CacheLight: A Lightweight Approach for Preventing Malicious Use of Cache Locking Mechanisms

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With the rise of the Internet of Things, embedded systems have become an integral part of life and can be found almost anywhere. Their prevalence and increased interconnectivity has made them a prime target for malicious attacks. Today, the vast

With the rise of the Internet of Things, embedded systems have become an integral part of life and can be found almost anywhere. Their prevalence and increased interconnectivity has made them a prime target for malicious attacks. Today, the vast majority of embedded devices are powered by ARM processors. To protect their processors from attacks, ARM introduced a hardware security extension known as TrustZone. It provides an isolated execution environment within the embedded device in which to deploy various memory integrity and malware detection tools.

Even though Secure World can monitor the Normal World, attackers can attempt to bypass the security measures to retain control of a compromised system. CacheKit is a new type of rootkit that exploits such a vulnerability in the ARM architecture to hide in Normal World cache from memory introspection tools running in Secure World by exploiting cache locking mechanisms. If left unchecked, ARM processors that provide hardware assisted cache locking for performance and time-critical applications in real-time and embedded systems would be completely vulnerable to this undetectable and untraceable attack. Therefore, a new approach is needed to ensure the correct use of such mechanisms and prevent malicious code from being hidden in the cache.

CacheLight is a lightweight approach that leverages the TrustZone and Virtualization extensions of the ARM architecture to allow the system to continue to securely provide these hardware facilities to users while preventing attackers from exploiting them. CacheLight restricts the ability to lock the cache to the Secure World of the processor such that the Normal World can still request certain memory to be locked into the cache by the secure operating system (OS) through a Secure Monitor Call (SMC). This grants the secure OS the power to verify and validate the information that will be locked in the requested cache way thereby ensuring that any data that remains in the cache will not be inconsistent with what exists in main memory for inspection. Malicious attempts to hide data can be prevented and recovered for analysis while legitimate requests can still generate valid entries in the cache.
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Threats and Defenses in SDN Control Plane

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Network Management is a critical process for an enterprise to configure and monitor the network devices using cost effective methods. It is imperative for it to be robust and free from adversarial or accidental security flaws. With the advent of

Network Management is a critical process for an enterprise to configure and monitor the network devices using cost effective methods. It is imperative for it to be robust and free from adversarial or accidental security flaws. With the advent of cloud computing and increasing demands for centralized network control, conventional management protocols like Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) appear inadequate and newer techniques like Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) design and Network Configuration (NETCONF) have been invented. However, unlike SNMP which underwent improvements concentrating on security, the new data management and storage techniques have not been scrutinized for the inherent security flaws.

In this thesis, I identify several vulnerabilities in the widely used critical infrastructures which leverage the NMDA design. Software Defined Networking (SDN), a proponent of NMDA, heavily relies on its datastores to program and manage the network. I base my research on the security challenges put forth by the existing datastore’s design as implemented by the SDN controllers. The vulnerabilities identified in this work have a direct impact on the controllers like OpenDayLight, Open Network Operating System and their proprietary implementations (by CISCO, Ericsson, RedHat, Brocade, Juniper, etc). Using the threat detection methodology, I demonstrate how the NMDA-based implementations are vulnerable to attacks which compromise availability, integrity, and confidentiality of the network. I finally propose defense measures to address the security threats in the existing design and discuss the challenges faced while employing these countermeasures.
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FrozenNode: Static Linking of Node.js Applications

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Web applications are ubiquitous. Accessible from almost anywhere, web applications support multiple platforms and can be easily customized. Most people interact with web applications daily for social media, communication, research, purchases, etc. Node.js has gained popularity as a programming language

Web applications are ubiquitous. Accessible from almost anywhere, web applications support multiple platforms and can be easily customized. Most people interact with web applications daily for social media, communication, research, purchases, etc. Node.js has gained popularity as a programming language for web applications. A server-side JavaScript implementation, Node.js, allows both the front-end and back-end to be coded in JavaScript. Node.js contains many features such as dynamic inclusion of other modules using a built-in function named require which dynamically locates and loads code.

