Early Solar System Processes and Parent Body Relationships Recorded by Chromium and Titanium Isotopes in Meteorites

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Meteorites and their components can be used to unravel the history of the early Solar System. Carbonaceous chondrites are meteorites that originated from undifferentiated parent bodies that formed within a few million years of the beginning of the Solar System.

Meteorites and their components can be used to unravel the history of the early Solar System. Carbonaceous chondrites are meteorites that originated from undifferentiated parent bodies that formed within a few million years of the beginning of the Solar System. These meteorites contain calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), which are the oldest dated solids in the Solar System at ~4.567 billion years old and thus preserve a record of the earliest stage of Solar System formation. The isotopic compositions of CAIs and bulk carbonaceous chondrites can be used to identify the sources of material inherited by the protoplanetary disk, assess the degree of mixing in the disk, and evaluate sample origins and potential genetic relationships between parent bodies. In particular, mass-independent Cr and Ti isotopic compositions have proven to be especially useful for these purposes.

In this work, I first developed new methods for the chemical separation of Cr and Ti, improving the reliability of existing methods to ensure consistent yields and accurate isotopic measurements. I then measured the Cr and Ti isotopic compositions of CAIs from CV and CK chondrites to determine the extent of isotopic heterogeneity in the CAI-forming region and assess the role of CAIs in the preservation of planetary-scale isotopic anomalies. My results show that all measured CAIs originated from a common isotopic reservoir that incorporated material from at least three distinct nucleosynthetic sources and preserved limited isotopic heterogeneity. These results also suggest that planetary-scale isotopic anomalies cannot be attributed solely to the transport of CAIs from one part of the solar nebula to another. I finally measured the Cr and Ti isotopic compositions of bulk CM, CO, and ungrouped chondrites to evaluate the relationship between CM and CO chondrites, which have been suggested to originate from either distinct but related parent bodies or a common compositionally heterogeneous parent body. My results suggest that CM, CO, and related ungrouped chondrites originated from distinct parent bodies that formed from similar precursor materials in nearby formation regions. These results may have implications for asteroid samples returned by the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 missions.
Date Created

Modeling the Effects of Flow Conditions and Rheology on Lava Flows with Polyethylene Glycol

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This study explores the relationship between three physics-based predictive models defined by Castruccio et al. (2013), and four different distinct experimental morphologies of lava flows produced in a series of laboratory simulations where polyethylene glycol 600 (PEG) was pumped into

This study explores the relationship between three physics-based predictive models defined by Castruccio et al. (2013), and four different distinct experimental morphologies of lava flows produced in a series of laboratory simulations where polyethylene glycol 600 (PEG) was pumped into an inclined chilled bath of water. The length of the experimental flow was recorded over time to create an experimental model to later be compared to the physics-based predictive models. The experimental morphologies are pillowed, rifted, folded, and leveed flows which can be characterized by a dimensionless parameter 𝛹, which scales natural lava flows to experimental lava flows and is a ratio of timescales, the characteristic timescale of thermal flux from the vent and the characteristic timescale of crust formation caused by surface cooling (Fink and Griffiths 1990). The three physics-based models are presented such that the downslope gravitational acceleration drives the flow, while either the Newtonian viscosity of the flow, the Yield Strength of the core (YS), or the Yield Strength of the growing crust (YSC) is the primary retarding factor in flow propagation. This study concluded that low 𝛹-value flows (low flux, low temperature, extensive crust formation) are better captured by the YSC model. And although the Newtonian model did not perfectly capture the behavior of any experimental flows in this study, high 𝛹-value flows (high flux, high temperature, little crust formation) that formed levees exhibited the most Newtonian behavior.
Date Created

Structural and Geomorphic Mapping of Northern Claritas Fossae and the Thaumasia Graben, Mars: Implications for Formation

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In this thesis, I investigate possible formation processes in the northern Claritas Fossae and the large Thaumasia graben on Mars. In particular, I assess three proposed formation hypotheses for the region: a mega-landslide across the Thaumasia plateau, originating in Tharsis

