A Structure Guided Approach to Understanding Photosynthetic Membrane Proteins

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First evolving in cyanobacteria, the light reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis are carried out by the membrane proteins, photosystem II and photosystem I, located in the thylakoid membrane. Both utilize light captured by their core antenna systems to catalyze a charge

First evolving in cyanobacteria, the light reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis are carried out by the membrane proteins, photosystem II and photosystem I, located in the thylakoid membrane. Both utilize light captured by their core antenna systems to catalyze a charge separation event at their respective reaction centers and energizes electrons to be transferred energetically uphill, eventually to be stored as a high energy chemical bond. These protein complexes are highly conserved throughout different photosynthetic lineages and understanding the variations across species is vital for a complete understanding of how photosynthetic organisms can adapt to vastly different environmental conditions. Most knowledge about photosynthesis comes from only a handful of model organisms grown under laboratory conditions. Studying model organisms has facilitated major breakthroughs in understanding photosynthesis, however, due to the vast global diversity of environments where photosynthetic organisms are found, certain aspects of this process may be overlooked or missed by focusing on a select group of organisms optimized for studying in laboratory conditions. This dissertation describes the isolation of a new extremophile cyanobacteria, Cyanobacterium aponinum 0216, from the Arizona Sonoran Desert and its innate ability to grow in light intensities that exceed other model organisms. A structure guided approach was taken to investigate how the structure of photosystem I can influence the spectroscopic properties of chlorophylls, with a particular focus on long wavelength chlorophylls, in an attempt to uncover if photosystem I is responsible for high light tolerance in Cyanobacterium aponinum 0216. To accomplish this, the structure of photosystem I was solved by cryogenic electron microscopy to 2.7-anstrom resolution. By comparing the structure and protein sequences of Cyanobacterium aponinum to other model organisms, specific variations were identified and explored by constructing chimeric PSIs in the model organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to determine the effects that each specific variation causes. The results of this dissertation describe how the protein structure and composition affect the spectroscopic properties of chlorophyll molecules and the oligomeric structure of photosystem I, possibly providing an evolutionary advantage in the high light conditions observed in the Arizona Sonoran Desert.
Date Created

The Characterization of Cannabidiol Amorphous Solid Dispersions

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Generating amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) containing active pharmaceutical ingredients has become a favorable technique of emerging prominence to improve drug solubility and overall bioavailability. Cannabidiol (CBD) has now become a major focus in cannabinoid research due to its ability to

Generating amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) containing active pharmaceutical ingredients has become a favorable technique of emerging prominence to improve drug solubility and overall bioavailability. Cannabidiol (CBD) has now become a major focus in cannabinoid research due to its ability to serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, showing promising results in treating a wide array of debilitating diseases and pathologies. The following work provides evidence for generating homogenous glass phase amorphous solid dispersions containing 50% (w/w) up to 75% (w/w) CBD concentrations in the domain size of 2 – 5 nm. Concentrations up to 85% (w/w) CBD were concluded homogenous in the supercooled liquid phase in domain sizes of 20 – 30 nm. The results were obtained from polarized light microscopy (PLM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Molecular Catalysts with Applications in Solar Fuels

Metalloporphyrins serve important roles in biological processes and in emerging technologies with applications to energy conversion. When electrochemically activated in solution, metalloporphyrins have the ability to catalyze the conversion of protons into hydrogen fuels. In this report, the synthesis and

Metalloporphyrins serve important roles in biological processes and in emerging technologies with applications to energy conversion. When electrochemically activated in solution, metalloporphyrins have the ability to catalyze the conversion of protons into hydrogen fuels. In this report, the synthesis and characterization of zinc, nickel, cobalt and copper analogs of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin (PF20) and 5,10,15,20-tetra-p-tolyporphyrin (TTP) are described. All target compounds are characterized with UV-Vis spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The freebase porphyrins and non-paramagnetic metalloporphyrins are further characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and all proton resonances are assigned. Electrochemical measurements show the reduction potential of the fluorinated phenyl substituted porphyrins is shifted to less negative values as compared to the reduction potential measured using non-fluorinated analogs. These results illustrate the ability to use fluorine as a synthetic tool for altering the electronic properties of metalloporphyrins. Further, these findings serve a critical role in choosing metalloporphyrin electrocatalysts with the appropriate energetic and optical properties for integration to semiconductors with applications to solar-to- fuels technologies.
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Metalloporphyrin-Modified Semiconductors for Solar Fuel Production

