The Phoenix metro area has become increasingly more urbanized over the past few decades, changing the pressures on native lizards to navigate these novel environments. Due to effects such as the Urban Heat Island, decreased vegetation cover, increased temperatures, and

The Phoenix metro area has become increasingly more urbanized over the past few decades, changing the pressures on native lizards to navigate these novel environments. Due to effects such as the Urban Heat Island, decreased vegetation cover, increased temperatures, and general changes in substrate types between environments, urban lizards have a variety of unique environmental pressures acting on them compared to their traditional habitats. In this study, I examined various morphological features in the common side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) and the ornate tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) to determine if these novel pressures in urban environments have significantly changed the phenotypic expression of these features as compared to a non-urban environment. The morphological features examined were weight, head length and width, femur, tibia, foot, and toe length, arm, forearm, hand, and finger length, and snout-vent (SVL), tail, and total length, along with various proportional comparisons between related traits. I hypothesized that both common side-blotched lizards and ornate tree lizards would see an increase in mass and snout-vent length, an increase in tail length, and increase in head thickness, and a decrease in limb length in urban environments as compared non-urban environments. It was found that in common-side blotched lizards, while urban individuals tended to be larger in terms of length and mass, their heads tended to be proportionally shorter and thinner than non-urban individuals. In ornate tree-lizards, non-urban individuals were larger in every regard other than SVL. Both species saw a decrease in relative limb length in comparison to body length in urban environments. The trends observed in common-side blotched lizards may be explained by higher urban temperatures and novel substrates, while the trends observed in ornate tree lizards are likely due to prey availability, hunting strategy, and novel substrates.
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The Sweet Pathway to Neurodegenerative Disease: An Analysis of Research Literature Trends on the Links between Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease – a Meta-Analysis


This meta-study analyzes the shift in research literature that focuses on the various shared causes of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease from the years 2000 to 2022. Examining literature trends over the past two decades can offer valuable insight

This meta-study analyzes the shift in research literature that focuses on the various shared causes of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease from the years 2000 to 2022. Examining literature trends over the past two decades can offer valuable insight into the evolving emphasis on various topics. Altogether, a total of 154 publications were collected from the Pubmed and ResearchGate databases using a non-biased protocol and methodology. Each paper was then categorized by the topics it discussed. Visual representation of the data such as bar graphs and tables were created to comprehend the trends presented in the group of papers. The collection of publications were then differentiated into years of early (prior to 2005 or 2010) and late (after 2006 or 2011) periods to perform a statistical analysis of the patterns in the timeline. The increase in publications discussing Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid beta deposition, gut microbiota, mitochondrial dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, and tau hyperphosphorylation from the early to the late period were statistically significant. This means that the increase was not due to random chance, but rather supported by evidence. This can be attributed to researchers and physicians discovering more evidence that establishes a link between specific factors, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. This reflects a genuine acknowledgment of the importance of understanding and addressing the relationship between these two pathologies. Research in the trends of literature can provide information in which areas of research are the most studied or understudied. Based on these findings, the identification of areas with limited knowledge and potential research directions can be inferred, ultimately leading to the enhancement of preventive measures and therapeutic approaches for these conditions.

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U.S. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality trends in Literature: A Metastudy


Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the United States continues to rise, with a wide range of contributing factors such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease and systemic inequality. This metastudy provides a holistic view of the research that has been

Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the United States continues to rise, with a wide range of contributing factors such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease and systemic inequality. This metastudy provides a holistic view of the research that has been published on the issue of U.S. maternal healthcare from 2000-2022. The patterns of publications on specific topics over time can tell us what is perceived as a current major cause by physicians, public leaders, researchers, and the public. A deeper dive into systemic inequality as a cause of maternal morbidity and mortality highlights it as a major contributor to these high rates, but that progress is slowly being made through the implementation of detection and prevention tactics, as well as accessible prenatal programs and care.

