Exploring the Versatility of Phosphine-Substituted Base Metal Catalysts: Hydrosilylation and Polymerization Reactions

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Late first row transitional metals have attracted attention for the development of sustainable catalysts due to their low cost and natural abundance. This dissertation discusses the utilization of redox-active ligands to overcome one electron redox processes exhibited by these base

Late first row transitional metals have attracted attention for the development of sustainable catalysts due to their low cost and natural abundance. This dissertation discusses the utilization of redox-active ligands to overcome one electron redox processes exhibited by these base metals. Previous advances in carbonyl and carboxylate hydrosilylation using redox active ligand-supported complexes such as (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn and (Ph2PPrDI)Ni have been reviewed in this thesis to set the stage for the experimental work described herein.The synthesis and electronic structure of late first row transition metal complexes featuring the Ph2PPrPDI chelate was pursued. Utilizing these complexes as catalysts for a variety of reactions gave a recurring trend in catalytic activity. DFT calculations suggest that the trend in activity observed for these complexes is associated with the ease of phosphine arm dissociation. Furthermore, the synthesis and characterization of a phosphine-substituted aryl diimine ligand, Ph2PPrADI-H was explored. Addition of Ph2PPrADI-H to CoCl2 resulted in C-H activation of the ligand backbone and formation of [(Ph2PPrADI)CoCl][Co2Cl6]0.5. Reduction of [(Ph2PPrADI)CoCl][Co2Cl6]0.5 afforded the precatalyst, (Ph2PPrADI)Co, that was found to effectively catalyze carbonyl hydrosilylation. At low catalyst loading, TOFs of up to 330 s-1 could be achieved, the highest ever reported for metal-catalyzed carbonyl hydrosilylation. This dissertation also reports the first cobalt catalyzed pathway for dehydrocoupling diamines or polyamines with polymethylhydrosiloxanes to form crosslinked copolymers. At low catalyst loading, (Ph2PPrADI)Co was found to catalyze the dehydrocoupling of 1,3-diaminopropane and TMS-terminated PMHS with TOFs of up to 157 s-1, the highest TOF ever reported for a Si-N dehydrocoupling reaction. Dehydrocoupling of diamines with hydride-terminated polydimethylsiloxane yielded linear diamine siloxane copolymers as oils. Finally, dehydrocoupling between diamines and organosilanes catalyzed by a manganese dimer complex, [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2, has allowed for the preparation of silane diamine copolymers. Exceptional solvent absorption capacity was demonstrated by the solid networks, which were found to absorb up to 7 times their own weight. Furthermore, degradation of these networks revealed that their Si-N backbones are easily hydrolysable when exposed to air. The use of lightly crosslinked copolymers as coatings was also studied using SEM analysis.
Date Created

Molecular-Modified Materials for Solar Fuels Generation

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Surface modification of (semi)conducting materials with polymers provides a strategy for interfacing electrodes with electrocatalysts for reactions of industrial importance. The resulting constructs create opportunities to capture, convert and store solar energy in the form of chemical bonds, generating solar

Surface modification of (semi)conducting materials with polymers provides a strategy for interfacing electrodes with electrocatalysts for reactions of industrial importance. The resulting constructs create opportunities to capture, convert and store solar energy in the form of chemical bonds, generating solar fuels. This thesis describes III-V semiconductors, modified with molecular catalysts embedded in thin-film polymeric coatings. Overarching goals of this work include building protein-like, soft-material environments on solid-state electrode surfaces. This approach enables coordination of earth-abundant metal centers within the three-dimensional molecular coatings to modulate the electronic and catalytic properties of the overall assembly and provide assemblies for studying the effects of polymeric-encapsulation on electrocatalytic as well as photoelectrosynthetic performance. In summary, this work provides 1) new approaches to designing, interfacing, and characterizing (semi)conducting and catalytic materials to effectively power chemical transformations (including hydrogen evolution and carbon dioxide reduction), and 2) kinetic models for better understanding the structure-function relationships governing the performance of these assemblies.
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Decarboxylative Halogenation of Heterocycles Enabled by Vanadium Haloperoxidases


