Structural and Biochemical Characterization of Proteins Relevant to Human Disease

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This work comprises a cumulative effort to provide analysis of proteins relevant to understanding and treating human disease. This dissertation focuses on two main protein complexes: the structure of the Chimp adenovirus Y25 capsid assembly, as used in the SARS-CoV-2

This work comprises a cumulative effort to provide analysis of proteins relevant to understanding and treating human disease. This dissertation focuses on two main protein complexes: the structure of the Chimp adenovirus Y25 capsid assembly, as used in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Vaxzveria, and the Dbl family RhoGEF (guanosine exchange factor) Syx and its associated small G protein, RhoA. The course of research was influenced heavily by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdown, which pushed anyone with the means to do meaningful research to shift priorities towards addressing the greatest public health crisis since the 1918 flu pandemic. Analysis of the Syx-RhoA complex for the purposes of structurally guided drug design was initially the focus of heavy optimization efforts to overcome the numerous challenges associated with expression, purification, and handling of this protein. By analyzing E. Coli derived protein new important knowledge was gained about this protein’s biophysical characteristics which contribute to its behavior and may inform drug design efforts. Expression in SF9 insect cells resulted in promising conditions for production of homogeneous and monodispersed protein. Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of this protein support hypotheses about its interactions with both RhoA as well as regions of the cytoplasmic leaflet of the cell membrane. Structural characterization of ChAdOx1, the adenoviral vector used in the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, Vaxzveria resulted in the highest resolution adenovirus structure ever solved (3.07Å). Subsequent biochemical analysis and computational simulations of PF4 with the ChAdOx1 capsid reveal interactions with important implications for vaccine induced thrombocytic throbocytopenia syndrome, a disorder observed in approximately 0.000024% of patients who receive Vaxzveria.
Date Created

Structural Studies of Protein Complexes Using Single-particle Cryo-electron Microscopy

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Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) is a method that can be used for studying the structure of biological systems. Biological samples are frozen to cryogenic temperatures and embedded in a vitreous ice when they are imaged by electrons. Due to its

Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) is a method that can be used for studying the structure of biological systems. Biological samples are frozen to cryogenic temperatures and embedded in a vitreous ice when they are imaged by electrons. Due to its ability to preserve biological specimens in near-native conditions, cryo-EM has a significant contribution to the field of structural biology.Single-particle cryo-EM technique was utilized to investigate the dynamical characteristics of various protein complexes such as the Nogo receptor complex, polymerase ζ (Polζ) in yeast and human integrin ⍺vβ8-pro-TGFβ1-GARP complex. Furthermore, I proposed a new method that can potentially improve the sample preparation for cryo-EM. The Nogo receptor complex was expressed using baculovirus expression system in sf9 insect cells and isolated for structural studies. Nogo receptor complex was found to have various stoichiometries and interactions between individual proteins. A structural investigation of the yeast apo polymerase ζ holoenzyme was also carried out. The apo Polζ displays a concerted motions associated with expansion of the Polζ DNA-binding channel upon DNA binding. Furthermore, a lysine residue that obstructs the DNA-binding channel in apo Polζ was found and suggested a gating mechanism. In addition, cryo-EM studies of the human integrin ⍺vβ8-pro-TGFβ1-GARP complex was conducted to assess its dynamic interactions. The 2D classifications showed the ⍺vβ8-pro-TGFβ1-GARP complex is highly flexible and required several sample preparation techniques such as crosslinking and graphene oxide coating to improve protein homogeneity on the EM grid. To overcome challenges within the cryo-EM technique such as particle adsorption on air-water interface, I have documented a collaborative work on the development and application of lipid monolayer sandwich on cryo-EM grid. Cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET) along with cryo-EM were used to study the characteristics of lipid monolayer sandwich as a potential protective layer for EM grid. The cryo-ET results demonstrated that the thickness of lipid monolayer is adequate for single-particle cryo-EM processing. Furthermore, there was no appearance of preferred orientations in cryo-EM and cryo-ET images. To establish that this method is actually beneficial, more data must be collected, and high-resolution structures of protein samples must be obtained using this methodology.
Date Created

