On Characterization and Augmentation of Coupled Phased Array for Antenna Scanning

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Antenna arrays are widely used in wireless communication, radar, remote sensing, and other fields. Compared to traditional linear antenna arrays, novel nonlinear antenna arrays have fascinating advantages in terms of structural simplicity, lower cost, wider bandwidth, faster scanning speed, and

Antenna arrays are widely used in wireless communication, radar, remote sensing, and other fields. Compared to traditional linear antenna arrays, novel nonlinear antenna arrays have fascinating advantages in terms of structural simplicity, lower cost, wider bandwidth, faster scanning speed, and lower side-lobe levels. This dissertation explores a novel design of a phased array antenna with an augmented scanning range, aiming to establish a clear connection between mathematical principles and practical circuitry. To achieve this goal, the Van der Pol (VDP) model is applied to a single-transistor oscillator to obtain the isolated limit cycle. The coupled oscillators are then integrated into a 1 times 7 coupled phased array, using the Keysight PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) for tuning and optimization. The VDP model is used for analytic study of bifurcation, quasi-sinusoidal oscillation, quasi-periodic chaos, and oscillator death, while ADS schematics guide engineering implementation and physical fabrication. The coupled oscillators drive cavity-backed antennas, forming a one-dimensional scanning antenna array of 1 times 7. The approaches for increasing the scanning range performance are discussed.
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Chip-integrated Metasurface Polarimetric Imaging Sensor and Applications

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Polarization imaging and polarization microscopy is of great interest in industrial inspection, defense, biomedical and clinical research, food safety, etc. An ideal polarization imaging system suitable for versatile applications should be full-Stokes, compact, broadband, fast, and highly accurate within a

Polarization imaging and polarization microscopy is of great interest in industrial inspection, defense, biomedical and clinical research, food safety, etc. An ideal polarization imaging system suitable for versatile applications should be full-Stokes, compact, broadband, fast, and highly accurate within a large operation angle. However, such a polarization imaging system remains elusive among state-of-the-art technology. Recently, flat optics based on metasurfaces have been explored for polarization detection and imaging. Compared with state-of-art, metasurface-based solutions have the advantages of compactness, great design flexibility, and feasibility for on-chip integration. This dissertation reports a dual wavelength (630 to 670nm and 480nm to 520nm) chiral metasurfaces featured with sub-wavelength dimension, extinction ratio over 10 across a broad operation bandwidth (175nm) and efficiency over 60%, which can be used for detection and generation of circular polarization (Chapter 2). This dissertation then reports a chip-integrated full-Stokes polarimetric Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) imaging sensor based on metasurface polarization filter arrays (MPFA) mentioned above. The sensor has high measurement accuracy of polarization states with an angle of view up to 40°. Calibration and characterization of the device are demonstrated, whereby high polarization states measurement accuracy (measurement error <4%) at incidence angle up to ±20° and full Stokes polarization images of polarized objects are shown. (Chapter 3). A scalable fabrication approach based on nano imprint lithography is demonstrated, with improved fabrication efficiency, lower cost, and higher optical performance up to 10 times compared to EBL process. (Chapter 4). Several polarization imaging applications including a dual-camera full-Stokes underwater polarization navigation system are discussed. Polarization mapping under clear sky and clear water is demonstrated for proof concept. Enhancing contrast of objects through turbid water and polarization images of silver dendrites are also discussed (Chapter 5). Though distinctive in its advantages in rich polarization information, most existing Mueller matrix microscope (MMM) operate at single mode, narrow bandwidth with bulky components. This dissertation reports a compact, dual wavelength, dual mode MMM with satisfactory measurement accuracy (Mueller matrix (MM) measurement error≤ 2.1%) using polarimetric imaging sensor mentioned previously, MM imaging of photonic structures, bio-tissues, etc are demonstrated for proof of concept (Chapter 6).
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Nanophotonics for Ultrafast Optical Modulation, Ocean, and Energy Applications

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Nanophotonics studies the interaction of light with nanoscale devices and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on developing nanoscale devices for optical modulation (saturable absorber and all-optical modulator) and investigating light scattering from nanoparticles for underwater navigation and energy sector application. Saturable

