Spatially Resolved Carbon Dioxide Emissions Estimations for Gasoline and Diesel in the U.S.

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Motor gasoline and diesel contribute 30% to total energy related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the U.S. However, this estimate only accounts for emissions from direct combustion and does not include indirect emissions from processing and fuel movement, even though

Motor gasoline and diesel contribute 30% to total energy related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the U.S. However, this estimate only accounts for emissions from direct combustion and does not include indirect emissions from processing and fuel movement, even though indirect (scope 3) CO2 emissions are a significant contributor. Gasoline and diesel flow through a complex supply chain from oil extraction to point of combustion and estimates of their indirect emissions are typically aggregated as national or regional averages and not available at county or city scale. This dissertation presents a novel method to quantify U.S. supply-chain CO2 emissions to the county-scale for gasoline and diesel consumed in the on-road sector. It considers how these fuels flow across the U.S. petroleum infrastructure consisting of pipelines, tankers, trucks, trains, refineries, and blenders. It resolves county-scale indirect CO2 emissions using publicly accessible data to allocate fuel movement between different links and transportation modes across the country. For most of the U.S., the exact volume of fuel moved between counties from combinations of refineries and transportation modes is not explicitly known. To estimate these fuel movements, I use linear optimization with supply and demand related constraints. Estimating on-road gasoline and diesel indirect CO2 emissions at high spatial resolution finds that on-road gasoline CO2 emissions increase by 24% and on-road diesel CO2 emissions increase by 18%. For both fuels there are large variations in the carbon intensity (kgCO2/gal) across the country and the relationship of county carbon intensity with explanatory variables related to fuel supply infrastructure is tested. Regression results indicate that presence of interstate highways, refineries and blenders are inversely related to carbon intensity while presence of fuel pipelines increases diesel carbon intensity. Finally, the on-road gasoline scope 3 CO2 emissions results are assessed in relation to indirect CO2 emissions from electricity consumption at the county scale to analyze the effectiveness of future electric vehicle (EV) transition actions. In this analysis, states with existing EV transition mandates (zero emission vehicle or ‘ZEV’ states) are shown to have on average 12% higher CO2 emissions reduction when transitioning to EVs, over non-ZEV states.
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Three Essays on Implementing a Sustainable Circular Economy for Plastics

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Plastic is a valuable part of the consumer economy, but it creates negative environmental externalities throughout its lifecycle. To reduce these effects, a sustainable circular economy is needed, where more plastic is diverted from landfill or environmental sinks through reduction,

Plastic is a valuable part of the consumer economy, but it creates negative environmental externalities throughout its lifecycle. To reduce these effects, a sustainable circular economy is needed, where more plastic is diverted from landfill or environmental sinks through reduction, reuse, recycling, or composting, while addressing social needs. Although many different stakeholders (industry, academia, policymakers) are calling for a sustainable circular economy for plastics, globally, less than 20% of plastic is recycled with no data on reduction and reuse. In this dissertation, a mixed methods approach is used to suggest how organizations related to the plastic industry can implement a sustainable circular economy. The first chapter identifies how firms across the plastic value chain can innovate to adopt a sustainable circular flow. A systematic review reveals over 300 examples, which are used to create a material flow typology. Findings summarize five critical points of innovation and indicate that innovation adoption is low. More concerted efforts are needed to improve innovation adoption and there is a need to shift innovation focus from resource efficiency to sustainability. The second chapters studies U.S. plastic recyclers’ price signals to generate evidence for favorable recycling policies. A hedonic analysis reveals recyclers preferences for recyclability – plastic properties that enable recycling. Results suggest that adequate recycling infrastructure and absence of virgin plastic can play an important role in facilitating more recycling. In the third paper, the role of governments as consumers is studied. As the largest consumers in a market, governments can signal a large demand for circular products and services, however public administration literature has paid limited attention to it. A theoretical framework is created to fill the knowledge gap and suggest how governments can use sustainable public procurement for a circular economy. A systematic literature review of the top ten public administration journals over 32 years reveals critical knowledge gaps and the potential for important sustainable public procurement research
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Three Essays on Firm Responses to Climate Change

