In-situ Stardust Searches in ALHA 77307

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Recent measurements of silicate and oxide stardust grains have revealed large Mg-isotope anomalies in silicate stardust belonging to group 1, which has challenged the low-mass origins of these grains, among others. In this work, stardust searches were performed in a

Recent measurements of silicate and oxide stardust grains have revealed large Mg-isotope anomalies in silicate stardust belonging to group 1, which has challenged the low-mass origins of these grains, among others. In this work, stardust searches were performed in a thin section of the CO3.0 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite Allan Hills (ALHA) 77307 with the NanoSIMS 50L. Several group 1 silicate and oxide grains were subsequently measured for their silicon and magnesium isotopes. Although several group 1 silicate grains were found to fall on the Galactic Chemical Evolution line for both Si and Mg isotopes, a significant fraction do not. These grains are therefore incompatible with their proposed low-mass Red Giant or Asymptotic Giant Branch stellar origins. These observations corroborate recent work and suggest that group 1 grains may have multiple stellar sources which might include pre-supernovae massive stars and supernovae. The silicate stardust abundance calculated from this study is 168 ppm, while the oxide abundance is 18 ppm in ALHA 77307, which is in good agreement with published literature. Additionally, three large silicate stardust grains were found which range in size from 0.8 x 0.6 µm2 to 1.6 x 0.6 µm2 and exhibit unusual “bi-lobed” or “ameboid” shapes. Several C-anomalous presolar grains were also identified in ALHA 77307, many of which were subsequently measured for their N and Si isotopes. These grains are important because in-situ measurements of N and Si isotopes in SiC stardust are rare and N in chemically isolated SiC grains is likely affected by the sample preparation procedure and/or contamination. A majority of SiC grains from this study belong to the “mainstream” group proposed to form in the circumstellar envelopes of low-intermediate mass AGB stars, while two rare SiC AB grains were found with possible origins in J-type carbon stars and/or supernovae. The calculated SiC abundance in ALHA 77307 ranged from 57-148 ppm, the upper limit of which would be the highest presolar SiC abundance so far reported for this meteorite.
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The Structure and Function of the Honeybee Blood-Brain Barrier

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Many animals possess a blood-brain barrier, which is a layer of cells that restricts the passage of molecules into the central nervous system. The primary function of the blood-brain barrier is to preserve ionic homeostasis within the brain; however, it

Many animals possess a blood-brain barrier, which is a layer of cells that restricts the passage of molecules into the central nervous system. The primary function of the blood-brain barrier is to preserve ionic homeostasis within the brain; however, it is also responsible for selectively importing an array of nutritional and signaling molecules to support brain function and for exporting metabolic waste. Across the species in which it has been studied, the structure and function of the blood-brain barrier dynamically regulates the interaction between the brain and peripheral physiological systems. Honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers are a firmly established neurobiological model which can be utilized to answer questions about the physiological and environmental mechanisms that regulate central nervous system health and behavior. It is likely that the honeybee blood-brain barrier plays an important role mediating the interactions between the brain and its environment, however, the blood-brain barrier is largely unconsidered in the realm of honeybee neurobiological research. In this dissertation, I provide the first in depth characterizations of the structure and function of the honeybee blood-brain barrier. First, I characterized the ultrastructural organization of the honeybee blood-brain barrier. The results of this study demonstrate its structural heterogeneity, including how this heterogeneity compares between two age groups. Next, I assessed two dimensions of blood-brain barrier permeability among three honeybee age groups and among honeybees exposed to varying amounts of infestation with the parasitic mite Varroa destructor. This study demonstrated that paracellular permeability has greater resilience than transcellular permeability, the latter of which is particularly increased by a high parasitic load. Finally, I developed a novel technique combining stable isotope labelling and Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (NanoSIMS) to demonstrate that the large, pro-social protein vitellogenin is able to cross the honeybee blood-brain barrier into the brain. Together, these studies represent the first in-depth analysis of the honeybee blood-brain barrier, establishing new directions for understanding the regulation of honeybee health, disease, and behavior.
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Lunar Space Weathering by Charged Particles: Reconsidering the Roles of Solar Wind and Solar Energetic Particle Events

