Leveraging the Power of Ligninolytic Enzymes to Valorize Lignin to Polyvinyl Phenol

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Phenolic polymers like polyphenols and polyphenylenes have several industrial applications including electrical insulation, specialty membranes, and packings but are typically synthesized under harsh reaction conditions and require hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde. Hydroxycinnamic acids, such as p-coumaric acid (p-CA), are aromatic

Phenolic polymers like polyphenols and polyphenylenes have several industrial applications including electrical insulation, specialty membranes, and packings but are typically synthesized under harsh reaction conditions and require hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde. Hydroxycinnamic acids, such as p-coumaric acid (p-CA), are aromatic derivatives of lignin hydrolysates, an underutilized and promising renewable feedstock for production of phenolics and phenolic polymers. Recently a strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum has been created by the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) which expresses phenolic acid decarboxylase (PAD), an enzyme which catalyzes the reaction of p-CA to 4-vinylphenol (4-VP). Further, a deletion of the phdA gene prevents assimilation of p-CA, thereby increasing 4-VP yield. 4-VP is a substituted phenol which can be polymerized to poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVP) in the presence of ligninolytic enzymes like laccases or peroxidases. This work explores in situ polymerization of 4-VP to PVP by supplementing ligninolytic enzymes during fermentation. Cultured in the presence of p-CA, the engineered C. glutamicum strain achieved a maximum 4-VP yield of 45.2%, 57.9%, and 34.7% when fed 2, 5, and 10 g/L p-CA, respectively. Low yield can be attributed to photodegradation of 4-VP and accumulation of the native laccase present in C. glutamicum which may form only dimers and trimers. To further investigate carbon utilization in the cell, the engineered strain was plasmid cured thus removing the PAD enzyme and fermentations for 13C pathway analysis was performed. Polymerization experiments were performed and the polymer was characterized using GPC.
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Synthetic Biology for Enhanced Protein Secretion to Valorize Biological and Synthetic Polymers

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Polymers have played a pivotal role in building modern society. Polymers can be classified as synthetic and natural polymers. Accumulation of both synthetic and natural polymer waste leads to environmental pollution. This dissertation aims at developing one-pot bioprocesses for a

Polymers have played a pivotal role in building modern society. Polymers can be classified as synthetic and natural polymers. Accumulation of both synthetic and natural polymer waste leads to environmental pollution. This dissertation aims at developing one-pot bioprocesses for a breakdown of natural polymers like cellulose, and hemicellulose and synthetic polymers like polyethylene terephthalate (PET). First, a one-pot process was developed for hemicellulose breakdown. A signal peptide library of native SEC pathway signal peptides was developed for efficient secretion of endoxylanse enzyme. Furthermore, in situ, the process was successfully created for hemicellulose to xylose with the highest reported xylose titer of 7.1 g/L. In addition, E. coli: B. subtilis coculture bioprocess was developed to produce succinate, ethanol, and lactate from hemicellulose in one pot process. Second, a one-pot process was developed for cellulose breakdown. In vitro enzyme assays were used to select SEC pathway signal peptides for endoglucanase and glucosidase secretion. Then, the breakdown of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), a cellulose derivative, was conducted in in situ conditions. U-13C fingerprinting study showed carbon enrichment from CMC when cultures were cofed with CMC and [U-13C] glucose. Further, Whatman filter paper sheets showed a change in shape in recombinant cocultures. SEM images showed continuous orientation in the case of two enzymes confirmed by fast Fourier transform (FFT), suggesting higher crystallinity of residues. Similarly, in microcrystalline cellulose breakdown in in situ conditions, a 72% reduction of avicel cellulose was achieved in a one pot bioprocess. SEM images revealed valleys and crevices on residues of coculture compared to smoother surfaces in monoculture residues pressing the importance of the synergistic activity of enzymes. Finally, one pot deconstruction process was developed for synthetic polymer PET. First, the PET hydrolase secretion strain was developed by selecting a signal peptide library. The first bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) consolidated bioprocess was developed, which produced a terephthalic acid titer of 7.4 g/L. PET breakdown was successfully demonstrated in in vitro conditions with a TPA titer of 4 g/L. Furthermore, PET breakdown was successfully demonstrated in in situ conditions. Consolidated bioprocesses can be an invaluable approach to waste utilization and making cost-effective processes.
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Characterizing and Releasing Biological Constraints for Lignocellulosic Bioconversion

