Quantifying the Timing and Controls of Magmatic Processes Associated with Volcanic Eruptions

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Volcanic eruptions can be serious geologic hazards, and have the potential to effect human life, infrastructure, and climate. Therefore, an understanding of the evolution and conditions of the magmas stored beneath volcanoes prior to their eruption is crucial for the

Volcanic eruptions can be serious geologic hazards, and have the potential to effect human life, infrastructure, and climate. Therefore, an understanding of the evolution and conditions of the magmas stored beneath volcanoes prior to their eruption is crucial for the ability to monitor such systems and develop effective hazard mitigation plans. This dissertation combines classic petrologic tools such as mineral chemistry and thermometry with novel techniques such as diffusion chronometry and statistical modeling in order to better understand the processes and timing associated with volcanic eruptions. By examining zoned crystals from the fallout ash of Yellowstone’s most recent supereruption, my work shows that the rejuvenation of magma has the ability to trigger a catastrophic supereruption at Yellowstone caldera in the years (decades at most) prior to eruption. This provides one of the first studies to thoroughly identify a specific eruption trigger of a past eruption using the crystal record. Additionally, through experimental investigation, I created a novel diffusion chronometer with application to determine magmatic timescales in silicic volcanic systems (i.e., rhyolite/dacite). My results show that Mg-in-sanidine diffusion operates simultaneously by both a fast and slow diffusion path suggesting that experimentally-derived diffusion chronometers may be more complex than previously thought. When applying Mg-in-sanidine chronometry to zoned sanidine from the same supereruption at Yellowstone, the timing between rejuvenation and eruption is further resolved to as short as five months, providing a greater understanding of the timing of supereruption triggers. Additionally, I developed a new statistical model to examine the controls on a single volcano’s distribution of eruptions through time, therefore the controls on the timing between successive eruptions, or repose time. When examining six Cascade volcanoes with variable distribution patterns through time, my model shows these distributions are not result of sampling bias, rather may represent geologic processes. There is a robust negative correlation between average repose time and average magma composition (i.e., SiO2), suggesting this may be a controlling factor of long-term repose time at Cascade volcanoes. Together, my work provides a better vision for forecasting models to mitigate potential destruction.
Date Created

To Be Or Not To B: Meteoritic Implications for the Galactic Environment of Solar System Formation

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Short-lived radionuclides (SLRs) once present in the solar nebula can be used to probe the Solar System’s galactic formation environment. Isotopic analyses reveal that the first solids formed in the Solar System, calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in chondritic meteorites,

Short-lived radionuclides (SLRs) once present in the solar nebula can be used to probe the Solar System’s galactic formation environment. Isotopic analyses reveal that the first solids formed in the Solar System, calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in chondritic meteorites, formed with the live SLRs 10Be (t1/2 = 1.4 Ma) and 26Al (t1/2 = 0.7 Ma). Beryllium-10 is produced when high-energy ions, solar energetic particles or galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), spall nuclei in gas or dust. The most likely source of Solar System 10Be is inheritance of GCR-irradiated protosolar molecular cloud material, but only if all CAIs recorded the same initial 10Be abundance. The goal of this dissertation is to assess the homogeneity of 10Be by measuring CAIs for 10Be–10B isotope systematics, correlated to 26Al–26Mg and oxygen isotopes.

I synthesized appropriate standards for secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of 10Be–10B, necessary for accurate determination of the 10Be/9Be ratio. I then analyzed 32 CAIs for 10Be–10B as well as 6 CAIs for 26Al–26Mg and 5 CAIs for oxygen isotopes within this sample set using SIMS. Previous studies analyzed CAIs primarily from CV3 chondrites, which are known to have experienced thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration. My work included a variety of CAIs (Type A, B, fine-grained, igneous) from CV3oxidized, CV3reduced, CO3, CR2, and CH/CB chondrites. Finally, after evaluating my data and literature data consistently, I statistically tested whether all CAIs belong to a single 10Be population. I find that the majority (~85%) of the normal (i.e., without large isotopic fractionations or anomalies), 26Al-bearing CAIs recorded a single value, 10Be/9Be = (7.0 ± 0.2) × 10-4. Although 6 CAIs recorded higher or lower values, these are plausibly explained by secondary alteration processes. The galaxy-wide average value of 10Be/9Be from GCR interactions 4.56 billion years ago is predicted to be <2 × 10-4; the value I measured is more than 3 times higher. Because GCRs trace supernovae and star formation, my results suggest a similarly enhanced star formation rate in the molecular cloud within ~1 kpc of the Sun, in the ~15 Ma prior to the Sun’s birth.
Date Created

