Two Dimensional Materials Based Memristors for In-memory Computing and Neuromorphic Computing

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Modern Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies are facing critical challenges: scaling channel lengths below ~10 nm is hindered by significant transport degradation as bulk semiconductors (i.e., silicon) are thinned down, energy consumption is affected by short-channel effects and off-state leakage, and conventional

Modern Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies are facing critical challenges: scaling channel lengths below ~10 nm is hindered by significant transport degradation as bulk semiconductors (i.e., silicon) are thinned down, energy consumption is affected by short-channel effects and off-state leakage, and conventional von Neumann computing architectures face serious bottlenecks affecting performance and efficiency (energy consumption and throughput). Neuromorhic and/or in-memory computing architectures using resistive random-access memory (RRAM) crossbar arrays are promising candidates to mitigate these bottlenecks and to circumvent CMOS scaling challenges. Recently, emerging two dimensional materials (2DMs) are investigated towards ultra-scaled CMOS devices, as well as towards non-volatile memory and neuromorphic devices with potential improvements in scalability, power consumption, switching speed, and compatibility with CMOS integration.The first part of this dissertation presents contributions towards high-yield 2DMs field- effect-transistors (FETs) fabrication using wafer-scale chemical vapor deposition (CVD) monolayer MoS2. This work provides valuable insight about metal contact processing, including extraction of Schottky barrier heights and Fermi-level pinning effects, for next- generation integrated electronic systems based on CVD-grown 2DMs. The second part introduces wafer-scale fabrication of memristor arrays with CVD- grown hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as the active switching layer. This work establishes the multi-state analog pulse programmability and presents the first experimental demonstration of dot-product computation and implementation of multi-variable stochastic linear regression on h-BN memristor hardware. This work extends beyond previous demonstrations of non-volatile resistive switching (NVRS) behavior in isolated h-BN memristors and paves the way for more sophisticated demonstrations of machine learning applications based on 2DMs. Finally, combining the benefits of CVD-grown 2DMs and graphene edge contacts, vertical h-BN memristors with ultra-small active areas are introduced through this research. These devices achieve low operating currents (high resistance), large RHRS/RLRS ratio, and enable three-dimensional (3D) integration (vertical stacking) for ultimate RRAM scalability. Moreover, they facilitate studying fundamental NVRS mechanisms of single conductive nano-filaments (CNFs) which was previously unattainable in planar devices. This way, single quantum step in conductance was experimentally observed, consistent with theorized atomically-constrained CNFs behavior associated with potential improvements in stability of NVRS operation. This is supported by measured improvements in retention of quantized conductance compared to other non-2DMs filamentary-based memristors.
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Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Based Energy-Efficient Optoelectronics and Power Electronics

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Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors GaN (3.4 eV), Ga2O3 (4.8 eV) and AlN (6.2 eV), have gained considerable interests for energy-efficient optoelectronic and electronic applications in solid-state lighting, photovoltaics, power conversion, and so on. They can offer unique device performance compared

Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors GaN (3.4 eV), Ga2O3 (4.8 eV) and AlN (6.2 eV), have gained considerable interests for energy-efficient optoelectronic and electronic applications in solid-state lighting, photovoltaics, power conversion, and so on. They can offer unique device performance compared with traditional semiconductors such as Si. Efficient GaN based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have increasingly displaced incandescent and fluorescent bulbs as the new major light sources for lighting and display. In addition, due to their large bandgap and high critical electrical field, WBG semiconductors are also ideal candidates for efficient power conversion.

In this dissertation, two types of devices are demonstrated: optoelectronic and electronic devices. Commercial polar c-plane LEDs suffer from reduced efficiency with increasing current densities, knowns as “efficiency droop”, while nonpolar/semipolar LEDs exhibit a very low efficiency droop. A modified ABC model with weak phase space filling effects is proposed to explain the low droop performance, providing insights for designing droop-free LEDs. The other emerging optoelectronics is nonpolar/semipolar III-nitride intersubband transition (ISBT) based photodetectors in terahertz and far infrared regime due to the large optical phonon energy and band offset, and the potential of room-temperature operation. ISBT properties are systematically studied for devices with different structures parameters.

