"Mental Illnesses Are Illnesses Like Any Other": An Inquiry and Critique

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I examined the slogan, “Mental illnesses are illnesses like any other,” widespread in psychiatry and medicine, and in society more generally, to determine if it accurately and usefully characterizes mental illnesses, given current neurological and neurophysiological knowledge. Rather than focus

I examined the slogan, “Mental illnesses are illnesses like any other,” widespread in psychiatry and medicine, and in society more generally, to determine if it accurately and usefully characterizes mental illnesses, given current neurological and neurophysiological knowledge. Rather than focus on disease entities for comparison, I scrutinized the symptoms of somatic illnesses and mental illnesses and compared them in three areas: their production, their relationship to social and cultural context, and their potential use as indicators of underlying disease or dysfunction. In all three areas, I found that, contrary to the claim of the slogan, the symptoms of mental illness are not like the symptoms of somatic illness and therefore, by extension, mental illness is not “illness like any other.” I briefly surveyed the implications of this difference between mental illnesses and somatic illnesses, and provided some broad suggestions regarding how this finding might help to inform the characterization of mental illnesses, as well as help direct research and treatment of these conditions.
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Contraceptive Perspectives in Nursing students

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Contraceptives are a vital part of reproductive care by preventing unwanted pregnancy, providing relief to premenstrual syndrome or PMS symptoms, and more. Birth control has been around for many centuries and has given women autonomy over their reproductive health. The

Contraceptives are a vital part of reproductive care by preventing unwanted pregnancy, providing relief to premenstrual syndrome or PMS symptoms, and more. Birth control has been around for many centuries and has given women autonomy over their reproductive health. The Griswold v. Connecticut Supreme Court case in 1965 was the first ruling that made birth control accessible to the public under the law. However, this ruling only pertained only to married couples until the Eisenstadt v. Baird case in 1972. That case gave single women the ability to legally purchase contraceptives for themselves. In the decades since those rulings, many laws and policies have been put into place to give those in lower-income areas the ability to purchase contraceptives as well. With this increase in accessibility, those who use contraceptives, or are thinking of starting birth control, need to understand how to use it, when to use it, and the effects of using contraceptives. In the United States, nurses outnumber doctors by a 4:1 ratio and spend more time with patients than anyone else in a clinic or hospital environment. Nurses, being the main healthcare providers with whom a patient will interact, often are the ones patients ask questions about care and overall advice. Nurses must be able to relay valuable information about treatments or medicines, such as birth control, and give accurate information on the effects such treatments have. Nursing students need to be prepared. However, the amount of information provided, and opinions given might be affected by their nursing education, past experiences with birth control, and more. This project surveys nursing students at Arizona State University on their attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs towards birth control interventions, and how their individual experiences and education influence these perceptions.
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C-sections: An Exploration of History, Perspectives, and Neonatal Microbiome Acquisition

I worked with the Embryo Project Encyclopedia to produce eight articles on the topic of c-sections and the neonatal microbiome acquisition. Then I did further research to fully understand the topic and provide connections between my articles and understand the current state of scientific opinion on the neonatal microbiome acquisition.
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Images and the Development of the Microbial Biofilm Concept

Scientific researchers have studied microorganisms since the emergence of the single lens microscope in the 17th century. Since then, researchers designed and published many thousands of images to record and share their observations, including hand-drawn diagrams, photomicrographs, and photographs. Images

Scientific researchers have studied microorganisms since the emergence of the single lens microscope in the 17th century. Since then, researchers designed and published many thousands of images to record and share their observations, including hand-drawn diagrams, photomicrographs, and photographs. Images shaped how researchers conceived of microorganisms, their concepts of microorganisms shaped their images, and their images and concepts were shaped by the contexts in which they were working. Over time, the interplay of images and concepts in various research contexts participated in the development of new concepts related to microorganisms, like the “biofilm” concept, or the idea that bacteria exist in nature as complex aggregates attached to surfaces via extracellular polymeric matrices. Many histories of microbiology locate the origin of the biofilm concept in the 1970s, but that date obscures the rich history of research about attached microbial aggregates that occurred throughout the history of microbiology. I discovered how the interplay of images and concepts related to bacteria participated in the development of the biofilm concept by documenting when and why researchers used different visual features to represent changing concepts related to microorganisms. I specifically examined how and why scientists represented evolving concepts related to bacteria during the 17th century (Chapter 1), from the late 17th century to the early 20th century (Chapter 2), and during the first seventy-four years of the 20th century (Chapter 3). I discovered the biofilm concept developed in at least three unique research contexts during the 20th century, and how images reflected and shaped the concept’s development in each case. The narrative and collection of images generated from this work serve as a visual history of the development of scientists’ ideas about the nature of bacteria over 300 years.
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Identity Development During Adolescence in Individuals with Pectus Excavatum