In this thesis, I investigate possible formation processes in the northern Claritas Fossae and the large Thaumasia graben on Mars. In particular, I assess three proposed formation hypotheses for the region: a mega-landslide across the Thaumasia plateau, originating in Tharsis and moving to the south-west; a rift system pulling apart Claritas Fossae and opening the large Thaumasia graben generally propagating in a north-south direction: and extension caused by uplifting from underlying dike swarms. Using digital terrain models (DTMs) from the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) aboard Mars Express and visual images from the Context Camera (CTX) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), I analyzed the geomorphic and structural context of the region. Specifically, I produced geomorphologic and structural feature maps, conducted sector diagram analyses of fault propagation direction, calculated and compared extension and strain in local and regional samples, analyzed along strike throw-profiles of faults, and conducted surface age estimates through crater counting. I found that no single formation mechanism fully explains the surface features seen in Northern Claritas Fossae today. Instead I, propose the following sequence of events led to the surface characteristics we now observe. The region most likely underwent two episodes of uplift and extension due to sub-surface magmatic intrusions, then experienced an extensional event which produced the large Thaumasia graben. This was followed by the emplacement of a layer of lava burying the bottom of the Thaumasia graben and the eastern edge of the region. Additional extension followed across the eastern portion of the study area, and finally of a young lava flow was emplaced abutting and overprinting the southwestern edge.
Date Created

Identification and Quantitative Classification of Europa’s Microfeatures: Implications for Microfeature Formation Models and the Europa Clipper Flagship Mission

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Jupiter’s moon Europa is an active target of research because of its unique geology and its potential for habitability. Europa’s icy chaos disrupts and transforms the previous terrain, suggesting melting is involved. Chaos occurs alongside several types of endogenic surface

Jupiter’s moon Europa is an active target of research because of its unique geology and its potential for habitability. Europa’s icy chaos disrupts and transforms the previous terrain, suggesting melting is involved. Chaos occurs alongside several types of endogenic surface features. These microfeatures are under <100 km2 in area and include uplifts and domes, pits, spots, and hybrid features. The distribution of microfeatures is known in the ~10% of the Europa’s surface that are covered by the regional mosaics (“RegMaps”). The efforts to connect microfeature formation to any kind of heat transport in Europa are confounded because microfeatures are difficult to identify outside of RegMaps because of low image resolutions. Finding microfeatures outside of RegMaps would provide new observational constraints for microfeature formation models.

First, I mapped microfeatures across four of Europa’s RegMaps and validated them against other mapping datasets. Microchaos features are the most numerous, followed by pits, domes, then hybrids. Spots are the least common features, and the smallest. Next, I mapped features in low-resolution images that covered the E15RegMap01 area to determine error rates and sources of omission or misclassification for features mapped in low-resolution images. Of all features originally mapped in the RegMap, pits and domes were the least likely to be re-mapped or positively identified (24.2% and 5%, respectively). Chaos, spots, and hybrids were accurately classified over 70% of the time. Quantitatively classifying these features using discriminant function analysis yielded comparable values of accuracy when compared to a human mapper. Finally, nearest-neighbor clustering analyses were used to show that pits are clustered in all regions, while chaos, domes, and hybrids vary in terms of their spatial clustering.

This work suggests that the most likely processes for microfeature formations is either the evolution of liquid water sills within Europa’s ice shell or cryovolcanism. Future work extending to more areas outside of the RegMaps can further refine microfeature formation models. The detection of liquid water at or near the surface is a major goal of multiple upcoming Europa missions; this work provides predictions that can be directly tested by these missions to maximize their scientific return.
Date Created

Geologic Mapping of Ascraeus Mons, Mars

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Ascraeus Mons (AM) is the northeastern most large shield volcano residing in the Tharsis province on Mars. AM has a diameter of ~350 km and reaches a height of 16 km above Mars datum, making AM the third largest

Ascraeus Mons (AM) is the northeastern most large shield volcano residing in the Tharsis province on Mars. AM has a diameter of ~350 km and reaches a height of 16 km above Mars datum, making AM the third largest volcano on Mars. Previous mapping of a limited area of these volcanoes using HRSC images (13-25 m/pixel) revealed a diverse distribution of volcanic landforms within the calderas, along the flanks, rift aprons, and surrounding plains. The general scientific objective for which mapping was based was to show the different lava flow morphologies across AM to better understand the evolution and geologic history.

A 1: 1,000,000 scale geologic map of Ascraeus Mons was produced using ArcGIS and will be submitted to the USGS for review and publication. Mapping revealed 26 units total, broken into three separate categories: Flank units, Apron and Scarp units, and Plains units. Units were defined by geomorphological characteristics such as: surface texture, albedo, size, location, and source. Defining units in this manner allowed for contact relationships to be observed, creating a relative age date for each unit to understand the evolution and history of this large shield volcano.