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Evidence is mounting to address and reverse the effects of environmental neglect. Perhaps the greatest evidence for needing environmental stewardship originates from the ever-increasing extreme weather events ranging from the deadly wildfires scorching Greece and California to the extreme heatwaves

Evidence is mounting to address and reverse the effects of environmental neglect. Perhaps the greatest evidence for needing environmental stewardship originates from the ever-increasing extreme weather events ranging from the deadly wildfires scorching Greece and California to the extreme heatwaves in Japan. Scientists have concluded that the probability and severity for about two thirds of such extreme natural events that occurred between 2004 and 2018 is contributed by rising global temperatures.

Operations management literature regarding environmental issues have typically focused on the “win-win” approach with a multitude of papers investigating a link between sustainability and firm performance. This dissertation seeks to take a different approach by investigating firm responses to climate change. The first two essays explore firm emissions goals and the last essay investigates firm emissions performance.

The first essay identifies firm determinants of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. The essay leverages Behavioral Theory of the Firm (BTOF) and argues for two additional determinants, Data Stratification and Science-Based Targets, unique to GHG emissions. Utilizing system generalized method of moments on a dataset from Carbon Disclosure Project for years 2011-2017, the paper finds partial confirmation for BTOF and support for the two additional determinants of firm GHG emission goals.

The second essay is an exploratory study that seeks to understand factors for firm participation in the Science-Based Targets (SBT) initiative by combining both primary and secondary data analysis. The study is a working paper with primary data still needing to be completed. Secondary data analysis begins with a review of the literature which suggested four potential factors: ISO 14001 certification, Customer Engagement, Emission Credit Purchases, and presence of Absolute Emissions Targets. Preliminary results using panel logistic regression suggest that Emissions Credit Purchases and Absolute Emissions Targets influence SBT participation.

The third essay seeks to understand whether stakeholder pressure drives firm GHG emissions reductions. This relies on Stakeholder Theory and classification schemes proposed in Management literature to divide stakeholders, based on their relationship with the firm, into three groups: primary, secondary, and public. Random effects estimation results provide evidence for primary and public stakeholder pressure impacting firm GHG emissions.

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Product-Service Bundling in Manufacturing Firms

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Most advanced economies have evolved into service economies with the majority of their activity and jobs being in the service sector. The manufacturing sector is also going through a similar shift towards services. Manufacturers are increasingly complementing their products with

Most advanced economies have evolved into service economies with the majority of their activity and jobs being in the service sector. The manufacturing sector is also going through a similar shift towards services. Manufacturers are increasingly complementing their products with new services in order to satisfy a broader array of customer needs and increase the value of their offerings. This shift has offered significant opportunities to the sector and the success of major firms such as IBM, Caterpillar, and Rolls-Royce in competing through services has been remarkable.

Despite the increased importance of services in the manufacturing sector, the academic literature is yet to investigate the many questions that arise under this new manufacturing paradigm. Perhaps for the same reason study of servitization is listed as a research priority in recent publications both in the field of service operations management and in the field services marketing. This dissertation covers three essays aimed at disentangling multiple aspects of the role of services in the manufacturing sector. The literature on the drivers and implications of transition towards services in manufacturing firms is limited. The three studies in this dissertation aim at shedding light on this issue.

Specifically, the first essay looks at the innovation benefits of service transactions with customers. This paper demonstrate the value of services in getting manufacturers closer to customers and allowing them glean useful information from their service interactions. The second essay investigates the antecedents of service strategy adoption. We suggest that the extant diversification theory does not fully explain servitization and this phenomenon represents a unique type of diversification, which is likely driven by different factors. Through econometric analysis of financial data over a 27-year period, this study explores characteristics of product, firm resources, competition, and industry that encourage adoption of service strategies in manufacturing sector. Finally, the third essay takes a deeper dive and focuses on dealerships, as service centers, in the automobile industry. It investigates the role of dealerships in the success of automakers and explores dealership traits that are critical for market success of an automobile brand.
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Addressment of uncertainty and variability in attributional environmental life cycle assessment