To be effective, web applications must perform actions quickly while avoiding unexpected interruptions. However, dynamically linked libraries can cause delays and thus downtime, because dynamically linked code must load multiple files, often from disk. As loading is one of the slowest operations a computer performs, seeking from disk can have a negative impact on performance which causes the server to feel less responsive for users. Dynamically linked code can also break when the underlying library is updated. Normally, when trying to update a server, developers will use test servers. However, if the developer accidentally updates a library in a dynamically linked system, it may be incompatible with another portion of the program.

Statically linking code makes it more reliable and faster (to load) than dynamically linking code. The static linking process varies by programming language. Therefore, different static linkers need to be developed for different languages. This thesis describes the creation of a static linker, called FrozenNode, for the popular back-end web application language, Node.js. FrozenNode resolves Node.js applications into a single file that does not rely on dynamic libraries. FrozenNode was built on top of Closure Compiler to accurately process JavaScript. We found that the resolved application was faster and self-contained yielding significant advantages over the dynamically loaded application. Furthermore, both had the same output.

Vulnerabilities in web applications can be found using static analysis tools, however static analysis tools must reason about dynamically linked application. FrozenNode can be used to statically link a Node.js application before being used by a JavaScript static analysis tool.
Date Created

The Security of Smart Cars: Toward Fingerprinting Vehicles

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Smart cars are defined by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) as systems providing connected, added-value features in order to enhance car users' experience or improve car safety. Because of their extra features, smart cars utilize

Smart cars are defined by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) as systems providing connected, added-value features in order to enhance car users' experience or improve car safety. Because of their extra features, smart cars utilize sophisticated computer systems. These systems, particularly the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus and protocol, have been shown to provide information that can be used to accurately identify individual Electronic Control Units (ECUs) within a car and the driver that is operating a car. I expand upon this work to consider how information from in-vehicle computer systems can be used to identify individual vehicles. I consider fingerprinting vehicles as a means of aiding in stolen car recovery, thwarting VIN forgery, and supporting an intrusion detection system for networks of smart and autonomous vehicles in the near future. I provide an overview of in-vehicle computer systems and detail my work toward building an ECU testbed and fingerprinting vehicles.
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HEF: A Hardware-Assisted Security Evaluation Framework

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Hardware-Assisted Security (HAS) is an emerging technology that addresses the shortcomings of software-based virtualized environment. There are two major weaknesses of software-based virtualization that HAS attempts to address - performance overhead and security issues. Performance overhead caused by software-based virtualization

Hardware-Assisted Security (HAS) is an emerging technology that addresses the shortcomings of software-based virtualized environment. There are two major weaknesses of software-based virtualization that HAS attempts to address - performance overhead and security issues. Performance overhead caused by software-based virtualization is due to the use of additional software layer (i.e., hypervisor). Since the performance is highly related to efficiency of processing data and providing services, reducing performance overhead is one of the major concerns in data centers and enterprise networks. Software-based virtualization also imposes additional security issues in the virtualized environments. To resolve those issues, HAS is developed to offload security functions from application layer to a dedicated hardware, thereby achieving almost bare-metal performance and enhanced security. As a result, HAS gained

more popularity and the number of studies regarding efficiency of the technology is increasing.

However, there exists no attempt to our knowledge that provides a generic test mechanism that is universally applicable to all HAS devices. Preparing such a testbed for each specific HAS device is a time-consuming and costly task for hardware manufacturers and network administrators. Therefore, we try to address the demands of hardware vendors and researchers for a generic testbed that can evaluate both performance and security functions of the HAS-enabled systems.

