Evolution and Speciation in Birds: Insights from Cardinals and Boobies

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Speciation, or the process by which one population diverges into multiple populations that can no longer interbreed with each other, has brought about the incredible diversity of life. Mechanisms underlying this process can be more visible in the early stages

Speciation, or the process by which one population diverges into multiple populations that can no longer interbreed with each other, has brought about the incredible diversity of life. Mechanisms underlying this process can be more visible in the early stages of the speciation process. The mechanisms that restrict gene flow in highly mobile species with no absolute barriers to dispersal, especially marine species, are understudied. Similarly, human impacts are reshaping ecosystems globally, and we are only just beginning to understand the implications of these rapid changes on evolutionary processes. In this dissertation, I investigate patterns of speciation and evolution in two avian clades: a genus of widespread tropical seabirds (boobies, genus Sula), and two congeneric passerine species in an urban environment (cardinals, genus Cardinalis). First, I explore the prevalence of gene flow across land barriers within species and between sympatric species in boobies. I found widespread evidence of gene flow over all land barriers and between 3 species pairs. Next, I compared the effects of urbanization on the spatial distributions of two cardinal species, pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus) and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), in Tucson, Arizona. I found that urbanization has different effects on the spatial distributions of two closely related species that share a similar environmental niche, and I identified environmental variables that might be driving this difference. Then I tested for effects of urbanization on color and size traits of these two cardinal species. In both of these species, urbanization has altered traits involved in signaling, heat tolerance, foraging, and maneuverability. Finally, I tested for evidence of selection on the urban populations of both cardinal species and found evidence of both parallel selection and introgression between the species, as well as selection on different genes in each species. The functions of the genes that experienced positive selection suggest that light at night, energetics, and air pollution may have acted as strong selective pressures on these species in the past. Overall, my dissertation emphasizes the role of introgression in the speciation process, identifies environmental stressors faced by wildlife in urban environments, and characterizes their evolutionary responses to those stressors.
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A Meta-Analysis of the Literature on the Anti-Neoplastic Potential of Venom

The objective of this meta-analysis is to holistically evaluate the existing body of literature on the anti-neoplastic potential of snake and bee venom. In recent years, venom-based therapeutics have emerged as a promising solution for combating cancer, generating a notable

The objective of this meta-analysis is to holistically evaluate the existing body of literature on the anti-neoplastic potential of snake and bee venom. In recent years, venom-based therapeutics have emerged as a promising solution for combating cancer, generating a notable rise in publications on the topic. Consequently, this comprehensive study aims to assess the current state of research and identify trends that may guide future investigations. Following the guidelines established by PRISMA, a total sample of 26 research papers were extracted from the electronic databases, PubMed and Scopus. These papers were categorized based on their publication dates, and research questions were formulated regarding three main topics: venom type, cancer-targeting mechanism, and cancer type. Statistical analysis of the research questions was performed using 2x2 contingency tables for a chi-square test. The results of the analysis reveal a statistically significant increase in publications focused on cell death mechanisms and breast cancer in recent years. This increase in publications reflects a growing interest in the potential for venom to induce apoptosis in cancer cells and target the unique biological properties of breast cancer. Overall, this meta-analysis offers insight into the evolving sphere of venom-based cancer research, providing a glimpse into the potential trajectory of this field.
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The Effects of Queen Mandibular Pheromone on Nurse-aged Honey Bee (<i>Apis mellifera<i>) Hypopharyngeal Gland Size and Lipid Metabolism


Insect pheromones are crucial for survival and reproduction because they influence insect behavior, communication, and interactions within and outside the colony. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) have one of the most complex pheromonal communication systems. One pheromone, known as Queen Mandibular

