Understanding IBD; A Deep Dive into the Role of Diet in Disease Management


Every year, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is diagnosed in a growing number of the Americans. Consequently, an extensive amount of research has been dedicated to understanding this disease, and identifying which factors contribute to its symptoms. A large portion of

Every year, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is diagnosed in a growing number of the Americans. Consequently, an extensive amount of research has been dedicated to understanding this disease, and identifying which factors contribute to its symptoms. A large portion of this research has been focused on diet. This paper outlines some of the common diets that are recommended to help those with IBD. The diets discussed are the specific carbohydrate diet, IBD-AID, enteral/parenteral nutrition, low – FODMAP diet, and exclusion diet. It was found that there is a lot of overlap between these diets. Several foods such as corn, dairy, and processed meats were on the avoidance list for more than one diet. Additionally, several diets recommend including probiotic and prebiotic foods each day. From the research gathered in this paper, it is recommended to create an individualized diet with a team of healthcare professionals, using the diets discussed as a guide. While diet is only one of many lifestyle choices that can affect the symptoms of IBD, it is an important one to consider, and can greatly impact the quality of life for patients.

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Exploring the Paternal Voice's Impact on the Fetus

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Peer-reviewed literature on the effects of sound and music on babies ranging from the prenatal period to the postnatal period, called the perinatal period moving forward, is vast. Substantial research has been directed towards the neural connections they make with

Peer-reviewed literature on the effects of sound and music on babies ranging from the prenatal period to the postnatal period, called the perinatal period moving forward, is vast. Substantial research has been directed towards the neural connections they make with sound, musical therapy, audio learning, and much more. The primary focus of this thesis was to review the current literature on how the father's voice affects the fetus during the perinatal period. During the preliminary research of the topic, the process faced an immediate problem as this concept had very little substantial sources. The number of relevant articles or documents with the term “father” in the title can be counted on one hand. In some cases, research that explored the father’s voice did so only as a supporting statistic or comparison to the main goal of exploring the mother’s voice. The mother’s voice has been prioritized as a research topic because of the immediate physical connection between the mother and the child throughout the entire pregnancy. The third semester of pregnancy is often a period of study since what the mother senses, says or does will somehow translate into an experience for the child’s developing brain. On the other hand, the father’s voice has been considered an environmental sound, a position justified by some researchers due to phenomena such as differing levels of fetal attention and observed “preference” of a newborn. The scarcity of research regarding the father’s voice, or the voice of a non-parental male, can be explained in several ways. These include the father’s potential absence due to work, inherited ideologies and biases against active parenting for the father, parental roles, and their unwillingness to utilize infant-directed speech and singing for psychological reasons, during the perinatal period, compared to that of the mother. Researching ways to deepen the relationship between the father and baby during the perinatal period, along with developing new biotechnologies for different kinds of evaluative tests, will help advance the subject matter of how the father’s voice impacts a baby to a larger scale.

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Purification and Characterization of TRI 05 I13S M6I

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2,2’ bipyridine (Bpy) can form metal complexes with divalent metals in the form of [M(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2 where M is any divalent metal. These [M(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2 complexes can have very interesting photochemical and redox potentials that can be useful in more complex systems.

2,2’ bipyridine (Bpy) can form metal complexes with divalent metals in the form of [M(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2 where M is any divalent metal. These [M(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2 complexes can have very interesting photochemical and redox potentials that can be useful in more complex systems. The use of (2,2′-bipyridin-5yl)alanine (Bpy-ala) as a Noncanonical Amino Acid (NCAA) has allowed Bpy to be incorporated into an amino acid sequence which can now function in a protein scaffold. Previous studies have utilized that power of Bpy-ala to design a protein that can assemble a homotrimeric protein complex in the presence of a divalent metal. However, the issue with this design was that when the homotrimer was formed and the divalent was removed, the protein complex would not dissemble indicating that it was not metal dependent. Point mutations were made to disrupt the protein-protein interactions to favor disassembly in the absence of a divalent metal. Successfully, a mutation was made that allowed the designed protein to be metal dependent for self-assembly. Nevertheless, an issue with this design is that it poorly incorporated ruthenium(II) into the tris Bpy complex forming [Ru(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2, which was one of the main goals of the original design. This thesis sets out to form TRI 05 I13S M6I which should uphold the same metal-dependence as its predecessor and should combine ruthenium (II) into the protein complex forming [Ru(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2. The thesis shows the success of formation and expression of TRI 05 I13S M6I in Escherichia coli cells. This thesis also reports several purification steps and procedures to not only purify TRI 05 I13S M6I but also removing both the His-tag sequence and Fe(II) from the protein. The thesis also shows that TRI 05 I13S M6I does not behave like its predecessor in that it is not metal dependent for self-assembly. While this may be true, this paper also reports the incorporation of ruthenium (II) in the protein structure. Though this may be the first time that ruthenium (II) has been recorded to be in the TRI 05 protein complex with a significant signal, it is still nowhere near the optimal fluorescence that small molecule Bpy can achieve by itself. The thesis reports potential conditions and a plan of attack that should drive this project forward into achieving an optimal signal of the [Ru(Bpy-ala)¬3]+2 complex in a TRI 05 protein scaffold.
Date Created

Assessing Practices and Perceptions of Supplements Among College Students

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With the new independence of adulthood, college students are a group susceptible to adopting unsupported, if not harmful, health practices. A survey of Arizona State University undergraduate students (N=200) was conducted to evaluate supplement use, trust in information sources, and

