Recovery Methodology for Athletes: The Physiological Effects on the Body From Cold and Heat Exposures

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Recovery Methodology for Athletes: The Physiological Effects on the Body From Cold and Heat Exposures


Recovery from exercise has become an evolving aspect of all sports performance. Increased research has led numerous individuals to understand and utilize the modalities that have become available. Methods such as Cold Water Immersion (CWI), Contrast Water Therapy (CWT), and

Recovery from exercise has become an evolving aspect of all sports performance. Increased research has led numerous individuals to understand and utilize the modalities that have become available. Methods such as Cold Water Immersion (CWI), Contrast Water Therapy (CWT), and Hot Water Immersion (HWI) are some of the modalities growing in popularity as well as utilization by athletes across all sports. This paper aims to examine and analyze evidence across several research journals that evaluate the effectiveness and also application of these recovery methods. Cold and heat exposures on the body can have a drastic positive impact on athletic performance. However, without the correct knowledge and guidance, these methods can augment, mitigate, and even diminish the effects of adaptation and exercise. This thesis aims to examine research journals and extract specific practices based on empirical evidence. This is to form proper deliverables and protocols for athletes to use for ideal adaptations and recovery for performance.

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Nutrition Protocols for Injured Athletes

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This thesis project will discuss how the three macronutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat, benefit the body and what happens when the body is lacking in any of them. It also delves into micronutrients and supplements and how those can aid

This thesis project will discuss how the three macronutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat, benefit the body and what happens when the body is lacking in any of them. It also delves into micronutrients and supplements and how those can aid in the recovery process following an injury. Inflammation and sleep as well as mood disturbances are also explained. Meal options are available in the second half of this paper displaying pictures of nutritional meals along with their ingredients, instructions and calories. This project displays how a lack of protein can decrease muscle protein synthesis, how carbohydrate deficiency can lead to fatigue and more injury and how Omega-3 fatty acids are more beneficial than Omega-6 fatty acids. In addition, the paper discusses how vitamins, such as vitamin D and C, are important in providing bone strength and preventing excess inflammation. Supplements are reported to be beneficial, however, a disadvantage of consuming nutrients from a synthetic source can rob the athlete of a healthy mixture of nutrients and minerals. Overall, consumption of proper nutrients can aid in the recovery process following an injury and sleep is an important factor that should also be considered while the body heals.

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Dietary Intake Behaviors of Recreational Mountain Hikers Climbing "A" Mountain in Summer and Fall

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More than 200 hikers are rescued annually in the greater Phoenix area. This study

examined the impact of hiking in hot (HOT), dry temperatures versus moderate (MOD)

temperatures on dietary intake behaviors as well as markers of heat stress. Twelve

recreational mountain hikers

More than 200 hikers are rescued annually in the greater Phoenix area. This study

examined the impact of hiking in hot (HOT), dry temperatures versus moderate (MOD)

temperatures on dietary intake behaviors as well as markers of heat stress. Twelve

recreational mountain hikers climbed “A” Mountain four consecutive times (4-miles) on

a HOT day (WBGT=31.6 °C) and again on a MOD day (WBGT= 19.0 °C). Simulated

food and fluid behavior allowed participants to bring what they normally would for a 4-

mile hike and to consume both ad libitum. The following heat stress indicators (mean

difference; p-value), were all significantly higher on the HOT hike compared to the MOD

hike: average core temperature (0.6 °C; p=0.002), average rating of perceived exertion

(2.6; p=0.005), sweat rate (0.54; p=0.01), and fluid consumption (753; p<0.001). On the

HOT hike, 42% of the participants brought enough fluids to meet their individual

calculated fluid needs, however less than 20% actually consumed enough to meet those

needs. On the MOD hike, 56% of participants brought enough fluids to meet their needs,

but only 33% actually consumed enough to meet them. Morning-after USG samples

≥1.020 indicating dehydration on an individual level showed 75% of hikers after the

