A network function virtualization based load balancer for TCP

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A load balancer is an essential part of many network systems. A load balancer is capable of dividing and redistributing incoming network traffic to different back end servers, thus improving reliability and performance. Existing load balancing solutions can be classified

A load balancer is an essential part of many network systems. A load balancer is capable of dividing and redistributing incoming network traffic to different back end servers, thus improving reliability and performance. Existing load balancing solutions can be classified into two categories: hardware-based or software-based. Hardware-based load balancing systems are hard to manage and force network administrators to scale up (replacing with more powerful but expensive hardware) when their system can not handle the growing traffic. Software-based solutions have a limitation when dealing with a single large TCP flow. In recent years, with the fast developments of virtualization technology, a new trend of network function virtualization (NFV) is being adopted. Instead of using proprietary hardware, an NFV network infrastructure uses virtual machines running to implement network functions such as load balancers, firewalls, etc. In this thesis, a new load balancing system is designed and evaluated. This system is high performance and flexible. It can fully utilize the bandwidth between a load balancer and back end servers compared to traditional load balancers such as HAProxy. The experimental results show that using this NFV load balancer could have $n$ ($n$ is the number of back end servers) times better performance than HAProxy. Also, an extract, transform and load (ETL) application was implemented to demonstrate that this load balancer can shorten data load time. The experiment shows that when loading a large data set (18.3GB), our load balancer needs only 28\% less time than traditional load balancer.
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Performance optimization of linux networking for latency-sensitive virtual systems

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Virtual machines and containers have steadily improved their performance over time as a result of innovations in their architecture and software ecosystems. Network functions and workloads are increasingly migrating to virtual environments, supported by developments in software defined networking

Virtual machines and containers have steadily improved their performance over time as a result of innovations in their architecture and software ecosystems. Network functions and workloads are increasingly migrating to virtual environments, supported by developments in software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). Previous performance analyses of virtual systems in this context often ignore significant performance gains that can be acheived with practical modifications to hypervisor and host systems. In this thesis, the network performance of containers and virtual machines are measured with standard network performance tools. The performance of these systems utilizing a standard 3.18.20 Linux kernel is compared to that of a realtime-tuned variant of the same kernel. This thesis motivates improving determinism in virtual systems with modifications to host and guest kernels and thoughtful process isolation. With the system modifications described, the median TCP bandwidth of KVM virtual machines over bridged network interfaces, is increased by 10.8% with a corresponding reduction in standard deviation of 87.6%. Docker containers see a 8.8% improvement in median bandwidth and 4.4% reduction in standard deviation of TCP measurements using similar bridged networking. System tuning also reduces the standard deviation of TCP request/response latency (TCP RR) over bridged interfaces by 86.8% for virtual machines and 97.9% for containers. Hardware devices assigned to virtual systems also see reductions in variance, although not as noteworthy.
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Comparing a commercial and an SDN-based load balancer in a campus network

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Commercial load balancers are often in use, and the production network at Arizona State University (ASU) is no exception. However, because the load balancer uses IP addresses, the solution does not apply to all applications. One such application is Rsyslog.

Commercial load balancers are often in use, and the production network at Arizona State University (ASU) is no exception. However, because the load balancer uses IP addresses, the solution does not apply to all applications. One such application is Rsyslog. This software processes syslog packets and stores them in files. The loss rate of incoming log packets is high due to the incoming rate of the data. The Rsyslog servers are overwhelmed by the continuous data stream. To solve this problem a software defined networking (SDN) based load balancer is designed to perform a transport-level load balancing over the incoming load to Rsyslog servers. In this solution the load is forwarded to one Rsyslog server at a time, according to one of a Round-Robin, Random, or Load-Based policy. This gives time to other servers to process the data they have received and prevent them from being overwhelmed. The evaluation of the proposed solution is conducted a physical testbed with the same data feed as the commercial solution. The results suggest that the SDN-based load balancer is competitive with the commercial load balancer. Replacing the software OpenFlow switch with a hardware switch is likely to further improve the results.
Date Created

A framework for screening experiments and modelling in complex systems

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Complex systems are pervasive in science and engineering. Some examples include complex engineered networks such as the internet, the power grid, and transportation networks. The complexity of such systems arises not just from their size, but also from their structure,

Complex systems are pervasive in science and engineering. Some examples include complex engineered networks such as the internet, the power grid, and transportation networks. The complexity of such systems arises not just from their size, but also from their structure, operation (including control and management), evolution over time, and that people are involved in their design and operation. Our understanding of such systems is limited because their behaviour cannot be characterized using traditional techniques of modelling and analysis.

