Small Island Developing States Adaptation Strategies in the Face of Climate Change

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Climate change risks such as rising sea-levels, prolonged droughts, and extreme coastal weather events, are devastating for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) where both their homes and livelihoods are highly interdependent upon the ocean. These SIDS have no other viable

Climate change risks such as rising sea-levels, prolonged droughts, and extreme coastal weather events, are devastating for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) where both their homes and livelihoods are highly interdependent upon the ocean. These SIDS have no other viable choice but to adapt to their ever-changing environments and the rising disaster risks compounded by climate change. Although SIDS tend to receive significant attentions for the adverse impacts of climate change, less is known about the place-based adaptation measures as well as people’s lived experiences with sea-level rise, inundation, tropical storms, droughts, and more. Considering the vast area that the SIDS’ nations cover, the type of climate adaptation measures adopted may vary due to the respective country’s vulnerability and adaptive capacity, as some are more comprehensive and effective than others. This study directly responds to the existing gap in our understanding of how different nations within SIDS are prioritizing and strategizing their adaptation measures with the following research questions: “What are key adaptation strategies practiced in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to address impacts of climate change? Are there similarities or differences in the adaptation strategies pursued by SIDS?” This study uses a conceptual framework of disaster risk and climate change adaptation developed by the IPCC AR5 (2014) to systematically review over 107 peer-reviewed journal articles, scientific reports, and a few videos. Using a systematic literature view approach as the primary research method, this study assembled, categorized, and analyzed the national as well as sub-national adaptation measures—social, institutional, and structural--of two representative countries: 1) Kiribati (a small, low-lying island with the higher level of exposure and vulnerability to climate change), and 2) Fiji (the second biggest island in the South Pacific known for bigger economy and “High Islands”). The results of the study suggest that the adopted adaptation measures were reflective of the country’s historical legacy and the existing adaptive capacity. While Kiribati has historically focused more on external migration of displaced people and more recently has prioritized structural adaptation practices (e.g., construction of coastal seawall), Fiji has been able to leverage its bigger economy and technical resources to develop more comprehensive institutional, social, and structural adaptation measures. However, it is also important to recognize that the other internal and external factors, mainly geophysical setting (low elevation of Kiribati vs the high islands of Fiji) also contribute the level of vulnerability these nations face.

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A Comparative Analysis of Infant Mortality Rates Across South Asia and Central Asia

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Approximately 15,000 children die every day due to preventable illnesses (World Health Organization, 2016, 2017). Most of these deaths have been concentrated in developing countries and specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and to a lesser extent in Central Asia.

Approximately 15,000 children die every day due to preventable illnesses (World Health Organization, 2016, 2017). Most of these deaths have been concentrated in developing countries and specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and to a lesser extent in Central Asia. Many studies have analyzed determinants of infant mortality rates across regions of South Asia. Despite neighboring South Asia, reasons for infant mortality in Central Asia do not seem to be as heavily researched. To investigate whether there are differences in the risk factors for infant mortality between South Asia and Central Asia, I analyzed data on 557,089 women and 1,272,916 children from Demographic Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in 5 Central Asian (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) and 5 South Asian (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan) countries. Binary logistic regression predicted whether a child was alive based on a number of maternal and child characteristics, including maternal age, maternal education, maternal residence, place of delivery, wealth, open defecation, prenatal care, and vaccinations. There were similarities along with differences in child survival outcomes between Central Asia and South Asia. Maternal age, maternal education, and the DPT 3 vaccination appeared to have protective effects on child survival rates in both Central Asia and South Asia whereas delivery outside of the hospital and open defecation have negative effects on child survival outcomes. Tetanus, polio 1, and the BCG vaccinations appeared to have a more pronounced positive effect on child survival in Central Asia whereas measles and polio 3 appear to have a more pronounced positive effect in South Asia. Wealth also appeared to have a greater protective effect in South Asia as opposed to Central Asia. More research needs to be conducted to elaborate on reasons for why there are differences between Central Asia and South Asia.
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Interactions in Healthcare: Social Perceptions and Experiences of Physical Disability Among Diné Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Family Members, and Diné/Non Indigenous Service Providers and Healthcare Workers.

