
Experience Marketing philosophy revolves around brand interaction with consumers’ physical senses in order to provide an exceptional experience that has value and creates affinity towards the brand (Datta, 2017).<br/>Experience Marketing and its various subcategories have been defined through a multitude

Experience Marketing philosophy revolves around brand interaction with consumers’ physical senses in order to provide an exceptional experience that has value and creates affinity towards the brand (Datta, 2017).<br/>Experience Marketing and its various subcategories have been defined through a multitude of academic journals and publications (e.g., Experience v. experiential). However, there is a lack of consensus in academic literature over best practices regarding experiential marketing efforts. This thesis conducted primary research in the form of in-depth interviews to understand how current experiential marketers utilize academic models and understandings of experiential marketing. Interview data suggests that most brands stage experiences strategically based on their brand elements. In-depth interviews revealed that brands use academic frameworks as a reference point rather than a guide. Accurately measuring relevant metrics remains the largest challenge of Experience Marketing.

Included in this item (2)


  • Exploring Frameworks and Best Practices of Current Experience Marketing Efforts
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