The Startup Venture Capital Journey: Vibes Clothing Technologies


This Thesis Project was completed to gain experience in how to create a viable business concept pitch as part of the start-up venture process. During the course of the project the company name–“Vibes Clothing”–and business proposition–“To provide fashion-minded athletic individuals

This Thesis Project was completed to gain experience in how to create a viable business concept pitch as part of the start-up venture process. During the course of the project the company name–“Vibes Clothing”–and business proposition–“To provide fashion-minded athletic individuals with stylish, versatile, and fully functional luminescent clothing.”–were conceived. However, to further develop the company idea into a viable business concept, market analysis, and customer research were conducted. The identified market conditions and customer desires were then utilized to refine Vibes Clothing's logo, brand, and product. These business and design considerations were then strategically implemented in a men’s-model luminescent clothing prototype. As a further part of ‘the creation of a business concept pitch’–typical of one given at a pitch competition or to a group of investors–a business executive summary and funding pitch presentation were also created. Ultimately, this Thesis Project successfully culminated as a formal business concept pitch; wherein a functional display prototype, business executive summary, and funding pitch presentation were all developed.

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Countdown: Circular Economy Solutions Upcycling Plastic Waste for Social, Environmental, and Economic Transformation


Plastic pollution is undoubtedly one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today. Significant action is required in order to properly address this rapidly growing threat. The Circular Economy provides a promising model for solution design in terms of responsible

Plastic pollution is undoubtedly one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today. Significant action is required in order to properly address this rapidly growing threat. The Circular Economy provides a promising model for solution design in terms of responsible consumption and production. Countdown: Circular Economy Solutions is an organization created by Jasmine Amoako-Agyei focused on addressing the threat of plastic pollution in the United States and Ghana, West Africa. The first part of this report will explain the severity of the global plastic pollution crisis and challenges with recycling. It will then present the Circular Economy as a viable model for a course of action. From there it will explain the efforts of Countdown: Circular Economy Solutions over the last two with a pathway forward. This venture leveraged the greater ASU ecosystem of resources such as Walton Sustainability Solutions, Precious Plastic ASU, the Luminosity Lab, Changemaker Central, Venture Devils, Engineering Projects in Community Service (ASU), Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy, KNUST, and Ashesi D: Lab.

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Casting Clausewitz: Revising On War’s Combat Equation

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In the preface to On War, Clausewitz describes his work as a series of loosely connected pure nuggets of knowledge. He then states his hope that his nuggets would eventually be connected and consolidated into what he calls a “final

In the preface to On War, Clausewitz describes his work as a series of loosely connected pure nuggets of knowledge. He then states his hope that his nuggets would eventually be connected and consolidated into what he calls a “final casting without dross”. It is the goal of this work to begin that consolidation and take steps towards a final casting and a more comprehensive understanding of war, combining Clausewitz’s models with modern findings not available at the time of On War’s conception. Using Clausewitz’s combat equation as a foundation for a framework on the nature of war, this work will synthesize many of On War’s central concepts, while also expanding upon the terms and mechanics presented in Book One. It is hoped that the resulting model will combine the best of Clausewitz’s findings in a way that makes the sum of the parts greater than the whole, and allows previous findings which were isolated to a particular silo of study to be cross examined for exponential application to the study of war. This may in due time, with additional contributions, result in the ever desired revolution in military affairs and enhance the military sciences for years to come.

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iWaandr: Life's Best Experiences. Shared.

iWaandr is a travel platform that allows users to find and share unique experiences. It will be a website that users can find on the internet. Every user will be able to post their own experiences on the

iWaandr is a travel platform that allows users to find and share unique experiences. It will be a website that users can find on the internet. Every user will be able to post their own experiences on the platform along with a description, important information, and a rating.
The problem we are trying to solve is that it still takes hours to search for and find unique non-touristy experiences around the world. At a time when people can use their smartphones to have a car show up to their doorstep in minutes, it is unacceptable that it still takes hours to find an non-touristy experience on the internet.
Our value proposition is that users will be able to be anywhere in the world and be able to find an authentic, non-touristy experience that interests them. iWaandr is the most complete experience discovery tool, providing the largest collection of unique and personal experiences around the world.
Our competition is the large incumbent travel and review companies like TripAdvisor and Airbnb. There are also less established competitors that see a similar gap in the market like Mapify and Cool Cousin. We also have niche competitors that are only focused on outdoor activities like AllTrails and Outbound Collective. Google and blogs would also be competitors because people search on Google for unique experiences.
Our innovation is that we are focusing on creating unique content while our competitors are focusing on new ways to display the same content. Our advantage isn’t in a feature we created because a company with more resources could easily copy it. In order to create unique and useful content, we had to figure out a way for users to intuitively and easily post an experience with as much relevant information as possible. This involved a lot of thought into our posting process. We believe our posting process allows users to consistently post unique and informative content.
The technology we are implementing is very similar to the FERN technology stack of Firebase as a database, ExpressJS and NodeJS as backend frameworks, and ReactJS as the front-end programming language. We chose this technology stack because it allows our platform to stay lean, and be efficient with data. This allows the platform to have increased performance and lower costs.
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Art VR: Virtual Reality Gallery

