Growth Modes of Silver-doped Chalcogenide-based Programmable Metallization Cells for Timing Applications

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This research aims to investigate the material properties of various silver-doped germanium-chalcogenide thin films that novel lateral Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC) devices are based on. These devices are governed by a solid-state electrochemical reaction that is controlled electrically occurring at

This research aims to investigate the material properties of various silver-doped germanium-chalcogenide thin films that novel lateral Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC) devices are based on. These devices are governed by a solid-state electrochemical reaction that is controlled electrically occurring at the micro and nanoscale.By using various electrical and optical characterization techniques, useful material characteristics such as the activation energy of electrodeposit growth rate and bandgap energy can be extracted. These parameters allow for better tuning of these materials for more specific PMC device applications, such as a timer that can be placed into integrated circuits for metering and anticounterfeiting purposes. The compositions of focus are silver-doped germanium-selenide and germanium-sulfide variations; overall, the bandgap energy of these materials decreases as silver content is increased, the activation energy tends to be smaller in sulfide-based devices, and chalcogenides highly doped with silver exhibit nanocluster migration growth modes due to the agglomeration of silver clusters in the film.
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Development of Radiation Hardened High Voltage Super-Junction Power MOSFET

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In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), has garnered significant interest from spacecraft designers. This is due to their high breakdown voltage and low specific on-state resistance characteristics. Most of the previous research work

In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), has garnered significant interest from spacecraft designers. This is due to their high breakdown voltage and low specific on-state resistance characteristics. Most of the previous research work on power MOSFETS for space applications concentrated on improving the radiation tolerance of low to medium voltage (~ 300V) power MOSFETs. Therefore, understanding and improving the reliability of high voltage SJMOS for the harsh space radiation environment is an important endeavor.In this work, a 600V commercially available silicon planar gate SJMOS is used to study the SJ technology’s tolerance against total ionizing dose (TID) and destructive single event effects (SEE), such as, single event burnout (SEB) and single event gate rupture (SEGR). A technology computer aided design (TCAD) software tool is used to design the SJMOS and simulate its electrical characteristics.
Electrical characterization of SJMOS devices showed substantial decrease in threshold voltage and increase in leakage current due to TID. Therefore, as a solution to improve the TID tolerance, metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MNOS) capacitors with different oxide
itride thickness combinations were fabricated and irradiated using a Co-60 gamma-source. Electrical characterization showed all samples with oxide
itride stack gate insulators exhibited significantly higher tolerance to irradiation when compared to metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors.
Heavy ion testing of the SJMOS showed the device failed due to SEB and SEGR at 10% of maximum rated bias values. In this work, a 600V SJMOS structure is designed that is tolerant to both SEB and SEGR. In a SJMOS with planar gate, reducing the neck width improves the tolerance to SEGR but significantly changes the device electrical characteristics. The trench gate SJ device design is shown to overcome this problem. A buffer layer and larger P+-plug are added to the trench gate SJ power transistor to improve SEB tolerance. Using TCAD simulations, the proposed trench gate structure and the tested planar gate SJMOS are compared. The simulation results showed that the SEB and SEGR hardness in the proposed structure has improved by a factor of 10 and passes at the device’s maximum rated bias value with improved electrical performance.
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Optical Characterization of Band Gaps for Sulfide-based Chalcogenide and Copper Oxide Thin Films

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The purpose of this research is to optically characterize the band gaps of sulfide-based chalcogenides and copper oxide thin films. The analysis on the copper oxide thin films will view the effects of various annealing temperatures and the analysis of

The purpose of this research is to optically characterize the band gaps of sulfide-based chalcogenides and copper oxide thin films. The analysis on the copper oxide thin films will view the effects of various annealing temperatures and the analysis of the chalcogenides will view the effects of silver doping on the thin films. Using UV-Vis spectroscopy, parameters such as the absorption coefficient and determined which then provide details on the optical band gaps of these various semiconductors. With a better understanding of the bandgap of these materials, the behavior can be better predicted in fields of nanoionics and photonics.
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Utilizing Programmable Metallization Cells to Create Smart Interposers

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Interposers have been used in the system packaging industry for years. They have advanced from basic devices used for connection to providing new opportunities for System-in-Package and System-on-Chip architectures. Currently interposers cannot be reconfigured. Systems may implement extra input-output connections

Interposers have been used in the system packaging industry for years. They have advanced from basic devices used for connection to providing new opportunities for System-in-Package and System-on-Chip architectures. Currently interposers cannot be reconfigured. Systems may implement extra input-output connections for hard reconfiguration. However, programmable metallization cells (PMC) offer the opportunity to change this. PMCs offer reliable and fast switching that has the potential to be used as resistive memory cells as well. PMCs operate by growing a metal filament from the device cathode to its anode through a solid electrolyte by applying a voltage. By reversing the voltage bias, the filament will retract. The PMC’s electrolyte can also be made from a range of materials being chalcogen or oxide based, allowing for integration in a variety of systems. By utilizing PMCs in an interposer to create a “smart interposer,” it would be possible to create easily reconfigurable systems. This project investigated how PMCs function in a lab setting. By using a probe station, the current-voltage characteristics were generated for a variety of limiting current values. The PMC on and off state resistances were extrapolated for further understanding of its switch function. In addition, works-like prototypes were developed to show the function a smart interposer. In these prototypes, transistors or relays were used as the switching mechanism in place of the PMCs. The final works-like prototype demonstrated how a smart interposer might function by using a switching mechanism to swap between half adder and full adder outputs for the same inputs.
Date Created

Optical Characterization of Silver-Doped Germanium-Chalcogenide Thin Films

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The purpose of this research is to optically characterize germanium-based chalcogenide thin films and evaluate how their properties change when the composition is altered. The composition changes based on if the chalcogenide contains selenium or sulfur, if the film is

The purpose of this research is to optically characterize germanium-based chalcogenide thin films and evaluate how their properties change when the composition is altered. The composition changes based on if the chalcogenide contains selenium or sulfur, if the film is 60 nanometers or 200 nanometers, and if the film is doped with silver (ranging from 0 nanometers to 30 nanometers). These amorphous germanium-chalcogenide thin films exhibit interesting properties when doped with silver, such as transporting ions within the film in addition to electron transport. Using optical characterization techniques such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, profilometry, and ellipsometry, parameters that describe the optical characteristics are found, including the absorption coefficient, refractive index, optical band gap energy, and information on the density of states. This research concludes that as silver content within the film increases, the optical bandgap energy decreases—this is a consistent trend in existing literature. Having a better understanding of the materials’ physical properties will be useful to aid in the creation of microsystems based on these materials by selecting optimal composition and growth conditions. Important applications using these materials are currently being researched, including variable capacitor devices relying on the ionic conductor behavior these materials display. The optical properties like the absorption coefficient and the optical bandgap energy are invaluable in designing these applications effectively.
Date Created

Dendritic Electrodes as an Alternative Model for Current Collection in Solar Cells

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Exploring solar cell model alternatives using electrochemically deposited dendrites as a form of current collection to increase efficiency and top electrode transparency.
Date Created