In this thesis, the HAS device evaluation framework (HEF) is defined for hardware vendors, network administrators, and researchers to measure performance of the system with HAS devices. HEF provides a generic test environments for a given HAS device by providing generic test metrics and evaluation mechanisms. HEF is also designed to take user-defined test metrics and test cases to support various hardware. The framework performs the entire process in an automated fashion, and thus it requires no user intervention. Finally, the efficacy of HEF is demonstrated by performing a case study using Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) adapter, which is a dedicated PCI express device for cryptographic tasks.
Date Created

Forensic Methods and Tools for Web Environments

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The Web is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of development in today’s technology. However, with such activity, innovation, and ubiquity have come a set of new challenges for digital forensic examiners, making their jobs even more difficult.

The Web is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of development in today’s technology. However, with such activity, innovation, and ubiquity have come a set of new challenges for digital forensic examiners, making their jobs even more difficult. For examiners to become as effective with evidence from the Web as they currently are with more traditional evidence, they need (1) methods that guide them to know how to approach this new type of evidence and (2) tools that accommodate web environments’ unique characteristics.

In this dissertation, I present my research to alleviate the difficulties forensic examiners currently face with respect to evidence originating from web environments. First, I introduce a framework for web environment forensics, which elaborates on and addresses the key challenges examiners face and outlines a method for how to approach web-based evidence. Next, I describe my work to identify extensions installed on encrypted web thin clients using only a sound understanding of these systems’ inner workings and the metadata of the encrypted files. Finally, I discuss my approach to reconstructing the timeline of events on encrypted web thin clients by using service provider APIs as a proxy for directly analyzing the device. In each of these research areas, I also introduce structured formats that I customized to accommodate the unique features of the evidence sources while also facilitating tool interoperability and information sharing.
Date Created

From Understanding Telephone Scams to Implementing Authenticated Caller ID Transmission

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The telephone network is used by almost every person in the modern world. With the rise of Internet access to the PSTN, the telephone network today is rife with telephone spam and scams. Spam calls are significant annoyances for telephone

The telephone network is used by almost every person in the modern world. With the rise of Internet access to the PSTN, the telephone network today is rife with telephone spam and scams. Spam calls are significant annoyances for telephone users, unlike email spam, spam calls demand immediate attention. They are not only significant annoyances but also result in significant financial losses in the economy. According to complaint data from the FTC, complaints on illegal calls have made record numbers in recent years. Americans lose billions to fraud due to malicious telephone communication, despite various efforts to subdue telephone spam, scam, and robocalls.

In this dissertation, a study of what causes the users to fall victim to telephone scams is presented, and it demonstrates that impersonation is at the heart of the problem. Most solutions today primarily rely on gathering offending caller IDs, however, they do not work effectively when the caller ID has been spoofed. Due to a lack of authentication in the PSTN caller ID transmission scheme, fraudsters can manipulate the caller ID to impersonate a trusted entity and further a variety of scams. To provide a solution to this fundamental problem, a novel architecture and method to authenticate the transmission of the caller ID is proposed. The solution enables the possibility of a security indicator which can provide an early warning to help users stay vigilant against telephone impersonation scams, as well as provide a foundation for existing and future defenses to stop unwanted telephone communication based on the caller ID information.
Date Created

Malware Analysis and Classification Framework: Detecting Financial Malware Using Machine Learning Techniques

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Malware that perform identity theft or steal bank credentials are becoming increasingly common and can cause millions of dollars of damage annually. A large area of research focus is the automated detection and removal of such malware, due to their

Malware that perform identity theft or steal bank credentials are becoming increasingly common and can cause millions of dollars of damage annually. A large area of research focus is the automated detection and removal of such malware, due to their large impact on millions of people each year. Such a detector will be beneficial to any industry that is regularly the target of malware, such as the financial sector. Typical detection approaches such as those found in commercial anti-malware software include signature-based scanning, in which malware executables are identified based on a unique signature or fingerprint developed for that malware. However, as malware authors continue to modify and obfuscate their malware, heuristic detection is increasingly popular, in which the behaviors of the malware are identified and patterns recognized. We explore a malware analysis and classification framework using machine learning to train classifiers to distinguish between malware and benign programs based upon their features and behaviors. Using both decision tree learning and support vector machines as classifier models, we obtained overall classification accuracies of around 80%. Due to limitations primarily including the usage of a small data set, our approach may not be suitable for practical classification of malware and benign programs, as evident by a high error rate.
Date Created

