Optimized Preparation of Immunologically Relevant Proteins for Structural Studies by X-ray Crystallography and Cryogenic Electron Microscopy

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The complex network of the immune system defends the human body against infection, providing protection from pathogens. This work aims to improve preparation and structural knowledge of two proteins on opposite sides of the immune system spectrum. The first protein,

The complex network of the immune system defends the human body against infection, providing protection from pathogens. This work aims to improve preparation and structural knowledge of two proteins on opposite sides of the immune system spectrum. The first protein, secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat) is a class I serine protease autotransporter of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE) that has cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects on the host. Previous studies on Sat show its ability to aid in bacterial colonization and evasion of the immune system. This work improves the stability of Sat by making mutations to the active serine protease motif (GDSGS) while inhibiting remaining activity with reversible and irreversible serine protease inhibitors. Characterization of Sat by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and size-exclusion chromatography led to the first structural studies of Sat by x-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. Human leukocyte antigen class I proteins play an important role in the adaptive immune system by presenting endogenous viral peptides at the cell surface for CD8+ T cell recognition. In vitro production of HLA-I proteins is a difficult task without endoplasmic reticulum chaperones as present in vivo. Disulfide bond formation, folded light chain and a peptide bound are all key to refolding the HLA-I heavy chain for complex formation. The work presented in this dissertation represents systematic studies aimed at improving the production of HLA-I proteins in vitro in bacterial expression systems. Optimization of every step of the preparation was investigated providing higher expression yields, quality of inclusion bodies, and refolding improvements. With further improvements in the future, this work forms the basis for a more efficient small and large-scale production of HLA-I molecules for functional and structural studies.
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Microbial Electrophotosynthesis: Connecting Live Cells to Artificial Electron Flux

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This work focuses on a novel approach to combine electrical current with cyanobacterial technology, called microbial electrophotosynthesis (MEPS). It involves using genetically modified PSII-less Synechocystis PCC 6803 cells to avoid photoinhibition, a problem that hinders green energy. In the work,

This work focuses on a novel approach to combine electrical current with cyanobacterial technology, called microbial electrophotosynthesis (MEPS). It involves using genetically modified PSII-less Synechocystis PCC 6803 cells to avoid photoinhibition, a problem that hinders green energy. In the work, a cathodic electron delivery system is employed for growth and synthesis. Photoinhibition leads to the dissipation energy and lower yield, and is a major obstacle to preventing green energy from competing with fossil fuels. However, the urgent need for alternative energy sources is driven by soaring energy consumption and rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. When developed, MEPS can contribute to a carbon capture technology while helping with energy demands. It is thought that if PSII electron flux can be replaced with an alternative source photosynthesis could be enhanced for more effective production. MEPS has the potential to address these challenges by serving as a carbon capture technology while meeting energy demands. The idea is to replace PSII electron flux with an alternative source, which can be enhanced for higher yields in light intensities not tolerated with PSII. This research specifically focuses on creating the initiation of electron flux between the cathode and the MEPS cells while controlling and measuring the system in real time. The successful proof-of-concept work shows that MEPS can indeed generate high-light-dependent current at intensities up to 2050 µmol photons m^‒2 s^‒1, delivering 113 µmol electrons h^‒1 mg-chl^‒1. The results were further developed to characterize redox tuning for electron delivery of flux to the photosynthetic electron transport chain and redox-based kinetic analysis to model the limitations of the MEPS system.
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Structural Discovery of CF1F0 using Nanodiscs: exploring the ability of DIBMA to isolate spinach chloroplast ATP synthase


Diisobutylene maleic acid, or DIBMA, offers a novel approach to integral membrane protein extraction without requiring the use of detergent. This copolymer extracts the protein along with the surrounding lipids, creating native nanodiscs. This method of solubilization is the preferred

Diisobutylene maleic acid, or DIBMA, offers a novel approach to integral membrane protein extraction without requiring the use of detergent. This copolymer extracts the protein along with the surrounding lipids, creating native nanodiscs. This method of solubilization is the preferred method, as traditional detergent solubilization can possibly alter the structural and functional integrity of the membrane protein. DIBMA solubilization, on the other hand, is able to create a more stable environment for the integral membrane protein, while allowing purification through commonly used chromatography methods similar to established detergent solubilization protocols. In this project, we study the ability of DIBMA to isolate the integral membrane protein, chloroplast ATP synthase, without the use of detergents.