Ascraeus Mons began with effusive, less viscous style of eruptions and transitioned to less effusive, more viscous eruptions building up the main shield. This was followed by eruptions onto the plains from the two main rift aprons on AM. Apron eruptions continued, while flank eruptions ceased, surrounding and embaying the flanks of AM. Eruptions from the rifts wane and build up the large aprons and low shield fields. Glaciers modified the base of the west flank and deposited the Aureole material. Followed by localized recent eruptions on the flanks, in the calderas, and small vent fields. Currently AM is modified by aeolian and tectonic processes. While the overall story of Ascraeus Mons does not change significantly, higher resolution imagery allowed for a better understanding of magma evolution and lava characteristics across the main shield. This study helps identify martian magma production rates and how not only Ascraeus Mons evolved, but also the Tharsis province and other volcanic regions of Mars.
Date Created

Utilizing science and technology to enhance a future planetary mission: applications to Europa

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A thorough understanding of Europa's geology through the synergy of science and technology, by combining geologic mapping with autonomous onboard processing methods, enhances the science potential of future outer solar system missions. Mapping outlines the current state of knowledge of

A thorough understanding of Europa's geology through the synergy of science and technology, by combining geologic mapping with autonomous onboard processing methods, enhances the science potential of future outer solar system missions. Mapping outlines the current state of knowledge of Europa's surface and near sub-surface, indicates the prevalence of distinctive geologic features, and enables a uniform perspective of formation mechanisms responsible for generating those features. I have produced a global geologic map of Europa at 1:15 million scale and appraised formation scenarios with respect to conditions necessary to produce observed morphologies and variability of those conditions over Europa's visible geologic history. Mapping identifies areas of interest relevant for autonomous study; it serves as an index for change detection and classification and aids pre-encounter targeting. Therefore, determining the detectability of geophysical activity is essential. Activity is evident by the presence of volcanic plumes or outgassing, disrupted surface morphologies, or changes in morphology, color, temperature, or composition; these characteristics reflect important constraints on the interior dynamics and evolutions of planetary bodies. By adapting machine learning and data mining techniques to signatures of plumes, morphology, and spectra, I have successfully demonstrated autonomous rule-based response and detection, identification, and classification of known events and features on outer planetary bodies using the following methods: 1. Edge-detection, which identifies the planetary horizon and highlights features extending beyond the limb; 2. Spectral matching using a superpixel endmember detection algorithm that identifies mean spectral signatures; and 3. Scale invariant feature transforms combined with supervised classification, which examines brightness gradients throughout an image, highlights extreme gradient regions, and classifies those regions based on a manually selected library of features. I have demonstrated autonomous: detection of volcanic plumes or jets at Io, Enceladus, and several comets, correlation between spectral signatures and morphological appearances of Europa's individual tectonic features, detection of ≤94% of known transient events on multiple planetary bodies, and classification of similar geologic features. Applying these results to conditions expected for Europa enables a prediction of the potential for detection and recommendations for mission concepts to increase the science return and efficiency of future missions to observe Europa.
Date Created

Volcanic history of the Tempe volcanic province

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Tempe Terra, Mars, has a complex history marked by volcanism and tectonism. Investigation results presented here build on previous work to better determine the volcanic history of the Tempe volcanic province by identifying and mapping previously undetected vents, characterizing all

Tempe Terra, Mars, has a complex history marked by volcanism and tectonism. Investigation results presented here build on previous work to better determine the volcanic history of the Tempe volcanic province by identifying and mapping previously undetected vents, characterizing all vents, identifying spatial and temporal trends in eruptive styles, comparing vent density to similar provinces such as the Snake River Plains of Idaho and Syria Planum and determining absolute age relationships among the volcanic features. Crater size-frequency distribution model ages of 120 Ma to 2.4 Ga indicate the province has been active for over half of the planet's history. During that time, age decreases from southwest to northeast, a trend that parallels the dominant orientation of faulting in the region, providing further evidence that volcanic activity in the region is tectonically controlled (or the tectonics is magmatically controlled). Morphological variation with age hints at an evolving magma source (increasing viscosity) or changing eruption conditions (decreasing eruption rate or eruption through thicker lithosphere).
Date Created