αMI-domain of Integrin Mac-1 Binds the Cytokine Pleiotrophin Using Multiple Mechanisms

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The integrin Mac-1 (αMβ2, CD11b/CD18) is an important adhesion receptorexpressed on macrophages and neutrophils. It plays a crucial role in phagocytosis, cell-cell fusion, and cell migration. αMβ2 is also the most promiscuous integrin with over 100 known ligands that span a broad

The integrin Mac-1 (αMβ2, CD11b/CD18) is an important adhesion receptorexpressed on macrophages and neutrophils. It plays a crucial role in phagocytosis, cell-cell fusion, and cell migration. αMβ2 is also the most promiscuous integrin with over 100 known ligands that span a broad range of physical and chemical attributes, many of which bind to the inserted (I) domain from the αM subunit. The interaction of αMI-domain with cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN) were determine. PTN is a cationic protein known to induce Mac-1- mediated adhesion and migration in cells. The data showed that PTN’s interaction with αMI-domain contains both divalent cation-dependent and independent mechanisms. In particular, PTN’s N-terminal domain has weak interactions with the N/C-termini side of αMI-domain using a metal-independent mechanism. However, stronger interaction is achieved through the chelation of the divalent cation in the metal ion-dependent adhesion site of active αMI-domain by PTN’s acidic residues. Although many acidic residues in PTN can act as the chelator, active αMI-domain’s interaction with PTN’s E98 plays an especially important role. NOE, chemical shift perturbation (CSP) data, and mutagenesis studies showed residues near E98 are at the binding interface and the E98 mutation greatly reduced binding affinity between two proteins. Interestingly, the CSP and MD simulation data showed the binding interface can be supported by the interaction of PTN’s H95 with the acidic clusters D242, E244, and D273 from αMI-domain, while PTN’s E66 form electrostatic interaction with R208 and K245 from αMI-domain. The determined recognition motif of αMI-domain for its ligands is (H/R/K)xxE. The ability to accommodate the longer distance between E and (H, R, K) compared to the zwitterionic motif RGDii explained how αMβ2 can interact with a large repertoire of ligands and be versatile in its functional portfolio.
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Mechanism of Ph-dependent Zn2+ Binding in the Zinc Transporter Protein YiiP

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Transition metal ions such as Zn2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Fe2+ play crucial roles in organisms from all kingdoms of life. The homeostasis of these ions is mainly regulated by a group of secondary transporters from the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF)

Transition metal ions such as Zn2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Fe2+ play crucial roles in organisms from all kingdoms of life. The homeostasis of these ions is mainly regulated by a group of secondary transporters from the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) family. The mammalian zinc transporters (ZnTs), a subfamily of CDF, have been an important target for study as they are associated with several diseases, such as diabetes, delayed growth and osteopenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinsonism. The bacterial homolog of ZnTs, YiiP, is the first CDF transporter with a determined structure and is used as a model for studying the structural and mechanistic properties of CDF transporters. On the other hand, Molecular dynamics simulation has emerged as a valuable computational tool for exploring the physical basis of biological macromolecules' structure and function with atomic precision at femtosecond resolution. This work aims to elucidate the roles of the three Zn$2+ binding sites found on each YiiP protomer and the role of protons in the transport process of CDFs, which remain under debate despite previous thermodynamic and structural studies on YiiP. Cryo-EM, microscale thermophoresis (MST) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to address these questions. With a Zn2+ model that accurately reproduces experimental structures of the binding clusters, the dynamical influence of zinc binding on the transporter was accessed through MD simulations, which was consistent with the new cryo-EM structures. Zinc binding affinities obtained through MST were used to infer the stoichiometry of Zn2+/H+ antiport in combination with a microscopic thermodynamic model and constant pH simulations. The most likely microstates of H$^+$ and Zn2+ binding indicated a transport stoichiometry of 1 Zn2+ to 2-3 H+ depending on the external pH. A model describing the entire transport cycle of YiiP was finally built on these findings, providing insight into the structural and mechanistic properties of CDF transporters.
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Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis of the p75 neurotrophin receptor by γ-secretase in the context of the lipid bilayer


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder affecting approximately 10% of people aged 65 and up and 30-50% over 85. In pathological AD representations, a way to recognize early onset AD is the increased levels of pro-NGF in BFCNs