Insect pheromones are crucial for survival and reproduction because they influence insect behavior, communication, and interactions within and outside the colony. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) have one of the most complex pheromonal communication systems. One pheromone, known as Queen Mandibular Pheromone (QMP), is released by the queen bee to regulate physiology, behavior, and gene expression in the female worker caste. The pheromone acts as a signal of queen presence that suppresses worker reproduction. In the absence of reproduction, young workers focus on taking care of the queen and larvae, known as nurse tasks, while older workers forage. In nurse bees, QMP has fundamental physiological impacts, including increasing abdominal lipid stores and increasing the protein content of hypopharyngeal glands (HPG). The HPG are worker-specific glands that can synthesize royal jelly used in colony nourishment. In workers, larger HPG signifies the ability to secrete royal jelly, while shrunken glands are characteristic of foragers that do not make jelly. While it is known that QMP increases abdominal lipid stores, the underlying mechanism is unclear: Does the pheromone simply make workers consume more pollen which provides lipids and protein, or does QMP also increase lipogenesis? In this study, I measured abdominal lipogenesis as fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity and monitored abdominal protein content and HPG size in caged, nurse-aged worker bees. In cages, workers were exposed to QMP or not, and they were provided with a lipid less diet in a full factorial design experiment. I found that QMP did not influence abdominal FAS activity or protein, but significantly increased HPG size. The data also revealed a significant positive correlation between abdominal protein and HPG size. My results do not support the idea that QMP modulates lipogenesis in worker bees, but my data can be interpreted to reflect that QMP mobilizes abdominal protein for the production of jelly in the HPG. This finding is in line with a previous study revealing a role of honey bee Brood Pheromone in mobilization of a major protein used in jelly production. Overall, my results support a fundamental role of QMP in worker metabolic processes associated with colony nourishment.

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U.S. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality trends in Literature: A Metastudy


Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the United States continues to rise, with a wide range of contributing factors such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease and systemic inequality. This metastudy provides a holistic view of the research that has been

Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the United States continues to rise, with a wide range of contributing factors such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease and systemic inequality. This metastudy provides a holistic view of the research that has been published on the issue of U.S. maternal healthcare from 2000-2022. The patterns of publications on specific topics over time can tell us what is perceived as a current major cause by physicians, public leaders, researchers, and the public. A deeper dive into systemic inequality as a cause of maternal morbidity and mortality highlights it as a major contributor to these high rates, but that progress is slowly being made through the implementation of detection and prevention tactics, as well as accessible prenatal programs and care.

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Ecological Drivers of Group Living in a Facultatively Social Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sonorina)

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Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal

Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal groups are comprised of unrelated individuals. These cases provide unique opportunities to illuminate drivers of social evolution beyond indirect fitness, especially ecological factors. This dissertation combines behavioral, physiological, and ecological approaches to explore the conditions that favor group formation among non-kin, using as a model the facultatively social carpenter bee, Xylocopa sonorina. Using behavioral and genetic techniques, I found that nestmates in this species are often unrelated, and that non-kin groups form following extensive inter-nest migration.Group living may arise as a strategy to mitigate constraints on available breeding space. To test the hypothesis that nest construction is prohibitively costly for carpenter bees, I measured metabolic rates of excavating bees and used imaging techniques to quantify nest volumes. From these measurements, I found that nest construction is highly energetically costly, and that bees who inherit nests through social queuing experience substantial energetic savings. These costs are exacerbated by limitations on the reuse of existing nests. Using repeated CT scans of nesting logs, I examined changes in nest architecture over time and found that repeatedly inherited tunnels become indefensible to intruders, and are subsequently abandoned. Together, these factors underlie intense competition over available breeding space. The imaging analysis of nesting logs additionally revealed strong seasonal effects on social strategy, with social nesting dominating during winter. To test the hypothesis that winter social nesting arises from intrinsic physiological advantages of grouping, I experimentally manipulated social strategy in overwintering bees. I found that social bees conserve heat and body mass better than solitary bees, suggesting fitness benefits to grouping in cold, resource-scarce conditions. Together, these results suggest that grouping in X. sonorina arises from dynamic strategies to maximize direct fitness in response to harsh and/or competitive conditions. These studies provide empirical insights into the ecological conditions that favor non-kin grouping, and emphasize the importance of ecology in shaping sociality at its evolutionary origins.
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Immunostaining for Bacteria on Resin-embedded Honeybee Brains

