Structure Elucidation of Medically Important Proteins by X-ray Crystallography

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Since its conception over a century ago, X-ray crystallography (XRC) has become the most successful method used to elucidate the structures and functions of biological molecules at atomic resolution. The extensive use of XRC has led to meaningful discoveries across

Since its conception over a century ago, X-ray crystallography (XRC) has become the most successful method used to elucidate the structures and functions of biological molecules at atomic resolution. The extensive use of XRC has led to meaningful discoveries across many scientific fields, notably its contributions to rational drug design. Traditional drug discovery relies on the use of trial-and-error based approaches in cellular and animal models of disease to identify chemical probes that elicit desirable therapeutic effects based off changes in phenotype. However, this approach lacks critical information in regards to the biological target in which the compound interacts with. In contrast, the use of rational drug design presents the opportunity to identify chemical probes that target specific protein targets of known medical importance and study their interactions using three dimensional structures that can be used to suggest new drug candidates. The main focus of my research presented in this dissertation aims to utilize XRC to discover novel therapeutics. In this work, I begin by describing the use of structure-based drug discovery for the rational design of hydrocarbon-stapled peptides that block Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) scaffolding in cancer (Chapter 2). FAK is an intracellular tyrosine kinase that has been linked to many cancers through its interaction with Paxillin LD motifs as it relates to tumor growth, invasion, metastasis, and suppression of apoptosis. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness hydrocarbon-stapling has on the native Paxillin LD2 sequence with ~50 fold greater binding affinity by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) that can be explained by the unique structural interactions observed by XRC. Next, I present a series of methods which lays the foundations for the discovery of novel anti-bacterial drugs that target 3-Deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate (KDO8P) Synthase, a critical enzyme in the biosynthesis of gram-negative lipopolysaccharides (Chapter 3).
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Purification of the P66 Outer Membrane Protein of the Bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi

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Lyme disease is a common tick-borne illness caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. An outer membrane protein of Borrelia burgdorferi, P66, has been suggested as a possible target for Lyme disease treatments. However, a lack of structural information available

Lyme disease is a common tick-borne illness caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. An outer membrane protein of Borrelia burgdorferi, P66, has been suggested as a possible target for Lyme disease treatments. However, a lack of structural information available for P66 has hindered attempts to design medications to target the protein. Therefore, this study attempted to find methods for expressing and purifying P66 in quantities that can be used for structural studies. It was found that by using the PelB signal sequence, His-tagged P66 could be directed to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, as confirmed by an anti-His Western blot. Further attempts to optimize P66 expression in the outer membrane were made, pending verification via Western blotting. The ability to direct P66 to the outer membrane using the PelB signal sequence is a promising first step in determining the overall structure of P66, but further work is needed before P66 is ready for large-scale purification for structural studies.

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Protein Design and Engineering Using the Fluorescent Non-canonical Amino Acid L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4-yl)ethylglycine

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Proteins are, arguably, the most complicated molecular machines found in nature. From the receptor proteins that decorate the exterior of cell membranes to enzymes that catalyze the slowest of chemical reactions, proteins perform a wide variety of essential biological functions.

Proteins are, arguably, the most complicated molecular machines found in nature. From the receptor proteins that decorate the exterior of cell membranes to enzymes that catalyze the slowest of chemical reactions, proteins perform a wide variety of essential biological functions. A reductionist view of proteins as a macromolecular group, however, may hold that they simply interact with other chemical species. Notably, proteins interact with other proteins, other biological macromolecules, small molecules, and ions. This in turn makes proteins uniquely qualified for use technological use as sensors of said chemical species (biosensors). Several methods have been developed to convert proteins into biosensors. Many of these techniques take advantage of fluorescence spectroscopy because it is a fast, non-invasive, non-destructive and highly sensitive method that also allows for spatiotemporal control. This, however, requires that first a fluorophore be added to a target protein. Several methods for achieving this have been developed from large, genetically encoded autofluorescent protein tags, to labeling with small molecule fluorophores using bioorthogonal chemical handles, to genetically encoded fluorescent non-canonical amino acids (fNCAA). In recent years, the fNCAA, L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4yl)ethylglycine (7-HCAA) has been used in to develop several types of biosensors.
The dissertation I present here specifically addresses the use of the fNCAA L-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4-yl)ethylglycine (7-HCAA) in protein-based biosensors. I demonstrate 7-HCAA’s ability to act as a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor with tryptophan as the FRET donor in a single protein containing multiple tryptophans. I the describe efforts to elucidate—through both spectroscopic and structural characterization—interactions within a 7-HCAA containing protein that governs 7-HCAA fluorescence. Finally, I present a top-down computational design strategy for incorporating 7-HCAA into proteins that takes advantage of previously described interactions. These reports show the applicability of 7-HCAA and the wider class of fNCAAs as a whole for their use of rationally designed biosensors.
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Membrane-directed Expression of BBA57 and Other Virulence Targets from Borrelia burgdorferi Reveals Structural Evidence of an Outer Membrane Oligomer in the Lyme Disease Pathogen

