Entrepreneurship and the Advancement of Amateur Athletics

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The overall purpose of this study was to examine the model of revenue generating amateur athletics (namely men's basketball and football) as governed by the NCAA and to find a competitive model maximizing benefit for all involved stakeholders. This study

The overall purpose of this study was to examine the model of revenue generating amateur athletics (namely men's basketball and football) as governed by the NCAA and to find a competitive model maximizing benefit for all involved stakeholders. This study was examined using historical context, the Business Model Canvas popularized by Strategyzer, models of fair pay based on revenue in commerce, as well as the NCAA's own research. Major findings uncovered a structure operating as an oligopoly in which the only path of playing professional football is by way of playing through the NCAA, questions of importance on the educational aspect of the NCAA model for specific athletes, and the opportunities for new systems of organized men's basketball and football. Amateur collegiate athletics, specifically in men's basketball and football, could benefit from a new system that provides an additional path to the major professional leagues. Basketball has recently developed a system to verify the claims of this thesis while football is still reliant on the NCAA model. A future comparative analysis could be utilized to measure basketball's success or failure in their new system specifically targeting how it affects the athletes, the NBA, and the NCAA.
Date Created

Gun Violence in America: An International Comparison

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The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast gun legislation and gun violence in the United States against two international countries. The countries that were chosen were the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The goal was to use the

The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast gun legislation and gun violence in the United States against two international countries. The countries that were chosen were the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The goal was to use the existing gun control models from the two international countries to develop an opinion of what can be done differently in the United States to reduce gun-related crime rates on the home front. Analysis of crime rates between the three countries proved that the United States is the country with the highest gun crime incidence. Specifically, the United States has, on average, 35 times the number of gun-related deaths per 100,000 people per year as the United Kingdom, and 2 times more gun-related deaths per 100,000 people per year than Switzerland. It has been determined that both legislative and cultural related changes need to be implemented in the United States in order for violent crime rates related to guns to ever be reduced.
Date Created

Business Opportunity Analysis: Cannabis Sharecropping Garden

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The Medical Cannabis industry is booming currently as 28 states and the District of Columbia now allow medical cannabis operations to proceed. However the current layout of medical cannabis operations is extremely limited, leaving room for innovations to occur. This

The Medical Cannabis industry is booming currently as 28 states and the District of Columbia now allow medical cannabis operations to proceed. However the current layout of medical cannabis operations is extremely limited, leaving room for innovations to occur. This Thesis will explore the opportunity surrounding the concept of a cannabis sharecropping garden. The goal is to portray any potential value the business concept presents as well as analyzing the processes and opportunity that lie within. A survey was utilized within this study in order to accurately gain information from the intended demographic of the business. Value proposition of the patient as well as the gap within the market are discussed accordingly. Topics that define the opportunity are analyzed, including market analysis, go to market strategy, as well as the financial return of the opportunity. Additionally, based upon the results of the study, a potentially feasible and investable business opportunity is presented.
Date Created