How to Increase the Presence of Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic

This thesis focuses on increasing the presence of the W. P. Carey Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic through a comprehensive examination of the student population. Key findings derived from observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews, highlight the necessity of adapting the

This thesis focuses on increasing the presence of the W. P. Carey Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic through a comprehensive examination of the student population. Key findings derived from observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews, highlight the necessity of adapting the organization's structure to align with the unique characteristics of ASU Polytechnic. The research identifies first-year student engagement, commuting challenges, and the impact of exclusive "Business Behind" events as crucial aspects to our investigation. The thesis emphasizes the need for future research to build upon its foundations and highlights the importance of understanding the specific needs of ASU Polytechnic's student population. Overall, the study contributes to the existing knowledge on Leaders Academy by identifying campus differences and fostering a deeper understanding of ASU Polytechnic's culture, with the hope of inspiring further investigations to strengthen the presence of Leaders Academy at Polytechnic.
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How to Increase the Presence of Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic

This thesis focuses on increasing the presence of the W. P. Carey Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic through a comprehensive examination of the student population. Key findings derived from observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews, highlight the necessity of adapting the

This thesis focuses on increasing the presence of the W. P. Carey Leaders Academy at ASU Polytechnic through a comprehensive examination of the student population. Key findings derived from observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews, highlight the necessity of adapting the organization’s structure to align with the unique characteristics of ASU Polytechnic. The research identifies first-year student engagement, commuting challenges, and the impact of exclusive "Business Behind" events as crucial aspects to our investigation. The thesis emphasizes the need for future research to build upon its foundations and highlights the importance of understanding the specific needs of ASU Polytechnic’s student population. Overall, the study contributes to the existing knowledge on Leaders Academy by identifying campus differences and fostering a deeper understanding of ASU Polytechnic’s culture, with the hope of inspiring further investigations to strengthen the presence of Leaders Academy at Polytechnic.
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The Startup Venture Capital Journey: Vibes Clothing Technologies


This Thesis Project was completed to gain experience in how to create a viable business concept pitch as part of the start-up venture process. During the course of the project the company name–“Vibes Clothing”–and business proposition–“To provide fashion-minded athletic individuals

This Thesis Project was completed to gain experience in how to create a viable business concept pitch as part of the start-up venture process. During the course of the project the company name–“Vibes Clothing”–and business proposition–“To provide fashion-minded athletic individuals with stylish, versatile, and fully functional luminescent clothing.”–were conceived. However, to further develop the company idea into a viable business concept, market analysis, and customer research were conducted. The identified market conditions and customer desires were then utilized to refine Vibes Clothing's logo, brand, and product. These business and design considerations were then strategically implemented in a men’s-model luminescent clothing prototype. As a further part of ‘the creation of a business concept pitch’–typical of one given at a pitch competition or to a group of investors–a business executive summary and funding pitch presentation were also created. Ultimately, this Thesis Project successfully culminated as a formal business concept pitch; wherein a functional display prototype, business executive summary, and funding pitch presentation were all developed.

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Min Final Project Presentation (Spring 2022)

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The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was

The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was collected through an extensive review of literature and through the engagement in in-depth interviews with professionals that work in the growing, distribution, and processing of leafy greens. Food safety in the leafy green industry is growing in importance in the wake of costly outbreaks that resulted and recalls and lasting market damage. The Dendritic Identifier provides a unique identification tag that is unclonable, scannable, and compatible with blockchain systems. It is a digital trigger that can be implemented throughout the commercial leafy green supply chain to increase visibility from farm to fork for the consumer and a traceability system for government agencies to trace outbreaks. Efforts like the Food Safety Modernization Act, the Leafy Green Marketing Agreement, and other certifications aim at establishing science-based standards regarding soil testing, water, animal feces, imports, and more. The leafy green supply chains are fragmented in terms of tagging methods and data management services used. There are obstacles in implementing Dendritic Identifiers in that all parties must have systems capable of joining blockchain networks. While there is still a lot to take into consideration for implementation, solutions like the IBM Food Trust pose options for a more fluid transfer of information. Dendritic Identifiers beat out competing tagging technologies in that they work with cellphones, are low cost, and are blockchain compatible. Growers and processors are excited by the opportunity to showcase their extensive food safety measures. The next step in understanding the use environment is to focus on the retail distribution and the retailer specifically.

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Min Final Project (Spring 2022)

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The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was

The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was collected through an extensive review of literature and through the engagement in in-depth interviews with professionals that work in the growing, distribution, and processing of leafy greens. Food safety in the leafy green industry is growing in importance in the wake of costly outbreaks that resulted and recalls and lasting market damage. The Dendritic Identifier provides a unique identification tag that is unclonable, scannable, and compatible with blockchain systems. It is a digital trigger that can be implemented throughout the commercial leafy green supply chain to increase visibility from farm to fork for the consumer and a traceability system for government agencies to trace outbreaks. Efforts like the Food Safety Modernization Act, the Leafy Green Marketing Agreement, and other certifications aim at establishing science-based standards regarding soil testing, water, animal feces, imports, and more. The leafy green supply chains are fragmented in terms of tagging methods and data management services used. There are obstacles in implementing Dendritic Identifiers in that all parties must have systems capable of joining blockchain networks. While there is still a lot to take into consideration for implementation, solutions like the IBM Food Trust pose options for a more fluid transfer of information. Dendritic Identifiers beat out competing tagging technologies in that they work with cellphones, are low cost, and are blockchain compatible. Growers and processors are excited by the opportunity to showcase their extensive food safety measures. The next step in understanding the use environment is to focus on the retail distribution and the retailer specifically.

