GaN-Based Micro-LED Visible Light Communication: Line-of-Sight VLC with Active Tracking and None-Line-of-Sight VLC Demonstration

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Visible light communication (VLC) is the promise of a high data rate wireless network for both indoor and outdoor uses. It competes with 5G radio frequency (RF) system as well. Even though the breakthrough of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based micro-light-emitting-diodes

Visible light communication (VLC) is the promise of a high data rate wireless network for both indoor and outdoor uses. It competes with 5G radio frequency (RF) system as well. Even though the breakthrough of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based micro-light-emitting-diodes (micro-LEDs) enhances the -3dB modulation bandwidth dramatically from tens of MHz to hundreds of MHz, the optical power onto a fast photo receiver drops exponentially. It determines the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of VLC. For full implementation of the useful high data-rate VLC link enabled by a GaN-based micro-LED, it needs focusing optics and a tracking system. In this dissertation, we demonstrate a novel active on-chip monitoring system for VLC using a GaN-based micro-LED and none-return-to-zero on-off keying (NRZ-OOK) modulation scheme. By this innovative technique without manual focusing, the field of view (FOV) was enlarged to 120° and data rates up to 600 Mbps at a bit error rate (BER) of 2.1×10⁻⁴ were achieved. This work demonstrates the establishment of a VLC physical link. It shows improved communication quality by orders, making it optimized for real communications.

This dissertation also gives an experimental demonstration of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) visible light communication (VLC) using a single 80 μm gallium nitride (GaN) based micro-light-emitting diode (micro-LED). IEEE 802.11ac modulation scheme with 80 MHz bandwidth, as an entry level of the fifth generation of Wi-Fi, was employed to use the micro-LED bandwidth efficiently. These practical techniques were successfully utilized to achieve a demonstration of line-of-sight (LOS) VLC at a speed of 433 Mbps, and a bit error rate (BER) of 10⁻⁵ with a free space transmit distance 3.6 m. Besides this, we demonstrated directed NLOS VLC links based on mirror reflections with a data rate of 433 Mbps and a BER of 10⁻⁴. For non-directed NLOS VLC using a print paper as the reflective material, 195 Mbps data rate and a BER of 10⁻⁵ was achieved.
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Crystal Orientation Dependent Intersubband Transition in Semipolar AlGaN/GaN Single Quantum Well for Optoelectronic Applications

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The optical properties of intersubband transition in a semipolar AlGaN/GaN single quantum well (SQW) are theoretically studied, and the results are compared with polar c-plane and nonpolar m-plane structures. The intersubband transition frequency, dipole matrix elements, and absorption spectra are

The optical properties of intersubband transition in a semipolar AlGaN/GaN single quantum well (SQW) are theoretically studied, and the results are compared with polar c-plane and nonpolar m-plane structures. The intersubband transition frequency, dipole matrix elements, and absorption spectra are calculated for SQW on different semipolar planes. It is found that SQW on a certain group of semipolar planes (55° < θ < 90° tilted from c-plane) exhibits low transition frequency and long wavelength response with high absorption quantum efficiency, which is attributed to the weak polarization-related effects. Furthermore, these semipolar SQWs show tunable transition frequency and absorption wavelength with different quantum well thicknesses, and stable device performance can be achieved with changing barrier thickness and Al compositions. All the results indicate that the semipolar AlGaN/GaN quantum wells are promising candidate for the design and fabrication of high performance low frequency and long wavelength optoelectronic devices.

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Analysis of Low Efficiency Droop of Semipolar InGaN Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes by Modified Rate Equation With Weak Phase-Space Filling Effect

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We study the low efficiency droop characteristics of semipolar InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) using modified rate equation incoporating the phase-space filling (PSF) effect where the results on c-plane LEDs are also obtained and compared. Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of LEDs

We study the low efficiency droop characteristics of semipolar InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) using modified rate equation incoporating the phase-space filling (PSF) effect where the results on c-plane LEDs are also obtained and compared. Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of LEDs was simulated using a modified ABC model with different PSF filling (n[subscript 0]), Shockley-Read-Hall (A), radiative (B), Auger (C) coefficients and different active layer thickness (d), where the PSF effect showed a strong impact on the simulated LED efficiency results. A weaker PSF effect was found for low-droop semipolar LEDs possibly due to small quantum confined Stark effect, short carrier lifetime, and small average carrier density. A very good agreement between experimental data and the theoretical modeling was obtained for low-droop semipolar LEDs with weak PSF effect. These results suggest the low droop performance may be explained by different mechanisms for semipolar LEDs.

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Analysis of Loss Mechanisms in InGaN Solar Cells Using a Semi-Analytical Model

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InGaN semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency next-generation thin film solar cells. In this work, we study the photovoltaic performance of single-junction and two-junction InGaN solar cells using a semi-analytical model. We analyze the major loss mechanisms in InGaN solar

InGaN semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency next-generation thin film solar cells. In this work, we study the photovoltaic performance of single-junction and two-junction InGaN solar cells using a semi-analytical model. We analyze the major loss mechanisms in InGaN solar cell including transmission loss, thermalization loss, spatial relaxation loss, and recombination loss. We find that transmission loss plays a major role for InGaN solar cells due to the large bandgaps of III-nitride materials. Among the recombination losses, Shockley-Read-Hall recombination loss is the dominant process. Compared to other III-V photovoltaic materials, we discovered that the emittance of InGaN solar cells is strongly impacted by Urbach tail energy. For two- and multi-junction InGaN solar cells, we discover that the current matching condition results in a limited range of top-junction bandgaps. This theoretical work provides detailed guidance for the design of high-performance InGaN solar cells.

Date Created

Analog fault modeling, simulation and diagnosis

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The research objective is fully differential op-amp with common mode feedback, which are applied in filter, band gap, Analog Digital Converter (ADC) and so on as a fundamental component in analog circuit. Having modeled various defect and analyzed corresponding probability,

The research objective is fully differential op-amp with common mode feedback, which are applied in filter, band gap, Analog Digital Converter (ADC) and so on as a fundamental component in analog circuit. Having modeled various defect and analyzed corresponding probability, defect library could be built after reduced defect simulation.Based on the resolution of microscope scan tool, all these defects are categorized into four groups of defects by both function and location, bias circuit defect, first stage amplifier defect, output stage defect and common mode feedback defect, separately. Each fault result is attributed to one of these four region defects.Therefore, analog testing algorithm and automotive tool could be generated to assist testing engineers to meet the demand of large numbers of chips.
Date Created