Nanophotonics studies the interaction of light with nanoscale devices and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on developing nanoscale devices for optical modulation (saturable absorber and all-optical modulator) and investigating light scattering from nanoparticles for underwater navigation and energy sector application. Saturable absorbers and all-optical modulators are essential to generate ultrashort high-power laser pulses and high-speed communications. Graphene-based devices are broadband, ultrafast, and compatible with different substrates and fibers. Nevertheless, the required fluence to saturate or modulate the optical signal with graphene is still high to realize low-threshold, compact broadband devices, which are essential for many applications. This dissertation emphasizes that the strong light-matter interaction in graphene-plasmonic hybrid metasurface greatly enhances monolayer graphene’s saturable absorption and optical signal modulation effect while maintaining graphene’s ultrafast carrier dynamics. Furthermore, based on this concept, simulation models and experimental demonstrations are presented in this dissertation to demonstrate both subwavelength (~λ/5 in near-infrared and ~λ/10 in mid-infrared) thick graphene-based saturable absorber (with record-low saturation fluence (~0.1μJ/cm2), and ultrashort recovery time (~60fs) at near-infrared wavelengths) and all-optical modulators ( with 40% reflection modulation at 6.5μm with ~55μJ/cm2 pump fluence and ultrafast relaxation time of ~1ps at 1.56μm with less than 8μJ/cm2 pump fluence). Underwater navigation is essential for various underwater vehicles. However, there is no reliable method for underwater navigation. This dissertation presents a numerical simulation model and algorithm for navigation based on underwater polarization mapping data. With the methods developed, for clear water in the swimming pool, it is possible to achieve a sun position error of 0.35˚ azimuth and 0.03˚ zenith angle, and the corresponding location prediction error is ~23Km. For turbid lake water, a location determination error of ~100Km is achieved. Furthermore, maintenance of heliostat mirrors and receiver tubes is essential for properly operating concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. This dissertation demonstrates a fast and field deployable inspection method to measure the heliostat mirror soiling levels and receiver tube defect detection based on polarization images. Under sunny and clear sky conditions, accurate reflection efficiency (error ~1%) measurement for mirrors with different soiling levels is achieved, and detection of receiver tube defects is demonstrated.
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Analytic and Numerical Approaches to Radiation and Transmission of EM Waves in Lossy Media

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This dissertation consists of four parts: design of antenna in lossy media, analysisof wire antennas using electric field integral equation (EFIE) and wavelets, modeling and measurement of grounded waveguide coplanar waveguide (GCPW) for automotive radar, and E-Band 3-D printed antenna

This dissertation consists of four parts: design of antenna in lossy media, analysisof wire antennas using electric field integral equation (EFIE) and wavelets, modeling and measurement of grounded waveguide coplanar waveguide (GCPW) for automotive radar, and E-Band 3-D printed antenna and measurement using VNA. In the first part, the antenna is modeled and simulated in lossy media. First, the vector wave functions is solved in the fundamental mode. Next the energy flow velocity is plotted to show near-field energy distribution for both TM and TE in air and seawater environment. Finally the power relation in seawater is derived to calculate the source dipole moment and required power. In the second part, the current distribution on the antenna is derived by solving EFIE with moment of methods (MoM). Both triangle and Coifman wavelet (Coiflet) are used as basis and weight functions. Then Input impedance of the antenna is computed and results are compared with traditional sinusoid current distribution assumption. Finally the input impedance of designed antenna is computed and matching network is designed and show resonant at designed frequency. In the third part, GCPW is modeled and measured in E-band. Laboratory measurements are conducted in 75 to 84 GHz. The original system is embedded with error boxes due to misalignment and needed to be de-embedded. Then the measurement data is processed and the results is compared with raw data. In the fourth part, the horn antennas and slotted waveguide array antenna (SWA) are designed for automotive radar in 75GHz to 78GHz. The horn antennas are fabricated using 3D printing of ABS material, and electro-plating with copper. The analytic solution and HFSS simulation show good agreement with measurement.
Date Created

Metasurface-Based Optoelectronic Devices for Polarization Detection and Ultrafast Optical Modulation

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Optical metasurfaces, i.e. artificially engineered arrays of subwavelength building blocks supporting abrupt and substantial light confinement, was employed to demonstrate a novel generation of devices for circularly polarized detection, full-Stokes polarimetry and all-optical modulation with ultra-compact footprint and chip-integrability.