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Genome to Phenome: From 3-D Structural Analysis to Experimental Validation for the Functional Properties of Pocillopora damicornis Proteins


Oceanic life is facing the deleterious aftermath of coral bleaching. To reverse the damages introduced by anthropological means, it is imperative to study fundamental properties of corals. One way to do so is to understand the metabolic pathways and protein

Oceanic life is facing the deleterious aftermath of coral bleaching. To reverse the damages introduced by anthropological means, it is imperative to study fundamental properties of corals. One way to do so is to understand the metabolic pathways and protein functions of corals that contribute to the resilience of coral reefs. Although genomic sequencing and structural modeling has yielded significant insights for well-studied organisms, more investigation must be conducted for corals. Better yet, quantifiable experiments are far more crucial to the understanding of corals. The objective is to clone, purify, and assess coral proteins from the cauliflower coral species known as Pocillopora damicornis. Presented here is the pipeline for how 3-D structural modeling can help support the experimental data from studying soluble proteins in corals. Using a multi-step selection approach, 25 coral genes were selected and retrieved from the genomic database. Using Escherischia coli and Homo sapiens homologues for sequence alignment, functional properties of each protein were predicted to aid in the production of structural models. Using D-SCRIPT, potential pairwise protein-protein interactions (PPI) were predicted amongst these 25 proteins, and further studied for identifying putative interfaces using the ClusPro server. 10 binding pockets were inferred for each pair of proteins. Standard cloning strategies were applied to express 4 coral proteins for purification and functional assays. 2 of the 4 proteins had visible bands on the Coomassie stained gel and were able to advance to the purification step. Both proteins exhibited a faint band at the expected migration distance for at least one of the elutions. Finally, PPI was carried out by mixing protein samples and running in a native gel, resulting in one potential pair of PPI.

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A Structure Guided Approach to Understanding Photosynthetic Membrane Proteins

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First evolving in cyanobacteria, the light reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis are carried out by the membrane proteins, photosystem II and photosystem I, located in the thylakoid membrane. Both utilize light captured by their core antenna systems to catalyze a charge

First evolving in cyanobacteria, the light reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis are carried out by the membrane proteins, photosystem II and photosystem I, located in the thylakoid membrane. Both utilize light captured by their core antenna systems to catalyze a charge separation event at their respective reaction centers and energizes electrons to be transferred energetically uphill, eventually to be stored as a high energy chemical bond. These protein complexes are highly conserved throughout different photosynthetic lineages and understanding the variations across species is vital for a complete understanding of how photosynthetic organisms can adapt to vastly different environmental conditions. Most knowledge about photosynthesis comes from only a handful of model organisms grown under laboratory conditions. Studying model organisms has facilitated major breakthroughs in understanding photosynthesis, however, due to the vast global diversity of environments where photosynthetic organisms are found, certain aspects of this process may be overlooked or missed by focusing on a select group of organisms optimized for studying in laboratory conditions. This dissertation describes the isolation of a new extremophile cyanobacteria, Cyanobacterium aponinum 0216, from the Arizona Sonoran Desert and its innate ability to grow in light intensities that exceed other model organisms. A structure guided approach was taken to investigate how the structure of photosystem I can influence the spectroscopic properties of chlorophylls, with a particular focus on long wavelength chlorophylls, in an attempt to uncover if photosystem I is responsible for high light tolerance in Cyanobacterium aponinum 0216. To accomplish this, the structure of photosystem I was solved by cryogenic electron microscopy to 2.7-anstrom resolution. By comparing the structure and protein sequences of Cyanobacterium aponinum to other model organisms, specific variations were identified and explored by constructing chimeric PSIs in the model organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to determine the effects that each specific variation causes. The results of this dissertation describe how the protein structure and composition affect the spectroscopic properties of chlorophyll molecules and the oligomeric structure of photosystem I, possibly providing an evolutionary advantage in the high light conditions observed in the Arizona Sonoran Desert.
Date Created

Serial Crystallographic Studies for Therapeutic Drug Advancement

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Macromolecular structural biology advances the understanding of protein function through the structure-function relationship for applications to scientific challenges like energy and medicine. The proteins described in these studies have applications to medicine as targets for therapeutic drug design. By understanding

