Learning Transferable Data Representations Using Deep Generative Models

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Machine learning models convert raw data in the form of video, images, audio,

text, etc. into feature representations that are convenient for computational process-

ing. Deep neural networks have proven to be very efficient feature extractors for a

variety of machine learning tasks.

Machine learning models convert raw data in the form of video, images, audio,

text, etc. into feature representations that are convenient for computational process-

ing. Deep neural networks have proven to be very efficient feature extractors for a

variety of machine learning tasks. Generative models based on deep neural networks

introduce constraints on the feature space to learn transferable and disentangled rep-

resentations. Transferable feature representations help in training machine learning

models that are robust across different distributions of data. For example, with the

application of transferable features in domain adaptation, models trained on a source

distribution can be applied to a data from a target distribution even though the dis-

tributions may be different. In style transfer and image-to-image translation, disen-

tangled representations allow for the separation of style and content when translating


This thesis examines learning transferable data representations in novel deep gen-

erative models. The Semi-Supervised Adversarial Translator (SAT) utilizes adversar-

ial methods and cross-domain weight sharing in a neural network to extract trans-

ferable representations. These transferable interpretations can then be decoded into

the original image or a similar image in another domain. The Explicit Disentangling

Network (EDN) utilizes generative methods to disentangle images into their core at-

tributes and then segments sets of related attributes. The EDN can separate these

attributes by controlling the ow of information using a novel combination of losses

and network architecture. This separation of attributes allows precise modi_cations

to speci_c components of the data representation, boosting the performance of ma-

chine learning tasks. The effectiveness of these models is evaluated across domain

adaptation, style transfer, and image-to-image translation tasks.
Date Created

Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition

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This paper presents work that was done to create a system capable of facial expression recognition (FER) using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and test multiple configurations and methods. CNNs are able to extract powerful information about an image using

This paper presents work that was done to create a system capable of facial expression recognition (FER) using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and test multiple configurations and methods. CNNs are able to extract powerful information about an image using multiple layers of generic feature detectors. The extracted information can be used to understand the image better through recognizing different features present within the image. Deep CNNs, however, require training sets that can be larger than a million pictures in order to fine tune their feature detectors. For the case of facial expression datasets, none of these large datasets are available. Due to this limited availability of data required to train a new CNN, the idea of using naïve domain adaptation is explored. Instead of creating and using a new CNN trained specifically to extract features related to FER, a previously trained CNN originally trained for another computer vision task is used. Work for this research involved creating a system that can run a CNN, can extract feature vectors from the CNN, and can classify these extracted features. Once this system was built, different aspects of the system were tested and tuned. These aspects include the pre-trained CNN that was used, the layer from which features were extracted, normalization used on input images, and training data for the classifier. Once properly tuned, the created system returned results more accurate than previous attempts on facial expression recognition. Based on these positive results, naïve domain adaptation is shown to successfully leverage advantages of deep CNNs for facial expression recognition.
Date Created