When a Twist Makes a Difference.

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In Photosystem II of plants, the proton motive force that is essential for life is generated partly by the water oxidation process where the tyrosine and histidine 190 (hydrogen bonded) amino acids play an important role. The proton-coupled electron transfer

In Photosystem II of plants, the proton motive force that is essential for life is generated partly by the water oxidation process where the tyrosine and histidine 190 (hydrogen bonded) amino acids play an important role. The proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) process involving these two molecules has been replicated using a benzimidazole-phenol (BIP) construct as an artificial model of both the intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction and the associated PCET process. BIP is a nearly planar molecule and features a strong intramolecular hydrogen bond between the phenol and the nitrogen of the benzimidazole. When the molecule is oxidized electrochemically, the phenolic proton is transferred to the nitrogen of the benzimidazole moiety in a PCET mechanism. Herein the design, synthesis, and physicochemical characterization of a new BIP derivative is described. By introducing a methyl group in the new design, we intentionally increase the dihedral angle between the benzimidazole and phenol rings. The presence of the methyl group affects the ground-state PCET and the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer processes as well. The break in the coplanarity weakens the strength of the intramolecular hydrogen bond, decreases the chemical reversibility, and quenches the emission from the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer state. The findings contribute to understanding the importance of having a nearly planar structure in bioinspired artificial photosynthetic systems.

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Development of a HaloTag® Linker for Applications in Photobiocatalysis

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The use of enzyme-catalyst interfaces is underexplored in the field of biocatalysis, particularly in studies on enabling novel reactivity of enzymes. For this thesis, the HaloTag® protein tagging platform was proposed as a bioconjugation method for a pinacol coupling reaction

The use of enzyme-catalyst interfaces is underexplored in the field of biocatalysis, particularly in studies on enabling novel reactivity of enzymes. For this thesis, the HaloTag® protein tagging platform was proposed as a bioconjugation method for a pinacol coupling reaction using lipases, as a model for novel reactivities proceeding via ketyl radical intermediates and hydrogen-bonding-facilitated redox attenuation. After an initial lipase screening of 9 lipases, one lipase (Candida rugosa) was found to perform the pinacol coupling of p-anisaldehyde under standard conditions (fluorescein and 530nm light, 3% yield). Based on a retrosynthetic analysis for the photocatalyst-incorporated HaloTag® linker, the intermediates haloamine 1 and aldehyde 6 were synthesized. Further experiments are underway or planned to complete linker synthesis and conduct pinacol coupling experiments with a bioconjugated system. This project underscores the promising biocatalytic promiscuity of lipases for performing reactions proceeding through ketyl radical intermediates, as well as the underdeveloped potential of incorporating bioengineering principles like bioconjugation into biocatalysis to overcome kinetic barriers to electron transfer and optimize biocatalytic reactions.

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Development of homogeneous first row metal catalysts (Fe, Mn, Co) for organic transformations and bond activation

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Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported


Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported transition metals,

our group has designed new PDI and DI ligands by modifying the imine substituents to

feature donor atoms. My doctoral research is focused on the development of PDI and DI

ligand supported low valent first row metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co) and their application

in bond activation reactions and the hydrofunctionalization of unsaturated bonds.

First two chapters of this dissertation are centered on the synthesis and

application of redox non-innocent ligand supported low valent iron complexes. Notably,

reduction of a DI-based iron dibromide led to the formation of a low valent iron

dinitrogen compound. This compound was found to undergo a sequential C-H and C-P

bond activation processes upon heating to form a dimeric compound. The plausible

mechanism for dimer formation is also described here.

Inspired by the excellent carbonyl hydrosilylation activity of our previously

reported Mn catalyst, (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn, attempts were made to synthesize second generation

Mn catalyst, which is described in the third chapter. Reduction of (PyEtPDI)MnCl2

furnished a deprotonated backbone methyl group containing Mn compound

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] whereas reduction of (Ph2PEtPDI)MnCl2 produced a dimeric compound,

[(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2. Both compounds were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and XRD

analysis. Hydrosilylation of aldehydes and ketones have been studied using

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] as a pre-catalyst. Similarly, 14 different aldehydes and 6 different


formates were successfully hydrosilylated using [(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2 as a pre-catalyst.