Crustal Storage and Ascent Rates of the Mt. Shasta Primitive Magnesian Andesite

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Primitive arc magmas provide a critical glimpse into the geochemical evolution of subduction zone magmas, as they represent the most unadulterated mantle-derived magmas observed in nature in these tectonic environments and are the precursors of the more abundant andesites and

Primitive arc magmas provide a critical glimpse into the geochemical evolution of subduction zone magmas, as they represent the most unadulterated mantle-derived magmas observed in nature in these tectonic environments and are the precursors of the more abundant andesites and dacites typical in arcs. To date, the study of primitive arc magmas has largely focused on their origins at depth, while significantly less is known about pre-eruptive crustal storage and ascent history. This study examines the crustal storage and ascent history of the Mt. Shasta primitive magnesian andesite (PMA), the demonstrated dominant parent magma for the abundant mixed andesites erupted at Mt. Shasta. Petrographic and geochemical observations of the PMA identify a mid-crustal magma mixing event with a less evolved relative of the PMA recorded in multiple populations of reversely zoned clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts. Prior phase equilibrium experiments and thermobarometric calculations as part of this study suggest the PMA experienced storage, mixing with a less evolved version of itself, and subsequent crystallization at 5kbar and 975°C. Modeling of Fe-Mg interdiffusion between the rims and cores of the reversely-zoned clinopyroxene and orthopyroxenes suggest this mixing, crystallization and subsequent ascent occurred within 10 years, or ~2.9 (+6.5 / -2.5) years, prior to eruption. Ascent from 5kbar or ~15 km, with no meaningful shallower storage, suggests minimum crustal transit rates of ~5 km/year. This rate is comparable to only a couple of other similar types of crustal transit rates (and slower than the much faster, syn-eruptive ascent rates measured through methods like olivine-hosted melt embayment volatile gradients and U-series isotope measurements on other arc magmas). The results of this study help to constrain the pre-eruptive history and ascent rates of hydrous primitive arc magmas, illuminating their magmatic processes during ascent. When combined with geophysical signals of magma movement, mixing to eruption timescales such as this have the power to inform volcanic hazard models for monogenetic, cinder cone eruptions in the Southern Cascades.
Date Created

Characterizing Diurnal Density and Temperature Variations in the Martian Atmosphere Using Data/Model Comparisons

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This project focuses on using Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) density data for carbon dioxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen during deep dip campaigns 5, 6, and 8. Density profiles obtained from NGIMS were plotted against simulated density

This project focuses on using Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) density data for carbon dioxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen during deep dip campaigns 5, 6, and 8. Density profiles obtained from NGIMS were plotted against simulated density profiles from the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (MGITM). Averaged temperature profiles were also plotted for the three deep dip campaigns, using NGIMS data and MGITM output. MGITM was also used as a tool to uncover potential heat balance terms needed to reproduce the mean density and temperature profiles measured by NGIMS.

This method of using NGIMS data as a validation tool for MGITM simulations has been tested previously using dayside data from deep dip campaigns 2 and 8. In those cases, MGITM was able to accurately reproduce the measured density and temperature profiles; however, in the deep dip 5 and 6 campaigns, the results are not quite the same, due to the highly variable nature of the nightside thermosphere. MGITM was able to fairly accurately reproduce the density and temperature profiles for deep dip 5, but the deep dip 6 model output showed unexpected significant variation. The deep dip 6 results reveal possible changes to be made to MGITM to more accurately reflect the observed structure of the nighttime thermosphere. In particular, upgrading the model to incorporate a suitable gravity wave parameterization should better capture the role of global winds in maintaining the nighttime thermospheric structure.

