The Effect of COVID-19 on N95 Mask Supply Chains

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The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 exposed issues in the supply chain for N95 face masks. The demand for protective face masks spiked globally and domestically due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. An important issue was the dependency on

The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 exposed issues in the supply chain for N95 face masks. The demand for protective face masks spiked globally and domestically due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. An important issue was the dependency on N95 mask production in countries abroad. The focus on face masks in this thesis accounts for all models of the N95 mask.<br/>This thesis will focus on onshore and offshore production of N95 face masks before and during the pandemic. Specifically, we will focus on (1) the production of masks in 2019; (2) 3M, Honeywell, and Prestige Ameritech’s production changes; (3) the observations made by All The Things LLC, a broker for face masks; (4) the rise of counterfeit masks and actions taken to stop counterfeit production; (4) actions taken by the federal government to aid in production and distribution; and (5) future research opportunities on this topic. This research project into the production of N95 face masks ceased in February of 2021. <br/>This thesis defends the critical need for more domestically produced N95 masks. The U.S. needs to increase the number of N95 masks produced domestically, manage the Strategic National Stockpile to eliminate masks past their shelf life, and create a plan to replenish the stockpile to reduce the possibility of a shortage when the next public health emergency takes place.

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Cognitive Computing for Decision Support

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The Cognitive Decision Support (CDS) model is proposed. The model is widely applicable and scales to realistic, complex decision problems based on adaptive learning. The utility of a decision is discussed and four types of decisions associated with CDS model

The Cognitive Decision Support (CDS) model is proposed. The model is widely applicable and scales to realistic, complex decision problems based on adaptive learning. The utility of a decision is discussed and four types of decisions associated with CDS model are identified. The CDS model is designed to learn decision utilities. Data enrichment is introduced to promote the effectiveness of learning. Grouping is introduced for large-scale decision learning. Introspection and adjustment are presented for adaptive learning. Triage recommendation is incorporated to indicate the trustworthiness of suggested decisions.

The CDS model and methodologies are integrated into an architecture using concepts from cognitive computing. The proposed architecture is implemented with an example use case to inventory management.

Reinforcement learning (RL) is discussed as an alternative, generalized adaptive learning engine for the CDS system to handle the complexity of many problems with unknown environments. An adaptive state dimension with context that can increase with newly available information is discussed. Several enhanced components for RL which are critical for complex use cases are integrated. Deep Q networks are embedded with the adaptive learning methodologies and applied to an example supply chain management problem on capacity planning.

A new approach using Ito stochastic processes is proposed as a more generalized method to generate non-stationary demands in various patterns that can be used in decision problems. The proposed method generates demands with varying non-stationary patterns, including trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular patterns. Conventional approaches are identified as special cases of the proposed method. Demands are illustrated in realistic settings for various decision models. Various statistical criteria are applied to filter the generated demands. The method is applied to a real-world example.
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Process of Apparel Manufacturing for Start-Ups and Small Businesses

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The purpose of this creative project was to investigate the process a start-up or small business must complete to have a sell-able apparel product manufactured. The initial goal of the project was to experience the manufacturing process from start to

The purpose of this creative project was to investigate the process a start-up or small business must complete to have a sell-able apparel product manufactured. The initial goal of the project was to experience the manufacturing process from start to finish and complete a full production run from a professional manufacturer. The conclusion found was that start-ups and small businesses will have to begin production within the United States.
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Product-Service Bundling in Manufacturing Firms

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Most advanced economies have evolved into service economies with the majority of their activity and jobs being in the service sector. The manufacturing sector is also going through a similar shift towards services. Manufacturers are increasingly complementing their products with

Most advanced economies have evolved into service economies with the majority of their activity and jobs being in the service sector. The manufacturing sector is also going through a similar shift towards services. Manufacturers are increasingly complementing their products with new services in order to satisfy a broader array of customer needs and increase the value of their offerings. This shift has offered significant opportunities to the sector and the success of major firms such as IBM, Caterpillar, and Rolls-Royce in competing through services has been remarkable.

Despite the increased importance of services in the manufacturing sector, the academic literature is yet to investigate the many questions that arise under this new manufacturing paradigm. Perhaps for the same reason study of servitization is listed as a research priority in recent publications both in the field of service operations management and in the field services marketing. This dissertation covers three essays aimed at disentangling multiple aspects of the role of services in the manufacturing sector. The literature on the drivers and implications of transition towards services in manufacturing firms is limited. The three studies in this dissertation aim at shedding light on this issue.