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder affecting approximately 10% of people aged 65 and up and 30-50% over 85. In pathological AD representations, a way to recognize early onset AD is the increased levels of pro-NGF in BFCNs that come from the downregulation of NGF with age. Pro-NGF has a higher affinity for p75NTR, which binds and participates in the pro-NGF-p75NTR-sortilin complex sequentially cleaved by α- and γ-secretase. Pro-NGF triggers apoptosis through the cleavage of the intracellular membrane by γ-secretase. Since γ-secretase physically cleaves off the intramembrane portion that promotes TNF- and Fas-dependent apoptotic signaling pathways, it has a crucial role in AD and must be better understood. This research aims to understand better and visualize γ-secretase and its actions, specifically with its interactions with the substrate p75NTR in the RIP process. To analyze γ-secretase function, the proteins must be produced and analyzed through the protein expression protocol. During protein production, DNA, cell concentrations, and optical density measurements were difficult to produce due to the incompetency of e. coli cells (DH5α), contamination of the Sf9 insect cell culture, and decreased viability of aged insect cells. We identified the problems and improved the conditions for future project development.

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Assays to Forensically Assess Exposure of Plasma and Serum to Thawed Conditions

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Plasma and serum are the most commonly used liquid biospecimens in biomarker research. These samples may be subjected to several pre-analytical variables (PAVs) during collection, processing and storage. Exposure to thawed conditions (temperatures above -30 °C) is a PAV that

Plasma and serum are the most commonly used liquid biospecimens in biomarker research. These samples may be subjected to several pre-analytical variables (PAVs) during collection, processing and storage. Exposure to thawed conditions (temperatures above -30 °C) is a PAV that is hard to control, and track and could provide misleading information, that fail to accurately reveal the in vivo biological reality, when unaccounted for. Hence, assays that can empirically check the integrity of plasma and serum samples are crucial. As a solution to this issue, an assay titled ΔS-Cys-Albumin was developed and validated. The reference range of ΔS-Cys-Albumin in cardio vascular patients was determined and the change in ΔS-Cys-Albumin values in different samples over time course incubations at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C were evaluated. In blind challenges, this assay proved to be successful in identifying improperly stored samples individually and as groups. Then, the correlation between the instability of several clinically important proteins in plasma from healthy and cancer patients at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C was assessed. Results showed a linear inverse relationship between the percentage of proteins destabilized and ΔS-Cys-Albumin regardless of the specific time or temperature of exposure, proving ΔS-Cys-Albumin as an effective surrogate marker to track the stability of clinically relevant analytes in plasma. The stability of oxidized LDL in serum at different temperatures was assessed in serum samples and it stayed stable at all temperatures evaluated. The ΔS-Cys-Albumin requires the use of an LC-ESI-MS instrument which limits its availability to most clinical research laboratories. To overcome this hurdle, an absorbance-based assay that can be measured using a plate reader was developed as an alternative to the ΔS-Cys-Albumin assay. Assay development and analytical validation procedures are reported herein. After that, the range of absorbance in plasma and serum from control and cancer patients were determined and the change in absorbance over a time course incubation at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C was assessed. The results showed that the absorbance assay would act as a good alternative to the ΔS-Cys-Albumin assay.
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Investigating the Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Activation and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress on Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture


In intracranial aneurysms, multiple factors and biochemical pathways are believed to be involved in the event of a rupture. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation pathway is of particular interest as a way to understand and target the mechanism

In intracranial aneurysms, multiple factors and biochemical pathways are believed to be involved in the event of a rupture. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation pathway is of particular interest as a way to understand and target the mechanism of rupture due to its established role in cellular proliferation and inflammation. Furthermore, unfolded protein responses in vascular cells’ endoplasmic reticulum (ER), known as ER stress, have emerged as a potential downstream mechanism by which inflammatory EGFR activation may lead to aneurysm rupture. The purpose of this project was to investigate the role of EGFR inhibition on the aneurysm rupture rate in a preclinical model, investigate the role of ER stress induction on the aneurysm rupture rate, and confirm which cellular phenomenon lies upstream in this mechanistic cascade. Based on analyses of aneurysm rupture rate and gene expression in the Circle of Willis, ER stress and inflammatory unfolded protein responses were found to be downstream of initial EGFR activation, which may be an effective therapeutic target for preventing aneurysm rupture in a clinical setting.

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The Impact of Ex Vivo Modifications on Protein Interactions.