This project reveals that there still exist many unknowns about the structure and dynamics of the night side of the Martian atmosphere, as well as significant diurnal variations in density. Further study is needed to uncover these unknowns and their role in atmospheric mass loss.
Date Created

Examining the limitations of 238U/235U in marine carbonates as a paleoredox proxy

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Variations of 238U/235U in sedimentary carbonate rocks are being explored as a tool for reconstructing oceanic anoxia through time. However, the fidelity of this novel paleoredox proxy relies on characterization of uranium isotope geochemistry via laboratory experimental studies and field

Variations of 238U/235U in sedimentary carbonate rocks are being explored as a tool for reconstructing oceanic anoxia through time. However, the fidelity of this novel paleoredox proxy relies on characterization of uranium isotope geochemistry via laboratory experimental studies and field work in modern analog environmental settings. This dissertation systematically examines the fidelity of 238U/235U in sedimentary carbonate rocks as a paleoredox proxy focusing on the following issues: (1) U isotope fractionation during U incorporation into primary abiotic and biogenic calcium carbonates; (2) diagenetic effects on U isotope fractionation in modern shallow-water carbonate sediments; (3) the effects of anoxic depositional environments on 238U/235U in carbonate sediments.

Variable and positive shifts of 238U/235U were observed during U uptake by primary abiotic and biotic calcium carbonates, carbonate diagenesis, and anoxic deposition of carbonates. Previous CaCO3 coprecipitation experiments demonstrated a small but measurable U isotope fractionation of ~0.10 ‰ during U(VI) incorporation into abiotic calcium carbonates, with 238U preferentially incorporated into the precipitates (Chen et al., 2016). The magnitude of U isotope fractionation depended on aqueous U speciation, which is controlled by water chemistry, including pH, ionic strength, carbonate, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. Based on this speciation-dependent isotope fractionation model, the estimated U isotope fractionation in abiotic calcium carbonates induced by secular changes in seawater chemistry through the Phanerozoic was predicted to be 0.11–0.23 ‰. A smaller and variable U isotope fractionation (0–0.09 ‰) was observed in primary biogenic calcium carbonates, which fractionated U isotopes in the same direction as abiotic calcium carbonates. Early diagenesis of modern shallow-water carbonate sediments from the Bahamas shifted δ238U values to be 0.270.14 ‰ (1 SD) higher than contemporaneous seawater. Also, carbonate sediments deposited under anoxic conditions in a redox-stratified lake—Fayetteville Green Lake, New York, USA— exhibited elevated δ238U values by 0.160.12 ‰ (1 SD) relative to surface water carbonates with significant enrichments in U.

The significant U isotope fractionation observed in these studies suggests the need to correct for the U isotopic offset between carbonate sediments and coeval seawater when using δ238U variations in ancient carbonate rocks to reconstruct changes in ocean anoxia. The U isotope fractionation in abiotic and biogenic primary carbonate precipitates, during carbonate diagenesis, and under anoxic depositional environments provide a preliminary guideline to calibrate 238U/235U in sedimentary carbonate rocks as a paleoredox proxy.
Date Created

Solubility of Nitrogen in Stishovite: A Possible Storage Mechanism for Nitrogen in Earth's Deep Interior

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Though large amounts of nitrogen are allocated to the Earth's mantle, not much is known concerning how it is stored and transported. In this study, stishovite is proposed as a host for nitrogen within the Earth's deep interior. Stishovite was

Though large amounts of nitrogen are allocated to the Earth's mantle, not much is known concerning how it is stored and transported. In this study, stishovite is proposed as a host for nitrogen within the Earth's deep interior. Stishovite was synthesized and heated under nitrogen rich conditions using diamond-anvil cell equipment and double-sided laser heating. Synthesis pressures ranged from 16 to 44 GPa and temperatures centered at ~1800 K. Experimental products were removed from diamond anvil cells and analyzed for nitrogen content via SIMS and SEM/EDX analysis. Unit cell parameters were obtained through XRD analysis. N solubility in stishovite was calculated to be up to 1.54 wt % from SIMS data through the use of an ion implant and a relative sensitivity factor. XRD data indicated a decrease in unit cell volume at higher pressures, with the c-axis length showing larger compressibility than the a-axis length. Through SEM and EDX analysis, a uniformly low level of N was observed throughout the sample indicating that N was uniformly incorporated into the crystal structure of stishovite. The data suggests that, rather than existing separately from stishovite as a silicon or carbon nitride, N has substituted into the crystal structure of stishovite. Both O and N have largely similar atomic radii, with N being slightly smaller, indicating that N can substitute for O. With the levels of N observed in the experiment, it is implicated that the mantle has an extremely large storage capacity for N. Further experimentation, with the addition of TEM analysis, should be conducted in order to determine the effects of pressure and temperature on the solubility of N in stishovite. Additionally, substitution of N as HN into stishovite should be investigated as HN accounts for the charge imbalance seen when substituting N for O.
Date Created

