Investigating Type II Inhibitor Effects in the Heliobacterial Reaction Center

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The Heliobacterial Reaction Center (HbRC) is the simplest Type I Reaction Center (RC) known today. However, upon illumination it has been found to produce menaquinol, and this has led to experiments investigating the function of this reduction scheme. The goal

The Heliobacterial Reaction Center (HbRC) is the simplest Type I Reaction Center (RC) known today. However, upon illumination it has been found to produce menaquinol, and this has led to experiments investigating the function of this reduction scheme. The goal of the experiment was to investigate the mechanisms of menaquinol production through the use of Photosystem II (PSII) herbicides that are known to inhibit the QB quinone site in Type II RCs. Seven herbicides were chosen, and out of all of them terbuthylazine showed the greatest effect on the RC in isolated membranes when Transient Absorption Spectroscopy was used. In addition, terbuthylazine decreased menaquinone reduction to menaquinol by ~72%, slightly more than the reported effect of teburtryn (68%)1. In addition, terbuthylazine significantly impacted growth of whole cells under high light more than terbutryn.
Date Created

Interchromophoric Interactions Between TMR, Alexa, and BODIPY Fluorophores

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The fundamental photophysics of fluorescent probes must be understood when the probes are used in biological applications. The photophysics of BODIPY dyes inside polymeric micelles and rhodamine dyes covalently linked to proteins were studied. Hydrophobic boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) dyes were noncovalently

The fundamental photophysics of fluorescent probes must be understood when the probes are used in biological applications. The photophysics of BODIPY dyes inside polymeric micelles and rhodamine dyes covalently linked to proteins were studied. Hydrophobic boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) dyes were noncovalently encapsulated inside polymeric micelles. Absorbance and fluorescence measurements were employed to study the photophysics of these BODIPY dyes in the micellar environments. Amphiphilic polymers with a hydrophobic character and low Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) protected BODIPYS from the aqueous environment. Moderate dye loading conditions did not result in ground-state dimerization, and only fluorescence lifetimes and brightnesses were affected. However, amphiphilic polymers with a hydrophilic character and high CMC did not protect the BODIPYS from the aqueous environment with concomitant ground-state dimerization and quenching of the fluorescence intensity, lifetime, and brightnesses even at low dye loading conditions. At the doubly-labeled interfaces of Escherichia coli (E. coli) DNA processivity β clamps, the interchromophric interactions of four rhodamine dyes were studied: tetramethylrhodamine (TMR), TMR C6, Alexa Fluor 488, and Alexa Fluor 546. Absorbance and fluorescence measurements were performed on doubly-labeled β clamps with singly-labeled β clamps and free dyes as controls. The absorbance measurements revealed that both TMR and TMR C6 readily formed H-dimers (static quenching) at the doubly-labeled interfaces of the β clamps. However, the TMR with a longer linker (TMR C6) also displayed a degree of dynamic quenching. For Alexa Fluor 546 and Alexa Fluor 488, there were no clear signs of dimerization in the absorbance scans. However, the fluorescence properties (fluorescence intensity, lifetime, and anisotropy) of the Alexa Fluor dyes significantly changed when three methodologies were employed to disrupt the doubly-labeled interfaces: 1) the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) detergent to denature the proteins, 2) the addition of clamp loader (γ complex) to open one of the two interfaces, and 3) the use of subunit exchange to decrease the number of dyes per interface. These fluorescence measurements indicated that for the Alexa Fluor dyes, other interchromophoric interactions were present such as dynamic quenching and homo-Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (homo-FRET).
Date Created

Diagnostic and prognostic capacity of serum glycan nodes in different types of cancer

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Glycans are monosaccharide-based heteropolymers that are found covalently attached to many different proteins and lipids and are ubiquitously displayed on the exterior surfaces of cells. Serum glycan composition and structure are well known to be altered in many different types

Glycans are monosaccharide-based heteropolymers that are found covalently attached to many different proteins and lipids and are ubiquitously displayed on the exterior surfaces of cells. Serum glycan composition and structure are well known to be altered in many different types of cancer. In fact, glycans represent a promising but only marginally accessed source of cancer markers. The approach used in this dissertation, which is referred to as “glycan node analysis”, is a molecularly bottom-up approach to plasma/serum (P/S) glycomics based on glycan linkage analysis that captures features such as α2-6 sialylation, β1-6 branching, and core fucosylation as single analytical signals.

The diagnostic utility of this approach as applied to lung cancer patients across all stages as well as prostate, serous ovarian, and pancreatic cancer patients compared to certifiably healthy individuals, nominally healthy individuals and/or risk-matched controls is reported. Markers for terminal fucosylation, α2-6 sialylation, β1-4 branching, β1-6 branching and outer-arm fucosylation were most able to differentiate cases from controls. These markers behaved in a stage-dependent manner in lung cancer as well as other types of cancer. Using a Cox proportional hazards regression model, the ability of these markers to predict progression and survival in lung cancer patients was assessed. In addition, the potential mechanistic role of aberrant P/S glycans in cancer progression is discussed.

