Incremental Learning With Sample Generation From Pretrained Networks

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In the last decade deep learning based models have revolutionized machine learning and computer vision applications. However, these models are data-hungry and training them is a time-consuming process. In addition, when deep neural networks are updated to augment their prediction

In the last decade deep learning based models have revolutionized machine learning and computer vision applications. However, these models are data-hungry and training them is a time-consuming process. In addition, when deep neural networks are updated to augment their prediction space with new data, they run into the problem of catastrophic forgetting, where the model forgets previously learned knowledge as it overfits to the newly available data. Incremental learning algorithms enable deep neural networks to prevent catastrophic forgetting by retaining knowledge of previously observed data while also learning from newly available data.

This thesis presents three models for incremental learning; (i) Design of an algorithm for generative incremental learning using a pre-trained deep neural network classifier; (ii) Development of a hashing based clustering algorithm for efficient incremental learning; (iii) Design of a student-teacher coupled neural network to distill knowledge for incremental learning. The proposed algorithms were evaluated using popular vision datasets for classification tasks. The thesis concludes with a discussion about the feasibility of using these techniques to transfer information between networks and also for incremental learning applications.
Date Created

"I'm Having Trouble Understanding You Right Now": A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of the Intelligibility of Dysphonic Speech

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Individuals with voice disorders experience challenges communicating daily. These challenges lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life for individuals with dysphonia. While voice amplification systems are often employed as a voice-assistive technology, individuals with voice disorders generally

Individuals with voice disorders experience challenges communicating daily. These challenges lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life for individuals with dysphonia. While voice amplification systems are often employed as a voice-assistive technology, individuals with voice disorders generally still experience difficulties being understood while using voice amplification systems. With the goal of developing systems that help improve the quality of life of individuals with dysphonia, this work outlines the landscape of voice-assistive technology, the inaccessibility of state-of-the-art voice-based technology and the need for the development of intelligibility improving voice-assistive technologies designed both with and for individuals with voice disorders. With the rise of voice-based technologies in society, in order for everyone to participate in the use of voice-based technologies individuals with voice disorders must be included in both the data that is used to train these systems and the design process. An important and necessary step towards the development of better voice assistive technology as well as more inclusive voice-based systems is the creation of a large, publicly available dataset of dysphonic speech. To this end, a web-based platform to crowdsource voice disorder speech was developed to create such a dataset. This dataset will be released so that it is freely and publicly available to stimulate research in the field of voice-assistive technologies. Future work includes building a robust intelligibility estimation model, as well as employing that model to measure, and therefore enhance, the intelligibility of a given utterance. The hope is that this model will lead to the development of voice-assistive technology using state-of-the-art machine learning models to help individuals with voice disorders be better understood.
Date Created

Modern Sensory Substitution for Vision in Dynamic Environments

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Societal infrastructure is built with vision at the forefront of daily life. For those with

severe visual impairments, this creates countless barriers to the participation and

enjoyment of life’s opportunities. Technological progress has been both a blessing and

a curse in this regard.

Societal infrastructure is built with vision at the forefront of daily life. For those with

severe visual impairments, this creates countless barriers to the participation and

enjoyment of life’s opportunities. Technological progress has been both a blessing and

a curse in this regard. Digital text together with screen readers and refreshable Braille

displays have made whole libraries readily accessible and rideshare tech has made

independent mobility more attainable. Simultaneously, screen-based interactions and

experiences have only grown in pervasiveness and importance, precluding many of

those with visual impairments.

Sensory Substituion, the process of substituting an unavailable modality with

another one, has shown promise as an alternative to accomodation, but in recent

years meaningful strides in Sensory Substitution for vision have declined in frequency.

Given recent advances in Computer Vision, this stagnation is especially disconcerting.

