Mathematical Modeling of Social Insect Colonies as Complex Adaptive Systems

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This research focuses on the intricate dynamical systems of eusocial insects, particularly ants, and honey bees, known for their highly organized colonies and cooperative behaviors. Research on eusocial insects contributes to understanding of animal and social behavior and promises to

This research focuses on the intricate dynamical systems of eusocial insects, particularly ants, and honey bees, known for their highly organized colonies and cooperative behaviors. Research on eusocial insects contributes to understanding of animal and social behavior and promises to help agriculture and have huge economic impacts. Collaborating closely with ecologists, I construct diverse mathematical models tailored to different environmental contexts. These models encompass individual stochastic (Agent-based model), Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), non-autonomous, and Delay Differential Equation (DDE) models, rigorously validated with experimental data and statistical methods. Employing dynamical theory, bifurcation analysis, and numerical simulations, I gain deeper insights into the adaptive behaviors exhibited by these insects at both colony and individual levels. Our investigation addresses pivotal questions: 1) What mechanisms underlie spatial heterogeneity within social insect colonies, influencing the spread of information and pathogens through their intricate social networks?2) How can I develop accurate mathematical models incorporating age structures, particularly for species like honeybees, utilizing delayed differential equations? 3) What is the influence of seasonality on honeybee population dynamics in the presence of parasites, as explored through non-autonomous equations? 4) How do pesticides impact honeybee population dynamics, considering delayed equations and seasonality? Key findings highlight:1) The spatial distribution within colonies significantly shapes contact dynamics, thereby influencing the dissemination of information and the allocation of tasks. 2) Accurate modeling of honeybee populations necessitates the incorporation of age structure, as well as careful consideration of seasonal variations. 3) Seasonal fluctuations in egg-laying rates exert varying effects on the survival of honeybee colonies. 4) Pesticides wield a substantial influence on adult bee mortality rates and the consumption ratios of pollen. This research not only unveils the intricate interplay between intrinsic and environmental factors affecting social insects but also provides broader insights into social behavior and the potential ramifications of climate change.
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Connecting the Nutritional Ecology and Physiology of Melanoplus sanguinipes to Immunology Under Metarhizium robertsii Infection

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The migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) is one of the most economically important grasshoppers in the western rangelands of the United States (US), capable of causing incredible amounts of damage to crops and rangelands. While M. sanguinipes has been the focus

The migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) is one of the most economically important grasshoppers in the western rangelands of the United States (US), capable of causing incredible amounts of damage to crops and rangelands. While M. sanguinipes has been the focus of many research studies, areas like field nutritional physiology and ecology, and interactions between nutritional physiology and biopesticide resistance have very little research. This dissertation presents a multifaceted approach through three research-driven chapters that examine the nutritional physiology of M. sanguinipes and how it interacts with an entomopathogenic fungus for grasshopper management, as well as the challenges of using biopesticides for grasshopper management. Using the Geometric Framework for Nutrition (GFN), I established baseline macronutrient intake for M. sanguinipes, both in laboratory and field populations. Through this work, I found that field and lab populations can exhibit different protein (p) to carbohydrate (c) ratios, or Intake Targets (ITs), but that the field populations had ITs that matched the nutrients available in their environment. I also used the GFN to show that infections with the fungal entomopathogen Metarhizium robertsii DWR2009 did not alter ITs in M. sanguinipes. Although, when confined to carbohydrate- or protein-biased diets, infected grasshoppers had a slightly extended lifespan relative to grasshoppers fed balanced protein:carbohydrate diets. Interestingly, in a postmortem for the grasshopper, the fungus was only able to effectively sporulate on grasshoppers fed the 1p:1c diets, suggesting that grasshopper diet can have substantial impacts on the spread of fungal biopesticides throughout a population, in the absence of any inhibitory abiotic factors. Lastly, I examined the major barriers to fungal and microsporidian biopesticide usage in the United States, including low efficacy, thermal and environmental sensitivity, non-target effects, unregistered or restricted use, and economic or accessibility barriers. I also explored potential solutions to these challenges. This dissertation's focus on Melanoplus sanguinipes and Metarhizium roberstii Strain DWR2009, generates new information about how nutritional physiology and immunology intersect to impact M. sanguinipes performance. The methodology in each of the experimental chapters provides a framework for examining other problematic grasshopper species, by determining baseline nutritional physiology, and coupling nutrition with immunology to maximize the effectiveness of biological pesticides.
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Summer Heat Impacts on Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Hive Populations


Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) populations are being threatened by several environmental stressors. Climate change induced temperature extremes pose a high risk to agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems. Specific threats of climate change affect honey bee brood rearing because honey bee brood

Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) populations are being threatened by several environmental stressors. Climate change induced temperature extremes pose a high risk to agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems. Specific threats of climate change affect honey bee brood rearing because honey bee brood need narrow ranges in temperature otherwise there can be negative effects posed on development. Throughout this experiment we tested whether colony size affects thermoregulation. We hypothesized that smaller colonies would struggle to regulate in-hive temperatures in comparison to larger colonies. To test this, temperature loggers were placed in each hive at the brood center, brood edge, and periphery to log temperatures in the summer months of May to September in Arizona. Day and night temperatures were separated for each logger and the average, median, max, and min temperatures were taken for every two-week period wherein the colony population was assessed. For this experiment, we subtracted the min temperature from the max temperature of the final two-week period to assess differences in colony thermoregulatory capability. Overall, smaller colonies struggled to maintain in-hive temperatures in all three areas measured.