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In this dissertation, I examine how social perceptions of physical disability shape interactions in healthcare. Drawing upon the lived experience and insights of Diné (Navajo) individuals with physical disabilities, family members, and Diné
on-indigenous healthcare workers and service providers, I explore

In this dissertation, I examine how social perceptions of physical disability shape interactions in healthcare. Drawing upon the lived experience and insights of Diné (Navajo) individuals with physical disabilities, family members, and Diné
on-indigenous healthcare workers and service providers, I explore the interrelationship of social perceptions of physical disability with understandings of identity and performance of personhood. Embedded within discourses and critiques of ableism/disablism, narratives highlight the interconnection of constructs of personhood and productivity.

Findings show that social perceptions of physical disability are closely linked to broader cultural norms surrounding concepts of health/illness. I offer a critical analysis of contemporary impacts of colonization and historical trauma on the physical, emotional, sociocultural and economic wellbeing of Diné people and those who fill service provision roles for this diverse population. Situated within broader contexts of defining constructs of ‘Whiteness’ and ‘Indigeneity’, the role of culture and discourses regarding stereotypes are particularly prominent factors in shaping relationships.

This interdisciplinary ethnography brings together contributions from Anthropology, Disability Studies, and Indigenous paradigms. Placing a particular emphasis on the social dynamics in two urban centers in the state of Arizona, this ethnography centers on analyzing areas of medical practice that work well, as well as gaps in the provision of healthcare services, with a particular focus on systemic and infrastructural barriers. These concerns are shared not only by Diné individuals with

physical disabilities and family members, but also by non-indigenous service providers and healthcare professionals.
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Pimps, Prostitutes, and Providers: How Educating Healthcare Providers Impacts Beliefs, Knowledge, and Perceptions on Sex Trafficking

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Human trafficking is a widespread global health issue impacting communities both locally and globally. Despite its prevalence in our world, there is a lack of education amongst healthcare providers. Research suggests that more than 80 percent of human trafficking victims

Human trafficking is a widespread global health issue impacting communities both locally and globally. Despite its prevalence in our world, there is a lack of education amongst healthcare providers. Research suggests that more than 80 percent of human trafficking victims encountered one or more healthcare professionals while being trafficked. Of these providers encountered, 60 percent were emergency department personnel (Lederer & Wetzel, 2014). Although emergency department personnel have a high rate in interaction with victims, less than 5 percent have received formal training regarding human trafficking (Lederer & Wetzel, 2014). It is my goal to better educate current and future healthcare professionals on human trafficking. Through education, more victims can be recognized and be offered the resources they deserve. In order to do this, I want to understand current perceptions, knowledge, and beliefs that healthcare personnel have, and how education affects these perceptions. To gain this information, I will distribute the same survey to healthcare professionals before and after receiving a formal training on human trafficking. Through this survey, I hope to better understand how education affects people’s perceptions, knowledge, and beliefs on human trafficking.
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Sexual Health Needs Assessment at ASU

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Arizona State University (ASU) has experienced an increase of sexually transmitted infections, has a reputation of a large population of students with sexually transmitted infections, and does not provide any form of required sexual health education to its students in

Arizona State University (ASU) has experienced an increase of sexually transmitted infections, has a reputation of a large population of students with sexually transmitted infections, and does not provide any form of required sexual health education to its students in order to reduce this health risk. This study conducted focus group research amongst ASU female students to determine their opinions, experience, and comfort level with sexual health education information as well as their opinion of an ASU mandated sexual health education module. The research showed a desire for more information on sexuality, psychology, hormones, anatomy, and sexually transmitted infections. The participants also expressed support for an ASU sexual health training module though there was debate as to whether or not to make the module mandatory.
The ASU student body is primarily young students who are making some of the first adult decisions of their lives and the majority have come from backgrounds lacking in sexual health education. The way to ensure the health and safety of these students is to give them the information they need to make educated decisions regarding their health and their relationships. This thesis concludes that ASU should mandate a sexual health education training module in the form of a semester long class, in-person or online, with small classes of 5-15 students each in order to improve the health of the ASU community.
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Identifying and Evaluating the Impact of Ecological Factors on the Patterns of Health Risk Behaviors Among Arizona State University Students

