Methods for Modeling Metal Additive Manufacturing Deposition Using Computational Fluid Dynamics with a Commercial Package

With the growth of the additive manufacturing (AM) industry for metal components, there is an economic pressure for improved AM processes to overcome the shortcomings of current AM technologies (i.e., limited deposition rates, surface roughness, etc.). Unfortunately, the development of these

With the growth of the additive manufacturing (AM) industry for metal components, there is an economic pressure for improved AM processes to overcome the shortcomings of current AM technologies (i.e., limited deposition rates, surface roughness, etc.). Unfortunately, the development of these processes can be time and capital-intensive due to the large number of input parameters and the sensitivity of the process’s outputs to said inputs. There consequently has been a strong push to develop computational design tools (such as CFD models) which can decrease the time and cost of AM technology developments. However, many of the developments that have been made to simulate AM through CFD have done so on custom CFD packages (as opposed to commercially available packages), which increases the barrier to entry of employing computational design tools. For that reason, this paper has demonstrated a method for simulating fused deposition modeling using a commercially available CFD package (Fluent). The results from this implementation are qualitatively promising when compared to samples produced by existing metal AM processes, however additional work is needed to validate the model more rigorously and to reduce the computational cost. Finally, the developed model was used to perform a parameter sweep, thereby demonstrating a use case of the tool to help in parameter optimization.
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Linking Pyroclastic Surge Dynamics to Deposits through Scaled Laboratory Experiments

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Among the deadliest of explosive volcanic hazards are pyroclastic surges – fast-moving, hot, dilute ground-hugging currents that overtop topography and leave complex deposits. Understanding the link between surge dynamics and their deposits is crucial for forecasting the impacts of future

Among the deadliest of explosive volcanic hazards are pyroclastic surges – fast-moving, hot, dilute ground-hugging currents that overtop topography and leave complex deposits. Understanding the link between surge dynamics and their deposits is crucial for forecasting the impacts of future eruptions. To investigate surges, two sets of scaled laboratory experiments were conducted. Set 1 released fluid pulses into less-dense ambient water (3-m flume). Pulse fluids were saline solutions with and without particles, and alcohol-water-particle mixtures. Non-dimensional numbers are calculated using both input parameters and measured outcomes. Inputs - fluid density, particle size and concentration, and volume of fluid released - were varied to explore a range of conditions. Key output parameters obtained by video analysis are flow thickness and propagation velocity. Propagation velocity, Re, and Ri increased with increasing pulse density, while Pn decreased. Lab Re values indicate fully turbulent flows, consistent with natural flows. Lab Ri closely matched nature and flow propagation was largely controlled by negative buoyancy, with entrainment playing a minor role. All flows began as subcritical (Fr<1). Alcohol-water-particle runs exhibited buoyancy reversals caused by particle sedimentation, characterized by gradual deceleration and late-stage formation of buoyant plumes. Saline runs maintained nearly constant velocities. In the second set of experiments, alcohol-water-particle mixtures were pulsed over particle bed. Various substrate topographies were tested (flat, mound-trough sequences, steps, wedges). Deposits thickened in troughs and thinned on peaks. Progressive climbing dunes formed on the lee side of the second peak of double peaks and peak-trough combinations, and in step-up topographies. Regressive climbing dunes formed on the stoss side of the first peak of peak-trough combinations and step-down topographies, and on the stoss side of mounds. Climb angles were 16 to 36°, consistent with those documented in pyroclastic surge deposits. The occurrence of both regressive and progressive climbing dunes suggests localized transitions between subcritical and supercritical flow. No cross-beds formed on flat substrates, suggesting that complex substrate topography is required for bedforms to occur in nature. A code benchmarking effort is underway in which targeted model runs will be compared to both sets of experiments in order to develop comprehensive hazards prediction tool.
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Interactions Between Fluids, Melts, and Rocks in Subduction Zones

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My dissertation research broadly focuses on the geochemical and physical exchange of materials between the Earth’s crust and mantle at convergent margins, and how this drives the compositional diversity observed on the Earth’s surface. I combine traditional petrologic and geochemical

