Macronutrient Regulation by the Desert Leafcutter Ant Acromyrmex versicolor

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Understanding how and why animals choose what to eat is one of the fundamental goals of nutritional and behavioral biology. This question can be scaled to animals that live in social groups, including eusocial insects. One of the factors that

Understanding how and why animals choose what to eat is one of the fundamental goals of nutritional and behavioral biology. This question can be scaled to animals that live in social groups, including eusocial insects. One of the factors that plays an important role in foraging decisions is the prevalence of specific nutrients and their relative balance. This dissertation explores the role of relative nutrient content in the food selection decisions of a species that is eusocial and also agricultural, the desert leafcutter ant Acromyrmex versicolor. A dietary choice assay, in which the relative amount of protein and carbohydrates in the available diets was varied, demonstrated that A. versicolor colonies regulate relative collection of protein and carbohydrates. Tracking the foraging behavior of individual workers revelaed that foragers vary in their relative collection of experimental diets and in their foraging frequency, but that there is no relationship between these key factors of foraging behavior. The high proportion of carbohydrates preferred by lab colonies suggests that they forage to nutritionally support the fungus rather than brood and workers. To test this, the relative amounts of 1) fungus, and 2) brood (larvae) was manipulated and foraging response was measured. Changing the amount of brood had no effect on foraging. Although decreasing the size of fungus gardens did not change relative P:C collection, it produced significant increases in caloric intake, supporting the assertion that the fungus is the main driver of colony nutrient regulation. The nutritional content of naturally harvested forage material collected from field colonies was measured, as was recruitment to experimental diets with varying relative macronutrient content. Field results confirmed a strong colony preference for high carbohydrate diets. They also indicated that this species may, at times, be limited in its ability to collect sufficiently high levels of carbohydrates to meet optimal intake. This dissertation provides important insights about fundamental aspects of leafcutter ant biology and extends our understanding of the role of relative nutrient content in foraging decisions to systems that span multiple trophic levels.
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Ecological Drivers of Group Living in a Facultatively Social Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sonorina)

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Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal

Understanding why animals form social groups is a fundamental aim of sociobiology. To date, the field has been dominated by studies of kin groups, which have emphasized indirect fitness benefits as key drivers of grouping among relatives. Nevertheless, many animal groups are comprised of unrelated individuals. These cases provide unique opportunities to illuminate drivers of social evolution beyond indirect fitness, especially ecological factors. This dissertation combines behavioral, physiological, and ecological approaches to explore the conditions that favor group formation among non-kin, using as a model the facultatively social carpenter bee, Xylocopa sonorina. Using behavioral and genetic techniques, I found that nestmates in this species are often unrelated, and that non-kin groups form following extensive inter-nest migration.Group living may arise as a strategy to mitigate constraints on available breeding space. To test the hypothesis that nest construction is prohibitively costly for carpenter bees, I measured metabolic rates of excavating bees and used imaging techniques to quantify nest volumes. From these measurements, I found that nest construction is highly energetically costly, and that bees who inherit nests through social queuing experience substantial energetic savings. These costs are exacerbated by limitations on the reuse of existing nests. Using repeated CT scans of nesting logs, I examined changes in nest architecture over time and found that repeatedly inherited tunnels become indefensible to intruders, and are subsequently abandoned. Together, these factors underlie intense competition over available breeding space. The imaging analysis of nesting logs additionally revealed strong seasonal effects on social strategy, with social nesting dominating during winter. To test the hypothesis that winter social nesting arises from intrinsic physiological advantages of grouping, I experimentally manipulated social strategy in overwintering bees. I found that social bees conserve heat and body mass better than solitary bees, suggesting fitness benefits to grouping in cold, resource-scarce conditions. Together, these results suggest that grouping in X. sonorina arises from dynamic strategies to maximize direct fitness in response to harsh and/or competitive conditions. These studies provide empirical insights into the ecological conditions that favor non-kin grouping, and emphasize the importance of ecology in shaping sociality at its evolutionary origins.
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Mating Biology, Social Structure, and the Evolution of Reproductive Conflict in Ants

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In many social groups, reproduction is shared between group members, whocompete for position in the social hierarchy for reproductive dominance. This reproductive conflict can lead to different means of enforcing reproductive differences, such as dominance displays or limited control of social hierarchy