Date Created

Covid, Stress, and Their Impact on Oral Health

The COVID-19 Pandemic, which nearly shut down the world for several months, had a large impact on the lives of everyone around the world. The pandemic brought many changes to daily life including the loss of jobs, online schooling, weeks

The COVID-19 Pandemic, which nearly shut down the world for several months, had a large impact on the lives of everyone around the world. The pandemic brought many changes to daily life including the loss of jobs, online schooling, weeks in quarantine, and for some, even the loss of a loved one. It was expected that the many abrupt changes increased levels of stress, in turn having a negative impact on oral health throughout society. Aside from this, changes in everyday habits and hygiene also likely had a negative effect on oral health. The overall effect that the pandemic had on oral health was investigated through a survey that was sent out to dental offices across the United States and Canada asking about the rates of clenching and grinding, the rates of cracked teeth, the number of crowns completed, the percentage of missed appointments, and the overall oral health of patients all throughout the pandemic and prior to the pandemic. Data was also collected at St. Vincent de Paul, a public health dental clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, which included the total number of crowns, the total number of appointments, and the total number of missed appointments all before and during the pandemic. It was predicted that all of the stress indicators asked about throughout the survey would have rates that increased throughout the pandemic, as well as that the number of crowns completed and missed appointments at St. Vincent de Paul both would have increased. The majority of the results matched the predictions, supporting the hypothesis that the COVID-19 Pandemic had a negative impact on overall oral health.
Date Created

Drivers of Spatiotemporal Variability of Ecosystem Metabolism in Aridland Streams

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Stream metabolism is a critical indicator of ecosystem health and connects stream ecology to global change. Hence, understanding the controls of metabolism is essential because streams integrate land use and could be net sources or sinks of carbon dioxide (and

Stream metabolism is a critical indicator of ecosystem health and connects stream ecology to global change. Hence, understanding the controls of metabolism is essential because streams integrate land use and could be net sources or sinks of carbon dioxide (and methane) to the atmosphere. Eleven aridland streams in the southwestern US (Arizona) across a hydroclimatic and size (watershed area) gradient were surveyed, and gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) were modeled and averaged seasonally over a period of 2-4 years. The seasonal averaged GPP went as low as 0.001 g O2m-2d-1 (Ramsey Creek in 1st quarter of 2017) and as high as 14.6 g O2m-2d-1 (Santa Cruz River in 2nd quarter of 2017), whereas that of ER ranged from 0.003 (Ramsey Creek in 1st quarter of 2017) to 20.3 g O2m-2d-1 (Santa Cruz River in 2nd quarter of in 2017). The coefficient of variation (CV) of these GPP estimates within site ranged from 42% (Upper Verde River) to 157% (Wet Beaver Creek), with an average CV of GPP 91%, whereas the CV of ER ranged from 32% (Upper Verde River) to 247% (Ramsey Creek), with an average CV of ER 85%. Among 4 main categories of hypothetical predictors (hydrology, nutrient concentration, local environment, and size) on CV and point measurement of stream metabolism, the following conclusion was made: hydrologic variation only predicted the ER and CV of ER but not the GPP or CV of GPP; light and its CV controlled GPP and its CV, respectively, whereas temperature was one of the controlling factors for ER; CV of nutrient concentration was one of the drivers of CV of GPP, nitrate concentration was correlated with point measurement of GPP and ER while soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration was only relevant to GPP; watershed area was correlated with CV of GPP, while depth mattered to both GPP and ER. My work will enhance our understanding of streams at multiple temporal and spatial scales and ultimately will benefit river management practice.
Date Created

Spiders in a Desert City: What the Behavior and Microclimate of Western Black Widows Can Teach Us About the Impacts of Urbanization

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As the planet is rapidly urbanizing, understanding the ecological effects of urbanization is a grand challenge for modern biology. For example, increased city temperatures known as the urban heat island effect, disproportionately impact nocturnal taxa and this consideration is widely