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Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease, is a unique pathogen, with a complex genome and unique immune evasion tactics. It lacks genes encoding proteins involved in nutrient synthesis and typical metabolic pathways, and therefore relies on the

Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease, is a unique pathogen, with a complex genome and unique immune evasion tactics. It lacks genes encoding proteins involved in nutrient synthesis and typical metabolic pathways, and therefore relies on the host for nutrients. The Bb genome encodes both an unusually high number of predicted outer surface lipoproteins of unknown function but with multiple complex roles in pathogenesis, and an unusually low number of predicted outer membrane proteins, given the necessity of bringing in the required nutrients for pathogen survival. Cellular processing of bacterial membrane proteins is complex, and structures of proteins from Bb have all been solved without the N-terminal signal sequence that directs the protein to proper folding and placement in the membrane. This dissertation presents the first membrane-directed expression in E. coli of several Bb proteins involved in the pathogenesis of Lyme disease. For the first time, I present evidence that the predicted lipoprotein, BBA57, forms a large alpha-helical homo-multimeric complex in the OM, is soluble in several detergents, and purifiable. The purified BBA57 complex forms homogeneous, 10 nm-diameter particles, visible by negative stain electron microscopy. Two-dimensional class averages from negative stain images reveal the first low-resolution particle views, comprised of a ring of subunits with a plug on top, possibly forming a porin or channel. These results provide the first evidence to support our theories that some of the predicted lipoproteins in Bb form integral-complexes in the outer membrane, and require proper membrane integration to form functional proteins.
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Structural and Biophysical Studies of Pathological Determinants in Cancer and Infectious Diseases

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This work advances structural and biophysical studies of three proteins important in disease. First protein of interest is the Francisella tularensis outer membrane protein A (FopA), which is a virulence determinant of tularemia. This work describes recombinant expression in Escherichia

This work advances structural and biophysical studies of three proteins important in disease. First protein of interest is the Francisella tularensis outer membrane protein A (FopA), which is a virulence determinant of tularemia. This work describes recombinant expression in Escherichia coli and successful purification of membrane translocated FopA. The purified protein was dimeric as shown by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis, with an abundance of β-strands based on circular dichroism spectroscopy. SAXS data supports the presence of a pore. Furthermore, protein crystals of membrane translocated FopA were obtained with preliminary X-ray diffraction data. The identified crystallization condition provides the means towards FopA structure determination; a valuable tool for structure-based design of anti-tularemia therapeutics.

Next, the nonstructural protein μNS of avian reoviruses was investigated using in vivo crystallization and serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography. Avian reoviruses infect poultry flocks causing significant economic losses. μNS is crucial in viral factory formation facilitating viral replication within host cells. Thus, structure-based targeting of μNS has the potential to disrupt intracellular viral propagation. Towards this goal, crystals of EGFP-tagged μNS (EGFP-μNS (448-605)) were produced in insect cells. The crystals diffracted to 4.5 Å at X-ray free electron lasers using viscous jets as crystal delivery methods and initial electron density maps were obtained. The resolution reported here is the highest described to date for μNS, which lays the foundation towards its structure determination.