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Honey Bees Change Wing Kinematics to Carry Loads in the Heat


Foraging honey bees are challenged to balance the energetic costs of thermoregulating and load-carriage at the same time when flying in hot environments. Honey bees can reduce metabolic rate and wingbeat frequency in response to heat, but the kinematic strategies

Foraging honey bees are challenged to balance the energetic costs of thermoregulating and load-carriage at the same time when flying in hot environments. Honey bees can reduce metabolic rate and wingbeat frequency in response to heat, but the kinematic strategies they use while carrying loads are unknown. I observed honey bees (Apis mellifera) carrying a range of nectar loads (0 to 80% of their own body weight in nectar) when flying at 25 and 40°C air temperatures, and found that hotter honey bees decreased their wingbeat frequency (from 230 to 195 Hz) and increased their stroke amplitude (from 90 to 98°) to generate increasing aerodynamic power as they carry heavier nectar loads. The bees flying at 40°C air temperature carrying heavier loads did increase their wingbeat frequency compared to the unloaded individuals. Despite the kinematic changes, both the hot and cold honey bees were able to generate sufficient power to carry loads of roughly equal mass. Bees flying at 40°C air temperature produced more power than their cooler counterparts, suggesting a more efficient mechanism of load carriage.

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In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these

In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these agrochemicals. The fungicide Pristine® is commonly used on bee-pollinated crops and has been shown to be detrimental to physiological processes that are key to honey bee foraging, such as digestion and learning. This study seeks to investigate how Pristine® exposure affects the amount of water, nectar, and pollen that honey bees collect. Colonies were fed either plain pollen patties or pollen patties containing 23 ppm Pristine®. Exposure to fungicide had no significant effect on corbicular pollen mass, the crop volumes of nectar or water foragers, or the proportions of foragers collecting different substances. There was a significantly higher sugar concentration in the crop of Pristine®-exposed nectar foragers (43.6%, 95% CI [38.8, 48.4]) compared to control nectar foragers (36.3%, 95% CI [31.9, 40.6]). The higher sugar concentration in the nectar of Pristine®-treated bees could indicate that the agrochemical decreases sucrose responsiveness or nutritional status in bees. Alternatively, fungicide exposure may increase the amount of sugar that bees need to make it back to the hive. Based on these results, it would appear that fungicides like Pristine® do not strongly affect the amounts of substances that honey bees collect, but it is still highly plausible that treated bees forage more slowly or with lower return rates.
Date Created


In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these

In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these agrochemicals. The fungicide Pristine® is commonly used on bee-pollinated crops and has been shown to be detrimental to physiological processes that are key to honey bee foraging, such as digestion and learning. This study seeks to investigate how Pristine® exposure affects the amount of water, nectar, and pollen that honey bees collect. Colonies were fed either plain pollen patties or pollen patties containing 23 ppm Pristine®. Exposure to fungicide had no significant effect on corbicular pollen mass, the crop volumes of nectar or water foragers, or the proportions of foragers collecting different substances. There was a significantly higher sugar concentration in the crop of Pristine®-exposed nectar foragers (43.6%, 95% CI [38.8, 48.4]) compared to control nectar foragers (36.3%, 95% CI [31.9, 40.6]). The higher sugar concentration in the nectar of Pristine®-treated bees could indicate that the agrochemical decreases sucrose responsiveness or nutritional status in bees. Alternatively, fungicide exposure may increase the amount of sugar that bees need to make it back to the hive. Based on these results, it would appear that fungicides like Pristine® do not strongly affect the amounts of substances that honey bees collect, but it is still highly plausible that treated bees forage more slowly or with lower return rates.
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Quantifying foraging trends in honey bees (Apis mellifera) consuming fungicide


In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these

In the face of widespread pollinator decline, research has increasingly focused on ways that pesticides could be harming bees. Fungicides are pesticides that are used in greater volumes than insecticides, yet significantly fewer studies have investigated the effects of these agrochemicals. The fungicide Pristine® is commonly used on bee-pollinated crops and has been shown to be detrimental to physiological processes that are key to honey bee foraging, such as digestion and learning. This study seeks to investigate how Pristine® exposure affects the amount of water, nectar, and pollen that honey bees collect. Colonies were fed either plain pollen patties or pollen patties containing 23 ppm Pristine®. Exposure to fungicide had no significant effect on corbicular pollen mass, the crop volumes of nectar or water foragers, or the proportions of foragers collecting different substances. There was a significantly higher sugar concentration in the crop of Pristine®-exposed nectar foragers (43.6%, 95% CI [38.8, 48.4]) compared to control nectar foragers (36.3%, 95% CI [31.9, 40.6]). The higher sugar concentration in the nectar of Pristine®-treated bees could indicate that the agrochemical decreases sucrose responsiveness or nutritional status in bees. Alternatively, fungicide exposure may increase the amount of sugar that bees need to make it back to the hive. Based on these results, it would appear that fungicides like Pristine® do not strongly affect the amounts of substances that honey bees collect, but it is still highly plausible that treated bees forage more slowly or with lower return rates.