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Lignocellulose, the major structural component of plant biomass, represents arenewable substrate of enormous biotechnological value. Microbial production of chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass is an attractive alternative to chemical synthesis. However, to create industrially competitive strains to efficiently convert lignocellulose to high-value chemicals, current

Lignocellulose, the major structural component of plant biomass, represents arenewable substrate of enormous biotechnological value. Microbial production of chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass is an attractive alternative to chemical synthesis. However, to create industrially competitive strains to efficiently convert lignocellulose to high-value chemicals, current challenges must be addressed. Redox constraints, allosteric regulation, and transport-related limitations are important bottlenecks limiting the commercial production of renewable chemicals from lignocellulose. Advances in metabolic engineering techniques have enabled researchers to engineer microbial strains that overcome some of these challenges but new approaches that facilitate the commercial viability of lignocellulose valorization are needed. Biological systems are complex with a plethora of regulatory systems that must be carefully modulated to efficiently produce and excrete the desired metabolites. In this work, I explore metabolic engineering strategies to address some of the biological constraints limiting bioproduction such as redox, allosteric, and transport constraints to facilitate cost-effective lignocellulose bioconversion.
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Construct Development for Mechanistic and Structural Elucidation of the Novel Dehydratase Domain AlnB_DH


Polyketides are a wide ranging class of natural microbial products highly relevant to the pharmacological industry. As chemical synthesis of polyketides is quite challenging, significant effort has been made to understand the polyketide synthases (PKSs) responsible for their natural production.

Polyketides are a wide ranging class of natural microbial products highly relevant to the pharmacological industry. As chemical synthesis of polyketides is quite challenging, significant effort has been made to understand the polyketide synthases (PKSs) responsible for their natural production. Native to Streptomyces, the aln biosynthetic gene cluster was recently characterized and encodes for an iterative type I polyketide synthase (iT1PKS). This iT1PKS produces both , and ,-double bond polyketides named allenomycins; however, the basis in which one bond is chosen over the other is not yet clear. The dehydratase domain, AlnB_DH, is thought to be solely responsible for catalyzing double bond formation. Elucidation of enzyme programming is the first step towards reprogramming AlnB_DH to produce novel industrially relevant products. The Nannenga lab has worked as collaborators to the Zhao lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to unravel AlnB_DH’s structure and mechanism. Here, mutant constructs of AlnB_DH are developed to elucidate enzyme structure and provide insight into active site machinery. The primary focus of this work is on the development of the mutant constructs themselves rather than the methods used for structural or mechanistic determination. Truncated constructs were successfully developed for crystallization and upon x-ray diffraction, a 2.45 Å resolution structure was determined. Point-mutated constructs were then developed based on structural insights, which identified H49, P58, and H62 as critical residues in active site machinery.

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Function, Structure, and Gene Expression in Electroactive Bacteria

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Electroactive bacteria connect biology to electricity, acting as livingelectrochemical catalysts. In nature, these bacteria can respire insoluble compounds like iron oxides, and in the laboratory, they are able to respire an electrode and produce an electrical current. This document investigates

Electroactive bacteria connect biology to electricity, acting as livingelectrochemical catalysts. In nature, these bacteria can respire insoluble compounds like iron oxides, and in the laboratory, they are able to respire an electrode and produce an electrical current. This document investigates two of these electroactive bacteria: Geobacter sulfurreducens and Thermincola ferriacetica. G. sulfurreducens is a Gramnegative iron-reducing soil bacterium, and T. ferriacetica is a thermophilic, Grampositive bacterium that can reduce iron minerals and several other electron acceptors. Respiring insoluble electron acceptors like metal oxides presents challenges to a bacterium. The organism must extend its electron transport chain from the inner membrane outside the cell and across a significant distance to the surface of the electron acceptor. G. sulfurreducens is one of the most-studied electroactive bacteria, and despite this there are many gaps in knowledge about its mechanisms for transporting electrons extracellularly. Research in this area is complicated by the presence of multiple pathways that may be concurrently expressed. I used cyclic voltammetry to determine which pathways are present in electroactive biofilms of G. sulfurreducens grown under different conditions and correlated this information with gene expression data from the same conditions. This correlation presented several genes that may be components of specific pathways not just at the inner membrane but along the entire respiratory pathway, and I propose an updated model of the pathways in this organism. I also characterized the composition of G. sulfurreducens and found that it has high iron and lipid content independent of growth condition, and the high iron content is explained by the large abundance of multiheme cytochrome expression that I observed. I used multiple microscopy techniques to examine extracellular respiration in G. sulfurreducens, and in the process discovered a novel organelle: the intracytoplasmic membrane. I show 3D reconstructions of the organelle in G. sulfurreducens and discuss its implications for the cell’s metabolism. Finally, I discuss gene expression in T. ferriacetica in RNA samples collected from an anode-respiring culture and highlight the most abundantly expressed genes related to anode-respiring metabolism.
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Structural and Functional Studies of Nonribosomal Peptide Synthases

