Cryo-electron Microscopy Enables Structural Studies of Protein Complexes Relevant to Neurodegeneration

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The understanding of protein functions in vivo is very important since the protein is the building block of a cell. Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is capable of visualizing protein samples in their near-native states in high-resolution details. Cryo-EM

The understanding of protein functions in vivo is very important since the protein is the building block of a cell. Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is capable of visualizing protein samples in their near-native states in high-resolution details. Cryo-EM enables the visualization of biomolecular structures at multiscale ranging from a cellular structure to an atomic structure of protein subunit.Neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia, have multiple dysregulated signaling pathways. In my doctoral studies, I investigated two protein complexes relevant to these disorders: one is the proNGF- p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR)- sortilin neurotrophin complex and the other is the p97R155H mutant complex. The neurotrophins are a family of soluble basic growth factors involved in the development, maintenance, and proliferation of neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The ligand for the neuronal receptors dictates the fate of the neuronal cells. My studies focused on understanding the binding interfaces between the proteins in the proNGF-p75NTR-sortilin neuronal apoptotic complex. I have performed the biochemical characterization of the complex to understand how the complex formation occurs. Single amino-acid mutation of R155H on the N-domain of p97 is known to be the prevalent mutation in 40% patients suffering from neurodegenerative disease. The p97R155H mutant exhibits abnormal ATPase activity and cofactor dysregulation. I pursued biochemical characterization in combination with single-particle cryo-EM to explore the interaction of p97R155H mutant with its cofactor p47 and determined the full-length structures of the p97R155H-p47 assemblies for the first time. About 40% p97R155H organizes into higher order dodecamers, which lacks nucleotide binding, does not bind to p47, and closely resembles the structure of p97 bound with an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-competitive inhibitor, CB-5083, suggesting an inactive state of the p97R155H mutant. The structures also revealed conformational changes of the arginine fingers which might contribute to the elevated p97R155H ATPase activity. Because the D1-D2 domain communication is important in regulating the ATPase function, I further studied the functions of the conserved L464 residue on the D1-D2 linker using mutagenesis and single-particle cryo-EM. The biochemical and structural results suggested the torsional constraint of the D1-D2 linker likely modulates the D2 ATPase activity. Our studies thus contributed to develop deeper knowledge of the intricate cellular mechanisms and the proteins affected in disease pathways.
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Biophysical Characterization and Structural Studies of Proteins in Pursuit of Vaccinations Against Infectious Diseases

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Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death in the world. This work aims to advance structural studies of vital proteins involved in the infection process of both

Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death in the world. This work aims to advance structural studies of vital proteins involved in the infection process of both a bacterial and a viral infectious disease in hopes of reducing infection, and consequently, fatality rates. The first protein of interest is OspA, a major outer surface protein in Borrelia burgdorferi – the causative bacterium of Lyme disease. Previous functional studies of OspA allude to both a role in colonization of B. burgdorferi in the tick vector and in evasion of the human immune system. This work describes the first ever structural studies of OspA as it is seen by the immune system: in the outer membrane. OspA was expressed in and purified from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli prior to characterization via circular dichroism (CD), native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and electron microscopy. Characterization studies of OspA provide the first evidence of multimeric formation of OspA when translocated to the outer membrane, which presents a new perspective from which to build upon for the design of vaccinations against Lyme disease. The second protein of interest is nonstructural protein 15 (Nsp15), a protein responsible for facilitating immune system evasion of SARS-CoV-2 – the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Nsp15 functions to enzymatically cleave negative sense viral RNA to avoid recognition by the human immune system. The work described in this dissertation is dedicated to the electron microscopy work utilized to reveal structural information on an inactive variant of Nsp15 bound to RNA sequences. Negative stain electron microscopy was used to verify Nsp15 structural integrity, as well as reveal a low-resolution image of structural deviation when RNA is bound to Nsp15. Cryo-electron microscopy was performed to solve structural density of Nsp15 without RNA to a resolution of 3.11 Å and Nsp15 bound to 5-nucleotides of RNA to a resolution of 3.99 Å. With further refinement, this structure will show the first structural data of Nsp15 bound to a visible RNA sequence, revealing information on the binding and enzymatic activity of Nsp15.
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