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Space weathering of planetary surfaces is a complex process involving many mechanisms that work independently over different timescales. This research aims to address outstanding questions related to solar wind rim formation on space weathered regolith and tests a new hypothesis

Space weathering of planetary surfaces is a complex process involving many mechanisms that work independently over different timescales. This research aims to address outstanding questions related to solar wind rim formation on space weathered regolith and tests a new hypothesis that dielectric breakdown plays an important role in the optical maturation of lunar regolith. The purpose of this work is to highlight the limitations imposed by laboratory equipment to accurately simulate the solar wind’s effects on regolith and to provide physical context for the possible contributions of dielectric breakdown to space weathering. Terrestrial and lunar samples were experimentally irradiated and damage was characterized using electron microscopy techniques. Low-fluence proton irradiation produced differential weathering in a lunar mare basalt, with radiation damage on some phases being inconsistent with that found in the natural lunar environment. Dielectric breakdown of silicates revealed two electrical processes that produce characteristic surface and subsurface damage, in addition to amorphous rims. The results of this research highlight experimental parameters that if ignored, can significantly affect the results and interpretations of simulated solar wind weathering, and provides a framework for advancing space weathering research through experimental studies.
Date Created

Laboratory Analysis of Ceres Analogue Minerals


During the Dawn mission, bright spots were discovered on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres, which were determined to be evaporite deposits of sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, and hydrohalite. These deposits are significant because they indicate the presence of

During the Dawn mission, bright spots were discovered on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres, which were determined to be evaporite deposits of sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, and hydrohalite. These deposits are significant because they indicate the presence of subsurface water and potential geologic activity on Ceres. These evaporites form from the brine-water mixture in the deep Ceres reservoir, which likely possesses the conditions ideal for forming complex organics. Here, we report the results of a suite of laboratory techniques (CHN Elemental Analyzer, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Analysis) for quantifying the likelihood of primordial carbon survival and distribution in analog materials found on Ceres, particularly in salt evaporates. We are specifically looking at if the amino acid glycine can be preserved in sodium chloride crystals. Our results conclude that if the Ceres brine reservoir is saturated with organics, and with the lower limits that we have for our instrumentation thus far, these techniques should be more than sufficient to measure glycine content should we ever receive samples from Ceres.

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Modeling the Formation and Thermal Evolution of Asteroid Itokawa's Parent Body


Most asteroids originated in larger parent bodies that underwent accretion and heating during the first few million years of the solar system. We investigated the parent body of S-type asteroid 25143 Itokawa by developing a computational model which can approximate

Most asteroids originated in larger parent bodies that underwent accretion and heating during the first few million years of the solar system. We investigated the parent body of S-type asteroid 25143 Itokawa by developing a computational model which can approximate the thermal evolution of an early solar system body. We compared known constraints on Itokawa’s thermal history to simulations of its parent body and constrained its time of formation to between 1.6 and 2.5 million years after the beginning of the solar system, though certain details could allow for even earlier or later formation. These results stress the importance of precise data required of the material properties of asteroids and meteorites to place better constraints on the histories of their parent bodies. Additional mathematical and computational details are discussed, and the full code and data is made available online.

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Dynamics in Earth’s Mantle: Constraints from Planetary Scale to Nanoscale

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Subsolidus convection in the mantle of Earth is the driving mechanism behind plate tectonics and provides a central framework linking geophysical, geochemical, petrological, hydrological, and biological processes within the system. Seismic observations have revealed mantle heterogeneities in wide-ranging scales from