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The world today needs novel solutions to address current challenges in areas spanning areas from sustainable manufacturing to healthcare, and biotechnology offers the potential to help address some of these issues. One tool that offers opportunities across multiple industries is

The world today needs novel solutions to address current challenges in areas spanning areas from sustainable manufacturing to healthcare, and biotechnology offers the potential to help address some of these issues. One tool that offers opportunities across multiple industries is the use of nonribosomal peptide synthases (NRPSs). These are modular biological factories with individualized subunits that function in concert to create novel peptides.One element at the heart of environmental health debates today is plastics. Biodegradable alternatives for petroleum-based plastics is a necessity. One NRPS, cyanophycin synthetase (CphA), can produce cyanophycin grana protein (CGP), a polymer composed of a poly-aspartic acid backbone with arginine side chains. The aspartic backbone has the potential to replace synthetic polyacrylate, although current production costs are prohibitive. In Chapter 2, a CphA variant from Tatumella morbirosei is characterized, that produces up to 3x more CGP than other known variants, and shows high iCGP specificity in both flask and bioreactor trials. Another CphA variant, this one from Acinetobacter baylyi, underwent rational protein design to create novel mutants. One, G217K, is 34% more productive than the wild type, while G163K produces a CGP with shorter chain lengths. The current structure refined from 4.4Å to 3.5Å. Another exciting application of NRPSs is in healthcare. They can be used to generate novel peptides such as complex antibiotics. A recently discovered iterative polyketide synthase (IPTK), dubbed AlnB, produces an antibiotic called allenomycin. One of the modular subunits, a dehydratase named AlnB_DH, was crystallized to 2.45Å. Several mutations were created in multiple active site residues to help understand the functional mechanism of AlnB_DH. A preliminary holoenzyme AlnB structure at 3.8Å was generated although the large disorganized regions demonstrated an incomplete structure. It was found that chain length is the primary factor in driving dehydratase action within AlnB_DH, which helps lend understanding to this module.
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Syntheses of Non-Canonical Amino Acids Containing Stilbene

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Non-canonical amino acids (NCAAs) can be used in protein chemistry to determine their structures. A common method for imaging proteins is cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) which is ideal for imaging proteins that cannot be obtained in large quantities. Proteins with indistinguishable

Non-canonical amino acids (NCAAs) can be used in protein chemistry to determine their structures. A common method for imaging proteins is cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) which is ideal for imaging proteins that cannot be obtained in large quantities. Proteins with indistinguishable features are difficult to image using this method due to the large size requirements, therefore antibodies designed specifically for binding these proteins have been utilized to better identify the proteins. By using an existing antibody that binds to stilbene, NCAAs containing this molecule can be used as a linker between proteins and an antibody. Stilbene containing amino acids can be integrated into proteins to make this process more access able. In this paper, synthesis methods for various NCAAs containing stilbene were proposed. The resulting successfully synthesized NCAAs were E)-N6-(5-oxo-5-((4-styrylphenyl) amino) pentanoyl) lysine, (R,E)-2-amino-3-(5-oxo-5-((4-styrylphenyl)amino)pentanamido)propanoic acid, (E)-2-amino-5-(5-oxo-5-((4-styrylphenyl) amino) pentanamido) pentanoic acid. A synthesis for three more shorter amino acids, (R,E)-2-amino-3-(3-oxo-3-((4-styrylphenyl) amino) propanamido) propanoic acid, (E)-2-amino-5-(3-oxo-3-((4-styrylphenyl) amino) propanamido) pentanoic acid, and (E)-N6-(3-oxo-3-((4-styrylphenyl) amino) propanoyl) lysine, is also proposed.