Plasma samples from former bladder cancer patients with currently no evidence of disease (NED), non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), and muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) along with certifiably healthy controls were analyzed. Markers for α2-6 sialylation, β1-4 branching, β1-6 branching, and outer-arm fucosylation were able to separate current and former (NED) cases from controls; but NED, NMIBC, and MIBC were not distinguished from one another. Markers for α2-6 sialylation and β1-6 branching were able to predict recurrence from the NED state using a Cox proportional hazards regression model adjusted for age, gender, and time from cancer. These two glycan features were found to be correlated to the concentration of C-reactive protein, a known prognostic marker for bladder cancer, further strengthening the link between inflammation and abnormal plasma protein glycosylation.
Date Created

Stabilization of 3D DNA nanostructures for in vivo applications and developing an assay to estimate stability

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Though DNA nanostructures (DNs) have become interesting subjects of drug delivery, in vivo imaging and biosensor research, however, for real biological applications, they should be ‘long circulating’ in blood. One of the crucial requirements for DN stability is high salt

Though DNA nanostructures (DNs) have become interesting subjects of drug delivery, in vivo imaging and biosensor research, however, for real biological applications, they should be ‘long circulating’ in blood. One of the crucial requirements for DN stability is high salt concentration (like ~5–20 mM Mg2+) that is unavailable in a cell culture medium or in blood. Hence DNs denature promptly when injected into living systems. Another important factor is the presence of nucleases that cause fast degradation of unprotected DNs. The third factor is ‘opsonization’ which is the immune process by which phagocytes target foreign particles introduced into the bloodstream. The primary aim of this thesis is to design strategies that can improve the in vivo stability of DNs, thus improving their pharmacodynamics and biodistribution.

Several strategies were investigated to address the three previously mentioned limitations. The first attempt was to study the effect length and conformation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on DN stability. DNs were also coated with PEG-lipid and human serum albumin (HSA) and their stealth efficiencies were compared. The findings reveal that both PEGylation and albumin coating enhance low salt stability, increase resistance towards nuclease action and reduce uptake of DNs by macrophages. Any protective coating around a DN increases its hydrodynamic radius, which is a crucial parameter influencing their clearance. Keeping this in mind, intrinsically stable DNs that can survive low salt concentration without any polymer coating were built. Several DNA compaction agents and DNA binders were screened to stabilize DNs in low magnesium conditions. Among them arginine, lysine, bis-lysine and hexamine cobalt showed the potential to enhance DN stability.

This thesis also presents a sensitive assay, the Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), for the estimation of DN stability with time. It requires very simple modifications on the DNs and it can yield precise results from a very small amount of sample. The applicability of PLA was successfully tested on several DNs ranging from a simple wireframe tetrahedron to a 3D origami and the protocol to collect in vivo samples, isolate the DNs and measure their stability was developed.
Date Created

Algorithmic Prediction of Binding Sites of TNFα/TNFR2 and PD-1/PD-L1

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Predicting the binding sites of proteins has historically relied on the determination of protein structural data. However, the ability to utilize binding data obtained from a simple assay and computationally make the same predictions using only sequence information would be

Predicting the binding sites of proteins has historically relied on the determination of protein structural data. However, the ability to utilize binding data obtained from a simple assay and computationally make the same predictions using only sequence information would be more efficient, both in time and resources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an algorithm developed to predict regions of high-binding on proteins as it applies to determining the regions of interaction between binding partners. This approach was applied to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), its receptor TNFR2, programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), and one of its ligand PD-L1. The algorithms applied accurately predicted the binding region between TNFα and TNFR2 in which the interacting residues are sequential on TNFα, however failed to predict discontinuous regions of binding as accurately. The interface of PD-1 and PD-L1 contained continuous residues interacting with each other, however this region was predicted to bind weaker than the regions on the external portions of the molecules. Limitations of this approach include use of a linear search window (resulting in inability to predict discontinuous binding residues), and the use of proteins with unnaturally exposed regions, in the case of PD-1 and PD-L1 (resulting in observed interactions which would not occur normally). However, this method was overall very effective in utilizing the available information to make accurate predictions. The use of the microarray to obtain binding information and a computer algorithm to analyze is a versatile tool capable of being adapted to refine accuracy.
Date Created

Peptide Sequencing Directly on Solid Surfaces Using MALDI Mass Spectrometry

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There are an increasing variety of applications in which peptides are both synthesized and used attached to solid surfaces. This has created a need for high throughput sequence analysis directly on surfaces. However, common sequencing approaches that can be adapted

There are an increasing variety of applications in which peptides are both synthesized and used attached to solid surfaces. This has created a need for high throughput sequence analysis directly on surfaces. However, common sequencing approaches that can be adapted to surface bound peptides lack the throughput often needed in library-based applications. Here we describe a simple approach for sequence analysis directly on solid surfaces that is both high speed and high throughput, utilizing equipment available in most protein analysis facilities. In this approach, surface bound peptides, selectively labeled at their N-termini with a positive charge-bearing group, are subjected to controlled degradation in ammonia gas, resulting in a set of fragments differing by a single amino acid that remain spatially confined on the surface they were bound to. These fragments can then be analyzed by MALDI mass spectrometry, and the peptide sequences read directly from the resulting spectra.