Encouraged by the limited number of cobalt catalysts for nitrile hydroboration, we

sought to develop a cobalt catalyst that is active for hydroboration under mild conditions,

which is discussed in the last chapter. Treatment of (PyEtPDI)CoCl2 with excess NaEt3BH

furnished a diamagnetic Co(I) complex [(PyEtPDIH)Co], which exhibits a reduced imine

functionality. Having this compound characterized, a broad substrate scope for both

nitriles and imines have been investigated. The operative mechanism for nitrile

dihydroboration has been investigated based on the outcomes of a series of stoichiometric

reactions using NMR spectroscopy.
Date Created

Molecules for energy and charge transfer for biomimetic systems: synthesis, characterization and computational studies

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Sunlight, the most abundant source of energy available, is diffuse and intermittent; therefore it needs to be stored in chemicals bonds in order to be used any time. Photosynthesis converts sunlight into useful chemical energy that organisms can use for

Sunlight, the most abundant source of energy available, is diffuse and intermittent; therefore it needs to be stored in chemicals bonds in order to be used any time. Photosynthesis converts sunlight into useful chemical energy that organisms can use for their functions. Artificial photosynthesis aims to use the essential chemistry of natural photosynthesis to harvest solar energy and convert it into fuels such as hydrogen gas. By splitting water, tandem photoelectrochemical solar cells (PESC) can produce hydrogen gas, which can be stored and used as fuel. Understanding the mechanisms of photosynthesis, such as photoinduced electron transfer, proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) and energy transfer (singlet-singlet and triplet-triplet) can provide a detailed knowledge of those processes which can later be applied to the design of artificial photosynthetic systems. This dissertation has three main research projects. The first part focuses on design, synthesis and characterization of suitable photosensitizers for tandem cells. Different factors that can influence the performance of the photosensitizers in PESC and the attachment and use of a biomimetic electron relay to a water oxidation catalyst are explored. The second part studies PCET, using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and computational chemistry to elucidate the structure and stability of tautomers that comprise biomimetic electron relays, focusing on the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The third part of this dissertation uses computational calculations to understand triplet-triplet energy transfer and the mechanism of quenching of the excited singlet state of phthalocyanines in antenna models by covalently attached carotenoids.
Date Created

Small molecule probes for studying cellular receptors and enzymes

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Small molecules have proven to be very important tools for exploration of biological systems including diagnosis and treatment of lethal diseases like cancer. Fluorescent probes have been extensively used to further amplify the utilization of small molecules. The manipulation of

Small molecules have proven to be very important tools for exploration of biological systems including diagnosis and treatment of lethal diseases like cancer. Fluorescent probes have been extensively used to further amplify the utilization of small molecules. The manipulation of naturally occurring biological targets with the help of synthetic compounds is the focus of the work described in this thesis.

Bleomycins (BLMs) are a class of water soluble, glycopeptide-derived antitumor antibiotics consisting of a structurally complicated unnatural hexapeptide and a disaccharide, clinically used as an anticancer chemotherapeutic agent at an exceptionally low therapeutic dose. The efficiency of BLM is likely achieved both by selective localization within tumor cells and selective binding to DNA followed by efficient double-strand cleavage. The disaccharide moiety is responsible for the tumor cell targeting properties of BLM. A recent study showed that both BLM and its disaccharide, conjugated to the cyanine dye Cy5**, bound selectively to cancer cells. Thus, the disaccharide moiety alone recapitulates the tumor cell targeting properties of BLM. Work presented here describes the synthesis of the fluorescent carbohydrate conjugates. A number of dye-labeled modified disaccharides and monosaccharides were synthesized to study the nature of the participation of the carbamoyl moiety in the mechanism of tumor cell recognition and uptake by BLM saccharides. It was demonstrated that the carbamoylmannose moiety of BLM is the smallest structural entity capable for the cellular targeting and internalization, and the carbamoyl functionality is indispensible for tumor cell targeting. It was also confirmed that BLM is a modular molecule, composed of a tumor cell targeting moiety (the saccharide) attached to a cytotoxic DNA cleaving domain (the BLM aglycone). These finding encouraged us to further synthesize carbohydrate probes for PET imaging and to conjugate the saccharide moiety with cytotoxins for targeted delivery to tumor cells.

