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The Gut Microbiome and Americans' Quality of Life

For my thesis, I researched the impact of the gut microbiome on people's lives. My thesis paper explains what the microbiome is, the microbiome-gut-brain axis, the effect of the standard American diet on the human microbiome, and why children might

For my thesis, I researched the impact of the gut microbiome on people's lives. My thesis paper explains what the microbiome is, the microbiome-gut-brain axis, the effect of the standard American diet on the human microbiome, and why children might be the solution to fostering a more healthy and happy America. There is a direct connection between one's gut health and one's overall health and happiness. Since the microbiome influences many aspects of people's lives, it is important to take care of it and always protect it. Everything that people consume and expose themselves to will either enhance or destroy the gut microbiome. By bringing awareness of the importance of the gut microbiome to the general population and by providing better resources for Americans to cultivate a healthy microbiome, then more Americans will experience an overall greater quality of life.
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The Making of a Clothing Brand: A Creative Project


This creative project explores the variety of necessary tasks that one must undergo in order to start a clothing brand. As part this project, the athleisure, unisex clothing brand de Roos was created, which explores what it means to leave

This creative project explores the variety of necessary tasks that one must undergo in order to start a clothing brand. As part this project, the athleisure, unisex clothing brand de Roos was created, which explores what it means to leave a legacy as the last descendant of the de Roos family. Through a rollercoaster of trials and tribulations, these final reflection videos explore what it has taken to bring this venture to life in an ever-competitive fashion industry.

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Coconut Lair Boutique


I conducted market research for a potential boutique startup in Bermuda. In order to complete this I conducted interviews and surveys from my target market, as well as interviews with my competitors. I then presented a summary of how Coconut

I conducted market research for a potential boutique startup in Bermuda. In order to complete this I conducted interviews and surveys from my target market, as well as interviews with my competitors. I then presented a summary of how Coconut Lair Boutique could add value for its consumers and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

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The Instability of Life: Growing as a Philosopher, Scientist, and Woman

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Throughout the year I had the opportunity to work on a business venture that utilized dendrites as a unique identifier. Dendrites themselves are completely unique, random, branching structures that occur everywhere in nature. This creative project was inspired by the

Throughout the year I had the opportunity to work on a business venture that utilized dendrites as a unique identifier. Dendrites themselves are completely unique, random, branching structures that occur everywhere in nature. This creative project was inspired by the shape of the dendrite and I created a series of 12 paintings reflecting on my own unique college journey.

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Product Identification and Tracing Using Dendritic Identifiers: Effects of Temperature on Dendritic Identifiers Under Supply Chain Conditions

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The effects of temperatures found commonly along the supply chain were explored when interacting with dendritic identifiers of various common materials. Regression analyses showed that there was no statistical significance in relating SIFT correspondence values to the surface temperature of

The effects of temperatures found commonly along the supply chain were explored when interacting with dendritic identifiers of various common materials. Regression analyses showed that there was no statistical significance in relating SIFT correspondence values to the surface temperature of the dendrites. Physical inspection helped evaluate the integrity of specific material and substrate combinations along with possibilities for improvement in key point designation within SIFT and ORB image recognition software.

Date Created

Creating a Business Plan for New Dendrite Identification Technologies and Comparing Them to Existing Ones

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This thesis explore how current tracking technologies such as the 1D barcode, QR code, and RFID commercialized in the business world. After a comparison of the current technologies, a pitch is created for DENSEC ID and a subsequent business plan is created.

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