Optical chirality

Optical metasurfaces, i.e. artificially engineered arrays of subwavelength building blocks supporting abrupt and substantial light confinement, was employed to demonstrate a novel generation of devices for circularly polarized detection, full-Stokes polarimetry and all-optical modulation with ultra-compact footprint and chip-integrability.

Optical chirality is essential for generation, manipulation and detection of circularly polarized light (CPL), thus finds many applications in quantum computing, communication, spectroscopy, biomedical diagnosis, imaging and sensing. Compared to natural chiral materials, chiral metamaterials and metasurfaces enable much stronger chirality on subwavelength scale; therefore, they are ideal for device miniaturization and system integration. However, they are usually associated with low performance due to limited fabrication tolerance and high dissipation mainly caused by plasmonic materials. Here, a bio-inspired submicron-thick chiral metamaterial structure was designed and demonstrated experimentally with high contrast (extinction ratio >35) detection of CPL with different handedness and high efficiency (>80%) of the overall device. Furthermore, integration of left- and right-handed CPL detection units with nanograting linear polarization filters enabled full-Stokes polarimetry of arbitrarily input polarization states with high accuracy and very low insertion loss, all on a submillimeter single chip. These unprecedented highly efficient and high extinction ratio devices pave the way for on-chip polarimetric measurements.

All-optical modulation is widely used for optical interconnects, communication, information processing, and ultrafast spectroscopy. Yet, there’s deficiency of ultrafast, compact and energy-efficient solutions all in one device. Here, all-optical modulation of light in the near- and mid-infrared regimes were experimentally demonstrated based on a graphene-integrated plasmonic nanoantenna array. The remarkable feature of the device design is its simultaneous near-field enhancement for pump and probe (signal) beams, owing to the localized surface plasmon resonance excitation, while preserving the ultrafast photocarrier relaxation in graphene. Hence, a distinct modulation at 1560nm with record-low pump fluence (<8μJ/cm^2) was reported with ~1ps response time. Besides, relying on broadband interaction of graphene with incident light, a first-time demonstration of graphene-based all-optical modulation in mid-infrared spectral region (6-7μm) was reported based on the above double-enhancement design concept. Relying on the tunability of metasurface design, the proposed device can be used for ultrafast optical modulation from near-infrared to terahertz regime.
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High-Directive Metasurface Printed Antennas for Low-Profile Applications

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Since the advent of High Impedance Surfaces (HISs) and metasurfaces, researchers

have proposed many low profile antenna configurations. HISs possess in-phase reflection, which reinforces the radiation, and enhances the directivity and matching bandwidth of radiating elements. Most of the proposed dipole

Since the advent of High Impedance Surfaces (HISs) and metasurfaces, researchers

have proposed many low profile antenna configurations. HISs possess in-phase reflection, which reinforces the radiation, and enhances the directivity and matching bandwidth of radiating elements. Most of the proposed dipole and loop element designs that have used HISs as a ground plane, have attained a maximum directivity of 8 dBi. While HISs are more attractive ground planes for low profile antennas, these HISs result in a low directivity as compared to PEC ground planes. Various studies have shown that Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) ground planes are capable of achieving higher directivity, at the expense of matching efficiency, when the spacing

between the radiating element and the PEC ground plane is less than 0.25 lambda. To establish an efficient ground plane for low profile applications, PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) and PMC (Perfect Magnetic Conductor) ground planes are examined in the vicinity of electric and magnetic radiating elements. The limitation of the two ground planes, in terms of radiation efficiency and the impedance matching, are discussed. Far-field analytical formulations are derived and the results are compared with full-wave EM simulations performed using the High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). Based on PEC and PMC designs, two engineered ground planes are proposed.