My dissertation research broadly focuses on the geochemical and physical exchange of materials between the Earth’s crust and mantle at convergent margins, and how this drives the compositional diversity observed on the Earth’s surface. I combine traditional petrologic and geochemical studies of natural and experimental high-pressure mafic rocks, with thermodynamic modeling of high-pressure aqueous fluids and mafic-ultramafic lithologies allowing for more complete understanding of fluid-melt-rock interactions. The results of the research that follows has important implications for: the role of lower crustal foundering in the geochemical origin and evolution of the modern continental crust (Chapter 2; Guild et al., under review), metasomatic processes involving aqueous metal-carbon complexes in high pressure-temperature subduction zone fluids (Chapter 3; Guild & Shock, 2020), natural hydrous mineral stability at the slab-mantle interface (Chapter 4; Guild, et al., in preparation) and water-undersaturated melting in the sub-arc (Chapter 5; Guild & Till, in preparation).
Date Created

Tecolote Cinder Cone Ballistics: Volcanic Bomb Formation and Dynamics

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Cinder cones are common volcanic structures that occur in fields, and on the flanks of shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas. Because they are common structures, they have a significant possibility of impacting humans and human environments. As such, there is

Cinder cones are common volcanic structures that occur in fields, and on the flanks of shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas. Because they are common structures, they have a significant possibility of impacting humans and human environments. As such, there is a need to analyze cinder cones to get a better understanding of their eruptions and associated hazards. I will approach this analysis by focusing on volcanic bombs and ballistics, which are large clots of lava that are launched from the volcanic vent, follow ballistic trajectories, and can travel meters to a few kilometers from their source (e.g. Fagents and Wilson 1993; Waitt et al. 1995).
Tecolote Volcano in the Pinacate Volcanic Field in Mexico contains multiple vents within a horseshoe-shaped crater that have all produced various ejecta (Zawacki et al. 2019). The objectives of this research are to map ballistic distribution to understand the relationship between the source vent or vents and the bombs and ballistics that litter the region around Tecolote, and interpret the eruption conditions that ejected those bombs by using their distributions, morphologies, and fine-scale textures.
The findings of this work are that these bombs are apparently from the last stages of the eruption, succeeding the final lava flows. The interiors and exteriors of the bombs display different cooling rates which can are indicated by the fabric found within. Using this, certain characteristics of the bombs during eruption were extrapolated. The ‘cow pie’ bombs were determined to be the least viscous or contained a higher gas content at the time of eruption. Whereas the ribbon/rope bombs were determined to be the most viscous or contained a lesser gas content. Looking at the Southern Bomb Field site, it is dominated by large bombs that were during flight were molded into aerodynamic shapes. The Eastern Rim site is dominated by smaller bombs that appeared to be more liquid during the eruption. This difference in the two sites is a probable indication of at least two different eruptive events of different degrees of explosivity. Overall, aerodynamic bombs are more common and extend to greater distances from the presumed vent (up to 800 m), while very fluidal bombs are uncommon beyond 500 meters. Fluidal bombs (‘cow pie’, ‘ribbon’, ‘rope/spindle’) show a clear trend in decreasing size with distance from vent, whereas the size-distance trend is less dramatic for the aerodynamic bombs.
Date Created

Rapid Decompression of Dense Particle Beds

Rapid expansion of dense beds of fine, spherical particles subjected to rapid depressurization is studied in a vertical shock tube. As the particle bed is unloaded, a high-speed video camera captures the dramatic evolution of the particle bed structure. Pressure

Rapid expansion of dense beds of fine, spherical particles subjected to rapid depressurization is studied in a vertical shock tube. As the particle bed is unloaded, a high-speed video camera captures the dramatic evolution of the particle bed structure. Pressure transducers are used to measure the dynamic pressure changes during the particle bed expansion process. Image processing, signal processing, and Particle Image Velocimetry techniques, are used to examine the relationships between particle size, initial bed height, bed expansion rate, and gas velocities.