Macromolecular structural biology advances the understanding of protein function through the structure-function relationship for applications to scientific challenges like energy and medicine. The proteins described in these studies have applications to medicine as targets for therapeutic drug design. By understanding the mechanisms and dynamics of these proteins, therapeutics can be designed and optimized based on their unique structural characteristics. This can create new, focused therapeutics for the treatment of diseases with increased specificity — which translates to greater efficacy and fewer off-target effects. Many of the structures generated for this purpose are “static” in nature, meaning the protein is observed like a still-frame photograph; however, the use of time-resolved techniques is allowing for greater understanding of the dynamic and flexible nature of proteins. This work advances understanding the dynamics of the medically relevant proteins NendoU and Taspase1 using serial crystallography to establish conditions for time-resolved, mix-and-inject crystallographic studies.
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Biophysical Characterization and Structural Studies of Proteins in Pursuit of Vaccinations Against Infectious Diseases

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Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death in the world. This work aims to advance structural studies of vital proteins involved in the infection process of both

Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death in the world. This work aims to advance structural studies of vital proteins involved in the infection process of both a bacterial and a viral infectious disease in hopes of reducing infection, and consequently, fatality rates. The first protein of interest is OspA, a major outer surface protein in Borrelia burgdorferi – the causative bacterium of Lyme disease. Previous functional studies of OspA allude to both a role in colonization of B. burgdorferi in the tick vector and in evasion of the human immune system. This work describes the first ever structural studies of OspA as it is seen by the immune system: in the outer membrane. OspA was expressed in and purified from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli prior to characterization via circular dichroism (CD), native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and electron microscopy. Characterization studies of OspA provide the first evidence of multimeric formation of OspA when translocated to the outer membrane, which presents a new perspective from which to build upon for the design of vaccinations against Lyme disease. The second protein of interest is nonstructural protein 15 (Nsp15), a protein responsible for facilitating immune system evasion of SARS-CoV-2 – the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Nsp15 functions to enzymatically cleave negative sense viral RNA to avoid recognition by the human immune system. The work described in this dissertation is dedicated to the electron microscopy work utilized to reveal structural information on an inactive variant of Nsp15 bound to RNA sequences. Negative stain electron microscopy was used to verify Nsp15 structural integrity, as well as reveal a low-resolution image of structural deviation when RNA is bound to Nsp15. Cryo-electron microscopy was performed to solve structural density of Nsp15 without RNA to a resolution of 3.11 Å and Nsp15 bound to 5-nucleotides of RNA to a resolution of 3.99 Å. With further refinement, this structure will show the first structural data of Nsp15 bound to a visible RNA sequence, revealing information on the binding and enzymatic activity of Nsp15.
Date Created

Purification, Characterization, and Structural Determination of Proteins Vital to Infectious Disease

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The work in this dissertation progressed the research of structural discovery for two targets critical in the fight of infectious disease. Francisella lipoprotein 3 (Flpp3) is a virulent determinant of tularemia and was the first protein of study. The proteins

The work in this dissertation progressed the research of structural discovery for two targets critical in the fight of infectious disease. Francisella lipoprotein 3 (Flpp3) is a virulent determinant of tularemia and was the first protein of study. The proteins soluble domain was studied using a hybrid modeling theory that used small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in combination with computation analysis to generate a SAXS-refined structure. The SAXS-refined structure closely resembled the NMR structure (PDB: 2MU4) which contains a hydrophobic cavity inside the protein that could be used for drug discovery purposes. The full-length domain of Flpp3 purified from the outer membrane of E. coli was also studied with a combination of biophysical characterization methods. Mass spectrometry and western blot analysis confirmed Flpp3 being translocated to the outer membrane, while SDS-PAGE confirmed the purity of Flpp3 in the monomeric form after size exclusion chromatography. Using Circular Dichroism (CD) the monomeric form of Flpp3 was shown to be almost fully refolded into having a primarily β-stranded secondary structure. This information advances the progress of both tularemia research and outer membrane protein research as no natively folded outer membrane protein structures have been solved for F. tularensis.The second protein worked on in this dissertation is the nonstructural protein 15 from SARS-CoV-2, also called NendoU. Nsp15 is an endoribonuclease associated with aiding the virus responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic in evasion of the immune system. An inactive mutant of Nsp15 was studied with both negative stain electron microscopy and cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) in the presence of RNA or without RNA present. The initial findings of negative stain electron microscopy of Nsp15 with and without RNA showed a difference in appearance. Negative stain analysis of Nsp15 is in the presence of a 5nt RNA sequence in low salt conditions shows a conformational change when compared to Nsp15 without RNA present. As well the presence of RNA appeared to shift the electron density in Cryo-EM studies of Nsp15. This work advances the research in how Nsp15 may bind and cleave RNA and aid in the evasion of the host cell immune system.
Date Created