Memory Inspection Resistant Rootkit: An implementation and analysis

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The purpose of this project was to implement and analyze a new proposed rootkit that claims a greater level of stealth by hiding in cache. Today, the vast majority of embedded devices are powered by ARM processors. To protect their

The purpose of this project was to implement and analyze a new proposed rootkit that claims a greater level of stealth by hiding in cache. Today, the vast majority of embedded devices are powered by ARM processors. To protect their processors from attacks, ARM introduced a hardware security extension known as TrustZone. It provides an isolated execution environment within the embedded device that enables us to run various memory integrity and malware detection tools to identify possible breaches in security to the normal world. Although TrustZone provides this additional layer of security, it also adds another layer of complexity, and thus comes with its own set of vulnerabilities. This new rootkit identifies and exploits a cache incoherence in the ARM device as a result of TrustZone. The newly proposed rootkit, called CacheKit, takes advantage of this cache incoherence to avoid memory introspection from tools in secure world. We implement CacheKit on the i.MX53 development board, which features a single ARM Cortex A8 processor, to analyze the limitations and vulnerabilities described in the original paper. We set up the Linux environment on the computer to be able to cross-compile for the development board which will be running the FreeScale android 2.3.4 platform with a 2.6.33 Linux kernel. The project is implemented as a kernel module that once installed on the board can manipulate cache as desired to conceal the rootkit. The module exploits the fact that in TrustZone, the secure world does not have access to the normal world cache. First, a technique known as Cache-asRAM is used to ensure that the rootkit is loaded only into cache of the normal world where it can avoid detection from the secure world. Then, we employ the cache maintenance instructions and resisters provided in the cp15 coprocessor to keep the code persistent in cache. Furthermore, the cache lines are mapped to unused I/O address space so that if cache content is flushed to RAM for inspection, the data is simply lost. This ensures that even if the rootkit were to be flushed into memory, any trace of the malicious code would be lost. CacheKit prevents defenders from analyzing the code and destroys any forensic evidence. This provides attackers with a new and powerful tool that is excellent for certain scenarios that were previously thought to be secure. Finally, we determine the limitations of the prototype to determine possible areas for future growth and research into the security of networked embedded devices.
Date Created

Security Analysis of IoT Media Broadcast Devices

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IoT Media broadcast devices, such as the Roku stick, Amazon Fire, and Chromecast have been emerging onto the market recently as a portable and inexpensive alternative to cable and disk players, allowing easy integration between home and business Wi-Fi networks

IoT Media broadcast devices, such as the Roku stick, Amazon Fire, and Chromecast have been emerging onto the market recently as a portable and inexpensive alternative to cable and disk players, allowing easy integration between home and business Wi-Fi networks and television systems capable of supporting HDMI inputs without the additional overhead of setting up a heavy or complicated player or computer. The rapid expansion of these products as a mechanism to provide for TV Everywhere services for entertainment as well as cheap office appliances brings yet another node in the rapidly expanding network of IoT that surrounds us today. However, the security implications of these devices are nearly unexplored, despite their prevalence. In this thesis, I will go over the structure and mechanisms of Chromecast, and explore some of the potential exploits and consequences of the device. The thesis contains an overview of the inner workings of Chromecast, goes over the segregation and limited control and fundamental design choices of the Android based OS. It then identifies the objectives of security, four different potential methods of exploit to compromise those objectives on a Chromecast and/or its attached network, including rogue applications, traffic sniffing, evil access points and the most effective one: deauthentication attack. Tests or relevant analysis were carried out for each of these methods, and conclusions were drawn on their effectiveness. There is then a conclusion revolving around the consequences, mitigation and the future implications of security issues on Chromecast and the larger IoT landscape.
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