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Ecological modeling can be used to analyze health risk behaviors and their relationship to ecological factors, which is useful in determining how social environmental factors influence an individual’s decisions. Environmental interactions shape the way that humans behave throughout the day,

Ecological modeling can be used to analyze health risk behaviors and their relationship to ecological factors, which is useful in determining how social environmental factors influence an individual’s decisions. Environmental interactions shape the way that humans behave throughout the day, either through observation, action, or consequences. Specifically, health risk behaviors can be analyzed in relation to ecological factors. Alcohol drinking among college students has been a long concern and there are many risks associated with these behaviors in this population. Consistent engagement in health risk behaviors as a college student, such as drinking and smoking, can pose a much larger issues later in life and can lead to many different health problems. A research study was conducted in the form of a 27 question survey to determine and evaluate the impact of ecological factors on drinking and smoking behaviors among Arizona State University students. Ecological factors such as demographics, living conditions, contexts of social interactions, and places where students spend most of their time were used to evaluate the relationship between drinking and smoking behaviors and the ecological factors, both on- and off- campus.
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Increasing Sustainability in Volunteer Clinics in Mexico

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Arizona Global Health Project is a student organization at Arizona State University whose main purpose is to volunteer in the community, both locally and globally. Through the New Birth Medical Mission Clinic, students from the University are able to volunteer

Arizona Global Health Project is a student organization at Arizona State University whose main purpose is to volunteer in the community, both locally and globally. Through the New Birth Medical Mission Clinic, students from the University are able to volunteer at Medical Clinics in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, working hands on alongside various providers. It is through these clinics that leaders of the student organization began to wonder about the true needs of the community and how the care provided at the clinics could be tailored to better suit the needs of the patients. A needs assessment survey was designed with components that took into account general nutrition status, as well as demographical questions that was then administered during the Fall 2018 Medical Trip. Data was analyzed and it was found that female health providers as well as general practitioners would be crucial components of the care team, as well as a Dietitian that could address the massive amount of lifestyle related illnesses within the population. The study also showed general satisfaction with the care provided during the medical trips, but during administration of the survey, patients showed great interest in further nutrition education, all of which should be taken into account during planning for future medical trips. Further research will need to be conducted to look at how other environmental factors influence the health of the patients, as well as their nutritional status. With the data found during this study, as well as the continuation of research, Arizona Global Health Project will hopefully be able to provide succinct and tailored care to these patients that lasts between the medical mission trips.
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Identifying and Evaluating the Impact of Ecological Factors on the Patterns of Health Risk Behaviors Among Arizona State University Students: A Survey-Based Study

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Ecological modeling can be used to analyze health risk behaviors and their relationship to ecological factors, which is useful in determining how social environmental factors influence an individual’s decisions. Environmental interactions shape the way that humans behave throughout the day,

Ecological modeling can be used to analyze health risk behaviors and their relationship to ecological factors, which is useful in determining how social environmental factors influence an individual’s decisions. Environmental interactions shape the way that humans behave throughout the day, either through observation, action, or consequences. Specifically, health risk behaviors can be analyzed in relation to ecological factors. Alcohol drinking among college students has been a long concern and there are many risks associated with these behaviors in this population. Consistent engagement in health risk behaviors as a college student, such as drinking and smoking, can pose a much larger issues later in life and can lead to many different health problems. A research study was conducted in the form of a 27 question survey to determine and evaluate the impact of ecological factors on drinking and smoking behaviors among Arizona State University students. Ecological factors such as demographics, living conditions, contexts of social interactions, and places where students spend most of their time were used to evaluate the relationship between drinking and smoking behaviors and the ecological factors, both on- and off- campus. The sample size of this study is 541 students. Statistical tests were conducted using Excel and RStudio to find relationships between patterns of health risk behaviors and various ecological factors. The data from the survey was analyzed to address three main questions. The first question analyzed drinking behaviors in relation to demographics, specifically gender and race. The second question assessed drinking behaviors with participation in Greek life and clubs on campus. The third question evaluated the relationship between health risk behaviors and students’ living conditions, such as living on or off campus. The results show that while gender does not have a statistically significant influence on drinking behaviors, race does. White individuals are more likely to engage in drinking behaviors and are more at risk than non-whites. Participation in Greek life was shown to be statistically significant in determining health risk behaviors, while involvement in clubs was not. Finally, on campus students are less likely to engage in health risk behaviors than off-campus students.
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Alzheimer's Stigma in Guatemala