The misacylated suppressor tRNA technique has enabled the site-specific incorporation of noncanonical amino acids into proteins. The focus of the present work was the synthesis of unnatural lysine analogues with nucleophilic properties for incorporation at position 72 of the lyase domain of human DNA polymerase beta, a multifunctional enzyme with dRP lyase and polymerase activity.
Date Created

Controlling Surface Defects and Photophysics in TiO2 Nanoparticles

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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is widely used for photocatalysis and solar cell applications, and the electronic structure of bulk TiO2 is well understood. However, the surface structure of nanoparticulate TiO2, which has a key role in properties such as solubility and

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is widely used for photocatalysis and solar cell applications, and the electronic structure of bulk TiO2 is well understood. However, the surface structure of nanoparticulate TiO2, which has a key role in properties such as solubility and catalytic activity, still remains controversial. Detailed understanding of surface defect structures may help explain reactivity and overall materials performance in a wide range of applications. In this work we address the solubility problem and surface defects control on TiO2 nanoparticles. We report the synthesis and characterization of ∼4 nm TiO2 anatase spherical nanoparticles that are soluble and stable in a wide range of organic solvents and water. By controlling the temperature during the synthesis, we are able to tailor the density of defect states on the surface of the TiO2 nanoparticles without affecting parameters such as size, shape, core crystallinity, and solubility. The morphology of both kinds of nanoparticles was determined by TEM. EPR experiments were used to characterize the surface defects, and transient absorption measurements demonstrate the influence of the TiO2 defect states on photoinduced electron transfer dynamics.
Date Created

The synthesis and characterization of ionic liquids for alkali-metal batteries and a novel electrolyte for non-humidified fuel cells

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This thesis focused on physicochemical and electrochemical projects directed towards two electrolyte types: 1) class of ionic liquids serving as electrolytes in the catholyte for alkali-metal ion conduction in batteries and 2) gel membrane for proton conduction in fuel cells;

This thesis focused on physicochemical and electrochemical projects directed towards two electrolyte types: 1) class of ionic liquids serving as electrolytes in the catholyte for alkali-metal ion conduction in batteries and 2) gel membrane for proton conduction in fuel cells; where overall aims were encouraged by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Large-scale, sodium-ion batteries are seen as global solutions to providing undisrupted electricity from sustainable, but power-fluctuating, energy production in the near future. Foreseen ideal advantages are lower cost without sacrifice of desired high-energy densities relative to present lithium-ion and lead-acid battery systems. Na/NiCl2 (ZEBRA) and Na/S battery chemistries, suffer from high operation temperature (>300ºC) and safety concerns following major fires consequent of fuel mixing after cell-separator rupturing. Initial interest was utilizing low-melting organic ionic liquid, [EMI+][AlCl4-], with well-known molten salt, NaAlCl4, to create a low-to-moderate operating temperature version of ZEBRA batteries; which have been subject of prior sodium battery research spanning decades. Isothermal conductivities of these electrolytes revealed a fundamental kinetic problem arisen from "alkali cation-trapping effect" yet relived by heat-ramping >140ºC.

Battery testing based on [EMI+][FeCl4-] with NaAlCl4 functioned exceptional (range 150-180ºC) at an impressive energy efficiency >96%. Newly prepared inorganic ionic liquid, [PBr4+][Al2Br7-]:NaAl2Br7, melted at 94ºC. NaAl2Br7 exhibited super-ionic conductivity 10-1.75 Scm-1 at 62ºC ensued by solid-state rotator phase transition. Also improved thermal stability when tested to 265ºC and less expensive chemical synthesis. [PBr4+][Al2Br7-] demonstrated remarkable, ionic decoupling in the liquid-state due to incomplete bromide-ion transfer depicted in NMR measurements.

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices generating electrical energy reacting hydrogen/oxygen gases producing water vapor. Principle advantage is high-energy efficiency of up to 70% in contrast to an internal combustion engine <40%. Nafion-based fuel cells are prone to carbon monoxide catalytic poisoning and polymer membrane degradation unless heavily hydrated under cell-pressurization. This novel "SiPOH" solid-electrolytic gel (originally liquid-state) operated in the fuel cell at 121oC yielding current and power densities high as 731mAcm-2 and 345mWcm-2, respectively. Enhanced proton conduction significantly increased H2 fuel efficiency to 89.7% utilizing only 3.1mlmin-1 under dry, unpressurized testing conditions. All these energy devices aforementioned evidently have future promise; therefore in early developmental stages.
Date Created

Synthesis, biochemical and pharmacological evaluation of rationally designed multifunctional radical quenchers

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Mitochondria are crucial intracellular organelles which play a pivotal role in providing energy to living organisms in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) coupled with oxidative phosphorylation (OX-PHOS) transforms the chemical energy of amino

Mitochondria are crucial intracellular organelles which play a pivotal role in providing energy to living organisms in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) coupled with oxidative phosphorylation (OX-PHOS) transforms the chemical energy of amino acids, fatty acids and sugars to ATP. The mitochondrial electron transport system consumes nearly 90% of the oxygen used by the cell. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the form of superoxide anions (O2*-) are generated as byproduct of cellular metabolism due to leakage of electrons from complex I and complex III to oxygen. Under normal conditions, the effects of ROS are offset by a variety of antioxidants (enzymatic and non-enzymatic).