Finally, structural, and functional studies of human Threonine aspartase 1 (Taspase1) were performed. Taspase1 is overexpressed in many liquid and solid malignancies. In the present study, using strategic circular permutations and X-ray crystallography, structure of catalytically active Taspase1 was resolved. The structure reveals the conformation of a 50 residues long fragment preceding the active side residue (Thr234), which has not been structurally characterized previously. This fragment adopted a straight helical conformation in contrast to previous predictions. Functional studies revealed that the long helix is essential for proteolytic activity in addition to the active site nucleophilic residue (Thr234) mediated proteolysis. Together, these findings enable a new approach for designing anti-cancer drugs by targeting the long helical fragment.
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Solution NMR Structure and Binding Studies of Murine Hepatitis Coronavirus Envelope Protein

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Coronaviruses are the causative agents of SARS, MERS and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus envelope proteins have received increasing attention as drug targets, due to their multiple functional roles during the infection cycle. The murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain

Coronaviruses are the causative agents of SARS, MERS and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus envelope proteins have received increasing attention as drug targets, due to their multiple functional roles during the infection cycle. The murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59, a hepatic and neuronal tropic coronavirus, is considered a prototype of the betacoronaviruses. The envelope protein of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-E) was extensively screened with various membrane mimetics by solution state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to find a suitable mimetic, which allowed for assignment of ~97% of the backbone atoms in the transmembrane region. Following resonance assignments, the binding site of the ion channel inhibitor hexamethylene amiloride (HMA) was mapped to MHV-E using chemical shift perturbations in both amide and aromatic transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) spectra, which indicated the inhibitor binding site is located at the N-terminal opening of the channel, in accord with one of the proposed HMA binding sites in the envelope protein from the related SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) betacoronavirus. Structure calculation of residues M1-K38 of MHV-E, encompassing the transmembrane region, is currently in progress using dihedral angle restraints obtained from isotropic chemical shifts and distance restraints obtained from manually assigned NOE cross-peaks, with the ultimate aim of generating a model of the MHV-E viroporin bound to the inhibitor HMA. This work outlines the first NMR studies on MHV-E, which have provided a foundation for structure based drug design and probing interactions, and the methods can be extended, with suitable modifications, to other coronavirus envelope proteins.
Date Created

Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Proteins in Proteins and Cancer

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This thesis focuses on serial crystallography studies with X-ray free electron lasers

(XFEL) with a special emphasis on data analysis to investigate important processes

in bioenergy conversion and medicinal applications.

First, the work on photosynthesis focuses on time-resolved femtosecond crystallography

studies of Photosystem II

This thesis focuses on serial crystallography studies with X-ray free electron lasers

(XFEL) with a special emphasis on data analysis to investigate important processes

in bioenergy conversion and medicinal applications.

First, the work on photosynthesis focuses on time-resolved femtosecond crystallography

studies of Photosystem II (PSII). The structural-dynamic studies of the water

splitting reaction centering on PSII is a current hot topic of interest in the field, the

goal of which is to capture snapshots of the structural changes during the Kok cycle.

This thesis presents results from time-resolved serial femtosecond (fs) crystallography

experiments (TR-SFX) where data sets are collected at room temperature from a

stream of crystals that intersect with the ultrashort femtosecond X-ray pulses at an

XFEL with the goal to obtain structural information from the transient state (S4)

state of the cycle where the O=O bond is formed, and oxygen is released. The most

current techniques available in SFX/TR-SFX to handle hundreds of millions of raw

diffraction patterns are discussed, including selection of the best diffraction patterns,

allowing for their indexing and further data processing. The results include two 4.0 Å

resolution structures of the ground S1 state and triple excited S4 transient state.

Second, this thesis reports on the first international XFEL user experiments in

South Korea at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL-XFEL). The usability of this

new XFEL in a proof-of-principle experiment for the study of microcrystals of human

taspase1 (an important cancer target) by SFX has been tested. The descriptions of

experiments and discussions of specific data evaluation challenges of this project in

light of the taspase1 crystals’ high anisotropy, which limited the resolution to 4.5 Å,

are included in this report

In summary, this thesis examines current techniques that are available in the

SFX/TR-SFX domain to study crystal structures from microcrystals damage-free,

with the future potential of making movies of biological processes.
Date Created

Structural Discovery for Medically Relevant Proteins:Purification and Characterization of the CapBCA Membrane Protein Complex from Francisella tularensis and New Structural Insights into the Function of Catalytically Active Taspase1: A Novel Anti-Cancer

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Developments in structural biology has led to advancements in drug design and vaccine development. By better understanding the macromolecular structure, rational choices can be made to improve factors in such as binding affinity, while reducing promiscuity and off-target interactions, improving