Despite comprising a variety of bioactive compounds that can be utilized as effective synthetic precursors, the construction of halogenated arenes often relies on hazardous reagents and conditions that pose regioselectivity issues in complex systems. Halodecarboxylation using vanadium-dependent haloperoxidases (VHPOs) has

Despite comprising a variety of bioactive compounds that can be utilized as effective synthetic precursors, the construction of halogenated arenes often relies on hazardous reagents and conditions that pose regioselectivity issues in complex systems. Halodecarboxylation using vanadium-dependent haloperoxidases (VHPOs) has emerged as a sustainable alternative for the synthesis of halogenated arenes. In the Biegasiewicz group, we recently discovered that VHPOs can furnish 3-bromooxindoles from 3-carboxyindoles through a decarboxylation event, followed by oxidation. While this tandem process was exciting, the intermediates of this process, 3- bromoindoles are independently valuable reagents, which necessitated further investigation. Herein we examine the biocatalytic access to bromoindoles for which we addressed the major challenge of undesired oxidation event. The first preventative approach acylated the indole nitrogen, resulting in 1-acetylindole-3-CO2H. This could then be subjected to optimized enzymatic bromination conditions to produce 1-acetyl-3-bromoindole in 98% yield with CiVCPO. The second preventative approach was to modify the reaction conditions, furnishing 1-methyl-3-bromoindole in 73% yield from 1-methylindole-3- CO2H with AmVBPO.

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Ultrafast Dynamics of Excited States of Molecules and Clusters

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The movement of energy within a material is at the heart of numerous fundamental properties of chemistry and physics. Studying the process of photo-absorption in real time provides key insights into how energy is captured, stabilized, and dissipated within a

The movement of energy within a material is at the heart of numerous fundamental properties of chemistry and physics. Studying the process of photo-absorption in real time provides key insights into how energy is captured, stabilized, and dissipated within a material. The work presented in this thesis uses ultrafast time-of-flight mass spectrometry and computational modeling to observe and understand the properties of photo-excited states within molecules and clusters. Experimental results provide direct measurement of excited state lifetimes, while computational modeling provides a more thorough understanding of the movement of energy within an excited state. Excited state dynamics in covalent molecules such as n-butyl bromide (C4H9Br), presented in Chapter 4, demonstrate the significance of IVR of photo-excited states. Exciting to the high energy Rydberg manifold leads to predissociation into fragments of various lengths and degrees of saturation but the predissociation process is disrupted by energy redistribution into hot vibrational states. Experimental lifetimes show that IVR occurs over rapidly (~ 600 fs) leaving less energy for bond dissociation. Additionally, a long-lived feature in the dynamics of C4H9+ shows evidence of ion-pair formation – a known phenomenon which creates a stable A+/B- pair separated by several angstroms and occurring at energies lower than direct ionization. The results of this research show the dynamics of energy transfer into bond fragmentation, kinetic energy, and vibrational motion. Metal-oxide clusters are unique materials which are representative of bulk materials but with quantized excited states instead of bands and as such can be used as atomically precise analogs to semiconducting materials. Excited state lifetimes and theoretical descriptors of electron-hole interactions of titanium oxide clusters, presented in Chapter 5, shows the significance of structure and oxidation of charge-transfer materials. Modeling the excited states of the photo-generated electrons and holes provides a window into the dynamics of charge-transfer and electron-hole separation and recombination in bulk materials. Furthermore, changes in the oxidation of the cluster have a dramatic impact on the nature of excited states and overall cluster properties. Such changes are analogous to oxygen defects in bulk materials and are critical for understanding reaction chemistry at defect sites.
Date Created

New Syntheses of Low-Dimensional Metal Oxide Hybrids through Destructive Exfoliation

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Due to the potential synergistic properties from combining inorganic and organic moieties, inorganic/organic hybrids materials have recently attracted great attention. These hybrids are critical components in coating and nanocomposite additive technologies and have potential for future application in catalysis, energy