The gas-particle interface and the particle bed as a whole expand and evolve in stages. First, the bed swells nearly homogeneously for a very brief period of time (< 2ms). Shortly afterward, the interface begins to develop instabilities as it continues to rise, with particles nearest the wall rising more quickly. Meanwhile, the bed fractures into layers and then breaks down further into cellular-like structures. The rate at which the structural evolution occurs is shown to be dependent on particle size. Additionally, the rate of the overall bed expansion is shown to be dependent on particle size and initial bed height.

Taller particle beds and beds composed of smaller-diameter particles are found to be associated with faster bed-expansion rates, as measured by the velocity of the gas-particle interface. However, the expansion wave travels more slowly through these same beds. It was also found that higher gas velocities above the the gas-particle interface measured \textit{via} Particle Image Velocimetry or PIV, were associated with particle beds composed of larger-diameter particles. The gas dilation between the shocktube diaphragm and the particle bed interface is more dramatic when the distance between the gas-particle interface and the diaphragm is decreased-as is the case for taller beds.

To further elucidate the complexities of this multiphase compressible flow, simple OpenFOAM (Weller, 1998) simulations of the shocktube experiment were performed and compared to bed expansion rates, pressure fluctuations, and gas velocities. In all cases, the trends and relationships between bed height, particle diameter, with expansion rates, pressure fluctuations and gas velocities matched well between experiments and simulations. In most cases, the experimentally-measured bed rise rates and the simulated bed rise rates matched reasonably well in early times. The trends and overall values of the pressure fluctuations and gas velocities matched well between the experiments and simulations; shedding light on the effects each parameter has on the overall flow.
Date Created

Modeling the effect of urbanization on climate and dust generation over desert cities

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Understanding and predicting climate changes at the urban scale have been an important yet challenging problem in environmental engineering. The lack of reliable long-term observations at the urban scale makes it difficult to even assess past climate changes. Numerical modeling

Understanding and predicting climate changes at the urban scale have been an important yet challenging problem in environmental engineering. The lack of reliable long-term observations at the urban scale makes it difficult to even assess past climate changes. Numerical modeling plays an important role in filling the gap of observation and predicting future changes. Numerical studies on the climatic effect of desert urbanization have focused on basic meteorological fields such as temperature and wind. For desert cities, urban expansion can lead to substantial changes in the local production of wind-blown dust, which have implications for air quality and public health. This study expands the existing framework of numerical simulation for desert urbanization to include the computation of dust generation related to urban land-use changes. This is accomplished by connecting a suite of numerical models, including a meso-scale meteorological model, a land-surface model, an urban canopy model, and a turbulence model, to produce the key parameters that control the surface fluxes of wind-blown dust. Those models generate the near-surface turbulence intensity, soil moisture, and land-surface properties, which are used to determine the dust fluxes from a set of laboratory-based empirical formulas. This framework is applied to a series of simulations for the desert city of Erbil across a period of rapid urbanization. The changes in surface dust fluxes associated with urbanization are quantified. An analysis of the model output further reveals the dependence of surface dust fluxes on local meteorological conditions. Future applications of the models to environmental prediction are discussed.
Date Created

Mechanical Modeling of Natural and Anthropogenic Fluid-Rock Interactions: Volcano Deformation and Induced Seismicity

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The dynamic Earth involves feedbacks between the solid crust and both natural and anthropogenic fluid flows. Fluid-rock interactions drive many Earth phenomena, including volcanic unrest, seismic activities, and hydrological responses. Mitigating the hazards associated with these activities requires fundamental understanding

The dynamic Earth involves feedbacks between the solid crust and both natural and anthropogenic fluid flows. Fluid-rock interactions drive many Earth phenomena, including volcanic unrest, seismic activities, and hydrological responses. Mitigating the hazards associated with these activities requires fundamental understanding of the underlying physical processes. Therefore, geophysical monitoring in combination with modeling provides valuable tools, suitable for hazard mitigation and risk management efforts. Magmatic activities and induced seismicity linked to fluid injection are two natural and anthropogenic processes discussed in this dissertation.