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Engineering Synthetic Coculture Systems for Enhanced Bioproduction Applications

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Bioconversion of lignocellulosic sugars is often suboptimal due to global regulatory mechanisms such as carbon catabolite repression and incomplete/inefficient metabolic pathways. While conventional bioprocessing strategies for metabolic engineering have predominantly focused on a single engineered strain, the alternative development of

Bioconversion of lignocellulosic sugars is often suboptimal due to global regulatory mechanisms such as carbon catabolite repression and incomplete/inefficient metabolic pathways. While conventional bioprocessing strategies for metabolic engineering have predominantly focused on a single engineered strain, the alternative development of synthetic microbial communities facilitates the execution of complex metabolic tasks by exploiting unique community features (i.e., modularity, division of labor, and facile tunability). In this dissertation, these features are leveraged to develop a suite of generalizable strategies and transformative technologies for engineering Escherichia coli coculture systems to more efficiently utilize lignocellulosic sugar mixtures. This was achieved by rationally pairing and systematically engineering catabolically-orthogonal Escherichia coli sugar specialists. Coculture systems were systematically engineered, as derived from either wild-type Escherichia coli W, ethanologenic LY180, lactogenic TG114 or succinogenic KJ122. Net catabolic activities were then readily balanced by simple tuning of the inoculum ratio between sugar specialists, ultimately enabling improved co-utilization (98% of 100 g L-1 total sugars) of glucose-xylose mixtures (2:1 by mass) under simple batch fermentation conditions. We next extended this strategy to a coculture-coproduction system capable of capturing and fixing CO2 evolved during biofuel production through inter-strain metabolic cooperation. Holistically, this work contributes to an improved understanding of the dynamic behavior of synthetic microbial consortia as enhanced bioproduction platforms and carbon conservation strategy for renewable fuels and chemicals from non-food carbohydrates
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Plasmid construction for the overexpression of waste biomass-degrading enzymes

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Lignin is a naturally abundant source of aromatic carbon but is largely underutilized in industry because it is difficult to decompose. Under the current study we engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum for the depolymerization of lignin with the goal of using it

Lignin is a naturally abundant source of aromatic carbon but is largely underutilized in industry because it is difficult to decompose. Under the current study we engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum for the depolymerization of lignin with the goal of using it as raw feed for the sustainable production of valuable chemicals. C. glutamicum is a standout candidate for the depolymerization and assimilation of lignin because of its performance as an industrial producer of amino acids, resistance to aromatic compounds in lignin, and low extracellular protease activity. Three different foreign and native ligninolytic enzymes were tested in combination with three signal peptides to assess lignin degradation efficacy. At this stage, six of the nine plasmid constructs have been constructed.

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Investigating strategies to enhance microbial production of and tolerance towards aromatic biochemicals

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Aromatic compounds have traditionally been generated via petroleum feedstocks and have wide ranging applications in a variety of fields such as cosmetics, food, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Substantial improvements have been made to sustainably produce many aromatic chemicals from renewable

Aromatic compounds have traditionally been generated via petroleum feedstocks and have wide ranging applications in a variety of fields such as cosmetics, food, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Substantial improvements have been made to sustainably produce many aromatic chemicals from renewable sources utilizing microbes as bio-factories. By assembling and optimizing native and non-native pathways to produce natural and non-natural bioproducts, the diversity of biochemical aromatics which can be produced is constantly being improved upon. One such compound, 2-Phenylethanol (2PE), is a key molecule used in the fragrance and food industries, as well as a potential biofuel. Here, a novel, non-natural pathway was engineered in Escherichia coli and subsequently evaluated. Following strain and bioprocess optimization, accumulation of inhibitory acetate byproduct was reduced and 2PE titers approached 2 g/L – a ~2-fold increase over previously implemented pathways in E. coli. Furthermore, a recently developed mechanism to

allow E. coli to consume xylose and glucose, two ubiquitous and industrially relevant microbial feedstocks, simultaneously was implemented and systematically evaluated for its effects on L-phenylalanine (Phe; a precursor to many microbially-derived aromatics such as 2PE) production. Ultimately, by incorporating this mutation into a Phe overproducing strain of E. coli, improvements in overall Phe titers, yields and sugar consumption in glucose-xylose mixed feeds could be obtained. While upstream efforts to improve precursor availability are necessary to ultimately reach economically-viable production, the effect of end-product toxicity on production metrics for many aromatics is severe. By utilizing a transcriptional profiling technique (i.e., RNA sequencing), key insights into the mechanisms behind styrene-induced toxicity in E. coli and the cellular response systems that are activated to maintain cell viability were obtained. By investigating variances in the transcriptional response between styrene-producing cells and cells where styrene was added exogenously, better understanding on how mechanisms such as the phage shock, heat-shock and membrane-altering responses react in different scenarios. Ultimately, these efforts to diversify the collection of microbially-produced aromatics, improve intracellular precursor pools and further the understanding of cellular response to toxic aromatic compounds, give insight into methods for improved future metabolic engineering endeavors.
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