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Exposure of liquid biospecimens like plasma and serum (P/S) to improper handling and storage can impact the integrity of biomolecules, potentially leading to apparent quantitative changes of important clinical proteins. An accurate and quick estimate of the quality of biospecimens

Exposure of liquid biospecimens like plasma and serum (P/S) to improper handling and storage can impact the integrity of biomolecules, potentially leading to apparent quantitative changes of important clinical proteins. An accurate and quick estimate of the quality of biospecimens employed in biomarker discovery and validation studies is essential to facilitating accurate conclusions. ΔS-Cys-Albumin is a marker of blood P/S exposure to thawed conditions that can quantitatively track the exposure of P/S to temperatures greater than their freezing point of -30 C. Reported here are studies carried out to evaluate the potential of ΔS-Cys-Albumin to track the stability of clinically important analytes present in P/S upon their exposure to thawed conditions. P/S samples obtained from both cancer-free donors and cancer patients were exposed to 23 C (room temperature), 4 C and -20 C degrees, and the degree to which the apparent concentrations of clinically relevant biomolecules present in P/S were impacted during the time it took ΔS-Cys-Albumin to reach zero was measured. Analyte concentrations measured by molecular interaction-based assays were significantly impacted when samples were exposed to the point where average ΔS-Cys-Albumin fell below 12% at each temperature. Furthermore, the percentage of proteins that became unstable with time under thawed conditions exhibited a strong inverse linear relationship to ΔS-Cys-Albumin, indicating that ΔS-Cys-Albumin can serve as an effective surrogate marker to track the stability of other clinically relevant proteins in plasma as well as to estimate the fraction of proteins that have been destabilized by exposure to thawed conditions, regardless of what the exposure temperature(s) may have been. These results indicated that P/S exposure to thawed conditions disrupts epitopes required for clinical protein quantification via molecular interaction-based assays. In continuation of this theme, a spurious binding event between two clinically important proteins, Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and Interferon-  (IFN) present in human plasma under in vitro experimental conditions is also reported. The interaction was confirmed to be evident only when ApoE was expressed in vitro with a Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) fusion tag. Future steps required to find the exact manner in which the GST fusion tag facilitated the association between ApoE and IFNγ are discussed with emphasis on the possible pitfalls associated with using fusion proteins for studying novel protein-protein interactions.
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Expression, Purification, and Electron Microscopic Analysis of the Rubisco-Rubisco Activase Complex

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Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase enzyme (Rubisco) is responsible for the majority of carbon fixation and is also the least efficient enzyme on Earth. Rubisco assists 1,5-ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in binding CO2, however CO2 and oxygen have similar binding affinities to Rubisco, resulting

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase enzyme (Rubisco) is responsible for the majority of carbon fixation and is also the least efficient enzyme on Earth. Rubisco assists 1,5-ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in binding CO2, however CO2 and oxygen have similar binding affinities to Rubisco, resulting in a low enzymatic efficiency. Rubisco activase (Rca) is an enzyme that removes inhibiting molecules from Rubisco’s active sites, promoting the Rubisco activity. The binding of Rubisco and Rca stimulates a high-rate of carbon fixation and lowers the overall CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. To study the interaction between the two complexes, Rubisco was extracted from baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and purified using anion-exchange chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. Rca was designed to use a recombinant gene and overexpressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). The purified proteins were verified using SDS-PAGE. The two proteins were assembled in vitro and the interaction of the protein complex was stabilized using glutaraldehyde cross-linking. The samples were then deposited on a carbon-coated electron microscopy (EM) grid, stained with uranyl formate, and observed under a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The ultimate goal is to image the specimen and reconstruct the structure of the protein complex at high resolution.
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Hierarchical Assembly of Nucleic Acid/Coiled-Coil Peptide Nanostructures

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Since the inception of DNA nanotechnology, DNA has found itself poised as one of the most robust self-assembling building blocks due to its well understood double helix structure formed by two anti-parallel strands of DNA held together by hydrogen bond

Since the inception of DNA nanotechnology, DNA has found itself poised as one of the most robust self-assembling building blocks due to its well understood double helix structure formed by two anti-parallel strands of DNA held together by hydrogen bond from nucleobases which also provides the material programmability due to the well-understood Watson Crick base pairing rules. These capabilities have led to the exponential increase in publications showing off intricate and remarkable designs alongside ever-expanding applications. However, as the field expands there is an apparent lack of chemical diversity and functionality. To combat this my research focused on creating hybrid peptide oligonucleotide conjugates (POC) where the conjugated peptide could add chemical and structural diversity using the 20 canonical amino acids and various peptide secondary structures. In this work, I conjugate DNA to the self-assembling peptide building block the coiled coil. The coiled coil motif is formed from the self-assembly of two or more α-helical peptides and, like DNA, the coiled coil has well understood programmability. Together as a conjugate, the DNA and coiled coil, create a new self-assembling building block capable of two orthogonal self-assembling modes that can work in tandem. In this work, I used DNA coiled coil conjugates to show the capability to create first of their kind hybrid DNA/coiled coil one-dimensional fibers (chapter 2), integrate proteins (chapter 3), and to create hybrid cage structures (chapter 4). Finally, a POC hydrogel is created using the polypeptide gelatin with DNA crosslinks to create a reversible stiffening gel using toe-hold mediated strand displacement (chapter 5).
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A Determination of the Sequence-Dependent Kinetic Constants of Uracil-DNA Glycosylase