Modeling the mantle genesis of basalts from the Lassen Volcanic Center

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There are many outstanding questions regarding the petrologic processes that give rise to andesitic and basaltic magmas in subduction zones, including the specifics that govern their geographical distribution in a given arc segment. Here I investigate the genesis of calc-alkaline

There are many outstanding questions regarding the petrologic processes that give rise to andesitic and basaltic magmas in subduction zones, including the specifics that govern their geographical distribution in a given arc segment. Here I investigate the genesis of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic basalts from the Lassen Volcanic Center in order to determine the pressure, temperature, source composition, and method of melting that lead to the production of melt in the mantle below Lassen. To this aim, a suite of primitive basalts (i.e. SiO2<52 and Mg#>65) are corrected for fractional crystallization by adding minerals back to the bulk rock composition with the goal of returning them to a primary composition in equilibrium with the mantle. Thermobarometry of the primary melt compositions is conducted to determine temperature and pressure of melting, in addition to a forward mantle modeling technique to simulate mantle melting at varying pressures to constrain source composition and method of melting (batch vs. fractional). The results from the two techniques agree on an average depth of melt extraction of 36 km and a source composition similar to that of depleted mantle melted by batch melting. Although attempted for both calc-alkaline and tholeiitic basalts, the fractional crystallization correction and thus the pressure-temperature calculations were only successful for tholeiitic basalts due to the hydrous nature of the calc-alkaline samples. This leaves an opportunity to repeat this study with parameters appropriate for hydrous basalts, allowing for the comparison of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic melting conditions.
Date Created

Isotopic investigations of meteoritic materials: from earliest-formed solids to planetary bodies

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The beginning of our Solar System, including events such as the formation of the first solids as well as the accretion and differentiation of planetary bodies, is recorded in meteoritic material. This record can be deciphered using petrographic, geochemical and

The beginning of our Solar System, including events such as the formation of the first solids as well as the accretion and differentiation of planetary bodies, is recorded in meteoritic material. This record can be deciphered using petrographic, geochemical and isotopic investigations of different classes of meteorites and their components. In this dissertation, I have investigated a variety of isotope systematics in chondritic and achondritic meteorites to understand processes that have shaped our Solar System. Specifically, the investigations conducted here are in two main areas: 1) Hydrogen isotope systematics in a meteorite representing the freshest known sample of the martian crust, and 2) Isotopic studies (specifically relating to high resolution chronology, nucleosynthetic anomalies and mass-dependent fractionations) in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, which are thought to be the earliest-formed solids in the Solar System. Chapter 1 of this dissertation presents a review of the hydrogen isotopic compositions of various planetary bodies and reservoirs in the Solar System, which could serve as tracers for the volatile sources. Chapter 2 focuses on an investigation of the hydrogen isotopic systematics in the freshest martian meteorite fall, Tissint, using the Cameca IMS-6f secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). These first two chapters comprise the first part of this dissertation. The second part is comprised of chapters 3 through 6 and is focused on isotopic analyses of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions (CAIs). Chapter 3 is a review of CAIs, which record some of the earliest processes that occurred in the solar nebula. Chapter 4 presents the results of an investigation of the 26Al-26Mg short-lived chronometer (half-life ~0.72 Ma) in two CAIs and their Wark-Lovering (WL) rims from a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite using the Cameca NanoSIMS 50L. Chapter 5 is focused on the results of a study of the Zr isotope compositions of a suite of 15 CAIs from different carbonaceous chondrites using multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS), in order to identify nucleosynthetic anomalies in the CAI-forming region. Chapter 6 focuses on the mass-dependent Mg isotopic compositions measured in 11 CAIs from the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite using MC-ICPMS, to evaluate effects of thermal processing on CAIs.
Date Created

Hydrogen isotopic systematics of nominally anhydrous phases in martian meteorites