Date Created

The Effectiveness of Visual Learning in STEM: Evaluation of Visual Cardiology Lessons in Animal Physiology


Visual presentation of information is one method of learning that has the ability to enhance STEM learning compared to learning solely through text. Educational psychology research is ongoing in the STEM field for how students can learn better through visual

Visual presentation of information is one method of learning that has the ability to enhance STEM learning compared to learning solely through text. Educational psychology research is ongoing in the STEM field for how students can learn better through visual representations in their course material. The goal of this study was to assess student responses to visual mini-lessons related to course content in the cardiovascular unit in Animal Physiology (BIO360) at Arizona State University. Study participants completed a series of eight mini-lessons and a survey on their experience with the visual lessons. The results of the survey identify increased desire for visual learning materials in STEM courses. The study participants reported that they felt more visual aids in their STEM courses would increase their understanding of course content and that their classroom performance would improve.

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Ecological Drivers of Group Living in a Facultatively Social Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sonorina)

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Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal

Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal groups are comprised of unrelated individuals. These cases provide unique opportunities to illuminate drivers of social evolution beyond indirect fitness, especially ecological factors. This dissertation combines behavioral, physiological, and ecological approaches to explore the conditions that favor group formation among non-kin, using as a model the facultatively social carpenter bee, Xylocopa sonorina. Using behavioral and genetic techniques, I found that nestmates in this species are often unrelated, and that non-kin groups form following extensive inter-nest migration.Group living may arise as a strategy to mitigate constraints on available breeding space. To test the hypothesis that nest construction is prohibitively costly for carpenter bees, I measured metabolic rates of excavating bees and used imaging techniques to quantify nest volumes. From these measurements, I found that nest construction is highly energetically costly, and that bees who inherit nests through social queuing experience substantial energetic savings. These costs are exacerbated by limitations on the reuse of existing nests. Using repeated CT scans of nesting logs, I examined changes in nest architecture over time and found that repeatedly inherited tunnels become indefensible to intruders, and are subsequently abandoned. Together, these factors underlie intense competition over available breeding space. The imaging analysis of nesting logs additionally revealed strong seasonal effects on social strategy, with social nesting dominating during winter. To test the hypothesis that winter social nesting arises from intrinsic physiological advantages of grouping, I experimentally manipulated social strategy in overwintering bees. I found that social bees conserve heat and body mass better than solitary bees, suggesting fitness benefits to grouping in cold, resource-scarce conditions. Together, these results suggest that grouping in X. sonorina arises from dynamic strategies to maximize direct fitness in response to harsh and/or competitive conditions. These studies provide empirical insights into the ecological conditions that favor non-kin grouping, and emphasize the importance of ecology in shaping sociality at its evolutionary origins.
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Effect of Macronutriants on Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria) Flight Performance

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Migration allows animals to track favorable environments and avoid harmful conditions but is energetically costly. There are different types of migration, such as tidal/daily, seasonal, and lifetime. Locust migratory swarms are one such famous phenomena that can have dramatic effects

Migration allows animals to track favorable environments and avoid harmful conditions but is energetically costly. There are different types of migration, such as tidal/daily, seasonal, and lifetime. Locust migratory swarms are one such famous phenomena that can have dramatic effects on human livelihoods. During long-distance flight, locusts rely on lipid oxidation from fat stores, while initial flight is fueled by carbohydrates. However, limited studies have tested how dietary macronutrients affect insect flight performance. Therefore, we asked: How do different dietary macronutrient ratios affect prolonged flight migration? We predicted that high carbohydrate diets would lead to high body lipid synthesis which would increase flight performance. We reared locusts in three crowded cages from 5th instar to adulthood on artificial diet varying in p:c ratio, supplemented with lettuce and water tubes, ad libitum. We used 7-14-day old adult males for flight performance assays where each day we used new individuals for tethered flight for 12 h in wind tunnels (~12 km·h-1) and video recorded their flight. We found that locust flight duration and quality increased with a decrease of dietary p:c ratio. Using control groups of locusts, we estimated that across 1 day of flight (up to 12 h), locusts lost on average in all treatments ~25 or ~30% of their total body lipid content. We concluded that long distance flight is improved by a high carbohydrate and low protein diet for L. migratoria by increasing their fuel sources. This work was supported by NSF # 1942054.

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