Dynamics of Current, Charge and Mass

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Electricity plays a special role in our lives and life. The dynamics of electrons allow light to flow through a vacuum. The equations of electron dynamics are nearly exact and apply from nuclear particles to stars. These Maxwell equations include

Electricity plays a special role in our lives and life. The dynamics of electrons allow light to flow through a vacuum. The equations of electron dynamics are nearly exact and apply from nuclear particles to stars. These Maxwell equations include a special term, the displacement current (of a vacuum). The displacement current allows electrical signals to propagate through space. Displacement current guarantees that current is exactly conserved from inside atoms to between stars, as long as current is defined as the entire source of the curl of the magnetic field, as Maxwell did.We show that the Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics allows the easy definition of the total current, and its conservation, without the dificulties implicit in the orthodox quantum theory. The orthodox theory neglects the reality of magnitudes, like the currents, during times that they are not being explicitly measured.We show how conservation of current can be derived without mention of the polarization or dielectric properties of matter. We point out that displacement current is handled correctly in electrical engineering by ‘stray capacitances’, although it is rarely discussed explicitly. Matter does not behave as physicists of the 1800’s thought it did. They could only measure on a time scale of seconds and tried to explain dielectric properties and polarization with a single dielectric constant, a real positive number independent of everything. Matter and thus charge moves in enormously complicated ways that cannot be described by a single dielectric constant,when studied on time scales important today for electronic technology and molecular biology. When classical theories could not explain complex charge movements, constants in equations were allowed to vary in solutions of those equations, in a way not justified by mathematics, with predictable consequences. Life occurs in ionic solutions where charge is moved by forces not mentioned or described in the Maxwell equations, like convection and diffusion. These movements and forces produce crucial currents that cannot be described as classical conduction or classical polarization. Derivations of conservation of current involve oversimplified treatments of dielectrics and polarization in nearly every textbook. Because real dielectrics do not behave in that simple way-not even approximately-classical derivations of conservation of current are often distrusted or even ignored. We show that current is conserved inside atoms. We show that current is conserved exactly in any material no matter how complex are the properties of dielectric, polarization, or conduction currents. Electricity has a special role because conservation of current is a universal law.Most models of chemical reactions do not conserve current and need to be changed to do so. On the macroscopic scale of life, conservation of current necessarily links far spread boundaries to each other, correlating inputs and outputs, and thereby creating devices.We suspect that correlations created by displacement current link all scales and allow atoms to control the machines and organisms of life. Conservation of current has a special role in our lives and life, as well as in physics. We believe models, simulations, and computations should conserve current on all scales, as accurately as possible, because physics conserves current that way. We believe models will be much more successful if they conserve current at every level of resolution, the way physics does.We surely need successful models as we try to control macroscopic functions by atomic interventions, in technology, life, and medicine. Maxwell’s displacement current lets us see stars. We hope it will help us see how atoms control life.
Date Created

Temperature dependent simulation of diamond depleted Schottky PIN diodes

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Diamond is considered as an ideal material for high field and high power devices due to its high breakdown field, high lightly doped carrier mobility, and high thermal conductivity. The modeling and simulation of diamond devices are therefore important to

Diamond is considered as an ideal material for high field and high power devices due to its high breakdown field, high lightly doped carrier mobility, and high thermal conductivity. The modeling and simulation of diamond devices are therefore important to predict the performances of diamond based devices. In this context, we use Silvaco[superscript ®] Atlas, a drift-diffusion based commercial software, to model diamond based power devices. The models used in Atlas were modified to account for both variable range and nearest neighbor hopping transport in the impurity bands associated with high activation energies for boron doped and phosphorus doped diamond. The models were fit to experimentally reported resistivity data over a wide range of doping concentrations and temperatures. We compare to recent data on depleted diamond Schottky PIN diodes demonstrating low turn-on voltages and high reverse breakdown voltages, which could be useful for high power rectifying applications due to the low turn-on voltage enabling high forward current densities. Three dimensional simulations of the depleted Schottky PIN diamond devices were performed and the results are verified with experimental data at different operating temperatures.
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Conductance fluctuations in high mobility monolayer graphene: Nonergodicity, lack of determinism and chaotic behavior