In terms of electronic devices, vertical GaN p-n diodes and Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) with high breakdown voltages are homoepitaxially grown on GaN bulk substrates with much reduced defect densities and improved device performance. The advantages of the vertical structure over the lateral structure are multifold: smaller chip area, larger current, less sensitivity to surface states, better scalability, and smaller current dispersion. Three methods are proposed to boost the device performances: thick buffer layer design, hydrogen-plasma based edge termination technique, and multiple drift layer design. In addition, newly emerged Ga2O3 and AlN power electronics may outperform GaN devices. Because of the highly anisotropic crystal structure of Ga2O3, anisotropic electrical properties have been observed in Ga2O3 electronics. The first 1-kV-class AlN SBDs are demonstrated on cost-effective sapphire substrates. Several future topics are also proposed including selective-area doping in GaN power devices, vertical AlN power devices, and (Al,Ga,In)2O3 materials and devices.
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Crystal Orientation Dependent Intersubband Transition in Semipolar AlGaN/GaN Single Quantum Well for Optoelectronic Applications

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The optical properties of intersubband transition in a semipolar AlGaN/GaN single quantum well (SQW) are theoretically studied, and the results are compared with polar c-plane and nonpolar m-plane structures. The intersubband transition frequency, dipole matrix elements, and absorption spectra are

The optical properties of intersubband transition in a semipolar AlGaN/GaN single quantum well (SQW) are theoretically studied, and the results are compared with polar c-plane and nonpolar m-plane structures. The intersubband transition frequency, dipole matrix elements, and absorption spectra are calculated for SQW on different semipolar planes. It is found that SQW on a certain group of semipolar planes (55° < θ < 90° tilted from c-plane) exhibits low transition frequency and long wavelength response with high absorption quantum efficiency, which is attributed to the weak polarization-related effects. Furthermore, these semipolar SQWs show tunable transition frequency and absorption wavelength with different quantum well thicknesses, and stable device performance can be achieved with changing barrier thickness and Al compositions. All the results indicate that the semipolar AlGaN/GaN quantum wells are promising candidate for the design and fabrication of high performance low frequency and long wavelength optoelectronic devices.

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Analysis of Low Efficiency Droop of Semipolar InGaN Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes by Modified Rate Equation With Weak Phase-Space Filling Effect

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We study the low efficiency droop characteristics of semipolar InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) using modified rate equation incoporating the phase-space filling (PSF) effect where the results on c-plane LEDs are also obtained and compared. Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of LEDs

We study the low efficiency droop characteristics of semipolar InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) using modified rate equation incoporating the phase-space filling (PSF) effect where the results on c-plane LEDs are also obtained and compared. Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of LEDs was simulated using a modified ABC model with different PSF filling (n[subscript 0]), Shockley-Read-Hall (A), radiative (B), Auger (C) coefficients and different active layer thickness (d), where the PSF effect showed a strong impact on the simulated LED efficiency results. A weaker PSF effect was found for low-droop semipolar LEDs possibly due to small quantum confined Stark effect, short carrier lifetime, and small average carrier density. A very good agreement between experimental data and the theoretical modeling was obtained for low-droop semipolar LEDs with weak PSF effect. These results suggest the low droop performance may be explained by different mechanisms for semipolar LEDs.

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Analysis of Loss Mechanisms in InGaN Solar Cells Using a Semi-Analytical Model

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InGaN semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency next-generation thin film solar cells. In this work, we study the photovoltaic performance of single-junction and two-junction InGaN solar cells using a semi-analytical model. We analyze the major loss mechanisms in InGaN solar

InGaN semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency next-generation thin film solar cells. In this work, we study the photovoltaic performance of single-junction and two-junction InGaN solar cells using a semi-analytical model. We analyze the major loss mechanisms in InGaN solar cell including transmission loss, thermalization loss, spatial relaxation loss, and recombination loss. We find that transmission loss plays a major role for InGaN solar cells due to the large bandgaps of III-nitride materials. Among the recombination losses, Shockley-Read-Hall recombination loss is the dominant process. Compared to other III-V photovoltaic materials, we discovered that the emittance of InGaN solar cells is strongly impacted by Urbach tail energy. For two- and multi-junction InGaN solar cells, we discover that the current matching condition results in a limited range of top-junction bandgaps. This theoretical work provides detailed guidance for the design of high-performance InGaN solar cells.

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