Fighting Back Against the Platform Giant: An Analysis of How to Protect Against Amazon’s Private Label


My thesis project explored Amazon's private label and how third-party sellers can protect their products. My study aimed to find ways that third-party sellers can prevent Amazon’s private labels from entering their product space while also developing strategies that third-party

My thesis project explored Amazon's private label and how third-party sellers can protect their products. My study aimed to find ways that third-party sellers can prevent Amazon’s private labels from entering their product space while also developing strategies that third-party sellers can implement to protect themselves from Amazon's private label brands. Ultimately finding that success on Amazon requires strategic thinking and a commitment to delivering value to customers, and third-party sellers who prioritize these goals will be well-positioned for long-term success.

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An Analysis Of The Rental Fashion Industry

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In looking at the world of fashion, it is hard to miss the many rental platforms that have become staples in the industry. While the business model makes sense for many consumers, it also feeds on many consumer trends and

In looking at the world of fashion, it is hard to miss the many rental platforms that have become staples in the industry. While the business model makes sense for many consumers, it also feeds on many consumer trends and developing ideals. The driving purpose of this thesis is to better understand the success of rental platforms, to see what components of the industry are most important to the success of a rental company, and ultimately determine if rental will have a future in the next generation of fashion. The following research explores the fashion industry, rental’s place in that industry, and whether this new business model is here for the long haul. This research will prove vital in understanding the success of this new industry and the most important components that make up a successful rental business. Through this research it was found that the pillars of marketing, especially a deep understanding of consumers, and supply chain, have proven to be the most interesting aspects of the rental industry’s success. Specifically, the components of inventory management, transparency, consumer research, and pricing were found to be the most vital to any rental platform’s success.
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The Challenges of Digitally Transforming a Supply Chain

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Supply chain is changing. The focus has always been on information and how it is used to get a product to the right place at the right time. But now, there is a greater emphasis on speed. Speed in how

Supply chain is changing. The focus has always been on information and how it is used to get a product to the right place at the right time. But now, there is a greater emphasis on speed. Speed in how information is transferred and how decisions are made. In the new era of Supply Chain 4.0, companies in every industry are in a race to use digital technologies to achieve this speed. These digital technologies include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Blockchain.

The challenges that companies face when digitally transforming the supply chain can often be self-inflicted. This paper will address those challenges and provide a structured approach to a successful transformation. It will also share insight from interviews conducted with the CIO and directors of three different companies as well various studies from outside sources. The purpose is to urge business leaders to re-evaluate the way they approach digital transformation in the supply chain to close information gaps and provide value to the whole organization.
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Cradle to Grave: Portraits of the People Behind Starbucks Sumatra Blend Coffee

In this global economy, supply chains are the roads that connect us with goods, people, and information. Many, diverse people have a hand in paving those roads, but they go largely unnoticed. I wanted to give them a face; I

In this global economy, supply chains are the roads that connect us with goods, people, and information. Many, diverse people have a hand in paving those roads, but they go largely unnoticed. I wanted to give them a face; I have painted the portraits of each person involved in producing a cup of Starbucks's Sumatra blend from Indonesian Farmer to Barista. Hopefully the next time you take a sip of coffee, you see more than a cup of caffeine.
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Sagebrush Coffee: Applying Data Analytics to Customer Purchases

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Sagebrush Coffee is a small business in Chandler, Arizona that purchases green beans, roasts them in small batches for quality, and ships fresh, gourmet roasted coffee beans across the nation. Deciding which coffee beans to buy and roast is one

Sagebrush Coffee is a small business in Chandler, Arizona that purchases green beans, roasts them in small batches for quality, and ships fresh, gourmet roasted coffee beans across the nation. Deciding which coffee beans to buy and roast is one of the most crucial business decisions Sagebrush and other gourmet coffee roasters face. Further complicating this decision is the fact that coffee is a crop, and like all crops, has a specific growing season and the exact same product cannot usually be ordered from year to year, even if it proves to be successful. The goal of this research is to use data analytics and visualization to help Sagebrush make better purchasing decisions by identifying consumer purchasing trends and providing a recommendation for their portfolio mix. In the end, I found that Latin American coffees are popular with both returning and first-time customers, but a specific country of origin does not appear to be associated with the top coffee producing countries. Additionally, December is a critical month for Sagebrush and Sagebrush should make sure to target the states with the most sales: California, Pennsylvania, and New York. Arizona has growth potential as it is not one of the top three locations, despite the presence of a physical store. Also included in the following report is a portfolio recommendation suggesting how many of each product based on region, processing type, and roast level to carry in inventory.
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Muse & Market: Best Practices for Opening a New Restaurant and Applying them in Phoenix, AZ

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The restaurant opening process for "Muse & Market" was documented and evaluated. For my creative project, I served as the Director of Business Development for "Muse & Market" and assisted in the carrying out of activities including supplier selection, functional

The restaurant opening process for "Muse & Market" was documented and evaluated. For my creative project, I served as the Director of Business Development for "Muse & Market" and assisted in the carrying out of activities including supplier selection, functional retail assembly and other key decision making. I paralleled this experience by researching best practices in the restaurant industry. I performed research by reviewing academic literature and online sources and by interviewing marketing managers and restauranteurs in New York City and Phoenix, AZ. I compiled a list of best practices based off of the commonalities from my research and interviews. I then compared these findings to what I experienced at Muse & Market to determine which of Muse & Market's launch preparation activities aligned with which best practices. I also identified areas of improvement for Muse & Market based on this comparison. Lastly I offered my key takeaways from my experience as an aspiring entrepreneur in the restaurant industry.
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Developing Efficiencies in Health Care Design: Using Supply Chain Management Principles to Solve Design Problems

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Supply Chain Management has many fundamental principles that can be applied to all businesses to improve efficiency and create more transparency, this in turn, encourages collaboration and fosters healthy professional relationships. Using the fundamental principles of supply chain management, I

Supply Chain Management has many fundamental principles that can be applied to all businesses to improve efficiency and create more transparency, this in turn, encourages collaboration and fosters healthy professional relationships. Using the fundamental principles of supply chain management, I evaluated the Veterans Administration(VA) hospital in regards to their provided treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) to look for places where efficiency can be improved. I analyzed the problem in relation to Supply Chain Management, PTSD, and design in order to create a more complete solution. Once these areas were addressed, I proposed a solution that included creating a separate clinic for PTSD treatment that addressed the current issues in regards to treatment at the VA hospital. My goal was to improve space efficiencies and design a treatment environment that is more evolved and conducive to veterans suffering from PTSD. Though the creation of one PTSD clinic will not be able to completely change the system, it can be a step in the right direction to bring about the change that needs to occur within the VA medical system.
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