Date Created

Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Cobalt and Iron Porphyrins

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The free-base tetra-tolyl-porphyrin and the corresponding cobalt and iron porphyrin complexes were synthesized and characterized to show that this class of compound can be promising, tunable catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction. During cyclic voltammetry experiments, the iron porphyrin showed an

The free-base tetra-tolyl-porphyrin and the corresponding cobalt and iron porphyrin complexes were synthesized and characterized to show that this class of compound can be promising, tunable catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction. During cyclic voltammetry experiments, the iron porphyrin showed an on-set of ‘catalytic current’ at an earlier potential than the cobalt porphyrin’s in organic solutions gassed with carbon dioxide. The cobalt porphyrin yielded larger catalytic currents, but at the same potential as the electrode. This difference, along with the significant changes in the porphyrin’s electronic, optical and redox properties, showed that its capabilities for carbon dioxide reduction can be controlled by metal ions, allotting it unique opportunities for applications in solar fuels catalysis and photochemical reactions.
Date Created

Determination of 5-5 Synbody Protein Target and Mechanism of Binding to Influenza Virus

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The influenza virus is the main cause of thousands of deaths each year in the United States, and far more hospitalizations. Immunization has helped in protecting people from this virus and there are a number of therapeutics which have proven

The influenza virus is the main cause of thousands of deaths each year in the United States, and far more hospitalizations. Immunization has helped in protecting people from this virus and there are a number of therapeutics which have proven effective in aiding people infected with the virus. However, these therapeutics are subject to various limitations including increased resistance, limited supply, and significant side effects. A new therapeutic is needed which addresses these problems and protects people from the influenza virus. Synbodies, synthetic antibodies, may provide a means to achieve this goal. Our group has produced a synbody, the 5-5 synbody, which has been shown to bind to and inhibit the influenza virus. The direct pull down and western blot techniques were utilized to investigate how the synbody bound to the influenza virus. Our research showed that the 5-5 synbody bound to the influenza nucleoprotein (NP) with a KD of 102.9 ± 74.48 nM. It also showed that the synbody bound strongly to influenza viral extract from two different strains of the virus, the Puerto Rico (H1N1) and Sydney (H3N2) strains. This research demonstrated that the 5-5 synbody binds with high affinity to NP, which is important because influenza NP is highly conserved between various strains of the virus and plays an important role in the replication of the viral genome. It also demonstrated that this binding is conserved between various strains of the virus, indicating that the 5-5 synbody potentially could bind many different influenza strains. This synbody may have potential as a therapeutic in the future if it is able to demonstrate similar binding in vivo.
Date Created

An Infusion Approach to Optimizing the Mutagenesis of Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and bacteria use light energy to synthesize organic compounds to use as energy. Among these organisms are a kind of purple photosynthetic bacteria called Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a non-sulfur purple bacteria that grows

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and bacteria use light energy to synthesize organic compounds to use as energy. Among these organisms are a kind of purple photosynthetic bacteria called Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a non-sulfur purple bacteria that grows aerobically in the dark by respiration. There have been many contributions throughout the history of this group of bacteria. Rhodobacter sphaeroides is metabolically very diverse as it has many different ways to obtain energy--aerobic respiration and anoxygenic photosynthesis being just a couple of the ways to do so. This project is part of a larger ongoing project to study different mutant strains of Rhodobacter and the different ways in which carries out electron transfer/photosynthesis. This thesis focused on the improvements made to protocol (standard procedure of site directed mutagenesis) through a more efficient technique known as infusion.
Date Created

Application of TMPP Labeling and Ammonia Gas Cleavage in MALDI-MS Analysis of Resin-bound Peptides

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One of the major challenges that were yet to be solved for solid phase peptide synthesis was the lack of an efficient peptide sequencing technique that was less hazardous, easier to perform , and was more cost-effective. Sequencing peptides were

One of the major challenges that were yet to be solved for solid phase peptide synthesis was the lack of an efficient peptide sequencing technique that was less hazardous, easier to perform , and was more cost-effective. Sequencing peptides were held important in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry because it aided in drug discovery, finding ligands that bind to a specific target protein and finding alternative agents in transporting molecules to its desired location. Therefore, the overall purpose of this experiment was to develop a method of solid phase sequencing technique that was more environmental friendly, sequences at a faster rate, and was more cost-effective.
Date Created