Developments in structural biology has led to advancements in drug design and vaccine development. By better understanding the macromolecular structure, rational choices can be made to improve factors in such as binding affinity, while reducing promiscuity and off-target interactions, improving the medicines of tomorrow. The majority of diseases have a macromolecular basis where rational drug development can make a large impact. Two challenging protein targets of different medical relevance have been investigated at different stages of determining their structures with the ultimate goal of advancing in drug development. The first protein target is the CapBCA membrane protein complex, a virulence factor from the bacterium Francisella tularensis and the causative agent of tularemia and classified as a potential bioterrorism weapon by the United States. Purification of the individual protein targets from the CapBCA complex is a key and challenging step that has been, so far, a limiting factor towards the structure determination of the whole complex. Here, the purification protocols for the CapB and CapC subunits have been establish, which will allow us to progress towards biophysical and structural studies. The second protein target investigated in this thesis is the catalytically active Taspase1. Taspase1 functions as a non-oncogene addiction protease that coordinates cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis and has been found to be overexpressed in many primary human cancers. Here the structure is presented to 3.04A with the goal of rational drug design of Taspase1 inhibitors. Development of Taspase1 inhibitors has no completion in the drug discovery arena and would function as a new anti-cancer therapeutic. Solving the structures of medically relevant proteins such as these is critical towards rapidly developing treatments and prevention of old and new diseases.
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Serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis of photosystem II

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Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) uses diffraction patterns from crystals delivered in a serial fashion to an X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) for structure determination. Typically, each diffraction pattern is a snapshot from a different crystal. SFX limits the effect of

Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) uses diffraction patterns from crystals delivered in a serial fashion to an X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) for structure determination. Typically, each diffraction pattern is a snapshot from a different crystal. SFX limits the effect of radiation damage and enables the use of nano/micro crystals for structure determination. However, analysis of SFX data is challenging since each snapshot is processed individually.

Many photosystem II (PSII) dataset have been collected at XFELs, several of which are time-resolved (containing both dark and laser illuminated frames). Comparison of light and dark datasets requires understanding systematic errors that can be introduced during data analysis. This dissertation describes data analysis of PSII datasets with a focus on the effect of parameters on later results. The influence of the subset of data used in the analysis is also examined and several criteria are screened for their utility in creating better subsets of data. Subsets are compared with Bragg data analysis and continuous diffuse scattering data analysis.

A new tool, DatView aids in the creation of subsets and visualization of statistics. DatView was developed to improve the loading speed to visualize statistics of large SFX datasets and simplify the creation of subsets based on the statistics. It combines the functionality of several existing visualization tools into a single interface, improving the exploratory power of the tool. In addition, it has comparison features that allow a pattern-by-pattern analysis of the effect of processing parameters. \emph{DatView} improves the efficiency of SFX data analysis by reducing loading time and providing novel visualization tools.
Date Created

Structural Elucidation of Membrane Proteins Involved in Photosynthesis

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Over the last century, X-ray crystallography has been established as the most successful technique for unravelling the structure-function relationship in molecules. For integral membrane proteins, growing well-ordered large crystals is a challenge and hence, there is room for improving current

Over the last century, X-ray crystallography has been established as the most successful technique for unravelling the structure-function relationship in molecules. For integral membrane proteins, growing well-ordered large crystals is a challenge and hence, there is room for improving current methods of macromolecular crystallography and for exploring complimentary techniques. Since protein function is deeply associated with its structural dynamics, static position of atoms in a macromolecule are insufficient to unlock the mechanism.

The availability of X-ray free electron lasers presents an opportunity to study micron-sized crystals that could be triggered (using light, small molecules or physical conditions) to capture macromolecules in action. This method of ‘Time-resolved serial crystallography’ answers key biological questions by capturing snapshots of conformational changes associated with multi-step reactions. This dissertation describes approaches for studying structures of large membrane protein complexes. Both macro and micro-seeding techniques have been implemented for improving crystal quality and obtaining high-resolution structures. Well-diffracting 15-20 micron crystals of active Photosystem II were used to perform time-resolved studies with fixed-target Roadrunner sample delivery system. By employing continuous diffraction obtained up to 2 A, significant progress can be made towards understanding the process of water oxidation.

Structure of Photosystem I was solved to 2.3 A by X-ray crystallography and to medium resolution of 4.8 A using Cryogenic electron microscopy. Using complimentary techniques to study macromolecules provides an insight into differences among methods in structural biology. This helps in overcoming limitations of one specific technique and contributes in greater knowledge of the molecule under study.
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