The designed ground planes depend on two metasurface properties; namely in-phase reflection and excitation of surface waves. Two ground plane geometries are considered. The first one is designed for a circular loop radiating element, which utilizes a

circular HIS ring deployed on a circular ground plane. The integration of the loop element with the circular HIS ground plane enhances the maximum directivity up to 10.5 dB with a 13% fractional bandwidth. The second ground plane is designed for a square loop radiating element. Unlike the first design, rectangular HIS patches are utilized to control the excitation of surface waves in the principal planes. The final design operates from 3.8 to 5 GHz (27% fractional bandwidth) with a stable broadside maximum realized gain up to 11.9 dBi. To verify the proposed designs, a prototype was fabricated and measurements were conducted. A good agreement between simulations and measurements was observed. Furthermore, multiple square ring elements are embedded within the periodic patches to form a surface wave planar antenna array. Linear and circular polarizations are proposed and compared to a conventional square ring array. The implementation of periodic patches results in a better matching bandwidth and higher broadside gain compared to a conventional array.
Date Created

Refinement of a novel compact waveguide

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Presented is a design approach and test of a novel compact waveguide that demonstrated the outer dimensions of a rectangular waveguide through the introduction of parallel raised strips, or flanges, which run the length of the rectangular waveguide along the

Presented is a design approach and test of a novel compact waveguide that demonstrated the outer dimensions of a rectangular waveguide through the introduction of parallel raised strips, or flanges, which run the length of the rectangular waveguide along the direction of wave propagation. A 10GHz waveguide was created with outer dimensions of a=9.0mm and b=3.6mm compared to a WR-90 rectangular waveguide with outer dimensions of a=22.86mm and b=10.16mm which the area is over 7 times the area. The first operating bandwidth for a hollow waveguide of dimensions a=9.0mm and b=3.6mm starts at 16.6GHz a 40% reduction in cutoff frequency.

The prototyped and tested compact waveguide demonstrated an operating close to the predicted 2GHz with predicted vs measured injection loss generally within 0.25dB and an overall measured injection loss of approximately 4.67dB/m within the operating bandwidth.
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Holographic Metasurface Leaky Wave Antennas

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Articially engineered two-dimensional materials, which are widely known as

metasurfaces, are employed as ground planes in various antenna applications. Due to

their nature to exhibit desirable electromagnetic behavior, they are also used to design

waveguiding structures, absorbers, frequency selective surfaces, angular-independent

surfaces, etc. Metasurfaces

Articially engineered two-dimensional materials, which are widely known as

metasurfaces, are employed as ground planes in various antenna applications. Due to

their nature to exhibit desirable electromagnetic behavior, they are also used to design

waveguiding structures, absorbers, frequency selective surfaces, angular-independent

surfaces, etc. Metasurfaces usually consist of electrically small conductive planar

patches arranged in a periodic array on a dielectric covered ground plane. Holographic

Articial Impedance Surfaces (HAISs) are one such metasurfaces that are capable of

forming a pencil beam in a desired direction, when excited with surface waves. HAISs

are inhomogeneous surfaces that are designed by modulating its surface impedance.

This surface impedance modulation creates a periodical discontinuity that enables a

part of the surface waves to leak out into the free space leading to far-eld radia-

tion. The surface impedance modulation is based on the holographic principle. This

dissertation is concentrated on designing HAISs with

Desired polarization for the pencil beam

Enhanced bandwidth

Frequency scanning

Conformity to curved surfaces

HAIS designs considered in this work include both one and two dimensional mod-

ulations. All the designs and analyses are supported by mathematical models and

HFSS simulations.
Date Created

Growth and characterization of III-V phosphide nanowires

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Nanowires are 1D rod-like structures which are regarded as the basis for future technologies. III-V nanowires have attracted immense attention because of their stability, crystal quality and wide use. In this work, I focus on the growth and

Nanowires are 1D rod-like structures which are regarded as the basis for future technologies. III-V nanowires have attracted immense attention because of their stability, crystal quality and wide use. In this work, I focus on the growth and characterization of III-V semiconductor nanowires, in particular GaP, InP and InGaP alloys. These nanowires were grown using a hot wall CVD(Chemical Vapor Deposition) setup and are characterized using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) and PL (Photoluminescence) techniques.

