Studying Stigma Within the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Field while Examining the Patient-Physical Therapist Relationship: An Argument for the Introduction of Industrial Design Practices

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ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the patient-therapist relationship in the physical therapy and rehabilitative field. It also studies the concept of stigma that users of assistive and rehabilitative devices face intrinsically and extrinsically. Stigma users of these devices face while going through therapy often

ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the patient-therapist relationship in the physical therapy and rehabilitative field. It also studies the concept of stigma that users of assistive and rehabilitative devices face intrinsically and extrinsically. Stigma users of these devices face while going through therapy often leads to device abandonment and regression in rehabilitation. The purpose of this study is to identify the most common types of stigma experienced by these users, to evaluate how patients and therapist interact, and what possible gaps in communication they may have, ultimately to explore the potential benefits of incorporating industrial design practices into the physical therapy and rehabilitative field, in an attempt to alleviate the identify pain points in regards to the aforementioned. A mixed-method qualitative/quantitative approach was taken through the use of survey, interviews, and observational study. Weekly, 2-3 hour site visits to SWAN Rehab in Phoenix, AZ were made to conduct said interviews and observation, while digital surveys were dispersed through multiple online channels. Key findings include that common stigmas experienced by device users are being labeled as “other” or being seen as “less than” by others, and that assistive and rehabilitative devices leave much to be desired. Lastly, the implementation of an industrial designer into the patient-therapist relationship is a route that needs to be explored further. Agile design is a facet of industrial design that may prove useful in this field, but require future research to substantiate. This future research may include applied projects involving a patient, therapist, and designer, where assistive and rehabilitative devices are customized specifically for the patient in question. An ethnographic study is also necessary to gain a deeper understanding of what physical therapy truly entails. Keywords: Stigma, Patient-Therapist Relationship, Industrial Design
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Rainbow Monster Madness: The Physical Therapy Game for Children with Down Syndrome


Accessing adequate healthcare, particularly essential services like physical therapy, presents a significant challenge for individuals with Down syndrome. This demographic often encounters obstacles such as limited accessibility, scarce resources, and a lack of tailored solutions that specifically address their unique

Accessing adequate healthcare, particularly essential services like physical therapy, presents a significant challenge for individuals with Down syndrome. This demographic often encounters obstacles such as limited accessibility, scarce resources, and a lack of tailored solutions that specifically address their unique needs. The resulting disparity leads to inconsistent care and suboptimal healthcare experiences. Recognizing the importance of eliminating these barriers is crucial to create a more inclusive healthcare environment for individuals with Down syndrome. Rainbow Monster Madness serves as a multifaceted solution to the social determinants of health that significantly impact individuals with Down syndrome. The game's design directly tackles several of these determinants by offering accessible, engaging, and family-centered therapy. In terms of healthcare access and quality, the game empowers parents to actively participate in their child's therapy, ensuring the correct administration of exercises and the consistent provision of quality care. The game's design addresses neighborly and built environment determinants by providing an accessible and inclusive therapy option that can be implemented within the comfort of one's home. This approach fosters a sense of safety and familiarity for children undergoing therapy, promoting a more relaxed and conducive environment. Additionally, Rainbow Monster Madness encourages social community engagement by fostering a collaborative atmosphere between parents and children during therapy sessions. This collaborative approach creates a supportive and engaging environment, positively impacting the overall therapeutic experience. Adhering to the principles of Self-Determination Theory, the game cultivates intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being among children with Down syndrome. This approach enables active engagement in therapy and contributes to their overall health and well-being. The exercises included in Rainbow Monster Madness are carefully selected to cater to the unique needs of individuals with Down syndrome. This regimen combines muscle-strengthening, cardio, and balance exercises, tailored to this specific population. The modification of exercises and thematic design ensures that children remain enthusiastic about their therapy, ultimately promoting better adherence and more effective results. In summary, Rainbow Monster Madness represents a comprehensive solution to the multitude of challenges faced by individuals with Down syndrome in accessing healthcare. Simultaneously, it addresses the broader social determinants of health, thereby fostering a healthier and more inclusive future for this deserving population.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders in Women: Effective Treatments Including Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. It is primarily misdiagnosed or undiagnosed in women until adulthood is reached. There are multiple effective therapies available once a diagnosis of ADHD is made. These include, but are not

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. It is primarily misdiagnosed or undiagnosed in women until adulthood is reached. There are multiple effective therapies available once a diagnosis of ADHD is made. These include, but are not limited to, stimulant prescription medications, complementary and alternative medicine therapies (CAM) and gut health. Complementary and alternative medicine therapies can include meditation/spiritual health, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), holistic/herbal medicine, exercise/yoga, and diet and dietary supplements. More research on gender differences in ADHD could decrease the misdiagnosis of women who have ADHD and offer more treatment options once a diagnosis is made.
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Transition out of College Sports: Impacts of Athlete Identity and Strategies for Support