HOT hike and 67% after the MOD hike were unable to compensate for fluids lost during

the previous day’s hike. Furthermore, participant food intake was low with only three

hikers consuming food on the hot hike, an average of 33.2g of food. No food was

consumed on the MOD hike. These results demonstrate that hikers did not consume

enough fluids to meet their needs while hiking, especially in the heat. They also show

heat stress negatively affected hiker’s physiological and performance measures. Future

recommendations should address food and fluid consumption while hiking in the heat.
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The Future of Regenerative Medicine in Professional Sports

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Regenerative medicine is a relatively new area of interest among researchers and physicians alike and has truly come to light within the last twenty years. Its purpose is to “regenerate” cells in our body to return tissue and organs systems

Regenerative medicine is a relatively new area of interest among researchers and physicians alike and has truly come to light within the last twenty years. Its purpose is to “regenerate” cells in our body to return tissue and organs systems to their normal functions by utilizing innate cell mechanisms. Uses have ranged from growing completely new body tissue in labs, to promoting the repair of damaged neurons. More recently, the use of regenerative medicine techniques such as stem cell and platelet rich plasma therapy has seen significant growth throughout high level and professional sports. Beginning in the early 2000s, treatments quickly gained popularity as professional athletes began using them as an alternative to surgery, but this came before any concrete scientific support. This thesis paper will analyze the current statistical data supporting the use of platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy and associated regulations to describe the connection between regenerative medicine and sports.
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Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis through Lifestyle Changes: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, and Stress Management

Multiple sclerosis is currently deemed the most common autoimmune disease. By definition, multiple sclerosis, known more commonly as MS, involves an immune-mediated process in which an abnormal response of the body’s immune system is directed against the central nervous system

Multiple sclerosis is currently deemed the most common autoimmune disease. By definition, multiple sclerosis, known more commonly as MS, involves an immune-mediated process in which an abnormal response of the body’s immune system is directed against the central nervous system (“Definition of MS,” n.d.). Common treatment protocols call for daily, monthly, or yearly disease-modifying medications. These drugs are taken indefinitely to stop the spread and appearance of new lesions, improve symptoms, and offer relief to the afflicted individuals. The necessity for patients to take these basic medical treatments is paramount, however, it should not be overlooked to make lifestyle changes as well. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed understanding of multiple sclerosis, its etiology evolution, and medical advancements, while emphasizing the necessary transitions which must be made from a nutritional and lifestyle management standpoint. A brief focus will be placed on sleep, exercise, and stress management, with an emphasis on nutrition.
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Nutrition Course and Culinary Demonstrations To Increase Perceived Importance of Nutrition in Medical Students

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Healthy lifestyle behaviors including quality nutrition have been shown to successfully prevent chronic disease or minimize symptoms. However, many physicians lack the knowledge and skills to provide adequate nutrition counseling and education for their patients. A major component of

Healthy lifestyle behaviors including quality nutrition have been shown to successfully prevent chronic disease or minimize symptoms. However, many physicians lack the knowledge and skills to provide adequate nutrition counseling and education for their patients. A major component of this problem is that medical schools are not required to teach nutrition education. The purpose of this feasibility study was to compare the changes in the perceived importance of nutrition in the medical field in medical students before and after participating in a week-long interactive nutrition course in order to determine if a week-long course can positively influence students’ perceptions of nutrition. Ultimately by changing these perceptions, medical students may be able to better help patients prevent chronic disease. The participants were first year medical students at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Scottsdale, AZ) who chose to participate in this medical school “Selective”. The study included a five-day curriculum of case-studies, lectures from specialized health professionals, and a cooking class led by a chef who trained in France. An anonymous pre- and post-study questionnaire with five-point Likert scale questions was used to measure changes in attitudes. The data suggest that students’ perceptions regarding the importance and relevance of nutrition in the medical shifted slightly more positive after attending this Selective, although these shifts in attitude were not statistically significant. Limitations of this study include a small sample size and selection bias, which may have decreased the potential of having significant results. Both of these factors also make the results of this study less generalizable to all medical students. This study supports the need for a larger experimental study of a similar design to verify that an interactive, evidence-based nutrition class and culinary experience increases medical students’ positive perceptions of nutrition in the medical field.
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Comparing glutathione in the plasma of vegetarian and omnivore populations

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Background: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that it is possible for a vegetarian to obtain the recommended amount of nutrients with a properly planned diet but nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, may occur if diet planning

Background: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that it is possible for a vegetarian to obtain the recommended amount of nutrients with a properly planned diet but nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, may occur if diet planning is not optimal. An early indicator of B12 deficiency is raised homocysteine concentrations in blood which can cause health issues.