As the planet is rapidly urbanizing, understanding the ecological effects of urbanization is a grand challenge for modern biology. For example, increased city temperatures known as the urban heat island effect, disproportionately impact nocturnal taxa and this consideration is widely overlooked. Slight shifts in the thermal microclimate have a cascade of ramifications that directly impact species density and distribution. Animal behavior is a trait that may explain why some species thrive after urbanization when others go locally extinct. In this study I followed 22 adult females of the western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus, from both urban and undisturbed Sonoran Desert habitats. First, I began looking for differences between urban and desert spiders under field conditions: boldness, voracity, web size and body condition. Both urban and desert spiders were then brought to the laboratory to see how their behavior changed. I found no behavioral differences between urban and desert spiders in the field or the laboratory. I did find that spider behavior differed between the field and the laboratory. Specifically, boldness in the laboratory was significantly lower compared to the field. Voracity was more repeatable in the laboratory versus the field, and boldness was strongly positively correlated with voracity in the laboratory, but not in the field. These behavioral shifts from the field to the laboratory favor the conclusion that black widow behavior is highly plastic and context dependent. Lastly, I monitored web temperature of black widow microhabitat continuously for an entire year using iButton data loggers. I found microhabitat temperatures differences between urban and desert sites were greatest at night and absent during the daytime. I uncovered a seasonal effect with the highest magnitude temperature difference occurring during the springtime. Additionally, behavior was significantly correlated with field temperatures; the boldest spiders come from the warmest webs. However, I found little evidence that temperature predicts spider body condition or voracity, and body condition does not predict its behavioral expression. My results highlight the importance of studying animal behavior to increase understanding of the factors that shape distribution and density in a lethal pest species.
Date Created

Testing the Limits of Ethical Issues within the Field of Genetic Counseling

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Genetic counseling is a medical field that was established in the 1970s, but whose demand is now growing exponentially due to modern genetic technology. We now have the ability to look into the human genetic code, detect the genotype of

Genetic counseling is a medical field that was established in the 1970s, but whose demand is now growing exponentially due to modern genetic technology. We now have the ability to look into the human genetic code, detect the genotype of individuals, and use this knowledge to our benefit. However, Genetic testing results in a need for new ethical boundaries to be drawn. The idea of the "best possible conditions" of conceiving a child and whether this child has a right to not know are the two major ethical issues that will be focused on in order to analyze the ethical boundary that needs to be drawn for genetic counseling. In order to analyze these ethical issues, a focus group of Arizona State University students was organized. After producing results for the focus group, there are no true conclusions that can be drawn that applied to all of society. The focus group sample size was too small to produce a broad range of results and the participants were all Arizona State University Undergraduate students. However, it did become apparent that knowledge on these ethical issues is crucial in order to ensure they do not hinder the field of genetic counseling. It is predicted that in order to have the best outcome for the field of genetic counseling, genetic counselors themselves need to draw the ethical boundaries for the issues studied.
Date Created

Plant Productivity of Various Plants Grown in Coffee Grounds

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Over the last century, society has begun to acknowledge and observe how human actions are negatively impacting the environment. Sustainable living is becoming more adopted into daily lives, including a focus on waste management and recycling. Previous informal studies have

Over the last century, society has begun to acknowledge and observe how human actions are negatively impacting the environment. Sustainable living is becoming more adopted into daily lives, including a focus on waste management and recycling. Previous informal studies have proposed that coffee grounds can be recycled and added to the soil to increase plant productivity. The objective of this experiment was to test how different concentrations of roasted coffee grounds would affect the overall plant productivity when introduced in the soil of various plant types and environmental atmospheres. Three treatments were selected (100% potting mix, 50% potting mix/50% coffee grounds, and 25% potting mix/75% coffee grounds) and applied to 3 acid-tolerating plants (radish, basil, and parsley). Each of these treatments were grown in 2 different environments, where one was planted in a Tempe, AZ backyard while the other group was planted in a lab environment, locating at Arizona State University's Tempe Campus. Each plant with its respective treatments (plant type, coffee ground treatment, and environment) had 10 identical plants for statistical accuracy, resulting in a total of 180 plants grown, observed, and analyzed for this 3-month long experiment. The plant development, plant height, length of roots, quantity of leaves, and environmental observations were recorded and used to define plant productivity in this investigation. The experiment demonstrated low survival rates in all groups including the control group, suggesting a flaw in the experimental design. Nonetheless, the experiment showed that among the surviving plants, the 75% treatment had the largest negative impact on plant productivity. The measured root lengths and leaf quantity had various results across each plant group, leaving the hypothesis unverified. Overall, the experiment was effective in demonstrating negative impacts of great concentrations of coffee grounds when introduced to various plants, but further investigation with an adjusted experimental design will need to be completed to reach a reliable conclusion.
Date Created