In the first chapter, Indium Phosphide nanowires were grown using elemental sources (In and P powders). I consider the various kinds of InP morphologies grown using this method. The effect of source temperature on the stoichiometry and optical properties of nanowires is studied. Lasing behavior has been seen in InP nanostructures, showing superior material quality of InP.

InGaP alloy nanowires were grown using compound and elemental sources. Nanowires grown using compound sources have significant oxide incorporation and showed kinky morphology. Nanowires grown using elemental sources had no oxide and showed better optical quality. Also, these samples showed a tunable alloy composition across the entire substrate covering more than 50% of the InGaP alloy system. Integrated intensity showed that the bandgap of the nanowires changed from indirect to direct bandgap with increasing Indium composition. InGaP alloy nanowires were compared with Gallium Phosphide nanowires in terms of PL emission, using InGaP nanowires it is possible to grow nanowires free of defects and oxygen impurities, which are commonly encountered in GaP nanowires.
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Optical characterization and lasing study of nanowires

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Nanowires are one-dimensional (1D) structures with diameter on the nanometer scales with a high length-to-diameter aspect ratio. Nanowires of various materials including semiconductors, dielectrics and metals have been intensively researched in the past two decades for applications to electrical and

Nanowires are one-dimensional (1D) structures with diameter on the nanometer scales with a high length-to-diameter aspect ratio. Nanowires of various materials including semiconductors, dielectrics and metals have been intensively researched in the past two decades for applications to electrical and optical devices. Typically, nanowires are synthesized using the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) approach, which allows defect-free 1D growth despite the lattice mismatch between nanowires and substrates. Lattice mismatch issue is a serious problem in high-quality thin film growth of many semiconductors and non-semiconductors. Therefore, nanowires provide promising platforms for the applications requiring high crystal quality materials.

With the 1D geometry, nanowires are natural optical waveguides for light guiding and propagation. By introducing feedback mechanisms to nanowire waveguides, such as the cleaved end facets, the nanowires can work as ultra-small size lasers. Since the first demonstration of the room-temperature ultraviolet nanowire lasers in 2001, the nanowire lasers covering from ultraviolet to mid infrared wavelength ranges have been intensively studied. This dissertation focuses on the optical characterization and laser fabrication of two nanowire materials: erbium chloride silicate nanowires and composition-graded CdSSe semiconductor alloy nanowires.

Chapter 1 – 5 of this dissertation presents a comprehensive characterization of a newly developed erbium compound material, erbium chloride silicate (ECS) in a nanowire form. Extensive experiments demonstrated the high crystal quality and excellent optical properties of ECS nanowires. Optical gain higher than 30 dB/cm at 1.53 μm wavelength is demonstrated on single ECS nanowires, which is higher than the gain of any reported erbium materials. An ultra-high Q photonic crystal micro-cavity is designed on a single ECS nanowire towards the ultra-compact lasers at communication wavelengths. Such ECS nanowire lasers show the potential applications of on-chip photonics integration.

Chapter 6 – 7 presents the design and demonstration of dynamical color-controllable lasers on a single CdSSe alloy nanowire. Through the defect-free VLS growth, engineering of the alloy composition in a single nanowire is achieved. The alloy composition of CdSxSe1-x uniformly varies along the nanowire axis from x=1 to x=0, giving the opportunity of multi-color lasing in a monolithic structure. By looping the wide-bandgap end of the alloy nanowire through nanoscale manipulation, the simultaneous two-color lasing at green and red colors are demonstrated. The 107 nm wavelength separation of the two lasing colors is much larger than the gain bandwidth of typical semiconductors. Since the two-color lasing shares the output port, the color of the total lasing output can be controlled dynamically between the two fundamental colors by changing the relative output power of two lasing colors. Such multi-color lasing and continuous color tuning in a wide spectral range would eventually enable color-by-design lasers to be used for lighting, display and many other applications.
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