Structural and Biochemical Characterization of Proteins Relevant to Human Disease

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This work comprises a cumulative effort to provide analysis of proteins relevant to understanding and treating human disease. This dissertation focuses on two main protein complexes: the structure of the Chimp adenovirus Y25 capsid assembly, as used in the SARS-CoV-2

This work comprises a cumulative effort to provide analysis of proteins relevant to understanding and treating human disease. This dissertation focuses on two main protein complexes: the structure of the Chimp adenovirus Y25 capsid assembly, as used in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Vaxzveria, and the Dbl family RhoGEF (guanosine exchange factor) Syx and its associated small G protein, RhoA. The course of research was influenced heavily by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdown, which pushed anyone with the means to do meaningful research to shift priorities towards addressing the greatest public health crisis since the 1918 flu pandemic. Analysis of the Syx-RhoA complex for the purposes of structurally guided drug design was initially the focus of heavy optimization efforts to overcome the numerous challenges associated with expression, purification, and handling of this protein. By analyzing E. Coli derived protein new important knowledge was gained about this protein’s biophysical characteristics which contribute to its behavior and may inform drug design efforts. Expression in SF9 insect cells resulted in promising conditions for production of homogeneous and monodispersed protein. Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of this protein support hypotheses about its interactions with both RhoA as well as regions of the cytoplasmic leaflet of the cell membrane. Structural characterization of ChAdOx1, the adenoviral vector used in the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, Vaxzveria resulted in the highest resolution adenovirus structure ever solved (3.07Å). Subsequent biochemical analysis and computational simulations of PF4 with the ChAdOx1 capsid reveal interactions with important implications for vaccine induced thrombocytic throbocytopenia syndrome, a disorder observed in approximately 0.000024% of patients who receive Vaxzveria.
Date Created

Structural-Based Study of Intact Human Particulate Guanylyl Cyclase Receptor A (pGC-A) and Biophysical Characterization

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Particulate Guanylyl Cyclase Receptor A (pGC-A) is an atrial natriuretic peptide receptor, which plays a vital role in controlling cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine functions. The extracellular domain of pGC-A interacts with natriuretic peptides and triggers the intracellular guanylyl cyclase domain

Particulate Guanylyl Cyclase Receptor A (pGC-A) is an atrial natriuretic peptide receptor, which plays a vital role in controlling cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine functions. The extracellular domain of pGC-A interacts with natriuretic peptides and triggers the intracellular guanylyl cyclase domain to convert GTP to cGMP. To effectively develop a method that can regulate pGC-A, structural information regarding its intact form is necessary. Currently, only the extracellular domain structure of rat pGC-A has been determined. However, structural data regarding the transmembrane domain, as well as functional intracellular domain regions, need to be elucidated.This dissertation presents detailed information regarding pGC-A expression and optimization in the baculovirus expression vector system, along with the first purification method for purifying functional intact human pGC-A. The first in vitro evidence of a purified intact human pGC-A tetramer was detected in detergent micellar solution. Intact pGC-A is currently proposed to function as a homodimer. Upon analyzing my findings and acknowledging that dimer formation is required for pGC-A functionality, I proposed the first tetramer complex model composed of two functional subunits (homodimer). Forming tetramer complexes on the cell membrane increases pGC-A binding efficiency and ligand sensitivity. Currently, a two-step mechanism has been proposed for ATP-dependent pGC-A signal transduction. Based on cGMP functional assay results, it can be suggested that the binding ligand also moderately activates pGC-A, and that ATP is not crucial for the activation of guanylyl cyclase. Instead, three modulators can regulate different activation levels in intact pGC-A. Crystallization of purified intact pGC-A was performed to determine its structure. During the crystallization condition screening process, I successfully selected seven promising initial crystallization conditions for intact human pGC-A crystallization. One selected condition led to the formation of excellent needle-shaped crystals. During the serial crystallography diffraction experiment, five diffraction patterns were detected. The highest diffraction resolution spot reached 3 Å. This work will allow the determination of the intact human pGC-A structure while also providing structural information on the protein signal transduction mechanism. Further structural knowledge may potentially lead to improved drug design. More precise mutation experiments could help verify the current pGC-A signal transduction and activation mechanism.
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