Designing Sensory Substitution Devices (SSDs) for vision for use in interactive settings

that leverage modern Computer Vision techniques presents a variety of challenges

including perceptual bandwidth, human-computer-interaction, and person-centered

machine learning considerations. To surmount these barriers an approach called Per-

sonal Foveated Haptic Gaze (PFHG), is introduced. PFHG consists of two primary

components: a human visual system inspired interaction paradigm that is intuitive

and flexible enough to generalize to a variety of applications called Foveated Haptic

Gaze (FHG), and a person-centered learning component to address the expressivity

limitations of most SSDs. This component is called One-Shot Object Detection by

Data Augmentation (1SODDA), a one-shot object detection approach that allows a

user to specify the objects they are interested in locating visually and with minimal

effort realizing an object detection model that does so effectively.

The Personal Foveated Haptic Gaze framework was realized in a virtual and real-

world application: playing a 3D, interactive, first person video game (DOOM) and

finding user-specified real-world objects. User study results found Foveated Haptic

Gaze to be an effective and intuitive interface for interacting with dynamic visual

world using solely haptics. Additionally, 1SODDA achieves competitive performance

among few-shot object detection methods and high-framerate many-shot object de-

tectors. The combination of which paves the way for modern Sensory Substitution

Devices for vision.
Date Created

Accessible Retail Shopping For The Visually Impaired Using Deep Learning

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Over the past decade, advancements in neural networks have been instrumental in achieving remarkable breakthroughs in the field of computer vision. One of the applications is in creating assistive technology to improve the lives of visually impaired people by making

Over the past decade, advancements in neural networks have been instrumental in achieving remarkable breakthroughs in the field of computer vision. One of the applications is in creating assistive technology to improve the lives of visually impaired people by making the world around them more accessible. A lot of research in convolutional neural networks has led to human-level performance in different vision tasks including image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation and scene text recognition. All the before mentioned tasks, individually or in combination, have been used to create assistive technologies to improve accessibility for the blind.

This dissertation outlines various applications to improve accessibility and independence for visually impaired people during shopping by helping them identify products in retail stores. The dissertation includes the following contributions; (i) A dataset containing images of breakfast-cereal products and a classifier using a deep neural (ResNet) network; (ii) A dataset for training a text detection and scene-text recognition model; (iii) A model for text detection and scene-text recognition to identify product images using a user-controlled camera; (iv) A dataset of twenty thousand products with product information and related images that can be used to train and test a system designed to identify products.
Date Created

Zero Shot Learning for Visual Object Recognition with Generative Models

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Visual object recognition has achieved great success with advancements in deep learning technologies. Notably, the existing recognition models have gained human-level performance on many of the recognition tasks. However, these models are data hungry, and their performance is constrained by

Visual object recognition has achieved great success with advancements in deep learning technologies. Notably, the existing recognition models have gained human-level performance on many of the recognition tasks. However, these models are data hungry, and their performance is constrained by the amount of training data. Inspired by the human ability to recognize object categories based on textual descriptions of objects and previous visual knowledge, the research community has extensively pursued the area of zero-shot learning. In this area of research, machine vision models are trained to recognize object categories that are not observed during the training process. Zero-shot learning models leverage textual information to transfer visual knowledge from seen object categories in order to recognize unseen object categories.

Generative models have recently gained popularity as they synthesize unseen visual features and convert zero-shot learning into a classical supervised learning problem. These generative models are trained using seen classes and are expected to implicitly transfer the knowledge from seen to unseen classes. However, their performance is stymied by overfitting towards seen classes, which leads to substandard performance in generalized zero-shot learning. To address this concern, this dissertation proposes a novel generative model that leverages the semantic relationship between seen and unseen categories and explicitly performs knowledge transfer from seen categories to unseen categories. Experiments were conducted on several benchmark datasets to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model for both zero-shot learning and generalized zero-shot learning. The dissertation also provides a unique Student-Teacher based generative model for zero-shot learning and concludes with future research directions in this area.
Date Created

Multimodal Data Analysis of Dyadic Interactions for an Automated Feedback System Supporting Parent Implementation of Pivotal Response Treatment

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Parents fulfill a pivotal role in early childhood development of social and communication

skills. In children with autism, the development of these skills can be delayed. Applied

behavioral analysis (ABA) techniques have been created to aid in skill acquisition.

Among these, pivotal response

Parents fulfill a pivotal role in early childhood development of social and communication

skills. In children with autism, the development of these skills can be delayed. Applied

behavioral analysis (ABA) techniques have been created to aid in skill acquisition.