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Mutations in the DNA of somatic cells, resulting from inaccuracies in DNA<br/>replication or exposure to harsh conditions (ionizing radiation, carcinogens), may be<br/>loss-of-function mutations, and the compounding of these mutations can lead to cancer.<br/>Such mutations can come in the form of

Mutations in the DNA of somatic cells, resulting from inaccuracies in DNA<br/>replication or exposure to harsh conditions (ionizing radiation, carcinogens), may be<br/>loss-of-function mutations, and the compounding of these mutations can lead to cancer.<br/>Such mutations can come in the form of thymine dimers, N-𝛽 glycosyl bond hydrolysis,<br/>oxidation by hydrogen peroxide or other radicals, and deamination of cytosine to uracil.<br/>However, many cells possess the machinery to counteract the deleterious effects of<br/>such mutations. While eukaryotic DNA repair enzymes decrease the incidence of<br/>mutations from 1 mistake per 10^7 nucleotides to 1 mistake per 10^9 nucleotides, these<br/>mutations, however sparse, are problematic. Of particular interest is a mutation in which<br/>uracil is incorporated into DNA, either by spontaneous deamination of cysteine or<br/>misincorporation. Such mutations occur about one in every 107 cytidine residues in 24<br/>hours. DNA uracil glycosylase (UDG) recognizes these mutations and cleaves the<br/>glycosidic bond, creating an abasic site. However, the rate of this form of DNA repair<br/>varies, depending on the nucleotides that surround the uracil. Most enzyme-DNA<br/>interactions depend on the sequence of DNA (which may change the duplex twist),<br/>even if they only bind to the sugar-phosphate backbone. In the mechanism of uracil<br/>excision, UDG flips the uracil out of the DNA double helix, and this step may be<br/>impaired by base pairs that neighbor the uracil. The deformability of certain regions of<br/>DNA may facilitate this step in the mechanism, causing these regions to be less<br/>mutable. In DNA, base stacking, a form of van der Waals forces between the aromatic<br/>nucleic bases, may make these uracil inclusions more difficult to excise. These regions,<br/>stabilized by base stacking interactions, may be less susceptible to repair by<br/>glycosylases such as UDG, and thus, more prone to mutation.

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Membrane-directed Expression of BBA57 and Other Virulence Targets from Borrelia burgdorferi Reveals Structural Evidence of an Outer Membrane Oligomer in the Lyme Disease Pathogen

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Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease, is a unique pathogen, with a complex genome and unique immune evasion tactics. It lacks genes encoding proteins involved in nutrient synthesis and typical metabolic pathways, and therefore relies on the

Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease, is a unique pathogen, with a complex genome and unique immune evasion tactics. It lacks genes encoding proteins involved in nutrient synthesis and typical metabolic pathways, and therefore relies on the host for nutrients. The Bb genome encodes both an unusually high number of predicted outer surface lipoproteins of unknown function but with multiple complex roles in pathogenesis, and an unusually low number of predicted outer membrane proteins, given the necessity of bringing in the required nutrients for pathogen survival. Cellular processing of bacterial membrane proteins is complex, and structures of proteins from Bb have all been solved without the N-terminal signal sequence that directs the protein to proper folding and placement in the membrane. This dissertation presents the first membrane-directed expression in E. coli of several Bb proteins involved in the pathogenesis of Lyme disease. For the first time, I present evidence that the predicted lipoprotein, BBA57, forms a large alpha-helical homo-multimeric complex in the OM, is soluble in several detergents, and purifiable. The purified BBA57 complex forms homogeneous, 10 nm-diameter particles, visible by negative stain electron microscopy. Two-dimensional class averages from negative stain images reveal the first low-resolution particle views, comprised of a ring of subunits with a plug on top, possibly forming a porin or channel. These results provide the first evidence to support our theories that some of the predicted lipoproteins in Bb form integral-complexes in the outer membrane, and require proper membrane integration to form functional proteins.
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