Structural Based Drug Discovery: The Significance of Protein Structure

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Structural-based drug discovery is becoming the essential tool for drug development withlower cost and higher efficiency compared to the conventional method. Knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of protein targets has the potential to accelerate the process for screening drug candidates. X-ray crystallography

Structural-based drug discovery is becoming the essential tool for drug development withlower cost and higher efficiency compared to the conventional method. Knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of protein targets has the potential to accelerate the process for screening drug candidates. X-ray crystallography has proven to be the most used and indispensable technology in structural-based drug discovery. The provided comprehensive structural information about the interaction between the disease-related protein target and ligand can guide the chemical modification on the ligand to improve potency and selectivity. X-ray crystallography has been upgraded from traditional synchrotron to the third generation, which enabled the surge of the structural determination of macromolecular. The introduction of X-ray free electron laser further alleviated the uncertain and time-consuming crystal size optimization process and extenuated the radiation damage by “diffraction before destruction”. EV-D68 2A protease was proved to be an important pharmaceutical target for acute flaccid myelitis. This thesis reports the first atomic structure of the EV-D68 2A protease and the structuresof its two mutants, revealing it adopting N-terminal four-stranded sheets and C-terminal six-stranded ß-barrels structure, with a tightly bound zinc atom. These structures will guide the chemical modification on its inhibitor, Telaprevir. Integrin ⍺Mβ2 is an integrin with the α I-domain, related to many immunological functions including cell extravasation, phagocytosis, and immune synapse formation, so studying the molecular ligand-binding mechanism and activation mechanism of ⍺Mβ2 is of importance. This thesis uncovers the preliminary crystallization condition of ⍺Mβ2-I domain in complex with its ligand Pleiotrophin and the initial structural model. The structural model shows consistency with the previous hypothesis that the primary binding sites are metal iondependent adhesion sites on ⍺Mβ2-I domain and the thrombospondin type-1 repeat (TSR) domains of Pleiotrophin. Drug molecules with high potency and selectivity can be designed based on the reported structures of the EV-D68 2A protease and ⍺Mβ2-I domain in the future.
Date Created

Biophysical Methods Advancing Lipidic Cubic Phase Membrane Proteins Studies

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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large family of proteins involved in the cell signaling and regulation of many biological and pathological processes in the human body. To fully understand their functions, various approaches are needed. This work combines several

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large family of proteins involved in the cell signaling and regulation of many biological and pathological processes in the human body. To fully understand their functions, various approaches are needed. This work combines several techniques to advance the study of GPCRs with the overarching goal of pursuing X-ray crystallization using lipidic cubic phase (LCP). In meso, or LCP crystallization method involves imbedding the GPCR into a lipid membrane-mimetic material which spontaneously forms when monoacylglycerols (MAGs) are mixed at the correct hydration level and temperature. It provides a stable environment for GPCRs and has been established as the most common method to resolve structural details of GPCRs (Chapter 2). Yet, before crystallization, GPCRs need to be put through several rounds of optimization of the construct design, including truncation of N- and C- termini, fusing different soluble proteins, and mutating the receptor (Chapter 3). Other methods were also used to gain structural insights into GPCR interactions, such as coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations, which showed the specific regions of interactions with cholesterol molecules imbedded in the membranes (Chapter 4). This study demonstrated β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), a GPCR, as a model of a cholesterol-sensitive receptor. Mutations were made to test the effect of removing specific residues of interest on cholesterol stabilization through the LCP-Tm assay, producing results that align with the simulation data. Finally, the goal of the last study is to provide a guide to identify which host lipids form stable LCP phases for different applications (Chapter 5). Small angle X-ray scattering is used to identify phases in hundreds of different precipitant conditions in the search of suitable host lipid for LCP studies. The results present a systematic overview of the compatibility of common MAGs by screening them against different precipitant solutions including varying salts and polyethylene glycol (PEG) concentrations, different PEG sizes, the presence of detergent or protein in the sample, and the addition of cholesterol. Together, these studies present a variety of methods to advance the structural studies of GPCRs using LCP
Date Created