As a step in model development, statistically designed screening experiments may be used to identify the main effects and interactions most significant on a response of a system. However, traditional approaches for screening are ineffective for complex systems because of the size of the experimental design. Consequently, the factors considered are often restricted, but this automatically restricts the interactions that may be identified as well. Alternatively, the designs are restricted to only identify main effects, but this then fails to consider any possible interactions of the factors.

To address this problem, a specific combinatorial design termed a locating array is proposed as a screening design for complex systems. Locating arrays exhibit logarithmic growth in the number of factors because their focus is on identification rather than on measurement. This makes practical the consideration of an order of magnitude more factors in experimentation than traditional screening designs.

As a proof-of-concept, a locating array is applied to screen for main effects and low-order interactions on the response of average transport control protocol (TCP) throughput in a simulation model of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). A MANET is a collection of mobile wireless nodes that self-organize without the aid of any centralized control or fixed infrastructure. The full-factorial design for the MANET considered is infeasible (with over 10^{43} design points) yet a locating array has only 421 design points.

In conjunction with the locating array, a ``heavy hitters'' algorithm is developed to identify the influential main effects and two-way interactions, correcting for the non-normal distribution of the average throughput, and uneven coverage of terms in the locating array. The significance of the identified main effects and interactions is validated independently using the statistical software JMP.

The statistical characteristics used to evaluate traditional screening designs are also applied to locating arrays.

These include the matrix of covariance, fraction of design space, and aliasing, among others. The results lend additional support to the use of locating arrays as screening designs.

The use of locating arrays as screening designs for complex engineered systems is promising as they yield useful models. This facilitates quantitative evaluation of architectures and protocols and contributes to our understanding of complex engineered networks.
Date Created

Firewall rule set analysis and visualization

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A firewall is a necessary component for network security and just like any regular equipment it requires maintenance. To keep up with changing cyber security trends and threats, firewall rules are modified frequently. Over time such modifications increase the complexity,

A firewall is a necessary component for network security and just like any regular equipment it requires maintenance. To keep up with changing cyber security trends and threats, firewall rules are modified frequently. Over time such modifications increase the complexity, size and verbosity of firewall rules. As the rule set grows in size, adding and modifying rule becomes a tedious task. This discourages network administrators to review the work done by previous administrators before and after applying any changes. As a result the quality and efficiency of the firewall goes down.

Modification and addition of rules without knowledge of previous rules creates anomalies like shadowing and rule redundancy. Anomalous rule sets not only limit the efficiency of the firewall but in some cases create a hole in the perimeter security. Detection of anomalies has been studied for a long time and some well established procedures have been implemented and tested. But they all have a common problem of visualizing the results. When it comes to visualization of firewall anomalies, the results do not fit in traditional matrix, tree or sunburst representations.

This research targets the anomaly detection and visualization problem. It analyzes and represents firewall rule anomalies in innovative ways such as hive plots and dynamic slices. Such graphical representations of rule anomalies are useful in understanding the state of a firewall. It also helps network administrators in finding and fixing the anomalous rules.
Date Created

Infinite cacheflow: a rule-caching solution for software defined networks

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New OpenFlow switches support a wide range of network applications, such as firewalls, load balancers, routers, and traffic monitoring. While ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) allows switches to process packets at high speed based on multiple header fields, today's commodity