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Hydrogen isotope compositions of the martian atmosphere and crustal materials can provide unique insights into the hydrological and geological evolution of Mars. While the present-day deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio (D/H) of the Mars atmosphere is well constrained (~6 times that of terrestrial

Hydrogen isotope compositions of the martian atmosphere and crustal materials can provide unique insights into the hydrological and geological evolution of Mars. While the present-day deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio (D/H) of the Mars atmosphere is well constrained (~6 times that of terrestrial ocean water), that of its deep silicate interior (specifically, the mantle) is less so. In fact, the hydrogen isotope composition of the primordial martian mantle is of great interest since it has implications for the origin and abundance of water on that planet. Martian meteorites could provide key constraints in this regard, since they crystallized from melts originating from the martian mantle and contain phases that potentially record the evolution of the H2O content and isotopic composition of the interior of the planet over time. Examined here are the hydrogen isotopic compositions of Nominally Anhydrous Phases (NAPs) in eight martian meteorites (five shergottites and three nakhlites) using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).

This study presents a total of 113 individual analyses of H2O contents and hydrogen isotopic compositions of NAPs in the shergottites Zagami, Los Angeles, QUE 94201, SaU 005, and Tissint, and the nakhlites Nakhla, Lafayette, and Yamato 000593. The hydrogen isotopic variation between and within meteorites may be due to one or more processes including: interaction with the martian atmosphere, magmatic degassing, subsolidus alteration (including shock), and/or terrestrial contamination. Taking into consideration the effects of these processes, the hydrogen isotope composition of the martian mantle may be similar to that of the Earth. Additionally, this study calculated upper limits on the H2O contents of the shergottite and nakhlite parent melts based on the measured minimum H2O abundances in their maskelynites and pyroxenes, respectively. These calculations, along with some petrogenetic assumptions based on previous studies, were subsequently used to infer the H2O contents of the mantle source reservoirs of the depleted shergottites (200-700 ppm) and the nakhlites (10-100 ppm). This suggests that mantle source of the nakhlites is systematically drier than that of the depleted shergottites, and the upper mantle of Mars may have preserved significant heterogeneity in its H2O content. Additionally, this range of H2O contents is not dissimilar to the range observed for the Earth’s upper mantle.
Date Created

Assessing martian bedrock mineralogy through "windows" in the dust using near- and thermal infrared remote sensing

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Much of Mars' surface is mantled by bright dust, which masks the spectral features used to interpret the mineralogy of the underlying bedrock. Despite the wealth of near-infrared (NIR) and thermal infrared data returned from orbiting spacecraft in recent decades,

Much of Mars' surface is mantled by bright dust, which masks the spectral features used to interpret the mineralogy of the underlying bedrock. Despite the wealth of near-infrared (NIR) and thermal infrared data returned from orbiting spacecraft in recent decades, the detailed bedrock composition of approximately half of the martian surface remains relatively unknown due to dust cover. To address this issue, and to help gain a better understanding of the bedrock mineralogy in dusty regions, data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Dust Cover Index (DCI) and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Mars Color Imager (MARCI) were used to identify 63 small localized areas within the classical bright dusty regions of Arabia Terra, Elysium Planitia, and Tharsis as potential "windows" through the dust; that is, areas where the dust cover is thin enough to permit infrared remote sensing of the underlying bedrock. The bedrock mineralogy of each candidate "window" was inferred using processed spectra from the Mars Express (MEx) Observatoire pour la Mineralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité (OMEGA) NIR spectrometer and, where possible, TES. 12 areas of interest returned spectra that are consistent with mineral species expected to be present at the regional scale, such as high- and low-calcium pyroxene, olivine, and iron-bearing glass. Distribution maps were created using previously defined index parameters for each species present within an area. High-quality TES spectra, if present within an area of interest, were deconvolved to estimate modal mineralogy and support NIR results. OMEGA data from Arabia Terra and Elysium Planitia are largely similar and indicate the presence of high-calcium pyroxene with significant contributions of glass and olivine, while TES data suggest an intermediate between the established southern highlands and Syrtis Major compositions. Limited data from Tharsis indicate low-calcium pyroxene mixed with lesser amounts of high-calcium pyroxene and perhaps glass. TES data from southern Tharsis correlate well with the previously inferred compositions of the Aonium and Mare Sirenum highlands immediately to the south.
Date Created