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Dendritic Identifiers and Applications in the Food Supply Chain: Understanding the Use Environment of Commercially Grown Leafy Green Vegetables

The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was

The purpose of this research is to better understand the potential use environment of a Dendritic Identifier within the current leafy green supply chain, including the exploration of potential costs of implementation as well as non-economic costs. This information was collected through an extensive review of literature and through the engagement in in-depth interviews with professionals that work in the growing, distribution, and processing of leafy greens. Food safety in the leafy green industry is growing in importance in the wake of costly outbreaks that resulted and recalls and lasting market damage. The Dendritic Identifier provides a unique identification tag that is unclonable, scannable, and compatible with blockchain systems. It is a digital trigger that can be implemented throughout the commercial leafy green supply chain to increase visibility from farm to fork for the consumer and a traceability system for government agencies to trace outbreaks. Efforts like the Food Safety Modernization Act, the Leafy Green Marketing Agreement, and other certifications aim at establishing science-based standards regarding soil testing, water, animal feces, imports, and more. The leafy green supply chains are fragmented in terms of tagging methods and data management services used. There are obstacles in implementing Dendritic Identifiers in that all parties must have systems capable of joining blockchain networks. While there is still a lot to take into consideration for implementation, solutions like the IBM Food Trust pose options for a more fluid transfer of information. Dendritic Identifiers beat out competing tagging technologies in that they work with cellphones, are low cost, and are blockchain compatible. Growers and processors are excited by the opportunity to showcase their extensive food safety measures. The next step in understanding the use environment is to focus on the retail distribution and the retailer specifically.
Date Created

A Financial Feasibility Analysis on: 3D-Printing Solid State Lithium-Ion Batteries

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The current Solid-State Electrolyte (SSE) used in Li-ion batteries are limited by their current production methods (i.e., die-pressing; tape casting), planar geometries and random porosities. This constrains their use for mass production in manufacturing plants. 3D-printing of SSEs, however, is

The current Solid-State Electrolyte (SSE) used in Li-ion batteries are limited by their current production methods (i.e., die-pressing; tape casting), planar geometries and random porosities. This constrains their use for mass production in manufacturing plants. 3D-printing of SSEs, however, is a new, highly-researched method that shows promise in expanding beyond the laboratory to more large-scale industrial production as rapid prototyping takes place. Indeed, laboratory studies to date suggest that SSE technology is safer than current production methods and provides a safe high energy solid-state battery. For SSE technology to become a reality though, it must be scalable and financially feasible. Therefore, this thesis aids to bridge the gap between laboratory studies and commercialization by examining the financial feasibility of adopting this technology for a hypothetical battery manufacturing plant. In doing this, I develop a model of the incremental net cash flows, and subsequently the Net Present Value (NPV), from such an enterprise. If the present value of future cash flows from the enterprise are anticipated to be greater than the investment costs, the NPV is positive and the investment in this new technology would be considered instantaneously value enhancing and thus financially feasible. However, future cash flows are highly uncertain, which brings into question financial feasibility in a risky environment. To address the riskiness of future cash flows, I model three risk factors: the cost of raw materials, the potential growth in battery sales, as well as the potential mark-up (profit margin) of the SSE enterprise. Using Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) I model the incremental cash flows considering these risk factors and derive probabilistic assessments of NPV. My analysis suggests that despite the uncertainty caused by the volatility of raw metal prices, assumptions on price mark-up, and uncertain market demand for Li-ion batteries, there is a high probability of an investment in SSE batteries being financially feasible. Future research should consider the value of real options (optionality embedded in tangible investments) as traditional NPV analysis may underestimate the potential value of an investment in the presence of uncertain cash flows, especially if management has the ability to respond to the uncertainty.

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The State of Solar: What AZ Can Learn From California’s History of Environmental Policy - A Video Essay by Niko Salvaggio


Out of all fifty states, Arizona boasts the greatest number of sunny days, which comes as no surprise to its residents. According to a CDC data report, Arizona has an average of nearly 286 total days of sun exposure. This

Out of all fifty states, Arizona boasts the greatest number of sunny days, which comes as no surprise to its residents. According to a CDC data report, Arizona has an average of nearly 286 total days of sun exposure. This sheer amount of sunlight could lead to the assumption that Arizona is also leading the way in harvesting this solar energy, but that isn’t the case. According to the S.E.I.A (Solar Energies Industries Association), Arizona is the fifth largest solar producer, while California comes in first by a significant lead. What happened in the history of California that caused this disparity in solar production that we see today and should Arizona follow in its footsteps? In this video essay, I consider the historical impact that climate change has had on California that directly led them to adopt environmental policies, such as wildfires, droughts, smog, and sea-level rise. These events threaten California specifically, due to its uniquely high population, geography, and climate, and they will continue to get worse as climate change subsists. Due to the persistent threat that they face, California was forced to pass environmental regulations that ultimately ended up developing them into a leader in environmental protectionism. Arizona, while also facing droughts, high heat, and poor air quality, has had its environmental progress greatly hindered by a lack of cohesive action at the State level. Based on information from the U.S Energy Information Agency, over the past 30 years, Arizona has been one of, if not the highest, carbon-dioxide emitters in the West. For a time there was some political response to this fact, but eventually, its momentum was halted in favor of economic challenges and continually stunted by mixed agendas, which polarized Arizona parties even more and left city governments to deal with climate change on their own. With solar being the cheapest means of clean energy production, it seems unavoidable that it will develop eventually. Solar becoming a topic of such polarization in Arizona makes it much more challenging, as it can only progress with bipartisan support, but climate change is inevitable so discourse has to be the first step towards meaningful change.

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