Specifically, the first essay looks at the innovation benefits of service transactions with customers. This paper demonstrate the value of services in getting manufacturers closer to customers and allowing them glean useful information from their service interactions. The second essay investigates the antecedents of service strategy adoption. We suggest that the extant diversification theory does not fully explain servitization and this phenomenon represents a unique type of diversification, which is likely driven by different factors. Through econometric analysis of financial data over a 27-year period, this study explores characteristics of product, firm resources, competition, and industry that encourage adoption of service strategies in manufacturing sector. Finally, the third essay takes a deeper dive and focuses on dealerships, as service centers, in the automobile industry. It investigates the role of dealerships in the success of automakers and explores dealership traits that are critical for market success of an automobile brand.
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Amazon Prime Air Delivery: Business Proposal Reconstruction, Review, and Recommendations

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Amazon Prime Air is the innovative new service that promises automated drone delivery in thirty minutes or less. The platform has not yet been brought to market, but there is a plethora compelling data available that suggests it will be

Amazon Prime Air is the innovative new service that promises automated drone delivery in thirty minutes or less. The platform has not yet been brought to market, but there is a plethora compelling data available that suggests it will be a unique and highly disruptive business segment for Amazon. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the framework laid out by, Inc. for their anticipated Prime Air drone delivery platform, and offer our recommendations for what steps the e-commerce giant should take moving forward. Following a brief recap of the company's founding and a breakdown of its various business segments, we will begin our analysis by examining past strategic decisions that Amazon has made which have directly contributed to their current market position. It is our goal to construct a narrative of what events lead the company to begin developing a fleet of automated delivery vehicles. Following this history lesson, we will review and criticize the existing elements of Amazon's Prime Air platform, and explore any possible alternatives that they could have taken to optimize the development of this exciting new technology. Criticisms will touch upon elements such as cost efficiencies, brand management, and utilization of infrastructure to name but a few. These criticisms will be based upon data sourced from Amazon's available material as well as comments from market analysts and journalists. The culminating element of our analysis will be to offer our professional recommendations as to what we believe the next logical steps that Amazon should take for their Prime Air platform. These recommendations will be informed by our criticisms and our understanding of Amazon as a corporation. This chapter will be largely concerned with guiding Amazon towards a fully optimized drone delivery platform. Our recommendations will be based upon our extensive experience concerning cost and logistical efficiencies, as well as our knowledge of Amazon as a corporation. We will offer succinct suggestions for Amazon's immediate needs as well as long-term solutions to lingering obstacles that they may face.
Date Created

Friends of my enemies: a longitudinal investigation into supply base management

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In this dissertation research, I expand the definition of the supply network to include the buying firm’s competitors. Just as one buyer-supplier relationship impacts all other relationships within the network, the presence of competitor-supplier relationships must also impact the

In this dissertation research, I expand the definition of the supply network to include the buying firm’s competitors. Just as one buyer-supplier relationship impacts all other relationships within the network, the presence of competitor-supplier relationships must also impact the focal buying firm. Therefore, the concept of a “competitive network” made up of a focal firm, its competitors and all of their combined suppliers is introduced. Utilizing a unique longitudinal dataset, this research explores how the organic structural changes within the new, many-to-many supply network impact firm performance. The investigation begins by studying the change in number of suppliers used by global auto manufacturers between 2004 and 2013. Following the Great Recession of 2008-09, firms have been growing the number of suppliers at more than twice the rate they had been reducing suppliers just a few years prior. The second phase of research explores the structural changes to the network resulting from this explosive growth in the number of suppliers. The final investigation explores a different flow – financial flow -- and evaluates its association with firm performance. Overall, this dissertation research demonstrates the value of aggregating individual supply networks into a macro-network defined as the competitive network. From this view, no one firm is able to control the structure of the network and the change in structure directly impacts firm performance. A new metric is introduced which addresses the subtle changes in buyer-supplier relationships and relates significantly to firm performance. The analyses expand the body of knowledge through the use of longitudinal datasets and uncovers otherwise overlooked dynamics existing within supply networks over the past decade.
Date Created

Toward the Theory of the Supply Chain

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As our discipline has matured, we have begun to develop theories of supply chain management. However, we submit that a major omission of theory development in the supply chain management discipline is that we have failed to develop a theory

As our discipline has matured, we have begun to develop theories of supply chain management. However, we submit that a major omission of theory development in the supply chain management discipline is that we have failed to develop a theory of what we are managing - a theory of the supply chain. Using a conceptual theory building approach, we introduce foundational premises about the structure and boundary of the supply chain, which can serve as the basis for much needed, additional development of the theory of the supply chain.

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