Among these, pivotal response treatment (PRT) has been empirically shown to foster

improvements. Research into PRT implementation has also shown that parents can be

trained to be effective interventionists for their children. The current difficulty in PRT

training is how to disseminate training to parents who need it, and how to support and

motivate practitioners after training.

Evaluation of the parents’ fidelity to implementation is often undertaken using video

probes that depict the dyadic interaction occurring between the parent and the child during

PRT sessions. These videos are time consuming for clinicians to process, and often result

in only minimal feedback for the parents. Current trends in technology could be utilized to

alleviate the manual cost of extracting data from the videos, affording greater

opportunities for providing clinician created feedback as well as automated assessments.

The naturalistic context of the video probes along with the dependence on ubiquitous

recording devices creates a difficult scenario for classification tasks. The domain of the

PRT video probes can be expected to have high levels of both aleatory and epistemic

uncertainty. Addressing these challenges requires examination of the multimodal data

along with implementation and evaluation of classification algorithms. This is explored

through the use of a new dataset of PRT videos.

The relationship between the parent and the clinician is important. The clinician can

provide support and help build self-efficacy in addition to providing knowledge and

modeling of treatment procedures. Facilitating this relationship along with automated

feedback not only provides the opportunity to present expert feedback to the parent, but

also allows the clinician to aid in personalizing the classification models. By utilizing a

human-in-the-loop framework, clinicians can aid in addressing the uncertainty in the

classification models by providing additional labeled samples. This will allow the system

to improve classification and provides a person-centered approach to extracting

multimodal data from PRT video probes.
Date Created

Deep domain fusion for adaptive image classification

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Endowing machines with the ability to understand digital images is a critical task for a host of high-impact applications, including pathology detection in radiographic imaging, autonomous vehicles, and assistive technology for the visually impaired. Computer vision systems rely on large

Endowing machines with the ability to understand digital images is a critical task for a host of high-impact applications, including pathology detection in radiographic imaging, autonomous vehicles, and assistive technology for the visually impaired. Computer vision systems rely on large corpora of annotated data in order to train task-specific visual recognition models. Despite significant advances made over the past decade, the fact remains collecting and annotating the data needed to successfully train a model is a prohibitively expensive endeavor. Moreover, these models are prone to rapid performance degradation when applied to data sampled from a different domain. Recent works in the development of deep adaptation networks seek to overcome these challenges by facilitating transfer learning between source and target domains. In parallel, the unification of dominant semi-supervised learning techniques has illustrated unprecedented potential for utilizing unlabeled data to train classification models in defiance of discouragingly meager sets of annotated data.

In this thesis, a novel domain adaptation algorithm -- Domain Adaptive Fusion (DAF) -- is proposed, which encourages a domain-invariant linear relationship between the pixel-space of different domains and the prediction-space while being trained under a domain adversarial signal. The thoughtful combination of key components in unsupervised domain adaptation and semi-supervised learning enable DAF to effectively bridge the gap between source and target domains. Experiments performed on computer vision benchmark datasets for domain adaptation endorse the efficacy of this hybrid approach, outperforming all of the baseline architectures on most of the transfer tasks.
Date Created

Towards learning compact visual embeddings using deep neural networks

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Feature embeddings differ from raw features in the sense that the former obey certain properties like notion of similarity/dissimilarity in it's embedding space. word2vec is a preeminent example in this direction, where the similarity in the embedding space is measured

Feature embeddings differ from raw features in the sense that the former obey certain properties like notion of similarity/dissimilarity in it's embedding space. word2vec is a preeminent example in this direction, where the similarity in the embedding space is measured in terms of the cosine similarity. Such language embedding models have seen numerous applications in both language and vision community as they capture the information in the modality (English language) efficiently. Inspired by these language models, this work focuses on learning embedding spaces for two visual computing tasks, 1. Image Hashing 2. Zero Shot Learning. The training set was used to learn embedding spaces over which similarity/dissimilarity is measured using several distance metrics like hamming / euclidean / cosine distances. While the above-mentioned language models learn generic word embeddings, in this work task specific embeddings were learnt which can be used for Image Retrieval and Classification separately.