Due to the potential synergistic properties from combining inorganic and organic moieties, inorganic/organic hybrids materials have recently attracted great attention. These hybrids are critical components in coating and nanocomposite additive technologies and have potential for future application in catalysis, energy production or storage, environmental remediation, electronic, and sensing technologies. Most of these hybrids utilize low dimensional metal oxides as a key ingredient for the inorganic part. Generally, clay materials are used as inorganic components, however, the use of low dimensional transition metal oxides may provide additional properties not possible with clays. Despite their potential, few methods are known for the use of low dimensional transition metal oxides in the construction of inorganic/organic hybrid materials.Herein, new synthetic routes to produce hybrid materials from low dimensional early transition metal oxides are presented. Included in this thesis is a report on a destructive, chemical exfoliation method designed specifically to exploit the Brønsted acidity of hydrated early transition metal oxides. The method takes advantage of (1) the simple acid-base reaction principle applied to strong two-dimensional Brønsted solid acids and mildly basic, high-polarity organic solvents, (2) the electrostatic repulsion among exfoliated nanosheets, and (3) the high polarity of the organic solvent to stabilize the macroanionic metal oxide nanosheets in the solvent medium. This exfoliation route was applied to tungstite (WO3∙H2O) and vanadium phosphate hydrate (VOPO4∙H2O) to produce stable dispersions of metal oxide nanosheets. The nanosheets were then functionalized by adduct formation or silane surface modification. Both functionalization methods resulted in materials with unique properties, which demonstrates the versatility of the new exfoliation methods in preparing novel hybrid materials. Further extension of the method to aqueous systems allowed discovery of a new synthetic method for electrically-conducting polyaniline-polyoxometalate hybrid materials. Namely, destructive dissolution of MoO2(HPO4)(H2O) in water produces protons and Strandberg-type phosphomolybdate clusters, and in the presence of aniline and an oxidizing agent, the clusters self-assemble with protonated anilines and selectively form polyaniline-phosphomolybdate hybrids on various types of surfaces through in situ oxidative chemical polymerization. New conductive nanocomposite materials were produced by selectively coating the surface of silica nanoparticles.
Date Created

Experimental and Simulation Study on Novel Adsorbents for Carbon Capture, Oxygen Sorption, and Methane Recovery

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Global warming resulted from greenhouse gases emission has received widespread attention. Meanwhile, it is required to explore renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources due to the severe pollution of the environment caused by fossil fuel combustion. In order to realize

Global warming resulted from greenhouse gases emission has received widespread attention. Meanwhile, it is required to explore renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources due to the severe pollution of the environment caused by fossil fuel combustion. In order to realize a substantial adsorption process to resolve the environmental issues, the development of new adsorbents with improved properties has become the most critical issue. This dissertation presents the work of four individual but related studies on systematic characterization and process simulations of novel adsorbents with superior adsorption properties.

A perovskite oxide material, La0.1Sr0.9Co0.9Fe0.1O3-δ (LSCF1991), was investigated first for high-temperature air separation. The oxygen sorption/desorption behavior of LSCF1991 was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and fixed-bed breakthrough experiments. A parametric study was performed to design and optimize the operating parameters of the high-temperature air separation process by pressure swing adsorption (PSA). The results have shown great potential for applying LSCF1991 to the high-temperature air separation due to its excellent separation performance and low energy requirement.

Research on using nanostructured zeolite NaX (NZ) as adsorbents for CO2 capture was subsequently conducted. The CO2/N2 adsorption characterizations indicated that the NZ samples lead to enhanced adsorption properties compared with the commercial zeolites (MZ). From the two-bed six-step PSA simulation, NZ saved around 30% energy over MZ for CO2 capture and recovery while achieving a higher CO2 purity and productivity.

A unique screening method was developed for efficient evaluation of adsorbents for PSA processes. In the case study, 47 novel adsorbents have been screened for coal bed methane (CBM) recovery. The adsorbents went through scoring-based prescreening, PSA simulation, and optimization. The process performance indicators were correlated with the adsorption selectivity and capacities, which provides new insights for predicting the PSA performance.