Allosteric Modulation and Structural Determination of G-Protein Coupled Receptors

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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are known to be modulated by membrane cholesterol levels, but whether or not the effects are caused by specific receptor-cholesterol interactions or cholesterol’s general effects on the membrane is not well-understood. Results from coarse-grained molecular dynamics

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are known to be modulated by membrane cholesterol levels, but whether or not the effects are caused by specific receptor-cholesterol interactions or cholesterol’s general effects on the membrane is not well-understood. Results from coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulations coupled and structural bioinformatics offer new insights into how cholesterol modulates GPCR function by showing cholesterol interactions with β2AR that agree with previously published data. Additionally, differential and specific cholesterol binding in the CCK receptor subfamily was observed while revealing a previously unreported Cholesterol Recognition Amino-acid Consensus (CRAC) sequence that is also conserved across 38% of class A GPCRs. Mutation of this conserved CRAC sequence of the β2AR affects cholesterol stabilization of the receptor in a lipid bilayer. Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) has proven highly successful for structure determination of challenging membrane proteins crystallized in lipidic cubic phase, however, as most techniques, it has limitations. Using an optimized SFX experimental setup in a helium atmosphere we determined the room temperature structure of the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AAR) at 2.0 Å resolution and compared it with previous A2AAR structures determined in vacuum and/or at cryogenic temperatures. Specifically, we demonstrated the capability of utilizing high XFEL beam transmissions, in conjunction with a high dynamic range detector, to collect high-resolution SFX data while reducing crystalline material consumption and shortening the collection time required for a complete data set.
The results of these studies provide a better understanding of receptor-cholesterol interactions that can contribute to novel and improved therapeutics for a variety of diseases. Furthermore, the experimental setups presented herein can be applied to future molecular dynamics and SFX applications for protein nanocrystal samples to aid in structure-based discovery efforts of therapeutic targets that are difficult to crystallize.
Date Created

Structure and Biophysical Studies of Proteins Involved in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when triglycerides are stored in the liver leading to irreversible scarring and damage of liver tissue. Inside the liver, adipose triglyceride lipase is responsible for the breaking down of triglycerides and is regulated by the

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when triglycerides are stored in the liver leading to irreversible scarring and damage of liver tissue. Inside the liver, adipose triglyceride lipase is responsible for the breaking down of triglycerides and is regulated by the inhibitor g0/g1 switch gene 2 (G0S2). G0S2 is proposed to be one of the targets against drug design for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and more information is needed on the structure of this protein to aid in drug discovery. Here I describe the expression of G0S2 in an E. coli system as well as purification and biophysical characterization of a functional G0S2 in amounts viable for solution state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Initial spectra of the isotopically labeled protein show well dispersed 15N resonance lines, clean 13C resonances, and dominant a-helices characteristics. These results show that a prepared G0S2 construct is suitable for solution NMR such that 20 amino acids are now assigned in the G0S2 portion of the protein, allowing for further NMR work with this protein for structural discovery. Further work with a large oligomeric complex of G0S2 with Maltose Binding Protein also shows promise for future cryo-EM work.
Date Created

Structural and Biophysical Studies of Pathological Determinants in Cancer and Infectious Diseases

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This work advances structural and biophysical studies of three proteins important in disease. First protein of interest is the Francisella tularensis outer membrane protein A (FopA), which is a virulence determinant of tularemia. This work describes recombinant expression in Escherichia

This work advances structural and biophysical studies of three proteins important in disease. First protein of interest is the Francisella tularensis outer membrane protein A (FopA), which is a virulence determinant of tularemia. This work describes recombinant expression in Escherichia coli and successful purification of membrane translocated FopA. The purified protein was dimeric as shown by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis, with an abundance of β-strands based on circular dichroism spectroscopy. SAXS data supports the presence of a pore. Furthermore, protein crystals of membrane translocated FopA were obtained with preliminary X-ray diffraction data. The identified crystallization condition provides the means towards FopA structure determination; a valuable tool for structure-based design of anti-tularemia therapeutics.