Image Hashing is the task of mapping images to binary codes such that some notion of user-defined similarity is preserved. The first part of this work focuses on designing a new framework that uses the hash-tags associated with web images to learn the binary codes. Such codes can be used in several applications like Image Retrieval and Image Classification. Further, this framework requires no labelled data, leaving it very inexpensive. Results show that the proposed approach surpasses the state-of-art approaches by a significant margin.

Zero-shot classification is the task of classifying the test sample into a new class which was not seen during training. This is possible by establishing a relationship between the training and the testing classes using auxiliary information. In the second part of this thesis, a framework is designed that trains using the handcrafted attribute vectors and word vectors but doesn’t require the expensive attribute vectors during test time. More specifically, an intermediate space is learnt between the word vector space and the image feature space using the hand-crafted attribute vectors. Preliminary results on two zero-shot classification datasets show that this is a promising direction to explore.
Date Created

An Investigation into Modern Facial Expressions Recognition by a Computer

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Facial Expressions Recognition using the Convolution Neural Network has been actively researched upon in the last decade due to its high number of applications in the human-computer interaction domain. As Convolution Neural Networks have the exceptional ability to learn, they

Facial Expressions Recognition using the Convolution Neural Network has been actively researched upon in the last decade due to its high number of applications in the human-computer interaction domain. As Convolution Neural Networks have the exceptional ability to learn, they outperform the methods using handcrafted features. Though the state-of-the-art models achieve high accuracy on the lab-controlled images, they still struggle for the wild expressions. Wild expressions are captured in a real-world setting and have natural expressions. Wild databases have many challenges such as occlusion, variations in lighting conditions and head poses. In this work, I address these challenges and propose a new model containing a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Layer. The Fusion Layer utilizes a combination of the knowledge obtained from two different domains for enhanced feature extraction from the in-the-wild images. I tested my network on two publicly available in-the-wild datasets namely RAF-DB and AffectNet. Next, I tested my trained model on CK+ dataset for the cross-database evaluation study. I prove that my model achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art methods. I argue that it can perform well on such datasets because it learns the features from two different domains rather than a single domain. Last, I present a real-time facial expression recognition system as a part of this work where the images are captured in real-time using laptop camera and passed to the model for obtaining a facial expression label for it. It indicates that the proposed model has low processing time and can produce output almost instantly.
Date Created

Learning Transferable Data Representations Using Deep Generative Models

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Machine learning models convert raw data in the form of video, images, audio,

text, etc. into feature representations that are convenient for computational process-

ing. Deep neural networks have proven to be very efficient feature extractors for a

variety of machine learning tasks.

Machine learning models convert raw data in the form of video, images, audio,

text, etc. into feature representations that are convenient for computational process-

ing. Deep neural networks have proven to be very efficient feature extractors for a

variety of machine learning tasks. Generative models based on deep neural networks

introduce constraints on the feature space to learn transferable and disentangled rep-

resentations. Transferable feature representations help in training machine learning

models that are robust across different distributions of data. For example, with the

application of transferable features in domain adaptation, models trained on a source

distribution can be applied to a data from a target distribution even though the dis-

tributions may be different. In style transfer and image-to-image translation, disen-

tangled representations allow for the separation of style and content when translating


This thesis examines learning transferable data representations in novel deep gen-

erative models. The Semi-Supervised Adversarial Translator (SAT) utilizes adversar-

ial methods and cross-domain weight sharing in a neural network to extract trans-

ferable representations. These transferable interpretations can then be decoded into

the original image or a similar image in another domain. The Explicit Disentangling

Network (EDN) utilizes generative methods to disentangle images into their core at-

tributes and then segments sets of related attributes. The EDN can separate these

attributes by controlling the ow of information using a novel combination of losses

and network architecture. This separation of attributes allows precise modi_cations

to speci_c components of the data representation, boosting the performance of ma-

chine learning tasks. The effectiveness of these models is evaluated across domain

adaptation, style transfer, and image-to-image translation tasks.
Date Created