A Desert of Mind-Dust: An Argument for Panpsychism

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Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is an intrinsic state of the world. While early forms were advanced by Spinoza and Russell, only recently has panpsychism gained widespread academic consideration. In this paper, I will argue for panpsychism, based on

Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is an intrinsic state of the world. While early forms were advanced by Spinoza and Russell, only recently has panpsychism gained widespread academic consideration. In this paper, I will argue for panpsychism, based on a similarity of the nature of our consciousness with the nature of the parts of our consciousness. This argument will be motivated by an anti-strong emergentist viewpoint, while allowing for complex consciousness to arise from a form of weak emergence between fundamental parts. Ultimately, this argument demonstrates that an identity theorist would collapse to panpsychism or strong emergentism, the former being preferred. From this, I argue that panpsychists can gain some intuitive benefits of dualism and materialism, without inheriting their issues. This positions the panpsychist well to respond to issues like Jackson’s (1982) Mary-argument. I will then discuss possible objections to panpsychism, focusing primarily on the combination problem. I conclude that the co-consciousness strategy is the optimal solution to this problem and can account for the inverse issue of the decombination problem that cosmopsychism faces. Overall, panpsychism’s explanatory power and compatibility with other disciplines makes it a favorable theory within the philosophy of mind.

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An Exploration of Technocapitalism: Influencer Culture and the Transformation of Commodities in the Digital Age

In the new age of digital capitalism and consumerism, how are Marxist ideas and analyses enriched by new commodity forms while simultaneously in need of rethinking? This thesis sets out to answer this question by interpreting Marx and other thinkers

In the new age of digital capitalism and consumerism, how are Marxist ideas and analyses enriched by new commodity forms while simultaneously in need of rethinking? This thesis sets out to answer this question by interpreting Marx and other thinkers and thus to preserve any authenticity left in our age of techno-revolutionized late-stage capitalism. More particularly, my analysis of the new phenomenon of celebrity and influencer culture would serve as a pathway to explore how deeply our individualistic, capitalist mindsets have invaded our external and internal lives. The thesis, therefore, will explore how capitalism has transformed itself during the digital age, how this has affected consumers, and if any sort of conciliation or mediation can be made through critical analysis of these phenomena.
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Veterans and First Responders: The Concept and Understanding of Transcendental Sacrifice


The thesis looks into the sacrifices of first responders and veterans and how the differences between these people of service are transcended by said sacrifices, allowing them to better empathize and understand what one another had gone through. The thesis

The thesis looks into the sacrifices of first responders and veterans and how the differences between these people of service are transcended by said sacrifices, allowing them to better empathize and understand what one another had gone through. The thesis also looks at this understanding of sacrifices among people of service, and how such an understanding can be used by the public to better understand issues that affect veterans and first responders after and during their service.

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Cash, then Credit, now Crypto: A Study on the Ontology of Money


This thesis addresses the widespread questions asked of Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies - decentralized ledgers of peer to peer transactions – have taken the world by storm, with Bitcoin leading the way by means of being the original, most valuable, and most

This thesis addresses the widespread questions asked of Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies - decentralized ledgers of peer to peer transactions – have taken the world by storm, with Bitcoin leading the way by means of being the original, most valuable, and most popular. Despite this widespread use, skepticism remains as to what Bitcoin is and whether it counts as money. I first defend the framework that I use for understanding Social Objects, Searle’s X counts as Y in C formula, as money is undoubtedly a social object. I then argue that Smit et al.’s account of money, while useful, mistakenly identifies an essential characteristic of money, the relative ratio scale, as a feature. I therefore present an alternative account of money. I then explain why the most commonly held account of Bitcoin, the chain Definition fails, and why Bitcoin being a fictional substance is not a problem for Bitcoin being money. I then demonstrate Bitcoin’s compatibility with my alternative account, and from this conclude that Bitcoin is Money.

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Causation as Causal Influence

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This thesis proposes an extension of David Lewis's causal influence account of causation, providing a method to calculate the `degrees of causal influence.' By providing a quantitative approach to causal influence, I find that that the influence approach can assess

This thesis proposes an extension of David Lewis's causal influence account of causation, providing a method to calculate the `degrees of causal influence.' By providing a quantitative approach to causal influence, I find that that the influence approach can assess statements that involve causal redundancies, allowing the assessor to attribute primary causal responsibility to the contending cause with a higher net influence value. The causal influence calculation also addresses criticisms towards Lewis's influence account, namely those involving `inert zones' of influence, the use of the term `might,' trumping versus symmetric overdetermination, and Lewis's clause requiring stepwise influence. This thesis also compares the results of causal influence in multiple toy cases including Two Rocks, both the asymmetric and symmetric variants, demonstrating that causal influence overcomes many of the core issues in Lewis's initial counterfactual account of causation. Using the asymmetric Two Rocks variant, this thesis also provides a detailed example of how to use the calculation and a discussion of the calculation's limitations. The main drawbacks of the quantitative method for causal influence seems to be the effort that it requires and issues in finding measurable qualities to compare the similarity/difference between possible worlds. Using the Two Rocks case, however, the causal influence calculation reaches the same conclusions as what Lewis suggests. A primary remaining issue is applying the calculation to instances of causation by omission, however this seems to only be a problem in using the equations rather than a problem within the idea of causal influence itself. Also, there may still be issues in justifying comparative overall similarity. However, this is an issue that both the counterfactual and influence accounts face.