The main scope of this study was to analyze the impact support and identity have on the collegiate athletic career transition process. While student-athletes undergo a variety of transitions, this study focused on the career transition out of collegiate athletics

The main scope of this study was to analyze the impact support and identity have on the collegiate athletic career transition process. While student-athletes undergo a variety of transitions, this study focused on the career transition out of collegiate athletics regardless of their reason for leaving or their next steps. The motivation for conducting this research is to take the challenges and recommendations to the next steps and reform the common practice of career transition and provide assistance to athletes facing adversity in this position. A study on 32 voluntary student-athletes in different phases of the transition process ranging from current student-athletes to graduated student-athletes years detached from their sport was conducted via electronic questionnaire. Questions about demographics and their personal experiences relating to identity, support, and transition as a whole were asked regarding their time as student-athletes through their transition (if applicable). Through analyzing the responses and previous literature, it is evident that support is necessary from the early stages as a student-athlete through their transition out of the sport to minimize the negative impact. It is also apparent that one's athletic identity is established early on in their career and is difficult to dissociate from to rediscover a personal identity not connected to athletic performance. Knowing what we do now, there are limitations in the findings such as within the demographics, questionnaire, and clarity. This would be beneficial to research and study further to optimize a solution to assist in the athletic career transition process and alleviate additional barriers athletes face when no longer having their sport.

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Transferable Life Skills From Sports to Daily Life


This review of research aimed to explore and understand the benefits of transferable life skills learned through playing sports. Life skills are internal assets, characteristics, and skills that are developed from certain experiences and are beneficial if not necessary to

This review of research aimed to explore and understand the benefits of transferable life skills learned through playing sports. Life skills are internal assets, characteristics, and skills that are developed from certain experiences and are beneficial if not necessary to complete daily tasks. Life skills can further be broken down into emotional, cognitive, and social subcategories. During this review of research, it was found that participation in sports programs may enhance the acquisition or improvement of these personal assets due to the development of physical, emotional, psychological, and social aspects, which can be transferred to different areas of life, such as work, school, and family. This leads us to hypothesize that participation in sports can be beneficial when it comes to developing life skills that are used in all aspects of life. The current body of literature suggests that Youth sports should be encouraged from a young age for the obvious physical benefits and behind-the-scenes psychological benefits.

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Impact of Gymnastics Culture on the Understanding of Gymnasts’ Mental Health


Given the growing reports of toxic gymnastics culture and evidence of mental health issues in gymnasts, this study aims to fill in the gaps surrounding the causes of poor mental health and wellbeing of gymnasts as a result of negative

Given the growing reports of toxic gymnastics culture and evidence of mental health issues in gymnasts, this study aims to fill in the gaps surrounding the causes of poor mental health and wellbeing of gymnasts as a result of negative gymnastics culture focusing on the idea of mental toughness. Current college gymnasts (n=7) completed a questionnaire and in-person interview to discuss their ideas around mental toughness, their experience with gymnastics culture and the coaching behaviors that create it, and their understanding of their own mental health. 7 participants completed all materials. Results showed that all participants had a mental toughness score falling in the “average” or “good” range with a mean score of 85 out of 140. Mental toughness was mentioned in a negative context 95 times overall and a in positive context 41 times overall during interviews. 6 participants rated their overall experience of gymnastics culture as average and 1 rated it as good, but when reflecting on their most negative experiences of gymnastics culture 4 participants rated their experience as average and 3 rated their experiences as bad. All participants expressed having experienced symptoms of poor mental health in the past 4 months and witnessed symptoms of poor mental health in teammates. 6 participants were unlikely to communicate their symptoms and 4 were unlikely to seek professional help, yet the number of participants likely to offer direct support or encourage teammates to communicate symptoms with a coach/trainer was 5 and 4 respectively. Negative mentions of mental health overall (118) was three times higher than positive mentions of mental health (43) during interviews. As a whole, gymnasts who experienced negative gymnastics culture struggled to recognize poor mental health/wellbeing and viewed mental toughness as synonymous with enduring mental and physical pain. Starting gymnastics at a young age and development in the sport and ideas becoming internalized as part of self, as well as negative coaching behaviors and abuse were referenced as potential reasons for poor understanding of mental health in gymnasts. Recommendations for improvement of gymnastics culture to prevent the negative consequences on gymnasts understand of their mental health include (1) acknowledgement and awareness by coaches of the impact their behaviors can have on gymnasts, (2) building strong personal connections with gymnasts, (3) increasing coaches and support staffs understanding of mental health symptoms so they can recognize them in gymnasts, and (4) promoting and encouraging meaningful conversations around mental health to remove stigma and fear of retaliation for gymnast.