Next, the nonstructural protein μNS of avian reoviruses was investigated using in vivo crystallization and serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography. Avian reoviruses infect poultry flocks causing significant economic losses. μNS is crucial in viral factory formation facilitating viral replication within host cells. Thus, structure-based targeting of μNS has the potential to disrupt intracellular viral propagation. Towards this goal, crystals of EGFP-tagged μNS (EGFP-μNS (448-605)) were produced in insect cells. The crystals diffracted to 4.5 Å at X-ray free electron lasers using viscous jets as crystal delivery methods and initial electron density maps were obtained. The resolution reported here is the highest described to date for μNS, which lays the foundation towards its structure determination.

Finally, structural, and functional studies of human Threonine aspartase 1 (Taspase1) were performed. Taspase1 is overexpressed in many liquid and solid malignancies. In the present study, using strategic circular permutations and X-ray crystallography, structure of catalytically active Taspase1 was resolved. The structure reveals the conformation of a 50 residues long fragment preceding the active side residue (Thr234), which has not been structurally characterized previously. This fragment adopted a straight helical conformation in contrast to previous predictions. Functional studies revealed that the long helix is essential for proteolytic activity in addition to the active site nucleophilic residue (Thr234) mediated proteolysis. Together, these findings enable a new approach for designing anti-cancer drugs by targeting the long helical fragment.
Date Created

Structural Characterization & Glycosaminoglycan Binding of the Small Cytokine Pleiotrophin

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The small mitogenic cytokine Pleiotrophin (PTN) is well-known for its roles in

tissue growth, development, and repair. First isolated from neuronal tissues, much interest in this protein resides in development of the central nervous system and neuronal regeneration. Owning to its

The small mitogenic cytokine Pleiotrophin (PTN) is well-known for its roles in

tissue growth, development, and repair. First isolated from neuronal tissues, much interest in this protein resides in development of the central nervous system and neuronal regeneration. Owning to its role in growth, development and its ability to promote angiogenesis and metastasis, PTN’s overexpression in cancers such as glioblastoma, has become the focal point of much research. Many of the receptors through which PTN acts contain glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), through which PTN binds. Thus, understanding the atomistic detail of PTN’s architecture and interaction with GAG chains is of significant importance in elucidating its functional role in growth and malignancy of biological tissues, as well as in neural development and progression of other diseases. Herein the first solution state structure of PTN was solved via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), with extensive characterization of its ability to bind GAG. Structurally, PTN consists of two -sheet domains connected by a short flexible linker, and flanked by long flexible termini. Broad distribution of positively charged amino acids in the protein’s sequence yields highly basic surfaces on the -sheet domains as well as highly cationic termini. With GAG chains themselves being linear anionic polymers, all interactions between these sugars and PTN are most exclusively driven through the electrostatic interactions between them, with no discernable specificity for GAG types. Moreover, this binding event is coordinated mostly through basic patches located in the C-Terminal domain (CTD). Although the flexible C- terminus has been shown to play a significant role in receptor binding, data here also reveal an adaptability of PTN to maintain high affinity interactions through its structured domains

when termini are removed. Additionally, analysis of binding information revealed for the first time the presence of a secondary GAG binding site within PTN. It is shown that PTN’s CTD constitutes the major binding site, while the N-terminal domain (NTD) contains the much weaker secondary site. Finally, compilation of high-resolution data containing the atomistic detail of PTN’s interaction with GAG provided the information necessary to produce the highest accuracy model to date of the PTN-GAG complex. Taken together, these findings provide means for specific targeting of this mitogenic cytokine in a wide array of biological applications.
Date Created

Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Proteins in Proteins and Cancer

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This thesis focuses on serial crystallography studies with X-ray free electron lasers

(XFEL) with a special emphasis on data analysis to investigate important processes

in bioenergy conversion and medicinal applications.