Subsolidus convection in the mantle of Earth is the driving mechanism behind plate tectonics and provides a central framework linking geophysical, geochemical, petrological, hydrological, and biological processes within the system. Seismic observations have revealed mantle heterogeneities in wide-ranging scales from less than tens of to thousands of kilometers. Understanding the origins and dynamics of these anomalies is critical to advance our knowledge on how mantle convection operates and coevolves with the surface system. This dissertation attempts to constrain the past, present and future of mantle dynamics with lines of evidence from seismology, geodynamics, petrology, geochemistry, and astrophysics. Above Earth’s core, two continent-sized large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean were seismically detected decades ago. Yet their origin, composition, detailed morphology and influence over mantle convection remain elusive. First, I propose the two LLSVPs may represent the mantle remnants of the Moon-forming impactor Theia. I show that the mantle of Theia is intrinsically denser than Earth’s mantle and would have sunk and accumulated into LLSVP-like structures in the deepest mantle after 4.5 billion years. Second, I examined the maximum height of the two LLSVPs and determined that the African LLSVP is ~1,000 km higher than the Pacific counterpart. Using geodynamic simulations, I find the height of a stable LLSVP is mainly controlled by its density and the ambient mantle viscosity. With ~1,000 numerical experiments, I conclude that the origin of the great height difference between the LLSVPs is that the African LLSVP is less dense, and thus less stable than the Pacific LLSVP. Next, I numerically identified another dynamic scenario accounting for the vastly different height of the two LLSVPs, which is caused by catastrophic sinking of accumulated subducted slabs at the 660-km boundary. Last, targeting one ancient carbonatite above the African LLSVP, I show that lithium isotopes in humite measured by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry was able to uncover the signature of a subducted oceanic crust in its magma source, which may return from the interior to the surface by mantle plumes.
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A Uniform Atmospheric Retrieval Analysis of Ultra-Cool Brown Dwarfs

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Brown dwarfs are a unique class of object which span the range between the lowest mass stars, and highest mass planets. New insights into the physics and chemistry of brown dwarfs comes from the comparison between spectroscopic observations, and theoretical

Brown dwarfs are a unique class of object which span the range between the lowest mass stars, and highest mass planets. New insights into the physics and chemistry of brown dwarfs comes from the comparison between spectroscopic observations, and theoretical atmospheric models. In this thesis, I present a uniform atmospheric retrieval analysis of the coolest Y, and late-T spectral type brown dwarfs using the CaltecH Inverse ModEling and Retrieval Algorithms (CHIMERA). In doing so, I develop a foundational dataset of retrieved atmospheric parameters including: molecular abundances, thermal structures, evolutionary parameters, and cloud properties for 61 different brown dwarfs. Comparisons to other modeling techniques and theoretical expectations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) are made. Finally, I describe the techniques used to improve CHIMERA to run on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), which directly enabled the creation of this large dataset.
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Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Lithium-Content and Isotopic Compositions in Kerogen

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Lithium (Li) is a trace element in kerogen, but the content and isotopic distribution (δ7Li) in kerogen has not previously been quantified. Furthermore, kerogen has been overlooked as a potential source of Li to sedimentary porefluids and buried sediments. Thus,

Lithium (Li) is a trace element in kerogen, but the content and isotopic distribution (δ7Li) in kerogen has not previously been quantified. Furthermore, kerogen has been overlooked as a potential source of Li to sedimentary porefluids and buried sediments. Thus, knowing the content and isotopic composition of Li derived from kerogen may have implications for research focused on the Li-isotopes of buried sediments (e.g., evaluating paleoclimate variations using marine carbonates).The objective of this work is to better understand the role of kerogen in the Li geochemical cycle. The research approach consisted of 1) developing reference materials and methodologies to measure the Li-contents and δ7Li of kerogen in-situ by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 2) surveying the Li-contents and δ7Li of kerogen bearing rocks from different depositional and diagenetic environments and 3) quantifying the Li-content and δ7Li variations in kerogen empirically in a field study and 4) experimentally through hydrous pyrolysis. A survey of δ7Li of coals from depositional basins across the USA showed that thermally immature coals have light δ7Li values (–20 to – 10‰) compared to typical terrestrial materials (> –10‰) and the δ7Li of coal increases with burial temperature suggesting that 6Li is preferentially released from kerogen to porefluids during hydrocarbon generation. A field study was conducted on two Cretaceous coal seams in Colorado (USA) intruded by dikes (mafic and felsic) creating a temperature gradient from the intrusives into the country rock. Results showed that δ7Li values of the unmetamorphosed vitrinite macerals were up to 37‰ lighter than vitrinite macerals and coke within the contact metamorphosed coal. To understand the significance of Li derived from kerogen during burial diagenesis, hydrous pyrolysis experiments of three coals were conducted. Results showed that Li is released from kerogen during hydrocarbon generation and could increase sedimentary porefluid Li-contents up to ~100 mg/L. The δ7Li of coals becomes heavier with increased temperature except where authigenic silicates may compete for the released Li. These results indicate that kerogen is a significant source of isotopically light Li to diagenetic fluids and is an important contributor to the global geochemical cycle.
Date Created