The brain is considered the crux of identity, yet human behavior may be influenced by bacteria in gut microbiomes. Honeybees can exchange bacteria through their many social behaviors, making their microbiomes, and the effect they have on honeybee behavior, of

The brain is considered the crux of identity, yet human behavior may be influenced by bacteria in gut microbiomes. Honeybees can exchange bacteria through their many social behaviors, making their microbiomes, and the effect they have on honeybee behavior, of interest. There is recent evidence suggesting the presence of bacteria existing in human brains, which can be investigated in honeybee brains due to their well-documented structure. The purpose of this study is to establish if lipopolysaccharide—a molecule on bacteria membranes—is present in the honeybee brain and if it colocalizes with vitellogenin—an immune mediator. Additionally, this study also seeks to establish the efficacy of embedding tissue samples in resin and performing immunohistochemistry for vitellogenin and lipopolysaccharide on sections.
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The Perception of Genetic Risk: What Do We Know About Biological and Psychological Diseases and Where Did We Learn It

As a biology major, many of my classes have included studying the fundamentals of genetics or investigating the way genetics influence heritability of certain diseases. When I began taking upper-division psychology courses, the genetic factors of psychological disorders became an

As a biology major, many of my classes have included studying the fundamentals of genetics or investigating the way genetics influence heritability of certain diseases. When I began taking upper-division psychology courses, the genetic factors of psychological disorders became an important part of the material. I was exposed to a new idea: that genes were equally important in studying somatic diseases as they were to psychological disorders. As important as genetics are to psychology, they are not part of the required courses for the major; I found many of my peers in psychology courses did not have a grasp on genetic fundamentals in the same way biology majors did. This was a disconnect that I also found in my own life outside the classroom. Growing up, my mother consistently reminded me to limit my carbs and watch my sugars. Diabetes was very prevalent in my family and I was also at risk. I was repeatedly reminded of my own genes and the risk I faced in having this biological disorder. However, my friend whose father was an alcoholic did not warn her in the same way. While she did know of her father's history, she was not warned of the potential for her to become an alcoholic. While my behavior was altered due to my mother's warning and my own knowledge of the genetic risk of diabetes, I wondered if other people at genetic risk of psychological disorders also altered their behavior. Through my thesis, I hope to answer if students have the same perceived genetic knowledge of psychological diseases as they do for biological ones. In my experience, it is not as well known that psychological disorders have genetic factors. For example, alcohol is commonly used by college students. Alcohol use disorder is present in 16.2% of college aged students and "40-60% of the variance of risk explained by genetic influences." (DSM V, 2013) Compare this to diabetes that has "several common genetic variants that account for about 10% of the total genetic effects," but is much more openly discussed even though it is less genetically linked. (McVay, 2015)This stems from the stigma/taboo surrounding many psychological disorders. If students do know that psychological disorder are genetically influenced, I expect their knowledge to be skewed or inaccurate. As part of a survey, I hope to see how strong they believe the genetic risk of certain diseases are as well as where they gained this knowledge. I hypothesize that only students with a background in psychology will be able to correctly assign the genetic risk of the four presented diseases. Completing this thesis will require in-depth study of the genetic factors, an understanding of the way each disease is perceived and understood by the general population, and a statistical analysis of the survey responses. If the survey data turns out as I expect where students do not have a strong grasp of diseases that could potentially influence their own health, I hope to find a way to educate students on biological and psychological diseases, their genetic risk, and how to speak openly about them.
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The Effects of a Pesticide and Maturation on the Honeybee (Apis mellifera) blood-brain barrier

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Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are pollinators that face multiple challenges during foraging such as fungicides applied to floral sources. Fungicides are chemicals used to inhibit key fungal mechanisms like metabolism, but their effects remain relatively unknown in bees. In addition, studying

