Making the Best of What We Have: Novel Strategies for Training Neural Networks under Restricted Labeling Information

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Recent advancements in computer vision models have largely been driven by supervised training on labeled data. However, the process of labeling datasets remains both costly and time-intensive. This dissertation delves into enhancing the performance of deep neural networks when faced

Recent advancements in computer vision models have largely been driven by supervised training on labeled data. However, the process of labeling datasets remains both costly and time-intensive. This dissertation delves into enhancing the performance of deep neural networks when faced with limited or no labeling information. I address this challenge through four primary methodologies: domain adaptation, self-supervision, input regularization, and label regularization. In situations where labeled data is unavailable but a similar dataset exists, domain adaptation emerges as a valuable strategy for transferring knowledge from the labeled dataset to the target dataset. This dissertation introduces three innovative domain adaptation methods that operate at pixel, feature, and output levels.Another approach to tackle the absence of labels involves a novel self-supervision technique tailored to train Vision Transformers in extracting rich features. The third and fourth approaches focus on scenarios where only a limited amount of labeled data is available. In such cases, I present novel regularization techniques designed to mitigate overfitting by modifying the input data and the target labels, respectively.
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An Investigation into Modern Facial Expressions Recognition by a Computer

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Facial Expressions Recognition using the Convolution Neural Network has been actively researched upon in the last decade due to its high number of applications in the human-computer interaction domain. As Convolution Neural Networks have the exceptional ability to learn, they

Facial Expressions Recognition using the Convolution Neural Network has been actively researched upon in the last decade due to its high number of applications in the human-computer interaction domain. As Convolution Neural Networks have the exceptional ability to learn, they outperform the methods using handcrafted features. Though the state-of-the-art models achieve high accuracy on the lab-controlled images, they still struggle for the wild expressions. Wild expressions are captured in a real-world setting and have natural expressions. Wild databases have many challenges such as occlusion, variations in lighting conditions and head poses. In this work, I address these challenges and propose a new model containing a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Layer. The Fusion Layer utilizes a combination of the knowledge obtained from two different domains for enhanced feature extraction from the in-the-wild images. I tested my network on two publicly available in-the-wild datasets namely RAF-DB and AffectNet. Next, I tested my trained model on CK+ dataset for the cross-database evaluation study. I prove that my model achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art methods. I argue that it can perform well on such datasets because it learns the features from two different domains rather than a single domain. Last, I present a real-time facial expression recognition system as a part of this work where the images are captured in real-time using laptop camera and passed to the model for obtaining a facial expression label for it. It indicates that the proposed model has low processing time and can produce output almost instantly.
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