A new medium-temperature oxygen sorbent, YBaCo4O7+δ (YBC114), was investigated as an oxygen pumping material to facilitate solar thermochemical fuel production. The oxygen uptake and release attributes of YBC114 were studied by both TGA and a small-scale evacuation test. The study proved that the particle size has a significant effect on the oxygen pumping behavior of YBC114, especially for the uptake kinetics.
Date Created

Highly Selective Solid Acid Catalyst H1−xTi2(PO4)3−x(SO4)x for Non-Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Methanol and Ethanol

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The conversion of alcohols towards aldehydes in the presence of catalysts by non-oxidative dehydrogenation requires special importance from the perspective of green chemistry. Sodium (Na) super ionic conductor (NASICON)-type hydrogen titanium phosphate sulfate (HTPS; H1-xTi2(PO4)3-x(SO4)x, x = 0.5–1) catalysts were

The conversion of alcohols towards aldehydes in the presence of catalysts by non-oxidative dehydrogenation requires special importance from the perspective of green chemistry. Sodium (Na) super ionic conductor (NASICON)-type hydrogen titanium phosphate sulfate (HTPS; H1-xTi2(PO4)3-x(SO4)x, x = 0.5–1) catalysts were synthesized by the sol-gel method, characterized by N2 gas sorption, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), NH3 temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD), ultraviolet–visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy, and their catalytic properties were studied for the non-oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol and ethanol. The ethanol is more reactive than methanol, with the conversion for ethanol exceeding 95% as compared to methanol, where the conversion has a maximum value at 55%. The selectivity to formaldehyde is almost 100% in methanol conversion, while the selectivity to acetaldehyde decreases from 56% to 43% in ethanol conversion, when the reaction temperature is increased from 250 to 400 °C.

Date Created

Nanoporous transparent conducting oxides and new solid acid catalysts

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New sol-gel routes were developed to fabricate transparent conducting oxide coatings for energy applications. Sol-gel synthesis was chosen because the metal oxide products have high surface area and porosity. Titanium sol-gel chemistry was the main focus of the

New sol-gel routes were developed to fabricate transparent conducting oxide coatings for energy applications. Sol-gel synthesis was chosen because the metal oxide products have high surface area and porosity. Titanium sol-gel chemistry was the main focus of the studies, and the synthesis of macroporous antimony-doped tin oxide was also explored. The surface chemistry and band characteristics of anatase TiO2 show promise for solar energy purposes as photoelectrodes in DSSCs and as photocatalysts to degrade organic dyes and to split water. Modifying the band structure by increasing the conduction band edge energy is specifically of interest for reducing protons in water. To this end, a new sol-gel method was developed for incorporating Zr-dopant in nanoporous anatase TiO2. The products follow Vegard’s law up to 20 atom%, exhibiting surface area of 79 m2/g and pore volume of 0.20 cm3/g with average pore diameter of 10.3 nm; the conduction band edge energy increased by 0.22 eV and the band gap increased by 0.1 eV.

In pursuit of a greener sol-gel route for TiO2 materials, a solution of TiOSO4 in water was explored. Success in obtaining a gel came by utilizing hydrogen peroxide as a ligand that suppressed precipitation reactions. Through modifying this sol-gel chemistry to obtain a solid acid, the new material hydrogen titanium phosphate sulfate, H1-xTi2(PO4)3-x(SO4)x, (0 < x < 0.5) was synthesized and characterized for the first time. From the reported synthetic route, this compound took the form of macroscopic agglomerates of nanoporous aggregates of nanoparticles around 20 nm and the product calcined at 600 °C exhibited surface area of 78 m2/g, pore volume of 0.22 cm3/g and an average pore width of 11 nm. This solid acid exhibits complete selectivity for the non-oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde and hydrogen gas, with >50% conversion at 300 °C.

