13.9% compared with 1.5% in Spain. While there are a number of factors that contribute to a person’s risk, this thesis focuses on possible cultural explanations for these differences. After analyzing current literature surrounding alcohol trends and differing cultures in the US and Spain, the differences could be attributable to the dry drinking culture in the US, and the culture surrounding university - living and college towns in the US. The findings of this study suggest that culture, norms and attitudes surrounding drinking have a large impact on alcohol use disorder, and the US could benefit from implementing strategies to change these norms and attitudes surrounding alcohol, as well as train healthcare providers to have effective, brief counseling conversations.

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Periods, sex, and social media: Sexuality education among Sub-Saharan African refugee and immigrant women living in the United States

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This dissertation explores how Sub-Saharan African women now resettled in the United States learn about sex. Prior to the colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa, extended family members such as paternal aunts and grandmothers were responsible for sexuality education for both men

This dissertation explores how Sub-Saharan African women now resettled in the United States learn about sex. Prior to the colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa, extended family members such as paternal aunts and grandmothers were responsible for sexuality education for both men and women. Sexuality education often began at puberty and continued across the life span. This sexuality education covered menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, child spacing and sexual pleasure. However, during colonization sexuality education was moved out of the hands of family members and community members and was now offered in schools. This school-based sexuality education was further disrupted by migration from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States. Using a qualitative thematic analysis, I explore how sexuality education changed first with colonialism, through migration, and to resettlement in the United States. I then explore how, beginning with puberty, Sub-Saharan African refugee and immigrant women learn about menstruation and sex, and the role of social media in their sex lives. I highlight the role of consistent and comprehensive sexuality education of women in understanding and experiencing their menstruation. Additionally, I discuss how Sub-Saharan African women learn about sex and pleasure from both male and female peers. And finally, I illustrate how Sub-Saharan African women create culturally relevant and religiously specific online counterpublics to discuss and learn about sex. Understanding how Sub-Saharan African immigrant women learn about sex has implications for sexuality education policy in the United States and the role of pleasure in sexual and reproductive health.
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Contact Tracing in An Active Pandemic: The Gap Between Practice and Academic Discourse

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Contact tracing was deployed widely during the COVID-19 pandemic to attempt to stop the spread of SARS Co-V-2. This dissertation investigates the research on contact tracing from a scientometric perspective and looks qualitatively at how case investigators and contact

Contact tracing was deployed widely during the COVID-19 pandemic to attempt to stop the spread of SARS Co-V-2. This dissertation investigates the research on contact tracing from a scientometric perspective and looks qualitatively at how case investigators and contact tracers conducted public health practice during the pandemic. Through approaching the public health practice of contact tracing from both a broad, top-down angle, and an on the ground experiential approach, this dissertation provides insight into the issues facing contact tracing as a public health tool.
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Combating COVID-19 in Maricopa County’s Homeless Population

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The purpose of this report is to review the current literature concerning management of the COVID-19 pandemic in homeless populations, and to use it to analyze the specific interventions established in Maricopa County—such as those aimed at education, vaccination and

The purpose of this report is to review the current literature concerning management of the COVID-19 pandemic in homeless populations, and to use it to analyze the specific interventions established in Maricopa County—such as those aimed at education, vaccination and testing, and maintaining continuity of care. In doing so, I hope to illustrate the unique challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness, provide context for disparities in health outcome, and inform action for both the ongoing pandemic and future outbreaks
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