Founders Lab- Classic & Current


Classic & Current is a sustainable e-commerce business that provides affordable, appropriate, and fashion-forward business clothes for college female students. Through customer discovery and market analysis, we have identified a need for trendy, affordable business wear that is tailored to

Classic & Current is a sustainable e-commerce business that provides affordable, appropriate, and fashion-forward business clothes for college female students. Through customer discovery and market analysis, we have identified a need for trendy, affordable business wear that is tailored to a younger demographic. Our strategy includes a circular component where customers can send back items for a discount on a new piece, which will be listed on “Our Closet,” along with hand-picked, thrifted items exclusively available to verified college students at a lower price point. Classic & Current targets females ages 18-25 who are either college students or young professionals in the United States. Our mission is to provide affordable, fashion-forward, work-appropriate, comfortable, and durable clothing while also addressing sustainability concerns. Our marketing efforts will focus on social media, specifically Instagram and TikTok, using micro-influencers and paid advertisements to push our brand and gain traction. Our financial plan includes seeking funding opportunities through ASU’s entrepreneurship programs. Classic & Current distinguishes itself from competitors by providing unique solutions for sustainability while offering elements of a classic wardrobe and trendy, seasonal items to keep customers current.

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An Introvert’s World: An Advocacy Campaign for Introvert Leadership from the Lens of an Introvert


Introversion is constantly misdefined, stigmatized, and viewed as a negative characteristic. Introverts face backlash for being reserved and feel overlooked when compared to an extrovert. Due to this issue, they are rarely considered for leadership positions even though they are

Introversion is constantly misdefined, stigmatized, and viewed as a negative characteristic. Introverts face backlash for being reserved and feel overlooked when compared to an extrovert. Due to this issue, they are rarely considered for leadership positions even though they are qualified. Through Susan Cain’s book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, this discussion will focus on what introversion is, identify the historical background, analyze leadership, and create a marketing campaign to further advocate Cain’s message. Ultimately, this thesis aims to teach people what introverts are truly capable of and prove to society that introverts can succeed, thrive, and redefine leadership roles.

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Baked By Barrett


Baking is a popular past-time among Generation Z, and ‘bakeries’ are an equally popular intention. Baked by Barrett is a charity-oriented bake-sale platform for Generation Z members who are passionate about baking, and would like to sell their goods within the Tempe, Arizona college ecosystem

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Navigating the Next Frontier of Journalism: A Project to Restore Regional Voices and Community-Based Storytelling


There is a serious lack of local news in Arizona, the American Southwest, and the United States at-large. Arizonans are craving quality, factual, no-holds-barred journalism that is easy-to-read, and upfront. Quality, local news that covers the ins and outs of

There is a serious lack of local news in Arizona, the American Southwest, and the United States at-large. Arizonans are craving quality, factual, no-holds-barred journalism that is easy-to-read, and upfront. Quality, local news that covers the ins and outs of politics, culture, and community has an opportunity to not only enhance civic life, promote community healing, and expand knowledge made available to the general public (thus serving the communities it calls home), but to also generate revenue. Further, independent and center-right leaning voters in the state of Arizona — be reminded that independents make up the second largest voting bloc among Arizonans — are often crowded out in a media environment that consists of far-left nonprofit-funded news sites like the Arizona Mirror, formerly reputable papers that have bled readership as they veer further left like the Arizona Republic, and far-right online blogs that reach a very limited audience. The Western Tribune is an Arizona-based journalistic publication. This institution is dedicated to providing high-quality, well-sourced news and commentary on statewide, regional, national, and international current affairs through the lens of good government and free enterprise — as well as Southwestern values. We are a free institution that believes in free institutions. We cover stories that go uncovered because of the corporate media’s blind spots (and they’ve got many — they’re a result of news deserts and out-of-touch coastal attitudes) with the stable support of a robust institution dedicated to Truth-seeking behind them. Our storytellers are not just good writers. We seek to recruit and form critical thinkers with skills that span trades, disciplines, and educational backgrounds. We are building an institution committed to excellence.

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Powering Forward with Data Intelligence: The Case at Capsule Inc.


As the need for data intelligence becomes more pervasive, companies are facing a shortage of professionals with sufficient analytical skills. It is more important than ever for students in traditional business management programs to understand relevant issues in data analytics.

As the need for data intelligence becomes more pervasive, companies are facing a shortage of professionals with sufficient analytical skills. It is more important than ever for students in traditional business management programs to understand relevant issues in data analytics. The paper, a teaching case, is split into two parts: the business case and the teaching note. The case addresses the challenges of an electric battery company, Capsule Inc., in adopting new analytics technology. The teaching note provides relevant management concepts and technology adoption framework to analyze the case in a class setting. The case can be used to introduce students to the challenges of implementing automation software in an office, as it focuses on key issues such as process improvement, technology adoption, and cost-reduction.

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Thesis Presentation.pdf

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.
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Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.
Date Created

Strategic Marketing Campaign for Arizona FBLA Collegiate


Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.

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Refugee Resettlement Agencies Response to the Global Pandemic: COVID-19 in Arizona

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Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Arizona faces significant needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that the pandemic disproportionately impacts marginalized and vulnerable communities – including the resettled refugee communities. To better understand the challenges faced by local refugee

Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Arizona faces significant needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that the pandemic disproportionately impacts marginalized and vulnerable communities – including the resettled refugee communities. To better understand the challenges faced by local refugee resettlement organizations, qualitative data was collected through interviews with employees and a survey of online resources. The results of this research suggest that the main challenges faced by Arizona refugee resettlement organizations falls under three main categories: economic support, communications and outreach, and digital literacy. To overcome these challenges, it is evident that refugee resettlement requires significant support and strategic operations.
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Environ(mental) Health

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What is the correct response towards the world being set on fire? Climate change is a global emergency that can cause many emotions within people, including climate anxiety and ecological grief. While both of these emotions are valid responses to

What is the correct response towards the world being set on fire? Climate change is a global emergency that can cause many emotions within people, including climate anxiety and ecological grief. While both of these emotions are valid responses to the global emergency humanity is facing, it is essential that environmentalists and humanitarians throughout the world hold on to hope when addressing this crisis. It is also essential that they tend to their mental health as they work to tend to the world. My thesis describes my journey in working to promote hope in the environmental movement and the framework for a global mental health study I am conducting on environmentalists. Inner sustainability (the practice of taking care of one's mental health) and outer sustainability (the practice of taking care of the world) need to coexist in order for any movement to truly be sustainable.
Date Created