Finally, hierarchically meso-macroporous antimony doped tin oxide was synthesized with regular macropore size around 210 nm, determined by statistical dye trajectory tracking, and also with larger pores up to micrometers in size. The structure consisted of nanoparticles around 4 nm in size, with textural mesopores around 20 nm in diameter.
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Calcium-Modified Hierarchically Porous Aluminosilicate Geopolymer as a Highly Efficient Regenerable Catalyst for Biodiesel Production


A new class of highly active solid base catalysts for biodiesel production was developed by creating hierarchically porous aluminosilicate geopolymer with affordable precursors and modifying the material with varying amounts of calcium. For the catalysts containing ≥8 wt% Ca, almost

A new class of highly active solid base catalysts for biodiesel production was developed by creating hierarchically porous aluminosilicate geopolymer with affordable precursors and modifying the material with varying amounts of calcium. For the catalysts containing ≥8 wt% Ca, almost 100% conversion has been achieved in one hour under refluxing conditions with methanol solvent, and the high catalytic activity was preserved for multiple regeneration cycles. Temperature-programed desorption studies of CO2 indicate that the new base catalyst has three different types of base sites on its surface whose strengths are intermediate between MgO and CaO. The detailed powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) studies show that the calcium ions were incorporated into the aluminosilicate network of the geopolymer structure, resulting in a very strong ionicity of the calcium and thus the strong basicity of the catalysts. Little presence of CaCO3 in the catalysts was indicated from the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), XPS and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) studies, which may contribute to the observed high catalytic activity and regenerability. The results indicate that new geopolymer-based catalysts can be developed for cost-effective biodiesel production.

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Mechanistic studies of one-electron reduced bipyridine reactions relevant to carbon dioxide sequestration

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Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will inevitably lead to long-term changes in climate that can have serious consequences. Controlling anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, however, represents a significant technological challenge. Various chemical approaches have

Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will inevitably lead to long-term changes in climate that can have serious consequences. Controlling anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, however, represents a significant technological challenge. Various chemical approaches have been suggested, perhaps the most promising of these is based on electrochemical trapping of carbon dioxide using pyridine and derivatives. Optimization of this process requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of the reactions of reduced pyridines with carbon dioxide, which are not currently well known. This thesis describes a detailed mechanistic study of the nucleophilic and Bronsted basic properties of the radical anion of bipyridine as a model pyridine derivative, formed by one-electron reduction, with particular emphasis on the reactions with carbon dioxide. A time-resolved spectroscopic method was used to characterize the key intermediates and determine the kinetics of the reactions of the radical anion and its protonated radical form. Using a pulsed nanosecond laser, the bipyridine radical anion could be generated in-situ in less than 100 ns, which allows fast reactions to be monitored in real time. The bipyridine radical anion was found to be a very powerful one-electron donor, Bronsted base and nucleophile. It reacts by addition to the C=O bonds of ketones with a bimolecular rate constant around 1* 107 M-1 s-1. These are among the fastest nucleophilic additions that have been reported in literature. Temperature dependence studies demonstrate very low activation energies and large Arrhenius pre-exponential parameters, consistent with very high reactivity. The kinetics of E2 elimination, where the radical anion acts as a base, and SN2 substitution, where the radical anion acts as a nucleophile, are also characterized by large bimolecular rate constants in the range ca. 106 - 107 M-1 s-1. The pKa of the bipyridine radical anion was measured using a kinetic method and analysis of the data using a Marcus theory model for proton transfer. The bipyridine radical anion is found to have a pKa of 40±5 in DMSO. The reorganization energy for the proton transfer reaction was found to be 70±5 kJ/mol. The bipyridine radical anion was found to react very rapidly with carbon dioxide, with a bimolecular rate constant of 1* 108 M-1 s-1 and a small activation energy, whereas the protonated radical reacted with carbon dioxide with a rate constant that was too small to measure. The kinetic and thermodynamic data obtained in this work can be used to understand the mechanisms of the reactions of pyridines with carbon dioxide under reducing conditions.
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