Successful forecasting of the timing, style, and intensity of a volcanic eruption is made possible by improved understanding of the volcano life cycle as well as building quantitative models incorporating the processes that govern rock melting, melt ascending, magma storage, eruption initiation, and interaction between magma and surrounding host rocks at different spatial extent and time scale. One key part of such models is the shallow magma chamber, which is generally directly linked to volcano’s eruptive behaviors. However, its actual shape, size, and temporal evolution are often not entirely known. To address this issue, I use space-based geodetic data with high spatiotemporal resolution to measure surface deformation at Kilauea volcano. The obtained maps of InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) deformation time series are exploited with two novel modeling schemes to investigate Kilauea’s shallow magmatic system. Both models can explain the same observation, leading to a new compartment model of magma chamber. Such models significantly advance the understanding of the physical processes associated with Kilauea’s summit plumbing system with potential applications for volcanoes around the world.

The unprecedented increase in the number of earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States since 2008 is attributed to massive deep subsurface injection of saltwater. The elevated chance of moderate-large damaging earthquakes stemming from increased seismicity rate causes broad societal concerns among industry, regulators, and the public. Thus, quantifying the time-dependent seismic hazard associated with the fluid injection is of great importance. To this end, I investigate the large-scale seismic, hydrogeologic, and injection data in northern Texas for period of 2007-2015 and in northern-central Oklahoma for period of 1995-2017. An effective induced earthquake forecasting model is developed, considering a complex relationship between injection operations and consequent seismicity. I find that the timing and magnitude of regional induced earthquakes are fully controlled by the process of fluid diffusion in a poroelastic medium and thus can be successfully forecasted. The obtained time-dependent seismic hazard model is spatiotemporally heterogeneous and decreasing injection rates does not immediately reduce the probability of an earthquake. The presented framework can be used for operational induced earthquake forecasting. Information about the associated fundamental processes, inducing conditions, and probabilistic seismic hazards has broad benefits to the society.
Date Created

The formation and degradation of planetary surfaces: impact features and explosive volcanic landforms on the Moon and Mars

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Impact cratering and volcanism are two fundamental processes that alter the surfaces of the terrestrial planets. Though well studied through laboratory experiments and terrestrial analogs, many questions remain regarding how these processes operate across the Solar System. Little is known

Impact cratering and volcanism are two fundamental processes that alter the surfaces of the terrestrial planets. Though well studied through laboratory experiments and terrestrial analogs, many questions remain regarding how these processes operate across the Solar System. Little is known about the formation of large impact basins (>300 km in diameter) and the degree to which they modify planetary surfaces. On the Moon, large impact basins dominate the terrain and are relatively well preserved. Because the lunar geologic timescale is largely derived from basin stratigraphic relations, it is crucial that we are able to identify and characterize materials emplaced as a result of the formation of the basins, such as light plains. Using high-resolution images under consistent illumination conditions and topography from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), a new global map of light plains is presented at an unprecedented scale, revealing critical details of lunar stratigraphy and providing insight into the erosive power of large impacts. This work demonstrates that large basins significantly alter the lunar surface out to at least 4 radii from the rim, two times farther than previously thought. Further, the effect of pre-existing topography on the degradation of impact craters is unclear, despite their use in the age dating of surfaces. Crater measurements made over large regions of consistent coverage using LROC images and slopes derived from LROC topography show that pre-existing topography affects crater abundances and absolute model ages for craters up to at least 4 km in diameter.