In many social groups, reproduction is shared between group members, whocompete for position in the social hierarchy for reproductive dominance. This reproductive conflict can lead to different means of enforcing reproductive differences, such as dominance displays or limited control of social hierarchy through antagonistic encounters. In eusocial insects, archetypal colonies contain a single, singly-mated fertile queen, such that no reproductive conflict exists within a colony. However, many eusocial insects deviate from this archetype and have multiply-mated queens (polyandry), multiple queens in a single colony (polygyny), or both. In these cases, reproductive conflict exists between the matrilines and patrilines represented in a colony, specifically over the production of sexual offspring. A possible outcome of reproductive conflict may be the emergence of cheating lineages, which favor the production of sexual offspring, taking advantage of the worker force produced by nestmate queens and/or patrilines. In extreme examples, inquiline social parasites may be an evolutionary consequence of reproductive conflict between nestmate queens. Inquiline social parasitism is a type of social parasitism that is usually defined by a partial or total loss of the worker caste, and the “infiltration” of host colonies to take advantage of the host worker force for reproduction. It has been hypothesized that these inquiline social parasites evolve through the speciation of cheating queen lineages from within their incipient host species. This “intra- specific” origin model involves a foundational hypothesis that the common ancestor of host and parasite (and thus, putatively, the host at the time of speciation) should be functionally polygynous, and that parasitism evolves as a “resolution” of reproductive conflict in colonies. In this dissertation, I investigate the hypothesized role of polygyny in the evolution of inquiline social parasites. I use molecular ecology and statistical approaches to validate the role of polygyny in the evolution of some inquiline social parasites. I further discuss potential mechanisms for the evolution and speciation of social parasites, and discuss future directions to elucidate these mechanisms.
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From Alarm Propagation to Energy Metabolism: Mechanisms of Collective Colony Responses in Seed-harvester Ant Colonies, Pogonomyrmex Californicus

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The flexibility and robustness of social insect colonies, when they cope with challenges as integrated units, raise many questions, such as how hundreds and thousands of individual local responses are coordinated without a central controlling process. Answering such questions requires:

The flexibility and robustness of social insect colonies, when they cope with challenges as integrated units, raise many questions, such as how hundreds and thousands of individual local responses are coordinated without a central controlling process. Answering such questions requires: 1. Quantifiable collective responses of colonies under specific scenarios; 2. Decomposability of the collective colony-level response into individual responses; and 3. Mechanisms to integrate the colony- and individual-level responses. In the first part of my dissertation, I explore coordinated collective responses of colonies in during the alarm response to an alarmed nestmate (chapter 2&3). I develop a machine-learning approach to quantitatively estimate the collective and individual alarm response (chapter 2). Using this methodology, I demonstrate that colony alarm responses to the introduction of alarmed nestmates can be decomposed into immediately cascading, followed by variable dampening processes. Each of those processes are found to be modulated by variation in individual alarm responsiveness, as measured by alarm response threshold and persistence of alarm behavior. This variation is modulated in turn by environmental context, in particular with task-related social context (chapter 3). In the second part of my dissertation, I examine the mechanisms responsible for colonial changes in metabolic rate during ontogeny. Prior studies have found that larger ant colonies (as for larger organisms) have lower mass-specific metabolic rates, but the mechanisms remain unclear. In a 3.5-year study on 25 colonies, metabolic rates of colonies and colony components were measured during ontogeny (chapter 4). The scaling of metabolic rate during ontogeny was fit better by segmented regression or quadratic regression models than simple linear regression models, showing that colonies do not follow a universal power-law of metabolism during the ontogenetic development. Furthermore, I showed that the scaling of colonial metabolic rates can be primarily explained by changes in the ratio of brood to adult workers, which nonlinearly affects colonial metabolic rates. At high ratios of brood to workers, colony metabolic rates are low because the metabolic rate of larvae and pupae are much lower than adult workers. However, the high colony metabolic rates were observed in colonies with moderate brood: adult ratios, because higher ratios cause adult workers to be more active and have higher metabolic rates, presumably due to the extra work required to feed more brood.
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Energy Use Scaling and Alarm Spread in Social Ants: An Investigation Using Multi-agent Simulation and Object Tracking

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Social insect groups, such as bees, termites, and ants, epitomize the emergence of group-level behaviors from the aggregated actions and interactions of individuals. Ants have the unique advantage that whole colonies can be observed in artificial, laboratory nests, and each

Social insect groups, such as bees, termites, and ants, epitomize the emergence of group-level behaviors from the aggregated actions and interactions of individuals. Ants have the unique advantage that whole colonies can be observed in artificial, laboratory nests, and each individual's behavior can be continuously tracked using imaging software. In this dissertation, I study two group behaviors: (1) the spread of alarm signals from three agitated ants to a group of 61 quiescent nestmates, and (2) the reduction in per-capita energy use as colonies scale in size from tens of ants to thousands. For my first experiment, I track the motion of Pogonomyrmex californicus ants using an overhead camera, and I analyze how propagation of an initial alarm stimulus affects their walking speeds. I then build an agent-based model that simulates two-dimensional ant motion and the spread of the alarmed state. I find that implementing a simple set of rules for motion and alarm signal transmission reproduces the empirically observed speed dynamics. For the second experiment, I simulate social insect colony workers that collectively complete a set of tasks. By assuming that task switching is energetically costly, my model recovers a metabolic rate scaling pattern, known as hypometric metabolic scaling. This relationship, which predicts an organism's metabolic rate from its mass, is observed across a diverse set of social insect groups and animal species. The results suggest an explicit link between the degree of workers' task specialization and whole-colony energy use.
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Collective personality in the Azteca-Cecropia mutualism