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ART VR LLC is a virtual reality art gallery software company. The company was founded by Phillips Andrew Koss IV in 2018. The goal of the company is to give art galleries the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a

ART VR LLC is a virtual reality art gallery software company. The company was founded by Phillips Andrew Koss IV in 2018. The goal of the company is to give art galleries the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a virtual reality headset. This is achieved through the development of the industry changing Virtual Reality application called Viewing Room. The very nature of art and its personal connection to the buyer makes it difficult for both the consumer and the seller to properly showcase the artwork without seeing it in person. In the increasingly online world of fine art there exists a disconnect between the art seen available online and the actual feel of the artwork in a space. The dimensions of an artwork can never be fully captured by a photograph as well as the colors and beauty of a piece of art depend entirely on how it is viewed. This creates an issue for galleries who deal with clients from all over the world as they have the issue of trying to sell a piece of artwork whose size cannot be fully grasped. The current solution is to have either the clients come into the gallery to view the work, ship it to them to see for themselves, or even attempt to show them a picture of it through the internet or mail relying on their sense of space and imagination to see how it would look. These ways cost time, money, and most of all potential sales. The Viewing Room application is positioned to become one of the few virtual reality applications tailored towards fine art galleries. The Viewing Room once used in a gallery setting allows the gallery to upload their artwork into the headset and the user can view the art and change various setting from frame, to mat color, to distance away to properly view the artwork without having to see it in person. The timing of this endeavor is well suited for success as VR technology has become affordable for use in commercial stores and the art world is moving more towards a digital presence.
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Entrepreneurship and the Advancement of Amateur Athletics

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The overall purpose of this study was to examine the model of revenue generating amateur athletics (namely men's basketball and football) as governed by the NCAA and to find a competitive model maximizing benefit for all involved stakeholders. This study

The overall purpose of this study was to examine the model of revenue generating amateur athletics (namely men's basketball and football) as governed by the NCAA and to find a competitive model maximizing benefit for all involved stakeholders. This study was examined using historical context, the Business Model Canvas popularized by Strategyzer, models of fair pay based on revenue in commerce, as well as the NCAA's own research. Major findings uncovered a structure operating as an oligopoly in which the only path of playing professional football is by way of playing through the NCAA, questions of importance on the educational aspect of the NCAA model for specific athletes, and the opportunities for new systems of organized men's basketball and football. Amateur collegiate athletics, specifically in men's basketball and football, could benefit from a new system that provides an additional path to the major professional leagues. Basketball has recently developed a system to verify the claims of this thesis while football is still reliant on the NCAA model. A future comparative analysis could be utilized to measure basketball's success or failure in their new system specifically targeting how it affects the athletes, the NBA, and the NCAA.
Date Created

3DCycler: Product Launch/Development

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Three dimensional printing is a growing field and an excellent medium for rapid prototyping. Its expansion has accelerated over recent years due to the increased affordability of the technology. It is now at the point where the startup cost to

Three dimensional printing is a growing field and an excellent medium for rapid prototyping. Its expansion has accelerated over recent years due to the increased affordability of the technology. It is now at the point where the startup cost to get into the field is down to the hobbyist price point. This means that there is an extremely high demand for affordable printing media. Current media such as ABS and PLA is extremely easy to form, but expensive and petroleum intensive to create. A recycling system that could work with a large variety of waste products could change the way that the maker community recycles. This Honors Thesis, or "Creative Project" will be centered on the product launch of small business 3DCycler. Although this launch will require pulling information and skills from various branches of both Business and Science, the scope of this project will be limited to specifically the market entrance of our small business/ product. Within this blanket goal, the project aims to define our target market/ its niche(s), develop proper IP/ lockout strategies, define future manufacturing strategies, and to fully define our beta product. The research was empirical in nature. Through data gathering techniques (e.g., consultations, interviews, survey), exploration was performed. Through these techniques the company 3DCycler took several calculated pivots in order to prepare the company for a strategic product launch and eventual acquisition.
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