BEYOND THE BINARY: Exploring Genetic Sex Determination Systems in Aspidoscelis

The reproductive biology of Aspidoscelis, particularly the known parthenogenetic species, has fascinated herpetologists for decades. In order to understand parthenogenesis within Aspidoscelis, which has evolved multiple times following hybridization events between distinct sexual species within the genus, it is imperative

The reproductive biology of Aspidoscelis, particularly the known parthenogenetic species, has fascinated herpetologists for decades. In order to understand parthenogenesis within Aspidoscelis, which has evolved multiple times following hybridization events between distinct sexual species within the genus, it is imperative to comprehend underlying reproductive mechanisms and strategies inherent in the sexual ancestors. Through comprehensive genomic analyses, including RADseq data and synteny mapping, this study investigates sex determination mechanisms and identifies punitive sex-linked loci in two sexual Aspidoscelis species. The analysis reveals markers potentially associated with sex differentiation, offering insights into the chromosomal evolution and genetic basis of reproduction in these lizards. Despite challenges in identifying sex-linked loci using existing methods, the FST-based approach adopted here proved promising, with its ability to highlight genomic regions potentially involved in sex determination. Our findings suggest that chromosome 13 in A. gularis is homologous to the previously identified sex chromosome 3 in A. tigris. This study contributes to understanding the intricate genetic processes underlying parthenogenesis and karyotypic evolution in Aspidoscelis, paving the way for future studies elucidating the complexities of reproduction in vertebrates.
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Spiders in a Desert City: What the Behavior and Microclimate of Western Black Widows Can Teach Us About the Impacts of Urbanization

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As the planet is rapidly urbanizing, understanding the ecological effects of urbanization is a grand challenge for modern biology. For example, increased city temperatures known as the urban heat island effect, disproportionately impact nocturnal taxa and this consideration is widely

As the planet is rapidly urbanizing, understanding the ecological effects of urbanization is a grand challenge for modern biology. For example, increased city temperatures known as the urban heat island effect, disproportionately impact nocturnal taxa and this consideration is widely overlooked. Slight shifts in the thermal microclimate have a cascade of ramifications that directly impact species density and distribution. Animal behavior is a trait that may explain why some species thrive after urbanization when others go locally extinct. In this study I followed 22 adult females of the western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus, from both urban and undisturbed Sonoran Desert habitats. First, I began looking for differences between urban and desert spiders under field conditions: boldness, voracity, web size and body condition. Both urban and desert spiders were then brought to the laboratory to see how their behavior changed. I found no behavioral differences between urban and desert spiders in the field or the laboratory. I did find that spider behavior differed between the field and the laboratory. Specifically, boldness in the laboratory was significantly lower compared to the field. Voracity was more repeatable in the laboratory versus the field, and boldness was strongly positively correlated with voracity in the laboratory, but not in the field. These behavioral shifts from the field to the laboratory favor the conclusion that black widow behavior is highly plastic and context dependent. Lastly, I monitored web temperature of black widow microhabitat continuously for an entire year using iButton data loggers. I found microhabitat temperatures differences between urban and desert sites were greatest at night and absent during the daytime. I uncovered a seasonal effect with the highest magnitude temperature difference occurring during the springtime. Additionally, behavior was significantly correlated with field temperatures; the boldest spiders come from the warmest webs. However, I found little evidence that temperature predicts spider body condition or voracity, and body condition does not predict its behavioral expression. My results highlight the importance of studying animal behavior to increase understanding of the factors that shape distribution and density in a lethal pest species.
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Rich lizards: how affluence, land cover, and the urban heat island effect influence desert reptiles persisting in an urban landscape

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A global warming of two degrees Celsius is predicted to drive almost half the world's lizard populations to extinction. Currently, the Phoenix metropolitan region in Arizona, USA, is an average of 3 oC warmer than the surrounding desert. Using a

A global warming of two degrees Celsius is predicted to drive almost half the world's lizard populations to extinction. Currently, the Phoenix metropolitan region in Arizona, USA, is an average of 3 oC warmer than the surrounding desert. Using a bare lot as a control, I placed copper lizard models with data loggers in several vegetation and irrigation treatments that represent the dominant backyard landscaping styles in Phoenix (grassy mesic with mist irrigation, drip irrigated xeric, unirrigated native, and a hybrid style known as oasis). Lizard activity time in summer is currently restricted to a few hours in un-irrigated native desert landscaping, while heavily irrigated grass and shade trees allow for continual activity during even the hottest days. Maintaining the existing diversity of landscaping styles (as part of an ongoing mitigation strategy targeted at humans) will be beneficial for lizards.

Fourteen native lizard species inhabit the desert surrounding Phoenix, AZ, USA, but only two species persist within heavily developed areas. This pattern is best explained by a combination of socioeconomic status, land cover, and location. Lizard diversity is highest in affluent areas and lizard abundance is greatest near large patches of open desert. The percentage of building cover has a strong negative impact on both diversity and abundance. Despite Phoenix's intense urban heat island effect, which strongly constrains the potential activity and microhabitat use of lizards in summer, thermal patterns have not yet impacted their distribution and relative abundance at larger scales.
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Examination of the state-dependency and consequences of foraging in a low-energy system, the Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum

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Foraging has complex effects on whole-organism homeostasis, and there is considerable evidence that foraging behavior is influenced by both environmental factors (e.g., food availability, predation risk) and the physiological condition of an organism. The optimization of foraging behavior to balance

Foraging has complex effects on whole-organism homeostasis, and there is considerable evidence that foraging behavior is influenced by both environmental factors (e.g., food availability, predation risk) and the physiological condition of an organism. The optimization of foraging behavior to balance costs and benefits is termed state-dependent foraging (SDF) while behavior that seeks to protect assets of fitness is termed the asset protection principle (APP). A majority of studies examining SDF have focused on the role that energy balance has on the foraging of organisms with high metabolism and high energy demands ("high-energy systems" such as endotherms). In contrast, limited work has examined whether species with low energy use ("low-energy systems" such as vertebrate ectotherms) use an SDF strategy. Additionally, there is a paucity of evidence demonstrating how physiological and environmental factors other than energy balance influence foraging behavior (e.g. hydration state and free-standing water availability). Given these gaps in our understanding of SDF behavior and the APP, I examined the state-dependency and consequences of foraging in a low-energy system occupying a resource-limited environment - the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum, Cope 1869). In contrast to what has been observed in a wide variety of taxa, I found that Gila monsters do not use a SDF strategy to manage their energy reserves and that Gila monsters do not defend their energetic assets. However, hydration state and free-standing water availability do affect foraging behavior of Gila monsters. Additionally, as Gila monsters become increasingly dehydrated, they reduce activity to defend hydration state. The SDF behavior of Gila monsters appears to be largely driven by the fact that Gila monsters must separately satisfy energy and water demands with food and free-standing water, respectively, in conjunction with the timescale within which Gila monsters balance their energy and water budgets (supra-annually versus annually, respectively). Given these findings, the impact of anticipated changes in temperature and rainfall patterns in the Sonoran Desert are most likely going to pose their greatest risks to Gila monsters through the direct and indirect effects on water balance.
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