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'Attributional' Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) quantitatively tracks the potential environmental impacts of international value chains, in retrospective, while ensuring that burden shifting is avoided. Despite the growing popularity of LCA as a decision-support tool, there are numerous concerns relating to

'Attributional' Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) quantitatively tracks the potential environmental impacts of international value chains, in retrospective, while ensuring that burden shifting is avoided. Despite the growing popularity of LCA as a decision-support tool, there are numerous concerns relating to uncertainty and variability in LCA that affects its reliability and credibility. It is pertinent that some part of future research in LCA be guided towards increasing reliability and credibility for decision-making, while utilizing the LCA framework established by ISO 14040.

In this dissertation, I have synthesized the present state of knowledge and application of uncertainty and variability in ‘attributional’ LCA, and contribute to its quantitative assessment.

Firstly, the present state of addressment of uncertainty and variability in LCA is consolidated and reviewed. It is evident that sources of uncertainty and variability exist in the following areas: ISO standards, supplementary guides, software tools, life cycle inventory (LCI) databases, all four methodological phases of LCA, and use of LCA information. One source of uncertainty and variability, each, is identified, selected, quantified, and its implications discussed.

The use of surrogate LCI data in lieu of missing dataset(s) or data-gaps is a source of uncertainty. Despite the widespread use of surrogate data, there has been no effort to (1) establish any form of guidance for the appropriate selection of surrogate data and, (2) estimate the uncertainty associated with the choice and use of surrogate data. A formal expert elicitation-based methodology to select the most appropriate surrogates and to quantify the associated uncertainty was proposed and implemented.

Product-evolution in a non-uniform manner is a source of temporal variability that is presently not considered in LCA modeling. The resulting use of outdated LCA information will lead to misguided decisions affecting the issue at concern and eventually the environment. In order to demonstrate product-evolution within the scope of ISO 14044, and given that variability cannot be reduced, the sources of product-evolution were identified, generalized, analyzed and their implications (individual and coupled) on LCA results are quantified.

Finally, recommendations were provided for the advancement of robustness of 'attributional' LCA, with respect to uncertainty and variability.
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The impacts of bridge transfer on service outsourcing: the social network perspective

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Services outsourcing is a prevalent yet problematic phenomenon. On the one hand, more and more firms are outsourcing services function. On the other hand, we are faced with many services outsourcing failures. This research attempts to uncover some of the

Services outsourcing is a prevalent yet problematic phenomenon. On the one hand, more and more firms are outsourcing services function. On the other hand, we are faced with many services outsourcing failures. This research attempts to uncover some of the omitted causes of services outsourcing failure. It extends a conceptual paper that used social network theory to examine the shifting of the triadic relationship structures among the service buyer, service supplier and the buyer's customers at different stages of the services outsourcing arrangements and its performance implications. This study empirically examines these performance implications. Specifically, this research defines the concept of bridge transfer, which denotes the weakening and dissolution of operational ties between the service buyer firms' and their end customers and the appearing and strengthening of operational ties between the service supplier firms and the end customers. It also empirically derives a measurement scale for this new construct. Further, the effects of bridge transfer on supplier's appropriation behavior, buyer's cost of quality and end customers' quality perception are examined in the context of customer facing services and are contrasted with those entail little or no customer interactions. In addition, the moderating roles of buyer-supplier relationship on the effects of bridge transfer are also examined. An Internet-based survey was administered to firms affiliated with CAPS Research and the Institute of Supply Management as the primary data source (n=137). Principal Component Analyses were used to derive a composite score for each of the model construct. Then linear regressions were used to detect the effects of bridge transfer on services outsourcing outcomes and to detect the moderating role of buyer-supplier relationships on these effects. The results show that bridge transfer is positively correlated to suppliers' appropriate behavior and negatively correlated to end customer's quality perception in the context of customer facing services. The effects of bridge transfer are not found for services that entail little or no interactions with the end customers. Instead, buyer-supplier relationship is found to be a key influencing factor to services outsourcing outcomes in this context. This study helps to pinpoint some of the omitted causes of services outsourcing failures and shed light on how to manage services outsourcing for success.
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