Full-stack web application that utilizes AI to create music from a short text description.

This work focuses on combining multiple different technologies to produce a scalable, full-stack music generation and sharing application meant to be deployed to a cloud environment while keeping operating costs as low as possible. The key feature of this a

This work focuses on combining multiple different technologies to produce a scalable, full-stack music generation and sharing application meant to be deployed to a cloud environment while keeping operating costs as low as possible. The key feature of this app is that it allows users to generate tracks from scratch by providing a text description, or customize existing tracks by supplying both an audio file and a track description. Users will be able to share these tracks with other users, via this app, so that they can collaborate with others and jumpstart their creative process, allowing creators to produce more content for their fans. A web app was developed; Contak. This application requires a database, REST API, object storage, music generation artificial intelligence models, and a web application (GUI) to interact with the user. In order to define the best music generation model, a small exploratory study was conducted to compare the quality of different music generation models, including MusicGen, MusicLM, and Riffusion. Results found that the MusicGen model, selected for this work, outperformed the competing models: MusicLM and Riffusion. This exploratory study includes rankings of the three models based on how well each one adhered to a text description of a track. The purpose was to test the hypothesis that MusicGen produces higher quality music that adheres to text descriptions better than other models because it encodes audio at a higher bit rate (32 kHz). While the web app generates high quality tracks with above average text adherence, the main limitation of this work is the response time needed to generate tracks from existing audio using the currently available backend infrastructure, as this can take up to 7 minutes to complete. In the future, this app can be deployed to a cloud environment with GPU acceleration to improve response times and throughput. Additionally, new methods of input besides text and audio input can be implemented using MIDI instructions and the Magenta music model, providing increased track generation precision for advanced music creators with MIDI experience.
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Parental Approach to Cardiovascular Health Promotion & Prevention in Children

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the world today! More specifically, ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, tops the world’s most deadly disease and is responsible for nearly 9 million deaths every year

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the world today! More specifically, ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, tops the world’s most deadly disease and is responsible for nearly 9 million deaths every year (World Health Organization, n.d.). This paper describes a Parental Approach to Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Prevention in children. The risk factors for CVD have been well established in adults and emerging evidence underline the importance of experiences and exposures on the consequent development of CVD. The aim of this project is to highlight the importance of early intervention in childhood by promoting cardiovascular health education and prevention in children. CVD is cause by a culmination of genetic and lifestyle factors and the many risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease is divided into two categories: those which are changeable or modifiable and those that are unchangeable or non-modifiable. The earlier that parents address the modifiable risk factors, the better the child’s outcome of preventing heart disease in adulthood. Therefore, alternative means of a healthy dietary approach such as the 5-2-1-0 program in addition to exercising is extremely crucial. This paper will discuss the different preventative strategies and ways to mitigate symptoms of CVD. Therefore, I have developed a 4-step outline for cardiovascular health education and prevention strategies which parents can use when raising their children.
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Let Food be Thy Medicine

“Let Food be Thy Medicine” focuses on alternative treatment for patients suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Nutrition is an important aspect of overall health and can contribute to prevention and management of these

“Let Food be Thy Medicine” focuses on alternative treatment for patients suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Nutrition is an important aspect of overall health and can contribute to prevention and management of these conditions, especially when combined with medication and physical activity. Obesity is a condition that people worldwide struggle with. Adequate nutrition can play a major role in contributing to the prevention of and management of obesity not only through calorie and macronutrient intake but also by affecting hormonal and energy balances in the body. Recommended physical activity levels are included along with dietary
utritional intake recommendations on the educational pamphlet to give patients a starting guideline and better understanding how to help this condition. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease are also common conditions treated by healthcare professionals. There are currently several medications on the market to help manage these conditions that range in price and have many side effects. Nutrition and exercise are two factors that can further contribute to the management of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease, but they can also help prevent and delay their onset. Nutrition and physical activity education along with examples of certain foods that can aid in reaching nutritional goals are outlined in the educational pamphlet to give patients a visual of what is in the academic paper.
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Special Considerations in Preparing a Redhead for Surgery

Only 1-2% of all humans are redheads. With this uniqueness comes some inherent health concerns. These vary from increased risk of skin disease, Parkinson's disease, and now there is evidence that suggests natural red hair is correlated with an increased

Only 1-2% of all humans are redheads. With this uniqueness comes some inherent health concerns. These vary from increased risk of skin disease, Parkinson's disease, and now there is evidence that suggests natural red hair is correlated with an increased need for anesthesia. The expression of red hair in almost all red haired individuals is due to a mutation in the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene. A mutation in this gene causes production of phoemelanin instead of eumelanin which affects the production of pigment in the body. Normally among humans, anesthetic requirement is usually uniform and is mostly affected by age and body temperature. However, studies show that redheads may require up to 20% more local and general anesthesia in pain treatments than non-redheads. A study by a group of anesthesiologists and researchers showed that natural redheads with the MC1R gene mutation required 6.2% concentration of desflurane, a gas anesthetic, before they stopped "feeling" pain in the form of electric shocks. This value is 20% higher than what was found for non-redheads at a 5.2% concentration before they stopped responding to the pain. Studies have also found that redheads experience more pain during dental procedures and are resistant to lidocaine, a local anesthetic. In addition to requiring more anesthetics, those with the MC1R mutation are also more sensitive to pain in regards to temperature and are twice as likely to have anxiety about dental care due to the increased pain. A mutation in this gene can affect more than just redheads, however. It is possible for non-redheads to have this mutation and is more likely in individuals who have pale skin and lighter hair. It is still unknown exactly why the mutation of the MC1R gene causes these effects in regards to anesthesia, however there are speculations on what it could be. One such theory is that MC1R mutations produce an increased response of melanocortins that increase pain sensitivity in individuals due to stimulation of melanocortin receptors.
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Role Modeling SBAR Communication

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Background: Communication is a critical healthcare skill; communication errors in healthcare settings have produced sentinel events and caused patient deaths. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR), a standardized clinical communication format, is being introduced in nursing education to support early

Background: Communication is a critical healthcare skill; communication errors in healthcare settings have produced sentinel events and caused patient deaths. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR), a standardized clinical communication format, is being introduced in nursing education to support early development of successful inter-professional communication. Role modeling has been shown to be an effective way to teach students complex communication skills.

Method: Pre-licensure nursing students participated in a high fidelity simulation experience. One group of students viewed a video role modeling SBAR before beginning the simulation (N=20). Student communication using SBAR was evaluated after the simulation experience for both groups. The second group of students did not view the video role modeling SBAR until after completing the simulation (N=20).
Results: Viewing a role modeling video on SBAR before participating in a simulation had no effect on the students SBAR performance after the simulation. The students’ evaluation of the video reported the video provided a clear, helpful demonstration of the SBAR communication method.

Conclusion: Role modeling can be used to improve students’ ability to apply SBAR, however more research needs to be done to determine the most effective way to role model the behavior.
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