Planar Process Yield Improvement in Semiconductor Manufacturing


This thesis discusses the yield analysis process for determining the efficacy of experimental changes to a semiconductor manufacturing line, specifically within the chemical mechanical planarization department. Three yield analysis projects were analyzed and related to relevant literature to determine how the changes might impact overall semiconductor yield.

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Prediction of Multicomponent Gas Adsorption Equilibrium Using Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory for Direct Air Capture

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Adsorption equilibrium is an important metric used to assess adsorbent performance for gas mixture separation processes. Gas adsorption processes such as carbon capture are becoming more urgent as climate change and global warming accelerate. To speed up and reduce the

Adsorption equilibrium is an important metric used to assess adsorbent performance for gas mixture separation processes. Gas adsorption processes such as carbon capture are becoming more urgent as climate change and global warming accelerate. To speed up and reduce the cost of research on adsorbent materials and adsorption processes, I developed an open-source Python code that generates mixed gas adsorption equilibrium data using pure gas adsorption isotherms based on the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST). The major efforts of this M.S. research were placed on adding additional components to the mixture models since most other publications focused on binary gas mixtures. Generated mixed-gas equilibrium data were compared to experimentally collected data in order to validate the multicomponent IAST model and to determine the accuracy of the computer codes developed in this work. Additional mixed-gas equilibrium data were then generated and analyzed for trends in the data for humid flue gas conditions, natural gas processing conditions, and hydrogen gas purification conditions. For humid flue gas conditions, neither the analyzed Mg-MOF-74 nor the Zeolite 13X were shown to be suitable for use. For natural gas processing conditions, the Zeolite 13X was determined to be a much better candidate for use than the MIL-101. For hydrogen gas purification conditions, the Zeolite 5A was determined to be a better adsorbent for use than CD-AC due to the Zeolite 5A’s much lower adsorption of H2.
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Examining the Mechanical Properties of Recycled Composite Plastic From the Cosmetic Industry

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The cosmetic industry utilizes plastic for most of its packaging, as it is a cheap option that produces packaging that is highly durable and resistant to many chemicals. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most commonly used plastic in cosmetic packaging,

The cosmetic industry utilizes plastic for most of its packaging, as it is a cheap option that produces packaging that is highly durable and resistant to many chemicals. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most commonly used plastic in cosmetic packaging, and is an ideal candidate for recycling due to their short lifespan and low diffusion coefficient. However, cosmetic packaging is often not recycled properly due to its small size, contributing to the growing global plastic waste problem. If a sustainable closed-loop system was created where cosmetic packaging was created using purely recycled PET, then the amount of plastic produced could be reduced. By examining the mechanical properties of recycled composite PET from the cosmetic industry, conclusions can be drawn about its applicability in cosmetic packaging. The water absorption, UV-visible absorbance, and tensile strength was tested for recycled composite PET to predict how the material would perform if it was used in cosmetic packaging. It was found that the recycled composite PET did not perform as well as virgin PET in terms of water absorption and tensile strength, but performed similarly in reference to UV-visible absorbance. More research needs to be done to further characterize the mechanical properties of recycled composite PET before it can be used in cosmetic packaging, but this study analyzes three of the most prominent aspects found in cosmetic packaging.

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Investigating strategies to enhance microbial production of and tolerance towards aromatic biochemicals

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Aromatic compounds have traditionally been generated via petroleum feedstocks and have wide ranging applications in a variety of fields such as cosmetics, food, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Substantial improvements have been made to sustainably produce many aromatic chemicals from renewable

Aromatic compounds have traditionally been generated via petroleum feedstocks and have wide ranging applications in a variety of fields such as cosmetics, food, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Substantial improvements have been made to sustainably produce many aromatic chemicals from renewable sources utilizing microbes as bio-factories. By assembling and optimizing native and non-native pathways to produce natural and non-natural bioproducts, the diversity of biochemical aromatics which can be produced is constantly being improved upon. One such compound, 2-Phenylethanol (2PE), is a key molecule used in the fragrance and food industries, as well as a potential biofuel. Here, a novel, non-natural pathway was engineered in Escherichia coli and subsequently evaluated. Following strain and bioprocess optimization, accumulation of inhibitory acetate byproduct was reduced and 2PE titers approached 2 g/L – a ~2-fold increase over previously implemented pathways in E. coli. Furthermore, a recently developed mechanism to

allow E. coli to consume xylose and glucose, two ubiquitous and industrially relevant microbial feedstocks, simultaneously was implemented and systematically evaluated for its effects on L-phenylalanine (Phe; a precursor to many microbially-derived aromatics such as 2PE) production. Ultimately, by incorporating this mutation into a Phe overproducing strain of E. coli, improvements in overall Phe titers, yields and sugar consumption in glucose-xylose mixed feeds could be obtained. While upstream efforts to improve precursor availability are necessary to ultimately reach economically-viable production, the effect of end-product toxicity on production metrics for many aromatics is severe. By utilizing a transcriptional profiling technique (i.e., RNA sequencing), key insights into the mechanisms behind styrene-induced toxicity in E. coli and the cellular response systems that are activated to maintain cell viability were obtained. By investigating variances in the transcriptional response between styrene-producing cells and cells where styrene was added exogenously, better understanding on how mechanisms such as the phage shock, heat-shock and membrane-altering responses react in different scenarios. Ultimately, these efforts to diversify the collection of microbially-produced aromatics, improve intracellular precursor pools and further the understanding of cellular response to toxic aromatic compounds, give insight into methods for improved future metabolic engineering endeavors.
Date Created

Improving Biochemical Production in Escherichia coli through Nutrient Limitation

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Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is used widely in metabolic engineering due to its ability to grow at a fast rate and to be cultured easily. E. coli can be engineered to produce many valuable chemicals, including biofuels and

Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is used widely in metabolic engineering due to its ability to grow at a fast rate and to be cultured easily. E. coli can be engineered to produce many valuable chemicals, including biofuels and L-Phenylalanine—a precursor to many pharmaceuticals. Significant cell growth occurs in parallel to the biosynthesis of the desired biofuel or biochemical product, and limits product concentrations and yields. Stopping cell growth can improve chemical production since more resources will go toward chemical production than toward biomass. The goal of the project is to test different methods of controlling microbial uptake of nutrients, specifically phosphate, to dynamically limit cell growth and improve biochemical production of E. coli, and the research has the potential to promote public health, sustainability, and environment. This can be achieved by targeting phosphate transporter genes using CRISPRi and CRISPR, and they will limit the uptake of phosphate by targeting the phosphate transporter genes in DNA, which will stop transcriptions of the genes. In the experiment, NST74∆crr∆pykAF, a L-Phe overproducer, was used as the base strain, and the pitA phosphate transporter gene was targeted in the CRISPRi and CRISPR systems with the strain with other phosphate transporters knocked out. The tested CRISPRi and CRISPR mechanisms did not stop cell growth or improved L-Phe production. Further research will be conducted to determine the problem of the system. In addition, the CRISPRi and CRISPR systems that target multiple phosphate transporter genes will be tested in the future as well as the other method of stopping transcriptions of the phosphate transporter genes, which is called a tunable toggle switch mechanism.
Date Created