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We have fabricated a high mobility device, composed of a monolayer graphene flake sandwiched between two sheets of hexagonal boron nitride. Conductance fluctuations as functions of a back gate voltage and magnetic field were obtained to check for ergodicity. Non-linear

We have fabricated a high mobility device, composed of a monolayer graphene flake sandwiched between two sheets of hexagonal boron nitride. Conductance fluctuations as functions of a back gate voltage and magnetic field were obtained to check for ergodicity. Non-linear dynamics concepts were used to study the nature of these fluctuations. The distribution of eigenvalues was estimated from the conductance fluctuations with Gaussian kernels and it indicates that the carrier motion is chaotic at low temperatures. We argue that a two-phase dynamical fluid model best describes the transport in this system and can be used to explain the violation of the so-called ergodic hypothesis found in graphene.
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Isotropic 3D Nuclear Morphometry of Normal, Fibrocystic and Malignant Breast Epithelial Cells Reveals New Structural Alterations

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Grading schemes for breast cancer diagnosis are predominantly based on pathologists' qualitative assessment of altered nuclear structure from 2D brightfield microscopy images. However, cells are three-dimensional (3D) objects with features that are inherently 3D and thus poorly characterized in 2D.

Grading schemes for breast cancer diagnosis are predominantly based on pathologists' qualitative assessment of altered nuclear structure from 2D brightfield microscopy images. However, cells are three-dimensional (3D) objects with features that are inherently 3D and thus poorly characterized in 2D. Our goal is to quantitatively characterize nuclear structure in 3D, assess its variation with malignancy, and investigate whether such variation correlates with standard nuclear grading criteria.
We applied micro-optical computed tomographic imaging and automated 3D nuclear morphometry to quantify and compare morphological variations between human cell lines derived from normal, benign fibrocystic or malignant breast epithelium. To reproduce the appearance and contrast in clinical cytopathology images, we stained cells with hematoxylin and eosin and obtained 3D images of 150 individual stained cells of each cell type at sub-micron, isotropic resolution. Applying volumetric image analyses, we computed 42 3D morphological and textural descriptors of cellular and nuclear structure.
Principal Findings
We observed four distinct nuclear shape categories, the predominant being a mushroom cap shape. Cell and nuclear volumes increased from normal to fibrocystic to metastatic type, but there was little difference in the volume ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm (N/C ratio) between the lines. Abnormal cell nuclei had more nucleoli, markedly higher density and clumpier chromatin organization compared to normal. Nuclei of non-tumorigenic, fibrocystic cells exhibited larger textural variations than metastatic cell nuclei. At p<0.0025 by ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests, 90% of our computed descriptors statistically differentiated control from abnormal cell populations, but only 69% of these features statistically differentiated the fibrocystic from the metastatic cell populations.
Our results provide a new perspective on nuclear structure variations associated with malignancy and point to the value of automated quantitative 3D nuclear morphometry as an objective tool to enable development of sensitive and specific nuclear grade classification in breast cancer diagnosis.
Date Created

A Bag-of-Words Approach for Drosophila Gene Expression Pattern Annotation

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Drosophila gene expression pattern images document the spatiotemporal dynamics of gene expression during embryogenesis. A comparative analysis of these images could provide a fundamentally important way for studying the regulatory networks governing development. To facilitate pattern comparison and searching, groups

Drosophila gene expression pattern images document the spatiotemporal dynamics of gene expression during embryogenesis. A comparative analysis of these images could provide a fundamentally important way for studying the regulatory networks governing development. To facilitate pattern comparison and searching, groups of images in the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP) high-throughput study were annotated with a variable number of anatomical terms manually using a controlled vocabulary. Considering that the number of available images is rapidly increasing, it is imperative to design computational methods to automate this task.

