Early Solar System Processes and Parent Body Relationships Recorded by Chromium and Titanium Isotopes in Meteorites

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Meteorites and their components can be used to unravel the history of the early Solar System. Carbonaceous chondrites are meteorites that originated from undifferentiated parent bodies that formed within a few million years of the beginning of the Solar System.

Meteorites and their components can be used to unravel the history of the early Solar System. Carbonaceous chondrites are meteorites that originated from undifferentiated parent bodies that formed within a few million years of the beginning of the Solar System. These meteorites contain calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), which are the oldest dated solids in the Solar System at ~4.567 billion years old and thus preserve a record of the earliest stage of Solar System formation. The isotopic compositions of CAIs and bulk carbonaceous chondrites can be used to identify the sources of material inherited by the protoplanetary disk, assess the degree of mixing in the disk, and evaluate sample origins and potential genetic relationships between parent bodies. In particular, mass-independent Cr and Ti isotopic compositions have proven to be especially useful for these purposes.

In this work, I first developed new methods for the chemical separation of Cr and Ti, improving the reliability of existing methods to ensure consistent yields and accurate isotopic measurements. I then measured the Cr and Ti isotopic compositions of CAIs from CV and CK chondrites to determine the extent of isotopic heterogeneity in the CAI-forming region and assess the role of CAIs in the preservation of planetary-scale isotopic anomalies. My results show that all measured CAIs originated from a common isotopic reservoir that incorporated material from at least three distinct nucleosynthetic sources and preserved limited isotopic heterogeneity. These results also suggest that planetary-scale isotopic anomalies cannot be attributed solely to the transport of CAIs from one part of the solar nebula to another. I finally measured the Cr and Ti isotopic compositions of bulk CM, CO, and ungrouped chondrites to evaluate the relationship between CM and CO chondrites, which have been suggested to originate from either distinct but related parent bodies or a common compositionally heterogeneous parent body. My results suggest that CM, CO, and related ungrouped chondrites originated from distinct parent bodies that formed from similar precursor materials in nearby formation regions. These results may have implications for asteroid samples returned by the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 missions.
Date Created

Solar wind sodium and potassium abundance analysis in Genesis diamond-on-silicon and silicon bulk solar wind collectors, and how hydration affects the microtexture of olivine phase transformation at 18 GPa

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The present work covers two distinct microanalytical studies that address issues in planetary materials: (1) Genesis Na and K solar wind (SW) measurements, and (2) the effect of water on high-pressure olivine phase transformations.

NASA’s Genesis mission collected SW samples for

The present work covers two distinct microanalytical studies that address issues in planetary materials: (1) Genesis Na and K solar wind (SW) measurements, and (2) the effect of water on high-pressure olivine phase transformations.

NASA’s Genesis mission collected SW samples for terrestrial analysis to create a baseline of solar chemical abundances based on direct measurement of solar material. Traditionally, solar abundances are estimated using spectroscopic or meteoritic data. This study measured bulk SW Na and K in two different Genesis SW collector materials (diamond-like carbon (DlC) and silicon) for comparison with these other solar references. Novel techniques were developed for Genesis DlC analysis. Solar wind Na fluence measurements derived from backside depth profiling are generally lower in DlC than Si, despite the use of internal standards. Nevertheless, relative to Mg, the average SW Na and K abundances measured in Genesis wafers are in agreement with solar photospheric and CI chondrite abundances, and with other SW elements with low first ionization potential (within error). The average Genesis SW Na and K fluences are 1.01e11 (+9e09, -2e10) atoms/cm2 and 5.1e09 (+8e08, -8e08) atoms/cm2, respectively. The errors reflect average systematic errors. Results have implications for (1) SW formation models, (2) cosmochemistry based on solar material rather than photospheric measurements or meteorites, and (3) the accurate measurement of solar wind ion abundances in Genesis collectors, particularly DlC and Si.

Deep focus earthquakes have been attributed to rapid transformation of metastable olivine within the mantle transition zone (MTZ). However, the presence of H2O acts to overcome metastability, promoting phase transformation in olivine, so olivine must be relatively anhydrous (<75 ppmw) to remain metastable to depth. A microtextural analysis of olivine phase transformation products was conducted to test the feasibility for subducting olivine to persist metastably to the MTZ. Transformation (as intracrystalline or rim nucleation) shifts from ringwoodite to ringwoodite-wadsleyite nucleation with decreasing H2O content within olivine grains. To provide accurate predictions for olivine metastability at depth, olivine transformation models must reflect how changing H2O distributions lead to complex changes in strain and reaction rates within different parts of a transforming olivine grain.
Date Created

Structure and asymmetry in simulations of supernova explosions

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There are many lines of evidence for anisotropy at all scales in the explosions of core collapse supernovae, e.g. visual inspection of the images of resolved supernova remnants, polarization measurements, velocity profiles, "natal kicks" of neutron stars, or spectroscopic observations

There are many lines of evidence for anisotropy at all scales in the explosions of core collapse supernovae, e.g. visual inspection of the images of resolved supernova remnants, polarization measurements, velocity profiles, "natal kicks" of neutron stars, or spectroscopic observations of different regions of remnants. Theoretical stability considerations and detailed numerical simulations have shown that Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instabilities arise in the star after the explosion, which leads to the early fragmentation of parts of the ejecta. The clumps thus created are of interest to a variety of topics, one of them being the formation environment of the solar system. There is a high probability that the solar system formed in the vicinity of a massive star that, shortly after its formation, exploded as a core collapse supernova. As argued in this thesis as well as other works, a core collapse supernova generally is a good candidate for chemically enriching the forming solar system with material. As forming proto--planetary systems in general have a high probability of being contaminated with supernova material, a method was developed for detecting tracer elements indicative supernova contamination in proto--planetary systems.The degree of the anisotropy of the supernova explosion can have dramatic effects on the mode of delivery of that material to the solar system, or proto--planetary systems in general. Thus it is of particular interest to be able to predict the structure of the supernova ejecta. Numerical simulations of the explosions of core collapse supernovae were done in 3 dimensions in order to study the formation of structure. It is found that RT instabilities result in clumps in the He- and C+O rich regions in the exploding star that are overdense by 1-2 orders of magnitude. These clumps are potential candidates for enriching the solar system with material. In the course of the further evolution of the supernova remnant, these RT clumps are likely to evolve into ejecta knots of the type observed in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant.
Date Created