Thesis Presentation.pdf

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.
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Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.
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Strategic Marketing Campaign for Arizona FBLA Collegiate


Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the

Arizona FBLA Collegiate inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. AZ FBLA Collegiate has suffered a significant decrease in membership and participation due to a lack of marketing historically. Through the use of a strategic marketing campaign, AZ FBLA Collegiate has increased brand awareness and possesses the ability to recruit and retain active members. A thesis is presented alongside a PowerPoint presentation which outlines a strategic marketing campaign with a concentration in digital marketing for AZ FBLA Collegiate that is tied to organizational goals. This PowerPoint and thesis include research and implementation of reverse marketing tactics within the AZ FBLA Collegiate website, Facebook, and Instagram. There was also the creation of a multitude of marketing materials, including a Linktree, publication designs, and video interviews with alumni. The final PowerPoint and thesis aim to not only present a guide for FBLA Collegiates' marketing campaign but explain the evolution that AZ FBLA Collegiate has gone through in terms of marketing.

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Refugee Resettlement Agencies Response to the Global Pandemic: COVID-19 in Arizona

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Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Arizona faces significant needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that the pandemic disproportionately impacts marginalized and vulnerable communities – including the resettled refugee communities. To better understand the challenges faced by local refugee

Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Arizona faces significant needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that the pandemic disproportionately impacts marginalized and vulnerable communities – including the resettled refugee communities. To better understand the challenges faced by local refugee resettlement organizations, qualitative data was collected through interviews with employees and a survey of online resources. The results of this research suggest that the main challenges faced by Arizona refugee resettlement organizations falls under three main categories: economic support, communications and outreach, and digital literacy. To overcome these challenges, it is evident that refugee resettlement requires significant support and strategic operations.
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An Examination of Communication Practices of Successful Entrepreneur Business Women in the Masculine Business/Corporate Environment

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As young women merge into the business world, the business environment structure often asks them to adjust or change their identity to be accepted by their male peers. Such identity changes include adopting masculine forms of professional dress, building relationships

As young women merge into the business world, the business environment structure often asks them to adjust or change their identity to be accepted by their male peers. Such identity changes include adopting masculine forms of professional dress, building relationships in the workplace, and dealing with personal life. Through a qualitative research methodology, the study explores the communication practices that women engage in to succeed in the masculine business/corporate environment. Research indicates various types of limitations in masculine environments in connection with the flexibility of schedule, equal pay, and balance between professional and family life, leading to emotional and psychological impacts. Moreover, findings indicate the use of resistance tools to assist women in the corporate/business environment in leadership mentoring, education, and information found on apps and social media. I highlight practical implications, discuss limitations, and provide recommendations for future directions.

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Impacts of the Internet and a Look at Screen Culture

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This thesis was written to discuss the implications from the implementation of the Internet, and the long-term impacts that may arise. In this thesis, I go over several benefits and negatives from the internet. I start going over virtual communities

This thesis was written to discuss the implications from the implementation of the Internet, and the long-term impacts that may arise. In this thesis, I go over several benefits and negatives from the internet. I start going over virtual communities in the first section because based on my research, I believe these are the biggest benefits that have arised from the integration of the internet in today's society. I move on to discuss the general benefits, and how the internet satisfies basic human needs, and has influenced our culture to move towards online activities. I move on to talk about the negatives associated with the internet, specifically talking about internet addiction because research surrounding the impacts of the internet is mainly geared towards internet addiction. This is because there is very little research regarding effects of the internet long-term due to how recent the internet is, and because there has not been much incentive to research the long-term impacts. Now because of Covid19, we are going to be seeing more research, and I came to the conclusion that our society is becoming addicted to the internet, and that we do not yet know if this is a bad thing or not. More research needs to be conducted.
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Analysis of Women's Sportwear to Athleisure from 2009 to 2019

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This thesis has an emphasis on the origins of women's sportswear and athleisure as well as a prediction of the years of 2020, 2021, and 2022 (Without the introduction of Covid-19)
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Getting Consumers On Board: The Tough Path Towards Electric Vehicle Adoption

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Today’s electric vehicle market is growing at high rates but unaware consumers present a risk to the future success of electric vehicles (EVs). Over the coming years electric vehicles will take over the automotive industry. Consumers will need to become

Today’s electric vehicle market is growing at high rates but unaware consumers present a risk to the future success of electric vehicles (EVs). Over the coming years electric vehicles will take over the automotive industry. Consumers will need to become more educated in order to keep up with the rise and adoption of electric vehicles. Automotive companies will play a large part in this future of education for electric vehicles.
This paper uses various studies and my own personal study from my summer internship with Ford Motor Company to determine the biggest consumer fears, challenging them and how automotive companies can combat them. In my opinion, the biggest consumer fears for electric vehicles are range anxiety, lack of a charging network, high initial purchase prices, battery replacement costs and lack of appealing options. Consumers who are not interested in EVs, are interested or just looking have fears that can come from opinions or others opinions. These fears can easily change through factual points.
I have included numerous studies that combat these fears and show the truth of each category. In each category I have used studies that point out reasons why these fears are nothing to worry about. Consumers need to learn these fears can be easily changed and that is what this section aims to do.
Automotive companies will have to play a large part in this educational piece. My paper outlines what they need to do in order to succeed in the future. A major part will be dealer engagement. Dealerships represent the face of the company and if they are unwilling or cannot sell EVs, then electric vehicles will not succeed.
Finally, I provide my personal thoughts on the future of the electric vehicle market and what is holding high adoption rates of EVs back.
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The Case for Employers to Prioritize Workplace Inclusion: A guide for employers to learn why diversifying your workforce isn’t enough and how to cultivate a workplace where diverse employees can thrive

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Employers must go beyond diversifying their workforce and prioritize inclusion in their workplace. This thesis is written to employers to provide a comprehensive, introductory look into why and how an employer could prioritize inclusion in their workplace. In part one,

Employers must go beyond diversifying their workforce and prioritize inclusion in their workplace. This thesis is written to employers to provide a comprehensive, introductory look into why and how an employer could prioritize inclusion in their workplace. In part one, a literature review answers the following questions: What is inclusion? How are diversity and inclusion related? How is the workplace exclusive? What is an inclusive workplace like? and What are the benefits of having an inclusive workplace? Then, in part two, a case study analysis reviews best practices of a company that has been recognized as being inclusive. Through both of these parts, three overacting principles emerge; inclusion should be a widespread value in an organization, new practices must move beyond the superficial to have real impact and all employees in the organization should be engaged in making the workplace more inclusive. Change also must happen in three areas including the climate, leadership and practices of an organization.
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