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We report a direct one-step method to chemically graft metalloporphyrins to a visible-light-absorbing gallium phosphide semiconductor with the aim of constructing an integrated photocathode for light activating chemical transformations that include capturing, converting, and storing solar energy as fuels. Structural

We report a direct one-step method to chemically graft metalloporphyrins to a visible-light-absorbing gallium phosphide semiconductor with the aim of constructing an integrated photocathode for light activating chemical transformations that include capturing, converting, and storing solar energy as fuels. Structural characterization of the hybrid assemblies is achieved using surface-sensitive spectroscopic methods, and functional performance for photoinduced hydrogen production is demonstrated via three-electrode electrochemical testing combined with photoproduct analysis using gas chromatography. Measurements of the total per geometric area porphyrin surface loadings using a cobalt-porphyrin based assembly indicate a turnover frequency ≥3.9 H2 molecules per site per second, representing the highest reported to date for a molecular-catalyst-modified semiconductor photoelectrode operating at the H+/H2 equilibrium potential under 1-sun illumination.

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Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Cobalt and Iron Porphyrins

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The free-base tetra-tolyl-porphyrin and the corresponding cobalt and iron porphyrin complexes were synthesized and characterized to show that this class of compound can be promising, tunable catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction. During cyclic voltammetry experiments, the iron porphyrin showed an

The free-base tetra-tolyl-porphyrin and the corresponding cobalt and iron porphyrin complexes were synthesized and characterized to show that this class of compound can be promising, tunable catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction. During cyclic voltammetry experiments, the iron porphyrin showed an on-set of ‘catalytic current’ at an earlier potential than the cobalt porphyrin’s in organic solutions gassed with carbon dioxide. The cobalt porphyrin yielded larger catalytic currents, but at the same potential as the electrode. This difference, along with the significant changes in the porphyrin’s electronic, optical and redox properties, showed that its capabilities for carbon dioxide reduction can be controlled by metal ions, allotting it unique opportunities for applications in solar fuels catalysis and photochemical reactions.
Date Created

Design of protein-based hybrid catalysts for fuel production

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One of the greatest problems facing society today is the development of a

sustainable, carbon neutral energy source to curb the reliance on fossil fuel combustion as the primary source of energy. To overcome this challenge, research efforts have turned to

One of the greatest problems facing society today is the development of a

sustainable, carbon neutral energy source to curb the reliance on fossil fuel combustion as the primary source of energy. To overcome this challenge, research efforts have turned to biology for inspiration, as nature is adept at inter-converting low molecular weight precursors into complex molecules. A number of inorganic catalysts have been reported that mimic the active sites of energy-relevant enzymes such as hydrogenases and carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. However, these inorganic models fail to achieve the high activity of the enzymes, which function in aqueous systems, as they lack the critical secondary-shell interactions that enable the active site of enzymes to outperform their organometallic counterparts.

To address these challenges, my work utilizes bio-hybrid systems in which artificial proteins are used to modulate the properties of organometallic catalysts. This approach couples the diversity of organometallic function with the robust nature of protein biochemistry, aiming to utilize the protein scaffold to not only enhance rates of reaction, but also to control catalytic cycles and reaction outcomes. To this end, I have used chemical biology techniques to modify natural protein structures and augment the H2 producing ability of a cobalt-catalyst by a factor of five through simple mutagenesis. Concurrently I have designed and characterized a de novo peptide that incorporates various iron sulfur clusters at discrete distances from one another, facilitating electron transfer between the two. Finally, using computational methodologies I have engineered proteins to alter the specificity of a CO2 reduction reaction. The proteins systems developed herein allow for study of protein secondary-shell interactions during catalysis, and enable structure-function relationships to be built. The complete system will be interfaced with a solar fuel cell, accepting electrons from a photosensitized dye and storing energy in chemical bonds, such as H2 or methanol.
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