A Retroactive Study of Parsons Center for Pediatric Dentistry Patient Parents/Guardians: Uncovering Motive for Seeking Specialty Dental Treatment

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Parents of patients receiving treatment at Parsons Center for Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics were surveyed in this study in an effort to uncover their motivations to seek specialty dental treatment for their children. Parsons Center for Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

Parents of patients receiving treatment at Parsons Center for Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics were surveyed in this study in an effort to uncover their motivations to seek specialty dental treatment for their children. Parsons Center for Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics is a specialty dental clinic that focuses on increasing the accessibility of dental care, serving both insured and uninsured patients in Phoenix, Arizona. The demographic of this study is assumed to be the surrounding areas, including Maricopa County and the zip code to which Parsons pertains, 85009. Approximately half of the population in this area are low income individuals, and a large percentage of the population are of Hispanic/Latino heritage. Over the course of this investigation, eighty participating parents completed a short survey to determine factors relevant in their decision to obtain pediatric, as opposed to general (family) dental treatment, for their children. Parents were asked questions regarding their age, the age and dental treatment history of their children, and the relevance of six factors in their decision to visit the Parsons Center. Overall, "professional/personal recommendation" was the decision factor with the highest average relevance valuation followed by "Spanish-speaking staff," "location," "lack of insurance," "insurance accepted," and "past (patient) traumatic experience." Results suggest the importance of quality care and word-of-mouth recommendations as well as the significance of understanding and serving the needs of one's surrounding population effectively.
Date Created

Factors That Prevent Different Age Groups in the Arizona Population from Routinely Visiting the Dentist

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Abstract The purpose of this study was to discover the most prominent factors that affect the Arizona population from routinely visiting the dentist. For many people there is a factor of anxiety or fear, while others have issues with cost,

Abstract The purpose of this study was to discover the most prominent factors that affect the Arizona population from routinely visiting the dentist. For many people there is a factor of anxiety or fear, while others have issues with cost, insurance, or even the dental clinic environment. My study looks at some of these factors and supports the data with available research on dental avoidance factors. A significant portion of the study is also allotted to potential solutions to these avoidance factors, in order to increase regular dental visitation. Oral health is extremely important not only to the teeth, but also to the rest of the body. Therefore, it is important to address avoidance factors and find potential solutions to these problems. The study involved 71 participants, eighteen years of age or older, and a questionnaire with twenty-one questions. These questions asked the participants about gender, ethnicity, age, employment, reasons for avoidance, oral health education, and past dental experiences. These questions were designed to better understand how a person's background and understanding of dentistry affect their decision to visit the dentist. These questions also provide insight to why certain avoidance factors apply to different groups of people in the Arizona population. The results of the study showed that anxiety, price, insurance issues, and the personality of the dentist are the most prominent factors that cause individuals to avoid the dentist. Potential solutions to these avoidance factors were given, especially for anxious individuals. There are dentists who deal specifically with anxious individuals through sedation dentistry. Regarding price, there were several options for free or low-cost dental clinics that were provided. Preventative dentistry education was an important focus and solution to many of the avoidance factors, because when individuals are more aware of how to care for their teeth, there is a greater chance that they will have healthier teeth and dental visits will be less invasive and costly. Suggestions were provided for spreading oral health education and preventative dentistry through community programs and schools. Among the avoidance factors addressed, solutions provided, and the importance of oral health and preventative dentistry reiterated, the study stressed the importance of the results to my future profession. As a future dental practitioner, the data and research will be used in order for me to become a more compassionate and accommodating practitioner to my future patients. There is a special relationship and trust between the dental practitioner and their patient, and this study has helped me better understand how to accommodate patients and eliminate the factors that cause them to avoid regular dental visits.
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