On Mars, small volcanic edifices can provide valuable insight into the evolution of the crust and interior, but a lack of superposed craters and heavy mantling by dust make them difficult to age date. On Earth, morphometry can be used to determine the ages of cinder cone volcanoes in the absence of dated samples. Comparisons of high-resolution topography from the Context Imager (CTX) and a two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion model show that the forms observed on Mars could have been created through Earth-like processes, and with future work, it may be possible to derive an age estimate for these features in the absence of superposed craters or samples.
Date Created

Investigation into the geodynamics of planetary ice-ocean systems: application to Jupiter's icy moon Europa

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The Jovian moon Europa's putative subsurface ocean offers one of the closest astrobiological targets for future exploration. It’s geologically young surface with a wide array of surface features aligned with distinct surface composition suggests past/present geophysical activity with implications for

The Jovian moon Europa's putative subsurface ocean offers one of the closest astrobiological targets for future exploration. It’s geologically young surface with a wide array of surface features aligned with distinct surface composition suggests past/present geophysical activity with implications for habitability. In this body of work, I propose a hypothesis for material transport from the ocean towards the surface via a convecting ice-shell. Geodynamical modeling is used to perform numerical experiments on a two-phase water-ice system to test the hypotheses. From these models, I conclude that it is possible for trace oceanic chemistry, entrapped into the newly forming ice at the ice-ocean phase interface, to reach near-surface. This new ice is advected across the ice-shell and towards the surface affirming a dynamical possibility for material transport across the ice-ocean system, of significance to astrobiological prospecting. Next, I use these self-consistent ice-ocean models to study the thickening of ice-shell over time. Europa is subject to the immense gravity field of Jupiter that generates tidal heating within the moon. Analysis of cases with uniform and localized internal tidal heating reveal that as the ice-shell grows from a warm initial ocean, there is an increase in the size of convection cells which causes a dramatic increase in the growth rate of the ice-shell. Addition of sufficient amount of heat also results in an ice-shell at an equilibrium thickness. Localization of tidal heating as a function of viscosity controls the equilibrium thickness. These models are then used to understand how compositional heterogeneity can be created in a growing ice-shell. Impurities (e.g. salts on the surface) that enter the ice-shell get trapped in the thickening ice-shell by freezing. I show the distribution pattern of heterogeneities that can form within the ice-shell at different times. This may be of potential application in identifying the longevity and mobility of brine pockets in Europa's ice-shell which are thought to be potential habitable niches.
Date Created

Geologic Mapping of Ascraeus Mons, Mars

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Ascraeus Mons (AM) is the northeastern most large shield volcano residing in the Tharsis province on Mars. AM has a diameter of ~350 km and reaches a height of 16 km above Mars datum, making AM the third largest

Ascraeus Mons (AM) is the northeastern most large shield volcano residing in the Tharsis province on Mars. AM has a diameter of ~350 km and reaches a height of 16 km above Mars datum, making AM the third largest volcano on Mars. Previous mapping of a limited area of these volcanoes using HRSC images (13-25 m/pixel) revealed a diverse distribution of volcanic landforms within the calderas, along the flanks, rift aprons, and surrounding plains. The general scientific objective for which mapping was based was to show the different lava flow morphologies across AM to better understand the evolution and geologic history.

A 1: 1,000,000 scale geologic map of Ascraeus Mons was produced using ArcGIS and will be submitted to the USGS for review and publication. Mapping revealed 26 units total, broken into three separate categories: Flank units, Apron and Scarp units, and Plains units. Units were defined by geomorphological characteristics such as: surface texture, albedo, size, location, and source. Defining units in this manner allowed for contact relationships to be observed, creating a relative age date for each unit to understand the evolution and history of this large shield volcano.

Ascraeus Mons began with effusive, less viscous style of eruptions and transitioned to less effusive, more viscous eruptions building up the main shield. This was followed by eruptions onto the plains from the two main rift aprons on AM. Apron eruptions continued, while flank eruptions ceased, surrounding and embaying the flanks of AM. Eruptions from the rifts wane and build up the large aprons and low shield fields. Glaciers modified the base of the west flank and deposited the Aureole material. Followed by localized recent eruptions on the flanks, in the calderas, and small vent fields. Currently AM is modified by aeolian and tectonic processes. While the overall story of Ascraeus Mons does not change significantly, higher resolution imagery allowed for a better understanding of magma evolution and lava characteristics across the main shield. This study helps identify martian magma production rates and how not only Ascraeus Mons evolved, but also the Tharsis province and other volcanic regions of Mars.
Date Created