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Overview: There has been very little research done into the topic of mental illness in general, and Alzheimer’s Disease specifically, in Guatemala. The existing research accounts for prevalence of mental illness in Guatemala with an estimated prevalence of a

Overview: There has been very little research done into the topic of mental illness in general, and Alzheimer’s Disease specifically, in Guatemala. The existing research accounts for prevalence of mental illness in Guatemala with an estimated prevalence of a mental illness of 27.8% (Guatemalan Government, 2009). Alzheimer’s Disease is less well researched.

Research Question: This research addresses this gap in knowledge by focusing on the stigma felt toward people who had Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) by the people of Guatemala.

Participants: One-hundred twenty-four individuals over the age of 18 were recruited for participation. Participants were recruited through opportunity samples in artisan markets in Antigua.

Procedures: Participants completed a survey including demographic questions, the Dementia Attitudes Scale (O’Connor & McFadden 2010), as well as open-ended questions regarding the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Alzheimer’s. The study was conducted from July 2, 2018 to August 2, 2018.

Results: The average DAS score of 100.31± 14.01 found in this study is similar to results from other studies conducted in the United States (O'Connor & McFadden, 2010). Factor analysis did not verify the existence of sub-scales in the survey, as found in previous studies. The free-response questions indicated that many people may believe that ADRD is an inherited disease or one that is caused by factors outside of their control.

Conclusions: The high DAS score of 100.31± 14.01 matches other studies that used the DAS. Scores of 103.51± 13.43 (Scerri & Scerri, 2013) were reported in other studies and interpreted as positive as it relates to stigma. This points to a low stigma level in Guatemala. The failure to verify the sub-scales leads to the conclusion that although scales are validated in western nations, they may not be culturally portable. The DAS scale may not be measuring the same thing in this sample’s population versus previous studies sample populations.
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International Partnerships:Sustainable Development Goal 17 and the Role of Nonprofits: A Case Study on the International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS

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A nonprofit organization’s ability to help its target population depends strongly on the collaboration of the organization’s staff and leadership. An organization that spans across international borders must overcome adversity, particularly communication and power inequity. The International Alliance for the

A nonprofit organization’s ability to help its target population depends strongly on the collaboration of the organization’s staff and leadership. An organization that spans across international borders must overcome adversity, particularly communication and power inequity. The International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS (IAPA) is a nonprofit with staff in the U.S. and India, making it an international partnership. This research evaluates to what extent the Indian partners believe IAPA meets Sustainable Development Goal 17: “to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.” I developed three semi-structured interview protocols for volunteers, employees, and IAPA beneficiaries. After interviews were conducted and transcribed, 5 major themes were identified from coding keywords. First, I grouped definitions of "success" in a partnership to create a baseline of expectations. Second, I assessed the extent of participants' knowledge about the U.S. role in IAPA. Third, I identified areas of strength. Fourth, I identified areas of improvement and grievances. Fifth, I assessed the Indian partners' views on mutualism within IAPA. Results indicated that participants believed communication, cooperation, and respect were traits of a successful partnership. The participants believe IAPA mostly exhibit these values, but that the U.S. role as a decision maker can hinder these. They desire more transparency but overall believe IAPA is beneficial and mutualistic. These findings can be furthered by assessing U.S. staff and board member perceptions of the partnership. By continuously investigating the state of international partnerships, we can learn more about how to create sustainable models for the future.
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