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For my graduate thesis, I present an annotated bibliography that evaluates and summarizes a list of resources available for use in future research. The resources focus on how pectus excavatum, a congenital birth anomaly affecting the thoracic wall, may impact

For my graduate thesis, I present an annotated bibliography that evaluates and summarizes a list of resources available for use in future research. The resources focus on how pectus excavatum, a congenital birth anomaly affecting the thoracic wall, may impact identity formation and subsequent behavior during a period characterized by significant physical and psychological development, from the ages 12 to 18, known as adolescence. I examine resources that specifically look at congenital birth anomalies, pectus excavatum, developmental psychology, psychoanalysis, and identity crises. The following provides background and an annotated bibliography to establish whether there is a causal relationship between individuals born with congenital birth anomalies, specifically pectus excavatum (PE), and the impact it has to identity development during adolescence. This work is important to me because I was born with pectus excavatum, and I believe a causal relationship does exist. While I claim the causal relationship does exist, I should note this is conjecture and anecdotally based on 7 years of interacting with patients in both a clinical and personal setting. The conversations are reflective of discussions that have taken place about having been born with pectus excavatum and how the condition has impacted our lives.
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Changes in American Judicial Behavior in Disability Discrimination Cases in Response to Anti-Discrimination Legislation

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Disabled people have historically lacked legal protection and often faced discrimination in healthcare, reproductive rights, education, and more despite being the largest minority group in the United States. One of the most common ways that American disability activists have advocated

Disabled people have historically lacked legal protection and often faced discrimination in healthcare, reproductive rights, education, and more despite being the largest minority group in the United States. One of the most common ways that American disability activists have advocated for their rights is by challenging discriminatory behavior or regulations in court and advocating for policy change in local, state, and federal governments. As a result, understanding the relationships between legislation and the judicial processes by which American judges approach disability discrimination is crucial to protecting and expanding the rights of disabled Americans. This study analyzes five American disability rights cases from the last fifty years as well as two foundational pieces of federal legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). I conducted this research as a member of the Embryo Project, where I wrote and peer-reviewed articles for the Embryo Project Encyclopedia, which is an online open-access resource for topics relating to reproduction, embryology, and development. In my articles, I summarize the litigation and holdings of each case with additional contextualization in science and society. The passage of the ADA represents a watershed moment after which the American judiciary observed the rights of the disabled as legislatively codified rather than only subject to interpretations of the Constitution. Since laws can be repealed far more easily than constitutional amendments, precedent from legislative interpretation is only as secure as the law on which it is based. Lawmakers must understand the need to craft legislation with reduced textual ambiguity to prevent undermining the original intent of the law. With the recent overturning of long-standing precedent and the composition of the Supreme Court as of 2023, disability rights are on fragile footing. Judicial behavior in response to disability legislation has historically narrowed the protections offered by federal statute and failed to bolster disability rights by refusing to base decisions on Constitutional protections.
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Ordering Subaltern Disorders: Embodiment, Biocapital and the Politics of Sickle Cell Management in India

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This dissertation investigates the convergence of the nation-state, biomedicine and (bio)capital around the construction of sickle cell disease as a subaltern disorder in the caste-based society of India. It inquires how sickle cell disease that developed evolutionarily due to environmental

This dissertation investigates the convergence of the nation-state, biomedicine and (bio)capital around the construction of sickle cell disease as a subaltern disorder in the caste-based society of India. It inquires how sickle cell disease that developed evolutionarily due to environmental factors—and that is also globally racialized as a “Black disease”—has come to be associated with subaltern communities, particularly the indigenous, traditionally non-Hindu Adivasi communities of India. Such a subaltern association characterizes Adivasi biologies as inherently genetically “risky” thereby providing a biopolitical mandate to the Hindu-majoritarian Indian State to carry out biomedical interventions through promissory biocapital in the name of democratic inclusion. I center on the illness narratives of subaltern sickle cell sufferers to highlight how the caste-ization of sickle cell bodies in biomedical and policy discourses, and the attendant biocapital prospecting of subaltern biologies, are nonetheless challenged by communities through their lived experiences. Viewing this association from the Adivasi standpoint—marked by continuous dispossession and displacement—illuminates not only the biopolitical governance of subaltern reproduction by the Indian State. A primary objective of my dissertation project is also to use precarity as an epistemic site for interrogating the scopes and limits of a novel biopower formed by the nexus between the State, national biomedicine and transnational biocapital. This dissertation is therefore an attempt at unearthing the subjugated knowledges of Adivasi communities regarding alternative modes of existing in the world that continuously resist the assimilatory power of race, caste and capital. In ethnographically centering narratives of suffering among doubly (socially/economically) marginalized communities, the project illuminates the contradictions between public health measures that emphasize on sickle cell management through biomedical technologies of reproductive screening and the material conditions of sickle cell sufferers struggling to access basic medical care. This dissertation therefore juxtaposes policy interventions against community articulations of reproductive freedom that posits community health work as the fulcrum for developing reproductively just ecologies. At the same time, in utilizing multi-modal and multi-sited ethnographic methods, the project also contributes towards developing decolonial and digital ethnographic methods that are attentive to the aggravated precarity of marginalized communities in a pandemic prone world.
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Reducing Abortion Rates Without Restricting Legal Access to Abortion: Evidence from Comparative Analysis of Relevant Policies and Demographic Indicators in 15 Post-Soviet Countries and Adaptive Agent-Based Modeling of Unintended Pregnancies