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For interspecific mutualisms, the behavior of one partner can influence the fitness of the other, especially in the case of symbiotic mutualisms where partners live in close physical association for much of their lives. Behavioral effects on fitness may be

For interspecific mutualisms, the behavior of one partner can influence the fitness of the other, especially in the case of symbiotic mutualisms where partners live in close physical association for much of their lives. Behavioral effects on fitness may be particularly important if either species in these long-term relationships displays personality. Animal personality is defined as repeatable individual differences in behavior, and how correlations among these consistent traits are structured is termed behavioral syndromes. Animal personality has been broadly documented across the animal kingdom but is poorly understood in the context of mutualisms. My dissertation focuses on the structure, causes, and consequences of collective personality in Azteca constructor colonies that live in Cecropia trees, one of the most successful and prominent mutualisms of the neotropics. These pioneer plants provide hollow internodes for nesting and nutrient-rich food bodies; in return, the ants provide protection from herbivores and encroaching vines. I first explored the structure of the behavioral syndrome by testing the consistency and correlation of colony-level behavioral traits under natural conditions in the field. Traits were both consistent within colonies and correlated among colonies revealing a behavioral syndrome along a docile-aggressive axis. Host plants of more active, aggressive colonies had less leaf damage, suggesting a link between a colony personality and host plant health. I then studied how aspects of colony sociometry are intertwined with their host plants by assessing the relationship among plant growth, colony growth, colony structure, ant morphology, and colony personality. Colony personality was independent of host plant measures like tree size, age, volume. Finally, I tested how colony personality influenced by soil nutrients by assessing personality in the field and transferring colonies to plants the greenhouse under different soil nutrient treatments. Personality was correlated with soil nutrients in the field but was not influenced by soil nutrient treatment in the greenhouse. This suggests that soil nutrients interact with other factors in the environment to structure personality. This dissertation demonstrates that colony personality is an ecologically relevant phenomenon and an important consideration for mutualism dynamics.
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Ecological drivers and reproductive consequences of queen cooperation in the California harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus

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An important component of insect social structure is the number of queens that cohabitate in a colony. Queen number is highly variable between and within species. It can begin at colony initiation when often unrelated queens form cooperative social groups,

An important component of insect social structure is the number of queens that cohabitate in a colony. Queen number is highly variable between and within species. It can begin at colony initiation when often unrelated queens form cooperative social groups, a strategy known as primary polygyny. The non-kin cooperative groups formed by primary polygyny have profound effects on the social dynamics and inclusive fitness benefits within a colony. Despite this, the evolution of non-kin queen cooperation has been relatively overlooked in considerations of the evolution of cooperative sociality. To date, studies examining the costs and benefits of primary polygyny have focused primarily on the advantages of multiple queens during colony founding and early growth, but the impact of their presence extends to colony maturity and reproduction.

In this dissertation, I evaluate the ecological drivers and fitness consequences of non-kin queen cooperation, by comparing the reproduction of mature single-queen versus polygynous harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex californicus) colonies in the field. I captured and quantified the total number and biomass of reproductives across multiple mating seasons, comparing between populations that vary in the proportion of single queen versus polygynous colonies, to assess the fitness outcomes of queen cooperation. Colonies in a mainly polygynous site had lower reproductive investment than those in sites with predominantly single-queen colonies. The site dominated by polygyny had higher colony density and displayed evidence of resource limitation, pressures that may drive the evolution of queen cooperation.

I also used microsatellite markers to examine how polygynous queens share worker and reproductive production with nest-mate queens. The majority of queens fairly contribute to worker production and equally share reproductive output. However, there is a low frequency of queens that under-produce workers and over-produce reproductive offspring. This suggests that cheating by reproducing queens is possible, but uncommon. Competitive pressure from neighboring colonies could reduce the success of colonies that contain cheaters and maintain a low frequency of this phenotype in the population.
Date Created

A novel approach to study task organization in animal groups

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A key factor in the success of social animals is their organization of work. Mathematical models have been instrumental in unraveling how simple, individual-based rules can generate collective patterns via self-organization. However, existing models offer limited insights into how these

A key factor in the success of social animals is their organization of work. Mathematical models have been instrumental in unraveling how simple, individual-based rules can generate collective patterns via self-organization. However, existing models offer limited insights into how these patterns are shaped by behavioral differences within groups, in part because they focus on analyzing specific rules rather than general mechanisms that can explain behavior at the individual-level. My work argues for a more principled approach that focuses on the question of how individuals make decisions in costly environments.