We present a computational method to annotate gene expression pattern images automatically. The proposed method uses the bag-of-words scheme to utilize the existing information on pattern annotation and annotates images using a model that exploits correlations among terms. The proposed method can annotate images individually or in groups (e.g., according to the developmental stage). In addition, the proposed method can integrate information from different two-dimensional views of embryos. Results on embryonic patterns from BDGP data demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms other methods.

The proposed bag-of-words scheme is effective in representing a set of annotations assigned to a group of images, and the model employed to annotate images successfully captures the correlations among different controlled vocabulary terms. The integration of existing annotation information from multiple embryonic views improves annotation performance.

Date Created

Impact of Coated Ground-Plane Edge Diffractions on Amplitude Patterns of Circular Apertures

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The impact of finite dielectric-covered ground-plane edge diffractions on the amplitude patterns of circular apertures is investigated. The model is based on the Geometrical Optics (GO) and the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) for an impedance wedge. The circular aperture

The impact of finite dielectric-covered ground-plane edge diffractions on the amplitude patterns of circular apertures is investigated. The model is based on the Geometrical Optics (GO) and the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) for an impedance wedge. The circular aperture antenna is mounted on square and circular finite ground planes that are coated with a thin lossy dielectric layer. The predictions based on the GO/UTD model are validated by comparisons to experimental results and simulated data.
Date Created

High Temperature Low Sag Upgrades and Payback for the Economic Operation Improvement of Power Transmission Systems

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The increase of transmission line thermal ratings by reconductoring with high temperature low sag conductors is a comparatively new technology introduced for transmission expansion. A special design permits high temperature low sag conductors to operate at higher temperatures, therefore allowing

The increase of transmission line thermal ratings by reconductoring with high temperature low sag conductors is a comparatively new technology introduced for transmission expansion. A special design permits high temperature low sag conductors to operate at higher temperatures, therefore allowing passage of higher current and, thus, increasing the thermal rating of the transmission line. The comparatively high cost of high temperature low sag conductors may be an obstacle to its large-scale implementation. This article evaluates the expenditures for transmission line reconductoring using high temperature low sag, the consequent benefits obtained from the potential decrease in operating cost for thermally limited power transmission systems. Estimates of the “payback period” are used to evaluate the cost effectiveness of reconductoring with high temperature low sag. The evaluation is performed using a 225 bus equivalent of the 2012 summer peak Arizona portion of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. The method is offered for transmission expansion analysis in which an economic benefit is calculated to assist in the transmission expansion decision.
Date Created

The Impact of Increased Penetration of Converter Control-Based Generators on Power System Modes of Oscillation

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The impact of increasing penetration of converter control-based generators (CCBGs) in a large-scale power system is assessed through a model based small signal stability analysis. Three test bed cases for the years 2010, 2020, and 2022 of the Western Electricity

The impact of increasing penetration of converter control-based generators (CCBGs) in a large-scale power system is assessed through a model based small signal stability analysis. Three test bed cases for the years 2010, 2020, and 2022 of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) in the United States are used for the analysis. Increasing penetration of wind-based Type 3 and wind-based Type 4 and PV Solar CCBGs is used in the tests. The participation and interaction of CCBGs and synchronous generators in traditional electromechanical interarea modes is analyzed. Two new types of modes dominated by CCBGs are identified. The characteristics of these new modes are described and compared to electromechanical modes in the frequency domain. An examination of the mechanism of the interaction between the CCBG control states and the synchronous generator control states is presented and validated through dynamic simulations. Actual system and forecast load data are used throughout.
Date Created

Evolution of Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces: A Perspective of the Last 40 Years

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The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces conference has maintained a focus on the interfacial and surface properties of materials since its initiation in 1974. The conference continues to be a major force in this field, bringing together scientists

The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces conference has maintained a focus on the interfacial and surface properties of materials since its initiation in 1974. The conference continues to be a major force in this field, bringing together scientists from a variety of disciplines to focus upon the science of interfaces and surfaces. Here, a historical view of the development of the conference and a discussion of some of the themes that have been focal points for many years are presented.
Date Created