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Abortion is a controversial topic internationally. Most current debates about abortion concern when, if at all, it should be legal. However, researchers have shown many times that after an abortion ban, maternal and infant mortalities rise significantly, as women who

Abortion is a controversial topic internationally. Most current debates about abortion concern when, if at all, it should be legal. However, researchers have shown many times that after an abortion ban, maternal and infant mortalities rise significantly, as women who seek out abortions do so regardless of abortion legality. So, is it possible to reduce abortions in a population without delegalizing abortion and, if so, how? Why do some countries have higher abortion rates than others in the presence of the same law?This dissertation answers both questions. First, I present historical evidence in the first comprehensive comparative analysis of all 15 post-Soviet countries, which have very similar abortion laws originating from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Second, I use those findings to build the first agent-based model (ABM) of unintended pregnancies in a hypothetical artificial population. USSR was the only country in the world to complete its demographic transition through abortion instead of modern contraception, and the Soviet government passed the first law in the world to allow abortion upon request in 1920. After the USSR dissolution in 1991, post-Soviet countries maintained very similar abortion laws, but had very different abortion rates for most years. Analysis of fertility data from post-Soviet countries shows that the prevalence of some specific contraceptive methods, namely the rhythm method (r = 0.82), oral pill (r = 0.56), and male condom (r = 0.51) are most strongly correlated with high abortion rates, and that sex education is a factor that reduces the rates in otherwise similar countries (p = 0.02). The ABM shows that even basic sex education results in fewer abortions than no sex education or abstinence-based sex education (p < 0.01). In scenarios without sex education, basic quality of post-abortion contraceptive counseling (PACC) is better than no PACC or low-quality PACC at reducing abortions (p < 0.01). Still, the higher the quality of sex education or PACC, the fewer abortions in the artificial population. The ABM is adaptive and policy makers can use it as a decision-support tool to make evidence-based policy decisions regarding abortion, and, potentially, other sociobiological phenomena with some adjustments to the code.
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The Impacts of COVID on Arizona’s Management of Telemedicine-Prescribed Controlled Substances and Impacts on General Substance Use


This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on telemedicine-prescribed controlled substances by discussing the opinions of pharmacists holding an Arizona pharmacy license. To accommodate the rapid changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government adapted pharmacy laws to

This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on telemedicine-prescribed controlled substances by discussing the opinions of pharmacists holding an Arizona pharmacy license. To accommodate the rapid changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government adapted pharmacy laws to better support the healthcare community. The use of remote healthcare services such as telemedicine visits and online pharmacy services dramatically increased during the pandemic, so regulators waived tele-health restrictions like the Ryan Haight Act. This study involved structured interviews with 3 participants. The interviews revealed a positive outlook on the future of telehealth and the possibilities of modernizing healthcare and pharmacy. The study suggests that the waiving of the Ryan Haight Act was perceived somewhat positively by pharmacists, although they still had concerns regarding abandoning parts of the Act from a patient safety standpoint. The study concludes that certain pharmacy and telemedicine regulations are outdated given the positive and negative outcomes of these laws during the global pandemic. While this study offers insights on bringing various healthcare and law arguments together, the small sample size results in limited scope. The study still provides points of discussion to offer recommendations for implementation of the Ryan Haight Act and other similar tele-health and online-pharmacy regulations.

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Ambiguity and Access: The Impact of Legal Wording on Abortion Access in Italy

This thesis examines the history of abortion law in Italy and the current status of abortion access, finding that ambiguities in legal wording significantly contribute to the current inaccessibility of abortion throughout the country. Lack of clarity regarding conscientious

This thesis examines the history of abortion law in Italy and the current status of abortion access, finding that ambiguities in legal wording significantly contribute to the current inaccessibility of abortion throughout the country. Lack of clarity regarding conscientious objection has lead to widespread rates of objection across Italy, limiting women's ability to find providers willing to perform the service. In addition, because the law does not expressly state what procedures are included under conscientious objection, women may be denied pre- or post-abortion care and face difficulties finding treatment for miscarriages. Finally, I explore potential avenues to ameliorate the current status of abortion access in Italy.
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