Exploration of Spectrally Featureless Asteroids: Reflectance Measurements of Meteorites and Characterization of a Commercial Camera System for the Psyche Mission

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Characterizing the surface mineralogy of asteroids is critical to constraining their formation history and provides insight into the processes of planetary formation. One method of determining the surface mineralogy of asteroids is comparison of their visible to near-infrared reflectance (VNIR)

Characterizing the surface mineralogy of asteroids is critical to constraining their formation history and provides insight into the processes of planetary formation. One method of determining the surface mineralogy of asteroids is comparison of their visible to near-infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectra with laboratory spectra from meteorites and minerals. Subsequent in-situ investigation of these asteroids by spacecraft can supplement or supersede interpretations derived from Earth-based observations.I investigated a suite of aubrites, sulfide minerals, and metal-rich chondrites in a variety of forms (hand samples, powders, and slabs) to identify similarities with ‘spectrally featureless’ asteroids. I collected VNIR spectra and powder X-ray diffraction patterns of these samples and compared their overall reflectance and spectral slope with X-complex and T-, L-, and D-type asteroid spectra. The Psyche Mission will orbit asteroid (16) Psyche beginning in 2026. I provide a pre-flight assessment of the surface composition of Psyche by comparing spectra of Psyche to a large spectral library of possible surface analog materials (e.g., iron meteorites, mesosiderites, pallasites, sulfides, enstatite, ordinary, and metal-rich chondrites, endmember silicates, and mixtures of silicates, metal, and sulfides). Spectra of Psyche are generally consistent with iron meteorite powder, mixtures of iron meteorite powder and low-Fe, low-Ca pyroxene, sulfide minerals, and the CH/CBb chondrite Isheyevo. Next, I demonstrate some anticipated capabilities of the Psyche Multispectral Imager by comparing spectral parameters derived from Imager-convolved data to those from high resolution laboratory spectra. I offer preliminary strategies for classifying surface composition based on Imager filter ratios and overall reflectance. Last, I present an assessment of a benchtop, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) version of the Psyche Imager. The COTS Imager uses the same model CCD and a similar f-number commercial camera lens. I measured the gain, full well, linearity, read noise, quantum efficiency, and modulation transfer function to compare with eventual calibration data from the flight Imager. I validate the results of a radiometric model developed for the flight Imager with signal measurements from the COTS Imager. This work demonstrates that the COTS Imager is an effective testbed for validating Imager requirements and developing software and procedures for eventual calibration of the flight instrument.
Date Created

Examining the Bombardment Record of the Saturnian Satellites Through Impact Crater Analysis

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The central question of my dissertation is "How old are the inner moons of Saturn?" This question is of critical importance for the refinement of how solar systems and giant planet systems form and evolve. One of the most direct

The central question of my dissertation is "How old are the inner moons of Saturn?" This question is of critical importance for the refinement of how solar systems and giant planet systems form and evolve. One of the most direct ways to test the ages of a planet's surface is through the use of impact craters. Here I utilize images from the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) to count the craters on the mid-sized moons of Saturn, Tethys and Dione. I present a statistical analysis of the craters and the likely impactor sources that crated these craters. On Tethys I find that the impact craters can be explained by a planetocentric source that is local to the Saturnian system and is not found elsewhere in the outer planets. I also find that the majority of mapped regions are likely close in age. On Dione, I have mapped four areas at a regional-scale resolution ( ~ 200 m/ pix) and have found that resurfacing has greatly affected the small crater population and that the overall size-frequency distribution of craters is most representative of a planetocentric source unique to Saturn. Elliptical craters provide another means of assessing the bombardment environment around Saturn, as they record the primary direction of the object that created the crater upon impact on the surface. I have mapped these craters on Tethys and Dione, to analyze the global distributions of these craters and their orientations. Across both satellites, I find that in the equatorial regions between 30° N and 30°S in latitude, the orientations of the elliptical craters are consistent with an East/West orientation for their direction, which also is suggestive of a local planetocentric source. Throughout the main three studies presented in this dissertation I find that the main impactor source is a planetocentric source that is unique to Saturn and is not seen on the moons of the other giant planets.
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