First, the work on photosynthesis focuses on time-resolved femtosecond crystallography

studies of Photosystem II

This thesis focuses on serial crystallography studies with X-ray free electron lasers

(XFEL) with a special emphasis on data analysis to investigate important processes

in bioenergy conversion and medicinal applications.

First, the work on photosynthesis focuses on time-resolved femtosecond crystallography

studies of Photosystem II (PSII). The structural-dynamic studies of the water

splitting reaction centering on PSII is a current hot topic of interest in the field, the

goal of which is to capture snapshots of the structural changes during the Kok cycle.

This thesis presents results from time-resolved serial femtosecond (fs) crystallography

experiments (TR-SFX) where data sets are collected at room temperature from a

stream of crystals that intersect with the ultrashort femtosecond X-ray pulses at an

XFEL with the goal to obtain structural information from the transient state (S4)

state of the cycle where the O=O bond is formed, and oxygen is released. The most

current techniques available in SFX/TR-SFX to handle hundreds of millions of raw

diffraction patterns are discussed, including selection of the best diffraction patterns,

allowing for their indexing and further data processing. The results include two 4.0 Å

resolution structures of the ground S1 state and triple excited S4 transient state.

Second, this thesis reports on the first international XFEL user experiments in

South Korea at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL-XFEL). The usability of this

new XFEL in a proof-of-principle experiment for the study of microcrystals of human

taspase1 (an important cancer target) by SFX has been tested. The descriptions of

experiments and discussions of specific data evaluation challenges of this project in

light of the taspase1 crystals’ high anisotropy, which limited the resolution to 4.5 Å,

are included in this report

In summary, this thesis examines current techniques that are available in the

SFX/TR-SFX domain to study crystal structures from microcrystals damage-free,

with the future potential of making movies of biological processes.
Date Created

Knocking out the cytochrome bc complex in Heliobacterium modesticaldum

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The heliobacteria, a family of anoxygenic phototrophs, are significant to photosynthesis evolution research, as they possess the simplest known photosynthetic apparatus. Although they are photoheterotrophs in the light, the heliobacteria may also grow chemotrophically via pyruvate metabolism in the absence

The heliobacteria, a family of anoxygenic phototrophs, are significant to photosynthesis evolution research, as they possess the simplest known photosynthetic apparatus. Although they are photoheterotrophs in the light, the heliobacteria may also grow chemotrophically via pyruvate metabolism in the absence of light. In Heliobacterium modesticaldum, the cytochrome bc complex is responsible for oxidizing menaquinol and reducing cytochrome c553 in the electron flow cycle used for phototrophy. However, there is no known electron acceptor for cytochrome c553 other than the photosynthetic reaction center. Therefore, it was hypothesized that the cytochrome bc complex is necessary for phototrophy, but unnecessary for chemotrophic growth in the dark. Under this hypothesis, a mutant of H. modesticaldum lacking the cytochrome bc complex was predicted to be viable, but non-phototrophic. In this project, a two-step method for CRISPR-based genome editing was used in H. modesticaldum to delete the genes encoding the cytochrome bc complex. Genotypic analysis verified the deletion of the petC, B, D, and A genes encoding the catalytic components of complex. Spectroscopic studies revealed that re-reduction of cytochrome c553 after flash-induced photo-oxidation was ~130 to 190 times slower in the ∆petCBDA mutant compared to wildtype, phenotypically confirming the removal of the cytochrome bc complex. The resulting ∆petCBDA mutant was unable to grow phototrophically, instead relying on pyruvate metabolism to grow chemotrophically as does wildtype in the dark.
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