With the new independence of adulthood, college students are a group susceptible to adopting unsupported, if not harmful, health practices. A survey of Arizona State University undergraduate students (N=200) was conducted to evaluate supplement use, trust in information sources, and beliefs about supplement regulation. Of those who reported using supplements, college students most frequently received information from friends and family. STEM majors in fields unrelated to health who were taking a supplement were found to be less likely to receive information about the supplement from a medical practitioner than those in health fields or those in non-STEM majors (-26.9%, p=0.018). STEM majors in health-related fields were 15.0% more likely to treat colds and/or cold symptoms with research-supported methods identified from reliable sources, while non-health STEM and non-STEM majors were more likely to take unsupported cold treatments (p=0.010). Surveyed students, regardless of major, also stated they would trust a medical practitioner for supplement advice above other sources (88.0%), and the majority expressed a belief that dietary supplements are approved/regulated by the government (59.8%).
Date Created

Understanding the Current State of Vaccination Coverage in Arizona Schools: A Correlational Analysis

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The purpose of this study was to investigate what correlations exist between the immunization and personal belief exemption (PBE) rates and selected characteristics of Arizona schools. The demographic information of a school's student body, the percentage of student who are

The purpose of this study was to investigate what correlations exist between the immunization and personal belief exemption (PBE) rates and selected characteristics of Arizona schools. The demographic information of a school's student body, the percentage of student who are on free or reduced lunch, the presence of a Title I program at the school, the median household income of the zip code the school resides in, and the presence of a school nurse were all compared with immunization and PBE rates. Using data provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS), the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and the United States Census Bureau, these factors were investigated for kindergarten and 6th grade students. It was found that a higher percentage of white students in a student body was correlated with an higher rate of PBE and a lower immunization rate for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), polio, and hepatitis B. A higher percentage of Hispanic students in a student body was correlated with a lower rate of PBE and a higher immunization rate for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), polio, and hepatitis B. There was little to no correlation between the percentage of students on free or reduced lunch and immunization or PBE rates. A higher median household income was correlated with a higher rate of PBE in public and private schools. Additionally, the immunization rates at schools with a nurse were significantly higher and the rate of PBE was significantly lower than at schools without a nurse. Finally, schools with a Title I program had mean immunization rates that were significantly higher and a mean PBE rate that was significantly lower than schools that did not have a Title I program.
Date Created

Does Nature Nurture?: The Positive Impact of Outdoor Immersion on Physical and Mental Health, and the Creation of an Arizona Outdoor Adventure Guide

Spending time outdoors can have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of individuals. These physiological and psychological benefits were comprehensively reviewed, accompanied by a brief history of these views in American society and how modern programs are

Spending time outdoors can have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of individuals. These physiological and psychological benefits were comprehensively reviewed, accompanied by a brief history of these views in American society and how modern programs are promoting outdoor activity. Some of the populations targeted in this research include children, veterans, the elderly, and the clinically ill. A guidebook for Arizona outdoor adventures \u2014 containing original landscape photography \u2014 was created to encourage ASU students to explore local hikes, campsites, and other outdoor opportunities near the city of Phoenix. Each entry contained a brief description of the area or trail, along with the distance from the ASU Tempe campus and information on the length and difficulty of the hike, if applicable. A section at the end of the book was aimed at education readers on basic outdoor survival protocol, as many people venture into the wild with very little understanding of the dangers associated with their activities. A website was made that mirrors the guidebook, but was intended to be a more accessible method of sharing our information. The final component of the project involved maintaining a social media account over the course of the year, allowing us to expand our reach to people beyond ASU and this community. Over the course of the project, the account gained a large following, and several posted photos went on to be featured on prominent regional accounts. By combining the four components described previously, several resources were created for people, particularly students attending ASU, to gain a better understanding of the outdoor adventures available to them, and the benefits that spending time surrounded by nature can have.
Date Created


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Continuing work has been done on a novel class of anti-cancer drugs employing a vinylogous extended amidine system functionalized into benzimidazole ring. Three new derivatives, utilizing a true sugar mimic at the N1-position, have been synthesized. Compounds 6-amino-1-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl-4-imino-2,5-dimethyl-1H-benzimidazole- 7-one (5),

Continuing work has been done on a novel class of anti-cancer drugs employing a vinylogous extended amidine system functionalized into benzimidazole ring. Three new derivatives, utilizing a true sugar mimic at the N1-position, have been synthesized. Compounds 6-amino-1-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl-4-imino-2,5-dimethyl-1H-benzimidazole- 7-one (5), 6-amino-1-[2-(2-hydroxysulfonoethoxy)ethyl-4-imino-2,5-dimethyl-1H-benzimidazole-7-one (6), and 6-amino-1-[2-(2-hydroxysulfonoethoxy)ethyl-4-methylimino-2,5-dimethyl-1H-benzimidazole-7-one (7) have been synthesized utilizing similar protocols used in the synthesis of previously screened anti-tumor drugs produced by this laboratory. Compounds (5) and (6) have undergone screening similar to the National Cancer Institute’s (NCIs) Developmental Therapeutic Program (DTP), performed by Dr. Dan LaBarbera at the University of Boston. Both compounds show high cytotoxicity, with complete cell death at 5 µM and bioactive concentrations in the low nanomolar concentrations; more complete data is forthcoming. The proposed mechanism of action is through inhibition of p90RSK 1-2 which is responsible for the phosphorylation of Bcl-2 associated death promoter (BAD), a key metabolite in directing the onset of apoptosis. Future directions of next generation derivatives include modifying the 2-position of the benzimidazole ring into a halogenating or alkylating agent and possibly replacing the methanesulfonate with a phosphate group. This research is being published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
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