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are pollinators that face multiple challenges during foraging such as fungicides applied to floral sources. Fungicides are chemicals used to inhibit key fungal mechanisms like metabolism, but their effects remain relatively unknown in bees. In addition, studying the maturing bee can help us identify demographics that are more vulnerable to toxic materials like fungicides. The purpose of this study is test whether maturation and the fungicide Pristine influence the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Specifically, we use a transportable dye to test how blood brain barrier transporter function responds to toxic insult and how it changes with age. Oral ingestion of Pristine by female workers did not have an effect on blood brain barrier permeability which suggests Pristine may have no or longer term consequences in the bee. However, blood brain barrier permeability changed with the bee's age which could be explained by the regulation of blood brain barrier transporters during natural transitions in hive task or the presence of hemolymph protein filtration
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Using Ancient DNA Methods to Examine Dire Wolf Population History

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Dire wolves have recently risen to fame as a result of the popular television program Game of Thrones, and thus many viewers know dire wolves as the sigil and loyal companions of the Stark house. Far fewer recognize dire wolves

Dire wolves have recently risen to fame as a result of the popular television program Game of Thrones, and thus many viewers know dire wolves as the sigil and loyal companions of the Stark house. Far fewer recognize dire wolves by their scientific name, Canis dirus, or understand the population history of this ‘fearsome wolf’ species that roamed the Americas until the megafaunal mass extinction event of the Late Pleistocene. Although numerous studies have examined the species using morphological and geographical methods, thus far their results have been either inconclusive or contradictory. Remaining questions include the relationships dire wolves share with other members of the Canis genus and the internal structure of their populations. Advancements in ancient DNA recovery methods may make it possible to study dire wolf specimens at the molecular level for the first time and may therefore prove useful in clarifying the answers to these questions. Eighteen dire wolf specimens were collected from across the United States and subjected to ancient DNA extraction, library preparation, amplification and purification, bait preparation and capture, and next-generation sequencing. There was an average of 76.9 unique reads and 5.73% coverage when mapped to the Canis familiaris reference genome in ultraconserved regions of the mitochondrial genome. The results indicate that endogenous ancient DNA was not successfully recovered and perhaps ancient DNA recovery methods have not advanced to the point of retrieving informative amounts of DNA from particularly old, thermally degraded specimens. Nevertheless, the ever-changing nature of ancient DNA research makes it vital to continually test the limitations of the field and suggests that ancient DNA recovery methods will prove useful in illuminating dire wolf population history at some point in the future.
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Vitellogenin Expression and Deformed Wing Virus Replication in Apis mellifera

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Vitellogenin (vg) is a precursor protein of egg yolk in honeybees, but it is also known to have immunological functions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of vg on the viral load of deformed wing virus

Vitellogenin (vg) is a precursor protein of egg yolk in honeybees, but it is also known to have immunological functions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of vg on the viral load of deformed wing virus (DWV) in worker honey bees (Apis mellifera). I hypothesized that a reduction in vg expression would lead to an increase in the viral load. I collected 180 worker bees and split them into four groups: half the bees were subjected to a vg gene knockdown by injections of double stranded vg RNA, and the rest were injected with green fluorescent protein (gfp) double stranded RNA. Half of each group was thereafter injected with DWV, and half given a sham injection. The rate of mortality in all four groups was higher than expected, leaving only 17 bees total. I dissected these bees' fat bodies and extracted their RNA to test for vg and DWV. PCR results showed that, out of the small group of remaining bees, the levels of vg were not statistically different. Furthermore, both groups of virus-injected bees showed similar viral loads. Because of the high mortality rate bees and the lack of differing levels of vg transcript between experimental and control groups, I could not draw conclusions from these results. The high mortality could be caused by several factors: temperature-induced stress, repeated stress from the two injections, and stress from viral infection. In addition, it is possible that the vg dsRNA batch I used was faulty. This thesis exemplifies that information cannot safely be extracted when loss of sampling units result in a small datasets that do not represent the original sampling population.
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