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been proposed in the etiology of various pathologies, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, diabetes and aging. To treat these disorders, it is imperative to target mitochondria, especially the electron transport chain. One of the methodologies currently used for the treatment of mitochondrial and neurodegenerative diseases where endogenous antioxidant defenses are inadequate for protecting against ROS involves the administration of exogenous antioxidants.

As part of our pursuit of effective neuroprotective drugs, a series of pyridinol and pyrimidinol analogues have been rationally designed and synthesized. All the analogues were evaluated for their ability to quench lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and preserve mitochondrial membrane potential (Δm) and support ATP synthesis. These studies are summarized in Chapter 2.

Drug discovery and lead identification can be reinforced by assessing the metabolic fate of orally administered drugs using simple microsomal incubation experiments. Accordingly, in vitro microsomal studies were designed and carried out using bovine liver microsomes to screen available pyridinol and pyrimidinol analogues for their metabolic lability. The data obtained was utilized for an initial assessment of potential bioavailability of the compounds screened and is summarized fully in Chapter 3.
Date Created

Synthesis of nitrogen heterocyclic compounds for therapeutic applications

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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a series of molecules, ions, and radicals derived from oxygen that possess remarkable reactivity. They act as signaling molecules when their concentration in cells is within a normal range. When the levels of ROS increase,

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a series of molecules, ions, and radicals derived from oxygen that possess remarkable reactivity. They act as signaling molecules when their concentration in cells is within a normal range. When the levels of ROS increase, reaching a concentration in which the antioxidants cannot readily quench them, oxidative stress will affect the cells. These excessive levels of ROS result in direct or indirect ROS-mediated damage of proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Excessive oxidative stress, particularly in chronic inflammation, has been linked with mutations and carcinogenesis. One of the main targets of ROS in severe oxidative stress is mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The synthesis of analogues of alpha-tocopherol is described as potential compounds with the ability to remediate defective mitochondria. An interesting possibility for eradicating cancer cells is to selectively target them with oxidative species while avoiding any deleterious effects on healthy cells. To accomplish this, analogues of the beta-hydroxyhistidine moiety of the antitumor agent bleomycin (BLM) were synthesized. The first part of this thesis focuses on the synthesis of simplified analogues of alpha-tocopherol. These analogues possess a bicyclic pyridinol as the antioxidant core and an alkyl group as the lipophilic chain to mimic alpha-tocopherol. Additionally, analogues with a completely oxidized pyridinol core were synthesized. Some of these analogues showed promising properties against ROS production and lipid peroxidation. The protection they conferred was shown to be tightly regulated by their concentration. The second part of this thesis focuses on the synthesis of analogues of beta-hydroxyhistidine. BLMs are glycopeptides that possess anticancer activity and have been used to treat testicular carcinomas, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and squamous cell carcinomas. The activity of BLM is based on the degradation of DNA, or possibly RNA, caused by a Fe(II)-BLM complex in the presence of O2. The beta-hydroxyhistidine moiety of BLM contributes to metal coordination via two ligands: the N-3 nitrogen atom of imidazole and possibly the nitrogen atom of the amide. A series of beta-hydroxyhistidine analogues has successfully been synthesized.
Date Created

Energy and electron transfer in photochromic molecules

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Photochromic molecules, which photoisomerize between two chemically and optically distinct states, are well suited for electron and energy transfer to covalently attached chromophores. This dissertation aims to manipulate electron and energy transfer by photochromic control in a number of organic

Photochromic molecules, which photoisomerize between two chemically and optically distinct states, are well suited for electron and energy transfer to covalently attached chromophores. This dissertation aims to manipulate electron and energy transfer by photochromic control in a number of organic molecular systems. Herein the synthesis, characterization and function of these organic molecular systems will be described. Electron and energy transfer were quantified by the use of steady state absorbance and fluorescence, as well as time-resolved fluorescence and transient absorbance. A dithienylethene-porphrin-fullerene triad was synthesized to investigate photochromic control of photo-induced electron transfer. Control of two distinct electron transfer pathways was achieved by photochromic switching. A molecular dyad was synthesized, in which fluorescence was modulated by energy transfer by photoinduced isomerization. Also described is a triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion system that covalently attaches fluorophores to improve quantum yield. Overall these studies demonstrate complex molecular switching systems, which may lead to advancement in organic electronic applications and organic based artificial photosynthesis systems.
Date Created