New OpenFlow switches support a wide range of network applications, such as firewalls, load balancers, routers, and traffic monitoring. While ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) allows switches to process packets at high speed based on multiple header fields, today's commodity switches support just thousands to tens of thousands of forwarding rules. To allow for finer-grained policies on this hardware, efficient ways to support the abstraction of a switch are needed with arbitrarily large rule tables. To do so, a hardware-software hybrid switch is designed that relies on rule caching to provide large rule tables at low cost. Unlike traditional caching solutions, neither individual rules are cached (to respect rule dependencies) nor compressed (to preserve the per-rule traffic counts). Instead long dependency chains are ``spliced'' to cache smaller groups of rules while preserving the semantics of the network policy. The proposed hybrid switch design satisfies three criteria: (1) responsiveness, to allow rapid changes to the cache with minimal effect on traffic throughput; (2) transparency, to faithfully support native OpenFlow semantics; (3) correctness, to cache rules while preserving the semantics of the original policy. The evaluation of the hybrid switch on large rule tables suggest that it can effectively expose the benefits of both hardware and software switches to the controller and to applications running on top of it.
Date Created

Scheduled medium access control in mobile ad hoc networks

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The primary function of the medium access control (MAC) protocol is managing access to a shared communication channel. From the viewpoint of transmitters, the MAC protocol determines each transmitter's persistence, the fraction of time it is permitted to spend transmitting.

The primary function of the medium access control (MAC) protocol is managing access to a shared communication channel. From the viewpoint of transmitters, the MAC protocol determines each transmitter's persistence, the fraction of time it is permitted to spend transmitting. Schedule-based schemes implement stable persistences, achieving low variation in delay and throughput, and sometimes bounding maximum delay. However, they adapt slowly, if at all, to changes in the network. Contention-based schemes are agile, adapting quickly to changes in perceived contention, but suffer from short-term unfairness, large variations in packet delay, and poor performance at high load. The perfect MAC protocol, it seems, embodies the strengths of both contention- and schedule-based approaches while avoiding their weaknesses. This thesis culminates in the design of a Variable-Weight and Adaptive Topology Transparent (VWATT) MAC protocol. The design of VWATT first required answers for two questions: (1) If a node is equipped with schedules of different weights, which weight should it employ? (2) How is the node to compute the desired weight in a network lacking centralized control? The first question is answered by the Topology- and Load-Aware (TLA) allocation which defines target persistences that conform to both network topology and traffic load. Simulations show the TLA allocation to outperform IEEE 802.11, improving on the expectation and variation of delay, throughput, and drop rate. The second question is answered in the design of an Adaptive Topology- and Load-Aware Scheduled (ATLAS) MAC that computes the TLA allocation in a decentralized and adaptive manner. Simulation results show that ATLAS converges quickly on the TLA allocation, supporting highly dynamic networks. With these questions answered, a construction based on transversal designs is given for a variable-weight topology transparent schedule that allows nodes to dynamically and independently select weights to accommodate local topology and traffic load. The schedule maintains a guarantee on maximum delay when the maximum neighbourhood size is not too large. The schedule is integrated with the distributed computation of ATLAS to create VWATT. Simulations indicate that VWATT offers the stable performance characteristics of a scheduled MAC while adapting quickly to changes in topology and traffic load.
Date Created

A new backoff strategy using topological persistence in wireless networks

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Contention based IEEE 802.11MAC uses the binary exponential backoff algorithm (BEB) for the contention resolution. The protocol suffers poor performance in the heavily loaded networks and MANETs, high collision rate and packet drops, probabilistic delay guarantees, and unfairness. Many backoff

Contention based IEEE 802.11MAC uses the binary exponential backoff algorithm (BEB) for the contention resolution. The protocol suffers poor performance in the heavily loaded networks and MANETs, high collision rate and packet drops, probabilistic delay guarantees, and unfairness. Many backoff strategies were proposed to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11 but all ignore the network topology and demand. Persistence is defined as the fraction of time a node is allowed to transmit, when this allowance should take into account topology and load, it is topology and load aware persistence (TLA). We develop a relation between contention window size and the TLA-persistence. We implement a new backoff strategy where the TLA-persistence is defined as the lexicographic max-min channel allocation. We use a centralized algorithm to calculate each node's TLApersistence and then convert it into a contention window size. The new backoff strategy is evaluated in simulation, comparing with that of the IEEE 802.11 using BEB. In most of the static scenarios like exposed terminal, flow in the middle, star topology, and heavy loaded multi-hop networks and in MANETs, through the simulation study, we show that the new backoff strategy achieves higher overall average throughput as compared to that of the IEEE 802.11 using BEB.
Date Created