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Between Justice and Judgment: An Analysis of Free Will in Mu'tazilism

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The Mu’tazila were a group of early Islamic rationalists whose primary philosophical project was to reconcile God’s perfectly just nature, as well as the existence of a judgment day, with human free will. Drawing on Greek logical precepts, the Mu’tazila

The Mu’tazila were a group of early Islamic rationalists whose primary philosophical project was to reconcile God’s perfectly just nature, as well as the existence of a judgment day, with human free will. Drawing on Greek logical precepts, the Mu’tazila rejected the idea that human actions were caused solely by God, thereby affirming that humans have at least some degree of originative power. In this thesis, I will present a logical analysis of the Mu’tazila’s rejection of determinism, as well as their position on human-originated action, primarily using Qadi Abd al-Jabbar’s Book of the Five Principles as my source text. I will then present some of the primary views in contemporary free will discourse and compare these views to those of the Mu’tazila. The aim of my thesis is to present a logically rigorous picture of free will under Mu’tazilism, as well as to highlight the relevance of Mu’tazilism within contemporary discussions of free will.
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In Defense of a Regulated Kidney Market

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In this essay, I argue that a regulated kidney market, which would allow qualified Americans to sell one of their kidneys, should be developed in the United States of America. My argument has four parts. First, I provide brief background

In this essay, I argue that a regulated kidney market, which would allow qualified Americans to sell one of their kidneys, should be developed in the United States of America. My argument has four parts. First, I provide brief background information for kidneys, kidney disease, and the dire state of kidney transplantation in America. Second, I present a consequentialist argument, deontological argument, and a market argument to establish the moral permissibility of a kidney market and compensation for kidney donations. Third, I evaluate the main legal and social hurdles impeding a kidney market and discuss how these barriers can feasibly be overcome. Fourth, I discuss the logistics of a kidney market and outline the components necessary for an ethical market design. Finally, I address and respond to the myriad of objections for legalizing kidneys and demonstrate how each objection fails to justify the current prohibition on kidney sales. Ultimately, I prove that a paid kidney market should be established in the United States of America. While applicable to many other countries in the world, this particular argument is only for the United States of America.
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Bridging the Human-Animal Gap: the Intersection of Sexism, Racism, and Speciesism

Understanding the connection between different forms of oppression is relevant both in the political movement for animal rights and the political movements for social justice and human equality. I argue that sexism, racism, and speciesism intersect in such a way

Understanding the connection between different forms of oppression is relevant both in the political movement for animal rights and the political movements for social justice and human equality. I argue that sexism, racism, and speciesism intersect in such a way that each form of oppression depends on and mutually reinforces the others. In the struggle for justice, inequalities cannot be compartmentalized and the approach cannot be single issue because leaving groups behind means leaving the oppressive systems intact, perpetuating all forms of oppression, and undermining the efforts of each campaign. By recognizing sexism, racism, and speciesism as inextricably linked, each movement can be made more successful by approaching inequality as a bundled political problem instead of as distinct and independent forms of injustice.
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Personal Identity as a Story: An Evaluation of Marya Schechtman's Narrative Self-Constitution View

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Personal identity stands at the heart of many practical practices such as paying individuals for their work or holding people responsible for their actions. As such, it seems important that theories of personal identity are able to account for the

Personal identity stands at the heart of many practical practices such as paying individuals for their work or holding people responsible for their actions. As such, it seems important that theories of personal identity are able to account for the practical implications of personal identity. Mindful of the practical importance of personal identity, Marya Schechtman argues that the only accounts of personal identity that can capture this practical importance are those that address the characterization question \u2014 the question of what makes some feature attributable to a person. She then posits her narrative self-constitution view as an account of personal identity she feels answers the characterization question and is capable of explaining the link between personal identity and certain features of persons. In this paper, I argue that her account ultimately does not serve her purposes as it only focuses on attribution of features and does not, in fact, account for personal identity. Given that her view is exclusively about attribution, I explain, it is not relevant to the conversation on personal identity. Upon making this argument, I describe how the narrative self constitution view may nevertheless be useful as a tool for understanding the phenomenological notion of a sense of self or a self conception. Here I argue against Galen Strawson who holds that a narrative self conception is oftentimes problematic and unnecessary for several practical human functions. I argue that having a narrative sense of self is useful for personal growth insofar as it involves placing emphasis on certain life events, placing those events in context, and seeing one's life as having direction. Ultimately, I argue that a narrative self conception is not as problematic as Strawson thinks and may often be a useful tool for self-improvement.
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Why I Tell Jokes: Examining Abjection and the Performative Potential of Stand-up Comedy

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Stand-up comedy, as a performance art, has a dearth of serious academic literature and exposition. In this paper, I set out to analyze comedy at the edge, what I refer to as abject comedy. I draw on the major performers

Stand-up comedy, as a performance art, has a dearth of serious academic literature and exposition. In this paper, I set out to analyze comedy at the edge, what I refer to as abject comedy. I draw on the major performers in this vein of performance to analyze the effects of their material. Also, I use my more than three years experience in the stand-up world to take a sincere look at the power and effectiveness of this brand of comedy. The abject comedian addresses the personally political narrative of self-discovery, social inequality, and performative boundaries to absolve herself of the existing circumstances she perceives as deplorable and unfounded. I show that abject stand-up exhibits realistic performative change in not only the audience and performer, but in society as a whole. Lastly, I seek out my own motivations for performing stand-up comedy and address my personal relationship with humor and audience interaction, finding that I aim to discover truth, establish uncertainty, and test the limits of social boundaries. At the very least, I aim to make the audience question, to make them think. I do not expect my material to always have my personal intended affect on the audience, but making an affect, sparking a question, challenging the individual's accepted conceptual boundaries, these are my reasons for approaching the stage. Baring my self through a microphone on a well lit stage in a dark room for a group of strangers whose acceptance or denial elevates or remands my spirit; this is my pursuit. This is why I tell jokes
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