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The Impact of the Environment of Dance on Body Image Perception

The purpose of this study was to examine how the environment of dance impacts college aged dancers' view of body image. Previous research has looked at dance as a whole (Oliver., 2018), but this study aimed to determine if the

The purpose of this study was to examine how the environment of dance impacts college aged dancers' view of body image. Previous research has looked at dance as a whole (Oliver., 2018), but this study aimed to determine if the environment truly had an impactful role. The environmental factors examined were aesthetics, peers, and mirrors. Seven participants were recruited from the Arizona State University dance program and were asked to fill out a questionnaire relating to these factors. Due to various limitations, most notably sample size, the study was deemed inconclusive and unreliable. This study did not find any definitive resolutions on the environment's influence on dancers' body image perceptions.
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America’s Pastime: The Art of Pitching and Optimal Intensity

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The purpose of this thesis was to use the inverted-U theory to explore similarities and differences in optimal intensity among baseball pitchers and provide them recommendations on how to manage their intensity. Controlling for the task and environment, data was

The purpose of this thesis was to use the inverted-U theory to explore similarities and differences in optimal intensity among baseball pitchers and provide them recommendations on how to manage their intensity. Controlling for the task and environment, data was collected through interviews to explore how the individual (i.e., the person) influences the optimal level of arousal needed for peak performance. Interviews were conducted with three collegiate baseball players. Interview questions focused on the athletes describing their own perceived optimal intensity for performance. The interviews were analyzed for each individual athlete and those results were then compared across athletes to find similarities and differences. Additionally, a short infographic was made that provides some recommendations on how to manage their optimal intensity. If used correctly, the pitchers can achieve an ideal optimal intensity that can help them maintain a high level of performance.
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Let's Get Physical: Determinants to Adolescent Engagement in Physical Activity

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The purpose of this study was to use the tenets discussed in the Self-Determination Theory to explore how adolescents are motivated to engage in physical activity and examine the reasons for their participation - or lack thereof - in order

The purpose of this study was to use the tenets discussed in the Self-Determination Theory to explore how adolescents are motivated to engage in physical activity and examine the reasons for their participation - or lack thereof - in order to determine the influence of motives on physical activity behaviors in an adolescent population. The relative autonomy continuum of the Self-Determination Theory includes amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. These different levels will be assessed. Participants were seventh grade students at a middle school in the Phoenix metropolitan area (n=70). The adolescents’ relative autonomy levels were assessed with a modified version of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire. Individual motivational factors were measured from a modified version of the Exercise Motivations Inventory. The adolescents’ locus of causality was then measured using the Locus of Causality for Exercise Scale. Participants were asked to answer two additional questions assessing their perceived time barrier and frequency of physical activity participation. The data were scored using the scoring guidelines provided by each questionnaire after collection through a Google Form and analysis on Google Sheets. Results showed that adolescents with higher levels of identified regulation (3.88), intrinsic motivation (4.22), and locus of causality (4.67) were more likely to also engage in higher levels of physical activity. These findings could be used for future research that focuses on school-based interventions for physical activity through enjoyment so as to increase identified regulation and intrinsic motivation while shifting to a more internal locus of causality in order to increase their overall leisure-time physical activity as a way to combat the increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity in the United States.
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Parent-Child Conflict, Sleep, and Depressive Symptoms: Exploring Parental Warmth as a Moderator Among Latinx Youth

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The integrative model for developmental competencies in minority youth and the stress-buffering model posit that ethnic minority youth have unique experiences (e.g., stressors) that can inhibit their developmental pathways, but that supportive relationships can play a buffering role for individuals

The integrative model for developmental competencies in minority youth and the stress-buffering model posit that ethnic minority youth have unique experiences (e.g., stressors) that can inhibit their developmental pathways, but that supportive relationships can play a buffering role for individuals when in the presence of stressors. The current study examines the associations between parent-child conflict, sleep, and depressive symptoms among 207 Latinx youth (M = 12.39, SD = 1.15; 53% females) while exploring the moderating role of the opposite parent’s warmth. Results revealed positive links between mother-child conflict, sleep, and depressive symptoms and between father-child conflict and depressive symptoms. No evidence was found for the moderating role of parental warmth. This study’s findings contribute to the knowledge on Latinx youth by creating a starting point for potential intervention targets in familial processes.

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