Adapting sensing and transmission times to improve secondary user throughput in cognitive radio ad hoc networks

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Cognitive Radios (CR) are designed to dynamically reconfigure their transmission and/or reception parameters to utilize the bandwidth efficiently. With a rapidly fluctuating radio environment, spectrum management becomes crucial for cognitive radios. In a Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN) setting,

Cognitive Radios (CR) are designed to dynamically reconfigure their transmission and/or reception parameters to utilize the bandwidth efficiently. With a rapidly fluctuating radio environment, spectrum management becomes crucial for cognitive radios. In a Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN) setting, the sensing and transmission times of the cognitive radio play a more important role because of the decentralized nature of the network. They have a direct impact on the throughput. Due to the tradeoff between throughput and the sensing time, finding optimal values for sensing time and transmission time is difficult. In this thesis, a method is proposed to improve the throughput of a CRAHN by dynamically changing the sensing and transmission times. To simulate the CRAHN setting, ns-2, the network simulator with an extension for CRAHN is used. The CRAHN extension module implements the required Primary User (PU) and Secondary User (SU) and other CR functionalities to simulate a realistic CRAHN scenario. First, this work presents a detailed analysis of various CR parameters, their interactions, their individual contributions to the throughput to understand how they affect the transmissions in the network. Based on the results of this analysis, changes to the system model in the CRAHN extension are proposed. Instantaneous throughput of the network is introduced in the new model, which helps to determine how the parameters should adapt based on the current throughput. Along with instantaneous throughput, checks are done for interference with the PUs and their transmission power, before modifying these CR parameters. Simulation results demonstrate that the throughput of the CRAHN with the adaptive sensing and transmission times is significantly higher as compared to that of non-adaptive parameters.
Date Created

Statistical monitoring and control of locally proactive routing protocols in MANETs

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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted attention for mission critical applications. This dissertation investigates techniques of statistical monitoring and control for overhead reduction in a proactive MANET routing protocol. Proactive protocols transmit overhead periodically. Instead, we propose that the

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted attention for mission critical applications. This dissertation investigates techniques of statistical monitoring and control for overhead reduction in a proactive MANET routing protocol. Proactive protocols transmit overhead periodically. Instead, we propose that the local conditions of a node should determine this transmission decision. While the goal is to minimize overhead, a balance in the amount of overhead transmitted and the performance achieved is required. Statistical monitoring consists of techniques to determine if a characteristic has shifted away from an in-control state. A basic tool for monitoring is a control chart, a time-oriented representation of the characteristic. When a sample deviates outside control limits, a significant change has occurred and corrective actions are required to return to the in-control state. We investigate the use of statistical monitoring of local conditions in the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol. Three versions are developed. In A-OLSR, each node uses a Shewhart chart to monitor betweenness of its two-hop neighbourhood. Betweenness is a social network metric that measures a node's influence; betweenness is larger when a node has more influence. Changes in topology are associated with changes in betweenness. We incorporate additional local node conditions including speed, density, packet arrival rate, and number of flows it forwards in A+-OLSR. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to optimize timer values. As well, the Shewhart chart is replaced by an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart, which is more sensitive to small changes in the characteristic. It is known that control charts do not work as well in the presence of correlation. Hence, in A*-OLSR the autocorrelation in the time series is removed and an Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model found; this removes the dependence on node speed. A*-OLSR also extends monitoring to two characteristics concurrently using multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) charts. The protocols are evaluated in simulation, and compared to OLSR and its variants. The techniques for statistical monitoring and control are general and have great potential to be applied to the adaptive control of many network protocols.
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