In Chapters 2 and 3, I demonstrate how this approach provides novel insights into factors that shape the flexibility and robustness of task organization in harvester ant colonies (Pogonomyrmex barbatus). My results show that the degree to which colonies can respond to work in fluctuating environments depends on how individuals weigh the costs of activity and update their behavior in response to social information. In Chapter 4, I introduce a mathematical framework to study the emergence of collective organization in heterogenous groups. My approach, which is based on the theory of multi-agent systems, focuses on myopic agents whose behavior emerges out of an independent valuation of alternative choices in a given work environment. The product of this dynamic is an equilibrium organization in which agents perform different tasks (or abstain from work) with an analytically defined set of threshold probabilities. The framework is minimally developed, but can be extended to include other factors known to affect task decisions including individual experience and social facilitation. This research contributes a novel approach to developing (and analyzing) models of task organization that can be applied in a broader range of contexts where animals cooperate.
Date Created

Behavioral and nutritional regulation of colony growth in the desert leafcutter ant Acromyrmex versicolor

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Like individual organisms, complex social groups are able to maintain predictable trajectories of growth, from initial colony foundation to mature reproductively capable units. They do so while simultaneously responding flexibly to variation in nutrient availability and intake. Leafcutter ant colonies

Like individual organisms, complex social groups are able to maintain predictable trajectories of growth, from initial colony foundation to mature reproductively capable units. They do so while simultaneously responding flexibly to variation in nutrient availability and intake. Leafcutter ant colonies function as tri-trophic systems, in which the ants harvest vegetation to grow a fungus that, in turn, serves as food for the colony. Fungal growth rates and colony worker production are interdependent, regulated by nutritional and behavioral feedbacks. Fungal growth and quality are directly affected by worker foraging decisions, while worker production is, in turn, dependent on the amount and condition of the fungus. In this dissertation, I first characterized the growth relationship between the workers and the fungus of the desert leafcutter ant Acromyrmex versicolor during early stages of colony development, from colony foundation by groups of queens through the beginnings of exponential growth. I found that this relationship undergoes a period of slow growth and instability when workers first emerge, and then becomes allometrically positive. I then evaluated how mass and element ratios of resources collected by the ants are translated into fungus and worker population growth, and refuse, finding that colony digestive efficiency is comparable to digestive efficiencies of other herbivorous insects and ruminants. To test how colonies behaviorally respond to perturbations of the fungus garden, I quantified activity levels and task performance of workers in colonies with either supplemented or diminished fungus gardens, and found that colonies adjusted activity and task allocation in response to the fungus garden size. Finally, to identify possible forms of nutrient limitation, I measured how colony performance was affected by changes in the relative amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and phosphorus available in the resources used to grow the fungus garden. From this experiment, I concluded that colony growth is primarily carbohydrate-limited.
Date Created

Causes and consequences of queen-number variation in the California harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus

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Social insect colonies exhibit striking diversity in social organization. Included in this overwhelming variation in structure are differences in colony queen number. The number of queens per colony varies both intra- and interspecifically and has major impacts on the social

Social insect colonies exhibit striking diversity in social organization. Included in this overwhelming variation in structure are differences in colony queen number. The number of queens per colony varies both intra- and interspecifically and has major impacts on the social dynamics of a colony and the fitness of its members. To understand the evolutionary transition from single to multi-queen colonies, I examined a species which exhibits variation both in mode of colony founding and in the queen number of mature colonies. The California harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus exhibits both variation in the number of queens that begin a colony (metrosis) and in the number of queens in adult colonies (gyny). Throughout most of its range, colonies begin with one queen (haplometrosis) but in some populations multiple queens cooperate to initiate colonies (pleometrosis). I present results that confirm co-foundresses are unrelated. I also map the geographic occurrence of pleometrotic populations and show that the phenomenon appears to be localized in southern California and Northern Baja California. Additionally, I provide genetic evidence that pleometrosis leads to primary polygyny (polygyny developing from pleometrosis) a phenomenon which has received little attention and is poorly understood. Phylogenetic and haplotype analyses utilizing mitochondrial markers reveal that populations of both behavioral types in California are closely related and have low mitochondrial diversity. Nuclear markers however, indicate strong barriers to gene flow between focal populations. I also show that intrinsic differences in queen behavior lead to the two types of populations observed. Even though populations exhibit strong tendencies on average toward haplo- or pleometrosis, within population variation exists among queens for behaviors relevant to metrosis and gyny. These results are important in understanding the dynamics and evolutionary history of a distinct form of cooperation among unrelated social insects. They also help to understand the dynamics of intraspecific variation and the conflicting forces of local adaptation and gene flow.
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