Objective: The amino acid methionine is consumed via dietary protein. Methionine is used in the biosynthesis of other proteins. After a removal of a methyl group, it makes homocysteine. Slightly raised homocysteine may promote greater synthesis of glutathione, an important endogenous antioxidant protectant. It can then be recycled back into methionine or converted into cysteine with the addition of various B-vitamins such as vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Cysteine then uses outside sources of glutamate and glycine to create glutathione (GSH). With the catalyst glutathione peroxidase it donates an electron and becomes the oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG). It can then convert back to GSH with the aid of glutathione reductase by using the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as an electron donor. This study will examine glutathione levels in omnivores and vegetarians and see if it is related to vitamin B12 and homocysteine levels.

Design: This cross-sectional study encompassed 16 omnivores and 17 vegetarians from Phoenix, Arizona. A vegetarian diet was defined as one that excludes red meat, poultry, pork and seafood but allows dairy products and/or eggs; the diet had to be followed for at least one year. An omnivore diet is defined as eats meat daily. Participants completed a diet questionnaire and a vitamin B12, B6 and folate food questionnaire and provided a fasting blood sample.

Results: The mean plasma B12 and homocysteine did not differ between diet groups. Glutathione was significantly lower among vegetarians in comparison to omnivores, 1.9±0.5 and 2.3±0.7 mmol respectively (p=0.046).

Conclusions: The hypothesis was shown to be incorrect that vegetarians would have a higher glutathione level than omnivores as a result of their modest consumption of vitamin B12. The implications of a reduced glutathione status are discussed.
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Let Food be Thy Medicine

“Let Food be Thy Medicine” focuses on alternative treatment for patients suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Nutrition is an important aspect of overall health and can contribute to prevention and management of these

“Let Food be Thy Medicine” focuses on alternative treatment for patients suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Nutrition is an important aspect of overall health and can contribute to prevention and management of these conditions, especially when combined with medication and physical activity. Obesity is a condition that people worldwide struggle with. Adequate nutrition can play a major role in contributing to the prevention of and management of obesity not only through calorie and macronutrient intake but also by affecting hormonal and energy balances in the body. Recommended physical activity levels are included along with dietary
utritional intake recommendations on the educational pamphlet to give patients a starting guideline and better understanding how to help this condition. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease are also common conditions treated by healthcare professionals. There are currently several medications on the market to help manage these conditions that range in price and have many side effects. Nutrition and exercise are two factors that can further contribute to the management of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease, but they can also help prevent and delay their onset. Nutrition and physical activity education along with examples of certain foods that can aid in reaching nutritional goals are outlined in the educational pamphlet to give patients a visual of what is in the academic paper.
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Habit Tracking: Is It Making You "Healthier?"

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This study aims to explore the prevalence of smartphone, smartwatch, and fitness tracker ownership among college students, and compare the popularity of each device in tracking health-related habits such as physical activity, eating, and sleep. In addition, this study aims

This study aims to explore the prevalence of smartphone, smartwatch, and fitness tracker ownership among college students, and compare the popularity of each device in tracking health-related habits such as physical activity, eating, and sleep. In addition, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of each device for achieving personal health goals in all three categories. Research for this study was conducted using an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved survey that was distributed electronically to various Greek and student organizations around Arizona State University campuses. In total, 183 responses were considered, with participants ranging from ages 18 to 23. Participants were required to own or possess a smartphone to be eligible to complete the survey. After seven days of data collection, the results were then analyzed using Qualtrics. The results revealed that smartwatch and fitness tracker ownership is not prevalent within the Arizona State University demographic. In addition, after comparing device popularity across each habit-tracking category, it is apparent that the smartphone is the most used device for tracking. Finally, when looking at device effectiveness in relation to achieving health goals, smartwatches consistently scored higher than smartphones. Supplemental research should be conducted to further explore the prevalence and effectiveness of habit tracking. This research should include a larger sample size and a more evenly spread gender demographic.
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